Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1940)
/ ;, ä ' The NYSSA GAI ' Published at Nyssa. Oregon. VOLUME XXXV. NO. 35 P —R . I GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEAR» OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1940 $l.ô() PEK YEAR Tentative School Nyssa Placed O n Paralysis Victims Festival, Rodeo Called Off Bus Routes Set Transcontinetal Are Recovering The threat of an injunction again MAY OPEN STREET ! TO WARD ADDITION st the building of the Nyssa under Tentative routes, for Nyssa high U.S. Highway 2 0 The 10 year old daughter of Mr. pass seems to have passed with the and grade school busses hrfVe been and Mrs. H. L. Fisher and Marion arrival in Nyssa last Thursday of agreed on by the operators of the Word has been received here that Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mj W. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Long who have busses, the Thompson Oil Company Nyssa is now on the through coast Osborne have sufficiently FESTIVAL FLOAT been in conference with City At operators of the high school busses to coast United States highway 20. the last of the recovered gNew Case Brings week to be released torney A. L. Fletcher and Mayor and Jensen and Ensminger, operat This placing of Nyssa on a trans from the surveillance of the city PLACES SECOND D e c i s i o n To Thompson. The Long's have indic ors of the busses for the grade continental higuway brings to a halth officer. ated that they are not so much con school, following a meeting Wed succesful end the long agitation for Both of the young victims are do The Nyssa Fall Festival Float, Cancel Show cerned over financial damage claims nesday night of this week. such a thing. However U. S. 30 ing as well as could be expected, but which carried Queen Ann and her to their property over the building Bus routes two and Three are south, has gone through Nys Marion Osborne is still paralized royal court during the Labor Day The Nyssa Fall Fes’ival and Rod of the underpass as they are in get those operated for the grade school, sa and which ending at the bridge will be from his chest to his feet, although parade at the Malheur County Fair eo has been called cfl following the ting a legally designated street as & the balance for the high school, al discontinued, according T. he is gradually overcoming the af placed second in the organization announcement that a »new cf . sj of a means of getting to and from though each bus will take students Morgan, Secretary of the to Frank The Ontario Rebekah lod infantile paralysis had been found, Chamber fliction in his feet and lt is thought division. their property in Wards Addition. for either school. ge placed first and the Oregon Trail in Nyssa. of Commerce. Highway 20 begins at that he will in time be completely Hash ini; ton. U. C. News Bureau of To there is apparent willing The following is the tentative Boston, Mass, on the Atlantic coast recovered. Health Officer J. J Sar- L. D. 8. church placed third in the Of secondary importance in call the Nyssa Gate City Journal ness this, on the part of some members schedule that will be started Mon and is now routed via Auburn, N. azin is reported to have told one of division. ing off the shew was the statement of the council. day. September 9, the opening day Y., Cleveland. Chicago, Sioux City, the families that there is now no Mrs. James Moss, member of the of John Moody, who was to have are two ways in which the of school. Casper, Wyoming to Yellowstone danger of infecting any other person Fall Festival committee was chair brought in his string of broncos and WASHINGTON, D. C. — After There could give the property owners Bus No. 1—South on highway to Park to Pocatello and from with the disease, and that they may man of the committee who design steers for the rodeo that he want three weeks of interviewing In Ore city a street. One would be to F. G. Holmes comer, south to Kleck there thence the route will be common with now resume their usual life. Hard ed and p pared the float. gon and Washington it can be ass affected ed a $350 underwritten guarantee to purchase the Boren property and comer, west to highway, north past U. S. 30 to Caldwell where it will on the heels of this pleasant infor stage the rodeo after he had made erted as of this writing that Ore open Bower avenue from it's pres gon will be carried by the Willkie- ent terminus west to the railroad De Grof’s, Deseret Ranch. Wm. be routed via Parma, Vale, Bums, mation comes a report that the an agreement to show for the gate receipts. McNary ticket and Washington property. The alternative would be Corn’s and back to highway at Ward Bend and ending at Albany, Ore. young seven year old son of city policeman. Kenneth Lang ton, Pat. Th Chamber of Commerce held a state will be in the column of Roose- to leagalize as a street the passage ranch, south then east past Cole to A. W. Howell’s to highway Is the third victim of the disease. special meeting today (Thursday) in velt-Wallace: that Idaho will go re way that lies next to the railway man's then west to Hunt corner, north to which the matter was thoroughly publican. This forecast is based on right-of-way running from Main P. The youngster became ill the first corner, east to highway the considered opinions of several street north to Erhgood, which has and Tensen part of the week and a test having A rain storm, reaching in certain discussed and at which the action of to school. hundred men arid women who are been made. Dr. Kerby diagnosed the areas cloudburst proportions, de- calling off the Festival and Rodeo used as a street for a number Bus No. 2—South on highway, supposed to know the answers in been illness. Wednesday as that of infan cended on the Nyssa area Tuesday was agreed to by those present. of years. Either plan would be sat turn west past Deseret ranch to matters political. However, all fore isfactory to the Longs. Mrs. Long Vale tile paralysis. Langton has taken his night and Wednesday morning, Chairman L. P. Thomas of the road, south to CCC road, east It’s back to report cards, grades daughter casts in this campaign are subject said Wednesday in the Jumal of-1 to highway Idaho for a time, re leaving not a few flooded basements Pall Festival Committee said "This study hall—in fact back to turning to to take to what may develop in the Euro fice. “We are tax payers and as such at Cleaver’s. to school. Start loading and care of his young in the city and causing some dam comes as a stunning blow to the school—for the students of the Nys son until his recovery, members of the committee who have pean war between now and Novem are as interested as any other tax sa High and Grade schools on Mon Dr. Sarazin, in commenting on age to farm crops. worked so hard on what was to Bus No. 3—South on highway, day, ber. Shoe String ditch was flooded to payer in seeing that the city settles September 9, when the official be one of the best little shows in the turn west past Deseret ranch to school year begins. the disease said that there in no In agreement are new deal politic this matter in the least expensive Trent such an extent that it tore out its north via Powell’s Registration this year is running known carrier for the disease. The banks near the Vest farm. Just when northwest, but I believe that there os and republicans that if Oregon way, for in the long run we would Suiters corner, nothing else to do. for we would Brown's to school. Stop about does not necessarily this break will be repaired is un was does not go republican, with Ore be paying it back in taxes". We loading and same as last, according quarantine feel badly if we went ahead with P. Tensen corner. Same to the the keep the disease confined this being gon’s Charley McNary on the ticket believe that a satisfactory solution as No. 6 at route certain, but with the end of the principals. the show and spread this disease last year. borne out by the fact that for vice president, then the republi can and will be worked out. Mrs. Bus No. 4—North crop season at hand there Is no need on highway to The board of the schools said that members of the same family for rushing this work, one official and were the indirect cause of some cans can not carry even Maine and Long said. youngster being paralized for life. J. Groot corner, west to Tom Lile’s the schools were being opened, des of the victim, very seldom, if said. Vermont; therefore Oregon is in the south to Gonnason corner to school pite a few cases of infantile paraly ever take down with lt, and that it The government owned electric As to the action of Moody, that's bag. It is known, however, that the via Clower’s and Idanha ranch. Stop sis, in view of the fact that other appears, almost .simultaneously in plant burned off some insulators his business as to what he wanted administration, much as Mr. Roose public places had not as yet been widely seperated areas. There is thereby lnterupting the service of to charge, but It Is also ours as to loading at P. Tensen corner. velt admires Senator McNary and we think his proposition Bus No. 5—South on highway to closed by health officials, and that little of adults taking the Idaho Power Company’s lines is whether feels obligated to him for his sports fair. r * Hashitani corner, west to Vale road in most cases the students would down llkeli-hood with infantile paralysis, the manlike leadership of the senate | about 4:30 Wednesday morning. The perhaps be better off in controlled Mr. Osborne, who was chairman and return to Pfeiler corner, north doctor said, and only a few cases republicans, will bend every effort power company’s service was re of the rodeo has done all that he school via Kurtz’s, Webster’s and groups rather than to be allowed to become paralyzed. to carry the state, and there are SALEM—An additional 1584 re to stored In about 20 minutes. mingle indiscriminately. Boersma’ s . Same as No. 2 route last done, and my thanks whispers of large sums to be dump cruits will be needed to bring Oreg year. The basement of the Golden Rule could to have him for his hard work as well ed into Oregon for this purpose. on’s national guard units up to full Bus No. 6—South on highway, store was flooded when a rain spout goes to that of every member on my ANTELOPE TAGS became twisted and damaging a con as peace time strength. committees.” turn west past Deseret ranch to Nyssa FFA Boys siderable amount of stock. This was revealed by records of AVAILABLE Hollow to Cates beyond Siphon More rain fell Wednesday morn- Republicans claim they have a the adjutant general office here Cow and return to school via Wyckoff’s Chalk Up 28 early than the local office of LIQUOR PROFITS fighting chance to carry Washing following unoffocial but apparently and Goodell’s. Stop loading at Jam PORTLAND—All cow elk tags, big the Bureau of Reclamation has rec RETIRE ton state, but from talks with scor reliable reports that the guard ison’s. authorized for issuance by the Oreg ord DEBT of for Nyssa. In any previous es of people thnt chance appears to would be put on a peace time foot Bus No. 7—South on highway to Fair Prizes on State Game Commission, have period, a total of .93 inches of rain be very slender. There are more ing immediately following its mob CCC road, west on CCC road to been sold. The cow elk season ex SALEM — Accumulated profits industiial workers in Washington ilization into the regular army, ten Strickland corner, south to Klamath The Nyssa Chapter, Future Farm tends from November 1 to 16. both having fallen. Thursday showed a from the state’s liquor monopoly rainfall of .49 Inches. than in Oregon and also more peo tatively set for September 16. of America placed 28 times with dates inclusive. west to Terra’s, north to ers permitted the retirement of *400.000 ple on relief, and as a rule workers At the present time there are Avenue, A limited supply of antelope tags their exhibits at the Malheur Coun and return to Kendall of the liquor certificates which had favor Mr. Roosevelt. How far the 4567 officers and men in the Ore Cloninger’s Fair, with Dewey Thomason's arc still available and hunters corner, east past Reffett’s and ty previously been Issued to keep the attitude of John L. Lewis of CIO gon guard contingents. These in Chad’ planning to Indulge In antelope Hereford breeding cow “walking off Queen Ann I s to Klamath Avenue to high state relief budget on a cash basts. and of William Green of AFL clude the 162d and 186th infantry way via should make application Low's, Glenn’s and Chards. with the works" in being Judged shcoting State Treasurer Pearson announc (neither of them enthusiastic for regiments, the 218th field artillery Champion of the F. F. A .division; to the Portland office of the com ed. This leaves only $100,000 of the Mr. Roosevelt) will influence the regiment, the 249th coast artillery mission at once for the antelope Champion in the Open division and certificates still outstanding but members of their respective labor ccrps. the Lebanon company of the REHEARING ON Grand Champion Hereford cow of tags. retirement of the certificates has groups is anyone’s guess. Of the 116th medical regiment and the left the relief cupboard bare again the show. A Hereford Breeding The antelope season is from Sep two, Lewis has been abusive of the headquarters companies and de PICKETING LAW 29 to October 6. both dates so that lt will be necessary to float Heifer of Dewey's placed Champion tember president, whereas Green has plac tachments of the 41st division and SALEM — Reargument of the Hereford inclusive, and the territory open to another loan Immediately, Pearson heifer in the F. F. A. div ed his complaint against the mann 82d antelope hunting includes portions explained. highly controversial anti-picketing ision. er in which the National Labor Re It brigade. is understood here there will case before the state supreme court The record of the local chapter of Lake, Malheur and Harney lations board has administered the be a peiiod of ten days between act has been scheduled for early Octob is all the more remarkable when lt counties. Wagn r labor act. CIO “got the ual mobilization NYSSA FFA FAT guard and er when It is expected that all seven is considered that this is the first breaks” from NLRB and testimony the departure of of the the units from justices will sit in on the argum time that lt was shown at a Mal STEER SOLD shows the board was prejudiced their G. O. P. RALLY home stations for camp at ents. When the case was argued against AFL. Fort Lewis. This time will be al before the high court several mon heur County Fair. The fat steer of Bob Browne County Republicans will meet in lowed the men to set their private ths ago two members were absent, In the dairy division, Lewell Wil Ontario which placed second at the Malheur next Tuesday night at 8 p. lis’ Guernsey heifer Clifford Ashby order for their extended Justice Bean being ill and Justice County Pair In the FFA division was Because of the war, markets form affairs in from . September 10, In the high school home. During this Bailey being absent from the state. placed third, and fourth in the open m gymnasium sold Wednesday to Union Stock- to hold the first polit erly dominated by the British and absence class. His Duroc Boar placed sec ical rally of the present campaign, waiting period also efforts will be yards at Caldwell for 12 cents per Holland are being lost, temporarily made to bring the various units up ond. In the Chesterwhite sows, und pound. The steer weighed 990, and according to Mrs. Gilchrist. at least, to the United States. A milk to peace strength by intensive drives HIGH BOWLING er eight months, that owned by was sold at the Ontario Commission Presiding over the iggetlng will evaporating plant in Washington is the various cities in which guard SCORES Company's sale yard Wednesday, no Chester Ashby placed second. be E. -Otis Smith, central commit Ann Johnson, popular young Nys operating 24 hours a day filling ord in Pete Cloninger's pen of two fat chairman, with Mrs. Grace M sa Miss was selected last Friday as charge being made for the sale. ers for the far east, a territory here organizations are located. Ike Brown has taken high score lambs placed first in the FFA div tee Wells. Portland as the main speak Queen of the Malheur County Fair, tofore held by Holland and English at the Nyssa Bowling Olley's for the ision and his grade sows placed first er of the evening. Robert D. Lytle, and was crowned by Mayor R. A. Nyssa Nursing Home milk factories. Pulp mills of Ore Seed Bayer Here past two weeks, according to Mal in the open class. Is also slated to speak, according to Thompson at appropriate ceremon gon and Washington are speeding On Wednesday T. A. Waters rep colm At the Nyssa Nursing home the the new manager. In the agriculture exhibit the Mrs. Ollchrist. up to provide supplies for Austra resentative of Northrup and King Browns Weodfield. past week three babies were bom. score for last week was 202 White Rose potatoes, owned by Mar The Ontario band will furnish the ies, thus becoming Ann I. lia, India and way points, as the Seed Company of Boise was in this and for the ending Wednesday ion Suiter placed first in the FFA music for the occasion. To Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagos a Scandinavian source has been shut area lootng over land and signing night of this week In Boise week 195. daughter was born on August 29th off by the blockade of the German contracts division, and second in the open The public Is Invited to attend for fall planting of Dwarf In the ladies division Doris Smith class, To Mr. and Mrs. Owen Thompson navy. This also applies to the Essex grass, his Bliss Truimphs also the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge J. Mitchell of Willow Creek a son was bom on the winner last week with a placed while United States, as the Scandinavians seed next year. to be threshed for was spent the week end in Boise. first in the FFA division. The September first. score of 118 and Nellis Stewart holds sugar beets owned by Hollis De- are shut out of this market for the Among those to sign in this dist high score for this week with 116. Injures Shoulder To Mr and Mrs. Alvin Campbell Returns Form Portland same reason. rict so far are John Lackey, and George Wells will continue work Grofft placed second and those of N. V. Rodehouse. a worker at the of Nyssa, a daughter was bom on Dwight Wycoff placed third, both Mrs. Sidney Burbidge and her ing as assistant to the new man Dale Garrison. factory sustained a badly bruised three daughters returned on Thurs September third. being in the FFA Division. Next week the senate finance R A. Thompson of the Thompson ager. back shoulder when he fell day from Portland where they had Kingman Kolony Youth Suffers Three FFA scholarships were also while and Seed Company is representative in committee will get down to business this at work on Wednesday. He spent the past six weeks as guests Broken Back won by members of the Chapter, area and anyone desiring fur Visits In Boise Valley in studying new taxes to pay the taken to the Sarazin clinic of her parents. these being for best scholarshop. was On Wednesday afternoon Lloyd where Xray pictures were taken and From Baker bill for national defense. What the ther information may see him. Due to the local churches being second by Hollis DeOroff; for best Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. no broken bones were found. final form of the tax measure will Visits Grandparents closed the past Sunday in cooper livestock project, Pete Cloninger. of Kingman Kolony suffered be no one is in a position to say at When Mrs H B Earp and Mrs. ation with county health officers, second Oordon Ray of Baker was a Nys Elliott three broken when a car andfor best showmanship. this time, nor until it passes the W F. McLing of Emmett who visit Rev. and Mrs Merle Burres, Mr and Dewey Thomason, second. These Dlsensses New Church sa visitor and guest of his mother which he was vertebrae cranking congress All that the congressmen ed with Mrs Hershel Thompson on Mrs R A. Thompson and Mr. and scholarships are based on both the Mrs. Stella Butler on Wednesday. control and ran over him. got out of can say is that the bill will be de Saturday returned home, Ronny Mrs. A. V. Pruyn motored to Boise Bishop Bruce Baxter. District He was taken to Dr L. A. Mauld- vised to raise more taxes than ever Thompson went with them for a for the day and enjoyed a picnic exhibits shown and the boy's pro Superintendent Charles M. Donald In Portland and then removed to the Ontario before and the American people will few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. lunch at Julia Davis Park. The ject book Second place scholarship son and several neighboring minist Meyer Oorrel left on Friday to Ing hospital. Dr. Maulding reports he join Mrs. Oorrel and 1« Vere In pays »10. the money being used to begin to realize what taxation really Earp. On Tuesday Mr. ad Mrs. R. primary object of their trip was to ers met at the R. A Thompson home Is doing nicely. Portland. means Many commonplace articles A. Thompson motored over after visit the many churches built rec defray pert of the expenses of the with local officials of the Methodist will become luxuries under the new ently in the valley getting ideas trip to the state FFA convention, Church in regard to the building Monday Motor Trip MARKETS tax bill and Uucle Sam will reach him. that might be used in rebuilding at Corvallis, which will be held program Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Joe Trent with Mr deeper into the pocketbook of John the Nyssa Methodist Church. sometime in April. 1941. By Wiley Clowers and Mrs. Ellis 8toker enjoyed a Sun THE WEATHER Q. Citizen than he did during the day motor trip to Boise and Emm CASH PRICE L. D. 8. Mastral Director To Speak first World war. The one consola ett. BUTTER FAT tion of the average taxpayer is Following are the thermometer Bishop D. L. Anderson of the Nys Parents Visit In Haiem Premium 'ROUND TOWN that in the defense preparations readings as given at the Nyssa off sa L. D S Ward announced yester Mr and Mrs Brown of Salt Lake Mr and Mrs Heinz Sonnrkes First there will be little if any profiteer ice of U S. Reclamation; . . . No Nyssa Pall Festival . . . spent that Ider N. Lorenzo Mitchell. were house guests of their son Larry basements end and holiday Second _________________ Low High Prec. day ing and no flock of millionaires will Aue suddenly becoming swim visiting the with week Director of music for the L. D. S and Mrs Brown over the week end relatives in Salem POULTRY be made pools on Tuesday a. m........... In Portland church at Salt Lake will be the main and holiday. On Sunday the group ming Hens, heavy ....................... scarcer than hens teeth . . . speaker at the Sunday evening ser with Mr. and Mrs. Orant Lewis en houses Hens, light and leghorns whiakerlnos soon to be a thing of Among those who motored to Cox vices held at the Nyssa chapel on joyed an outing at the lakes (Continued on Last Page) Portland for the weekend holiday the past in these parts . . Nyssa Sunday evening. September eighth. Visits At Nyssa 1 53 95 Ilo and 14c walking off with honors at the Pair were Mr and Mrs. Eklen SUmwela Springs 2 54 89 and Miss Katherine Mitchell Miss Home From Portland . . Bill Schlreman and Hershell Egg prices are changing due At McCall 3 50 86 93 Mrs Walter Wilson of Sparta Thompson surveying the world atop Mitchell remained and continued to scarcity and the prices dally quoted 4 40 55 49 Miss Helen Boydell returned home spent Wednesday in Nyssa visiting on to Eugene for the school year Mr and Mrs Luclen Wray were may have been changed by at the Owyhee reser from Portland on Tuesday with Lt. while her son Charles Wilson of the Oeorge Christensen grader . . Ward Weinlke was also a Port today among Nyssa folk who spent the voir Impounded Friday. At least they are up and Mrs J. B Beckham Payette held his violin classes. are 422.300 acre feet of water. land visitor for the holiday week end and holiday at McCall. Turn In on eggs 23 cents. Due To Infantile Paralysis Schools Opens On Monday Recruits Needed For Oregon Guard / Storm Wreaks Havoc Wed.