Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1940)
PAGE THREE. THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18,1940 Thirteen new pupils have been Mrs. Vivian Van Cleave and son In Vale— . fault of the Finns that all peoples indulged without stinting and at maintenance of a happy home is have not been given as strong a will the Owyhee Drug store right next a job for two. But whatever the mo added to the new school at Ridge- Buddy of Ironside visited at the Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones and as Nature has bestowed on them. the Theatre there is always a fresh tive behind a trip lo the Nyssa view and four have been added to Stanley McAbee home Sunday. Mrs. George M cKee were in Vale on What with the snow trying pain supply of fine candies for purchas Theatre wilt cheer up the grouchy the home school. Leslie Young sold a load of com Friday and visited with Mrs. Dave fully to get in a flutter or two and ers of a five-pound or a five cent one and amuse the bored of either Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peutz and sex, for there they do have a happy grandson Billy of Payette were to Dunbrasky Monday. tHe thermometer standing most of bar. Lawrence. Mr and Mrs. Carl Hill were busi- the day below freezing we do read And there came to our desk tills selection of cinema entertainment Sunday guests of the Wm. Peutz that ist bound to bring a smile of in the city papers of all that is new past week another story of "they ness visitors in Caldwell and Nam family. est and most approved in spring at said”. One o f those scurrilous lies pleasure whatever the mood of the Chas. McCarty, enroute from pa Monday. Miss Grace H ill and tire. Flowers perched atop high- started evidently by some scandal moment. Portland to his home in Chicago, Mrs. Edith Wright returned with crowned chapeaus and skirts are to monger to smear the good reputa Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad spent Sunday as a guest of Mr. and Manufacturers of them and visited until Wednesday. replace slacks and shorts again and tion and character of a busy mother vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy Mrs. G. L. McMillan. Mrs. Carl Hill entertained the H. if the shortness of the garment, and a generous lady, untiring in time and thy gas goin gfarther. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald supposed to cover milady’s knees, her activities for aid and better of Homedale are spending the week O. E. club Wednesday. They tacked be any sign of the duration of the ment not only of her own family with his mother, Mrs. Martha a quilt for Mrs. Stanley Hill. war, we’re in for a prolonged con but for the community at large. Klingback. Little Marlene Osborn had the flict. For these new pictures depict One who gives unstintlngly of her Things About Nyssa’s Shops Mrs. Ray Franklin, Juanita, Trula flu the first of this week. them as first cousins to a ballerina's time and substance that the place Gene and Joe Stephens returned and James were Sunday callers at Bryce Weeks has moved in the ruffle. in which she lives may be benefited from Central City, Nebraska, after the Rbland Holmes home. Gene Pratt house and has been Fine for the rising generation, but thereby. I t has long been a wonder visiting their parents. They came Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Raymond, working for Bert Osborn. This last week we didst list to a a bit tough on that one whose veins to us juts who it is that starts these thorugh Omaha, buying a new truck. Bert Osborn made a business trip radio talk on Finland and her cul do be a bit on the varicose and “ they say” tales and why. When as They reported 20 below zero wea son and daughter and mother, Mrs. Raphael Raymond, Sr., of Pendle to Caldwell Saturday. ture and were a bit surprised to whose knees have come to a parting in this case there can be not the ther and snow all the way to Moun ton, spent the week-end at the T. The Mary and Martha circle of of the ways. Well, the world sur least foundation of truth in them. tain Home, Idaho. find how truly a cultured people Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and M. Lowe home at Mitchell Butte. the Kingman Kolony Union church vived the last short skirted era In fact the tale was so far fetched they were. For in the back of our and no doubt it will this, but we're as to be not only unbelievable but Ronnie were Sunday dinner guests They were enroute home from a vis met with Mrs. M. L. Kurtz Thurs it to Mrs. D. H. Greer in Burns. day afternoon. Mrs. Tetwiler gave mind was the dim idea that they in for some choice sights ere ’tis ludicrous. Is someone else jealous of at the S. B. Hoffman home. roamed about as do the Laps. Of ended. the little praise and credit that may Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and Other guests at the Lowes recently the devotional. Due to bad roads, were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rute of the attendance was small. course we knew a bit about their But here in Nyssa the time for be given for work well done, or for Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were contributions to fine music and spring garments is a bit removed, a wholesome and loveable person among those who enjoyed a pinochle Huntington, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz, Miss Idamary poetry but were not up on their what with the thermometer Jitter- ality, when they themselves would party at the John Bartholoma home Mrs. Geo. Grtvson of Weiser. Prouty, Merle, Bob and Harold Jess Gregg left Saturday for Kurtz attended a party at the Ev architectural achievements nor their bugging just above zero a good old probably not be bothered with any Saturday evening. advanced educational work. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wyckoff at Yakima for a visit with relatives. fur. coat and woolen hood do seem such activity for a split second and erett Points home in Adrian Friday Glenn McGinnis was an overnight evening. In fact about the only first hand about tops in wearing comfort. The maintains a countenance threaten tended the regular meeting of the guest at the Peutz home Friday. ing as a thunder cloud. And who is V. F. W. Friday evening. knowledge we had acquired of these day will soon catch up with us, Several farmers attended the seed Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Culbertson Quite a large group from this dis plucky peoples at the Arctic border however, when suddenly wilt find it that spreads the tales and keeps growers meeting at Cairo Tuesday. and children were dinner guests of were their bathing methods and all that has been right in accoutre them alive and what are their mo trict attended the Gaston and W il M. L. Kurtz sold his clover seed Mr and Mrs. Arnold Slippy Sunday. that was in an American city where ment has become overnight all tives? Something less than gener cox sale Friday. to Watts last week for eleven cents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart, par Bert Burroughs from Napton there dwelt a large colony of Fin wrong and a sight to behold and osity surely and probably with mal per pound. nish home folk. 'Twas first brought storeward we will trek to rectify the ice aforethought. Fortunately in this spent Wednesday night at the E. L. ents of Wilbur Stewart, champion Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Stanley of corn grower of Ontario, were guests to our attention when we were in discrepancy. Then it will be that particular case the victim is too well Jamison home. Ridgeview were dinner guests at the Ray Boyles of Caldwell spent at the T. M| Lowe home on Tuesday. a reducing dither. W e were a bit Mrs. Atkeson at her apparel shop known and respected for such lies T. H. Rogers home Friday. disappointed in the final off put of on Main and Third wilt already to get far or to do too much dam Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kelly of Boise age, but such is not always true. Mrs. Ralph Boyles. poundage, but were certainly sold have beat us to the jump and we called at the Earl Parker home Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T op liff call on their method of bathing. When wilt find at her displays all that is There have been times when inno Tuesday evening. first we went, the steam raising latest and most approved in wo cent victims have been disposed of ed on Mrs. John Murphy in Nyssa apparatus was still in the method of men’s wear in style and fabric and all their friends, have lost their Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were the home land, a high oven like ar at costs that wilt be a pleasant sur work, have suffered broken home NEW ELL H EIG H TS— Dr. Francis rangement of concrete on which prise. In the meantime there ist go ties because some snake in the grass Ontario visitors Wednesday. S. Weir of Nyssa will conduct a E. L. Jamison had his well finish dental clinic at the Kingman Kol- glowed hot stones, over which trickl ing on at that Emporium a real sale started tattling "they say” . W e can ed a stream of water which sent where everything ist marked down not all like everyone, for some per ed last week and has plenty of wa ony school, Friday, Jan. 19. He will out clouds of steam into the hot at quick selling prices and all those sonalities, like some elements, will ter at 250 feet. He has an electric show some slides on “ Care of the room lined by bleacher like benches. staple things as towels and pillow simply not mix, but we can at least pump installed. Teeth.” Up these the hardy ones climbed to cases and table linens which we abide by the Great Law and do Mrs. James Stephens is ill. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rogers were to others as we would have them do the top row, stuck their feet in a have put o ff purchasing, lo, these dinner guests at the Robert Clark to us. T o live and let live, to work pail of hot water and wrapped a wet many months whilst Christmas wast home Thursday. towel about their head then started still in the offing, canst be pur out our own salvation and allow Mesdames Maurice Judd, M. L. the other fellow the same privilege. to sweat. Perspire is too mild a word chased there at but a fraction of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bennett were Kurtz, Paydon, Earl Parker, C. M. And in this salvation working out for proper description. Then when their usual cost. And now these Sunday dinner guests at the John Moss and W. Wood attended the one had reached the point of even eastern writers also do prognosticate business we wilt find enough to do Ridder home. surprise shower given for Mrs. W. tual dissolution they scrambled that things are going up again, just attending to our own affairs, so Mrs. H. L. Sisson’s mother is vis Wood at the home o f Mrs. Duke down and dunked the remaining how far up no one canst say. But much there is to be considered. And iting with her. Rohland in Adrian Tuesday. anatomy under an icy shower. The the penny stretching days seem to not the least of these is caring for Ed Henderson and daughter Bar Otis Kurtz and C. Jones of Mid those things of this world’s goods final effect was a million dollar be fast on the wane. bara returned Tuesday after spend dleton spent Saturday at the M. L. that we have acquired. And first glow of fine health. But—the ap And this past week hast been ing a few days at Tw in Falls. Kurtz home. petite was a thing to be considered moving week in Nyssa. Everyone among the list is proper insurance Jean and Ann Johnson spent F ri Mr. and Mrs. Louis Finn were so that if the wind of adversity do and it was a staunch soul that could feeling the spring itch for a change day night with Doris Graham in business visitors in Parma Friday. resist a mug of cool butter flecked perchance and pacifying it with new blow and we find all that stands for Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goulet and buttermilk on the way out. Then surroundings. But ’tis a strange years of labor gone up in smoke in Claude Marshall is spending a few children returned last Sunday from to add to our own difficulties our thing no matter how much we have a single jiffy , will we know that by days in Nampa with his father, who Yakima where they have been vis path home led past a Danish pastry in the old abode there still seems our foresight we have made pos is seriously ill. iting. emporium where the spirit would something that does not fit or is sible the replacement of our loss. The Morgan Park Garden club Roland Goulet has been quite ill again succumb to the demands of altogether lacking in the new. So And the best and surest way to this met at the home of T. C. Johnson the past week. the flesh and we wouldst pause 'twill be a trip to Tom Nordales end is by reliable insurance with Wednesday. The G irl Scouts met with Mrr. there for a cup of coffee and a hot furniture mart that many will be companies known to pay. Here in Forget about the weather and highway hazards! Enjoy real com The western end of Richland is Maurice Judd Saturday. bun, rich and sweet. But ’tis no needing to take ere this business of Nyssa we do have some fine and fort aa you relax in a soft-upholstered reclining Coach seat or a getting electricity put in. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Young were tested firms. Those represented by really being settled is accomplished. sleep-inviting berth on a Union Pacific train. Delicious Dining Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Newkirk and business visitors in Nyssa and On Bernard Eastman, by Frank M or For Tom doest have such a satisfy Car meals are moderately priced. Fares are low ; there are no daughters Janice McCormick and tario Monday. gan and by Don and Jessie Graham. unexpected expenses. Ilfs the pleasant, economical way to travel. ing stock of household wares and Leslie Young sold a load of corn And in the daily affairs of the Lucille McCormick all of Parma at prices that give a warm glow to and Mr. and Mrs. H. Riggs and sons to Walter Bishop Saturday. household not the least among them the innards and Tom doest also al *Berth extra. were Sunday visitors at the H. V. Mr. and Mrs. George Schiemer low that partial payment plan which for the busy home maker ist the Maw home. S im ila r lo w In Pullman and children visited Sunday at the Round T rip from Sleeping lores to other ist a sure boon to the householder business of keeping the fam ily clean Kenneth Davis broke his thumb. George Elfers home of Big Bend. Nyssa to ? cogkea , Coi.. point«. Liberal and his frau. Such a dandy assort and presentable at all times to the Lowell Willis has a badly crushed Mr. and Mrs. Carl H ill visited on Los Angeles $38.10 $46.20 $53.50 re tu rn limits. ment of mattresses we didst spy out public at large. So that cleaners leg as the result of a horse falling Sunday at the Martin Osborn home Also rery low bills are something to be consider there this last week. on him Sunday. in Nyssa. Chicago .,.« $ 5 7 .1 8 $62.16 $96.21 one-way fare«. ed. But now ist the time to bundle And already we hear of the cur Sunday dinner guests at the W al Duwayne Anderson left Wednes S. up the whole caboodle of them and For further details‘ consult: tailment of foodstuffs in warring quick step it over to the M ain’s lace Gregg home were Mr. and Mrs. day for Pleasant Grove, Utah, to Europe and when we ourselves sit at E. C. CRANDALL Hershel Gregg and daughter Sallye. visit his mother, who is ill. He will Cleaners or to the Nyssa Tailor shop Dentist what we Americans call a well-bal Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Davis and also stop in Twin Falls and Ogden Phone 27 where they are having those 3-4-2 O ffice: Sarazin Clinic Bldg. anced meal we do feel a bit guilty fam ily visited with J. Camerons of on business and visit with other Nyssa, Ore. cleaning specials. thinking of the thousands over relatives. Big Bend. Phone SW Now little by little the new land the rest of the world who wouldst Daniel Powell is visiting with Friday Mr. and Mrs. H. B. W ill is becoming old land and sage consider it a feast. relatives in Kuna, Idaho. iams and Mrs. C. E. Taylor of Nyssa brush wastes are rapidly becoming And here in this particular spot Callers at the T. C. Johnson home attended the 57th wedding anniver has nature been doubly kind in her fertile fields, fenced and planted. Sunday were Madeline Maw, Doris sary of Mrs. Williams’ mother and (N O THE And some there are among those n o a o or I h I A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W bounty so that it is hard to believe Graham, Pat Sweaney and Russell father of Lakeview near Nampa. that some there are in the world who came in when all was yet wide Orcutt. PHONE 31 who die for lack of sufficient nour open spaces who have found this Nyssa, Oregon ishment. People who in all o f their land not to their liking and are mak lives have not enjoyed a good old ing plans to start anew in some square meal such as is accepted as more hospitable surroundings or to daily living in this land. And at no return to the old homestead that Physician and Surgeon O W Y H E E —The Owyhee Parent place in Nyssa ist the abundance they le ft behind. But such is the Phone 37 of nature more displayed than at history of this new land to be re Teachers held their regular meet Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 the Wilson grocery mart where all claimed always. I t takes the strong ing at the school house Friday eve Daily—Except Sunday manner of foods are ever waiting in body and spirit to survive those ning. A fter the business meeting, for the purchaser. And not only first three back-breaking and often music and refreshments furnished Fry Building those grown in this land but deli heart-breaking years. A stout heart an enjoyable social hour. The an cacies from other nations and climes with a far vision it takes to see nouncement was made that the next as well. Tender, toothsome dates in through the dust clouds o f spring regular meeting 4-H leader E. M. neat packages. Raisins in economi and over the mud holes of winter to Hauser would give a talk on the cal wrappers from the sunkist vin- the green fields, blossoming gardens work and award pins to the 4-H Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at yards of California. Fruit juices and and the land's abundance that so members who had completed their Eagles Hall canned fruits from equatorial is surely follows those first lean years. projects. And so it is that there are farm lands, fish from cold Alaskan wa A. L. M cC lellan President sales now, many o f them where the ters, sorghums and syrups and Don Graham ......... Secretary honey, jams and jellies and pickles, stay-putter and his spouse will find The Public Is Invited puddings and cookies and crackers so much that is needed about the from the four comers of the globe. ranch at prices far lower than they What a fine study in geography can be purchased new and yet with 'twould make and what a thriller of many years of usefulness still left a yam couldst be woven about their in them. Especially attractive right Meets Wednesday Night production. And as yet there ist no now are the dairy cattle sales that A T EAGLES H ALL threat of price raise to make us Col. Bert Anderson of Ontario ist Visiting Eagles Welcome wonder just how long the old bud the mallet wielder and on the 26th H A R R Y M INER, Sec. get canst stand up from under the there w ilt be an especially fine dairy cattle sale at the Fred Loy farm YO U GET ALL THESE A T N O EXTRA COST advancing burden. C L IF F GREER. Pres. B K . BEAUTIFUL 92 HORSEPOWER SEDAN And nice it is to know that even 14 mile south of New Plymouth in Room, power and luxury unequalled by any other ^ the old sweet tooth canst still be Idaho. lowest priced car • Record endurance and economy, o INS. CO. N . » . But sale or no sale the needs of proved in official A .A.A. tests • Unmatched safely, be- the countryside for good meats »u se o f Patented Double-Safe Hydraulic Brakes (two must be supplied the year ’round expert survey ol your pres- and that Is where the Nyssa Packing braking systems on one foot pedal), Patented Auto-Poise ent fire and other property does a good job and has done a Pront Wheel Control, Dash-Locking Safety Hood. insurance policies may dis- good job for many a long year in You alto gel, al no extra cost: Body and Hood H im our metropolis. For there they do close serious loopholes in your pro Strips o f Genuine Chrome • Finest Type Independent vend fine meats at fair prices al tection that you may not be aware ol ways. And fish in season, too, as or may enable us to tell you methods Front Wheel Coil Springing • Parking Lights o n Bon- oyster lovers have found out now by which you caa reduce your pre net • Handy Shift at Steering W heel • Airplane-Type, for these past several weeks. Fine mium cost. Double-Action Shock Absorbers • Automatic Choke • they are In cocktail sauce or serv Voltage Regulator • N ew Sealed Beam Headlamps ed in a steaming stew. T is ambro In any event, such a survey will cost • Safety Glass • Cushion-Action D oor Latches • Finger- sia for the gods these cold nights. you nothing. It is part of the expert Touch Starter . . . and many more attractive equipment And nourishing, too, and easily di service we render. Rrin< your policie< gested for a late night supper. in or telephone when you would like features, all included in the price shown here. People have often complimented as on oar There’s no staying awake with an us to call. (Phone No.) capable funeral direction, the secret of which overtaxed tummy after an oyster HUDSON ALSO PRESENTS AMERICA’S LOWEST N i a » STRAIGHT EIGHT, NEW HUDSON I, AND HUDSON • is this: our services for the dead are handled stew feed, when made with these to please the living . . . we concentrate on PE IUXE.. . NEW HUDSON SUPER-SIX. . . AND NEW COUNTRY CUM SEDANS, 1UXURY SENSATION Of THE TUR encouragement and, at the same time, at bivalve molluske purchased fresh at tend to every detail appropriately and the Nyssa Packing. smoothly. And we didst read this week that the proper way to keep a husband Is to keep his amused. Now we be AMBULANCE SERVICE no authority on this subject, be NYSSA PHONE 73W longing as we do to the school of thought which maintains that the Nyssa Hour Mills Y e S nooper’s Column Flour, Feeds, Cereals & Pancake Flour Custom Grinding— Hammermill or Roll Grain Cleaning and Treating BUENA VISTA Warren & Barclay CLINIC TO BE HELD AT NEWELL HEIGHTS FOR H RICHLAND GO ON A UNION PACIFIC TRAIN LOW FARES Dr. Francis Weir CARL H. COAD L. A. Maulding, M.D. OWYHEE P. T. A. HOLDS MEETING MOST AMAZING lowest priced CAR EVER BUILT TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS HUDSON SK NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 WHAT Y HAVE L O O K A H EA D Never BACK DELIVERED IN A NYSSA FOR ONLY $ NYSSA FUNERAL HOME F ran k T. M o rg a n Phone 97 Nyssa, Oregon oo NORCOTT SERVICE NYSSA OREGON