Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 21, 1939 PAGE TWO I V ie» are Erwin Belale. Gary G ood- ! fellow Paula S n tt Martin Taylor Arnold Hamilton Mark May Shir- ley D ata and Betty Colley Chas McCosb had h a gram threshed Saturday Tom Amidon threshed clover seed Frida; ; Ous Bullard chopped hay lor P CIVIC CLUB BOUSE PARTY Mrs Howard Rogers has °**n : P Countryman the latter par: of The regular meeting of the Civic neipmg at Mrs Searchers Beaut; Use week. :a a l7 A d ob was held at the Panah haB on at to* . - /« » oí là.' xad Mrs Boo Yundt visited at the Wednesday afternoon » a h M rv Onion topping a ginng esepioj- H E. Noah'home Friday M r. O H K M X W t a . o r l C « d * enar»e oí the p H p « M t ! to m a c; m this community breeder 1 and » n o iron» W u ciz * - * August Moeller returned the first Mrs H & Sherwood and Mrs Drm ng by the Rsfaer and Vertree* of the week from San Francisco u à »ere Dr and Mrv J H ?-¡MP- Bernard P ra t entertained v a c an ca-e ci< Wapato Mr and Mrv H M _ _ H __is quite where he attended the fair bf their recent trips to the ;etd * Aa«»daje oí W e n ttc«» Mr and Mrs Arch Hawkms and Doily vis Me» York World s F a » and to oth- y 2 i i v U 2 IM M rv C. D F agT * * of ited Mrs David Rees Monday " OREGON TRAIL tat tta crop i . « c m , out on *c- Mrv Vada Venato** a Rev Douglas Honey: ord visited at --------- count of seed stalkc Third cutting the W ill Brown home Friday Bebau* Kama» wno ear r r .a r < bara Brown gate a delightful iw L - ' * " *' The »wemsi teachers reception of alfalfa is being done, too Mr. and Mrs Har.v Oft attended *° * * * ■ __ _ . . Tea *a* poured by M r» 9toaey Mrv Sprans and son Jimmy wen: the harvest festival ut Nyssa Satur AaMher bnxher. T. X. Ra<v:a.e 2 ^ « McClure and sponsored by the Oregon Trail P T A will te held Friday evening to Eugene the last of the se e r with day o í Soar. Ida ™ pre*œ r Mr» J. C B eltran . Sept 22nd at the senooi house A her laUier. O O Nugent Mr Blame May chopped hay lor Ar- The W u n x T M i lodu mconred _ j_ special program has oeen prepared Sparks r^s emptoymer.-. there ! thur Doman and Roy Cazier last over iron» Yakima M onda; arrm ag siLVTJt BRIDGE Thursday Mr and Mrv Ralph i week The hay was sold to the about Ax o'clock id the eresine A ^ Frana Hail entertained at a and refreshments will be served. Ah parents in this district are in - m d Mrs C C. Meltvedt Amalgamated Sugar company n e t « « a n at «te e and Mated bn0^ * * fJO T î 1 m <U t r;Wd urji Made; it . o f Boue Mr and Mrs. Stewart !rom Caic- „ U , » ! « e h a s not be * « ¡m et- ^ ^ r4ae<j „ j j ^ Oregoc Trail Sunday School is were nsitors at the Levi Stephens well visited Mrs Henry M teller on m-pwd by a good dinner wtuen a < m aeaaoru aruvrjes of « planning a rally day for next Sun- home. Friday afternoon. been prepared. When ail »ere »e a r; g p ^ p ., rvrdd ioidm g bed* were brought m and day Sep* 24th Mr and Mrs. Noah House were ---------------- -- ----- — ------ quickly prepared for a short repcae. LEGIONNAIRE MABRIES Mr and Mr* R W Holmes and ^ u m e Lee Woods home on BIG BEND At daybreaa all were astir again family shopped in Werner la « Monday evening -------- Or. Wedzieaday evening at the Many smrair.g erects of past year Thursday. Mr and Mrs George C Miner The Jolly Janes will meet T tu rs- Presbyterian church in Boue, l i n were recalled This might have been Mr and M r. Horace Puhnnan ^ ^ & Melbt were guests «lay afternoon with Mrs Clyde termed a fam ily reunion but for the Kota Henderson of Salem and and family spent Sunday at the _ v D v > - the -Steelman They are giving a shower Grever Francai of Ontario »ere absence of three usters who reside v week John lo v e s -mis w e « for Mrs Roy Moore married bei ore the Rer. M E Ltn- In the East and could not be prev DeGrofft was taken to Nam- ior Lb« nataaeMt» I R D. Lytle of Vale was a b o d - U niversi? o oí f Idaho Iñabo aay. and »U h Mrs. C. L McCoy and pa W S m ent. u n d ay^ « medical treatment. O ta Smith o f Ontario acting aa Gene and Carl Lilly are U ktfpg 1 ■— * * * ” * *“ • Wednes* Ed Bender of Salt Lake City Two of the brother, bad not Ha day afternoon ____ called at the P G Houses and the onions at the J. L Boston place lted the local fam ily since the lat Mr and Mrs. Bob Lee and son of Mr and Mrs Earl Boston and Following the ceremony, the brid- j y g Byers homes Monday moraizM- ter began home h ie 42 years ago Ontario and his mother from Bon al group enjoyed a d-nner at the gg y - , c y j - r V jr, - ^ q c -._ . :am ..y ar.i Mrs Howard Rogers and Reproved for this neglect, they said neville were Sunday guests in the went to Rorwei. Sunday the first forty years were the worst Om ybt* and Mr. and Mrs. Francis , o ¡ Emmett were dinner guesta Barbara Phelan home W * fern • w em »vu» e^se t r - n » a _ _ _ . _______ aiV< evening at the Torvald O t- ax*d celebrated the birthdays o f Mr O ther, praent were a daughter, left for a honeymoon trip to Chi- Otis Swigert went to Not us Tues D- Rogers M anaa Boston. Mrs. Pern Starr, and children, also cago where they will attend the m home day where he has obtained work National Convention of the Am en- -n*. daughter of Mr and Ree<i and Howard Rogers a aoh Rom and wife of Ontario. Claude Each us transacted busi can Legion. M r. Marsden Stoke, has been lrenl » City. Nevada, to ness to Vale Wednesday After a very enjoy able time, the M rv Francis is weU known to quite UL | visit Roy Boston Saturday Miss Virginia Miller left Sunday Washington party departed Wed Mr. and Mrs R W Holmes were for Eugene where she will be a nesday evening for home by way of state house circle., having been for several years secretary to the offices hosts a : dinner Sunday Guesu to- VALLEY V IEW junior at th* university Star. Ida., Ior a short can on | of Secretary of State Earl Snell. eluded Mr and Mrs H D. Holmes Mr. and Mrs Homer Sweet and T. IT. Ragsdale o f that place Gerald GoodfeEow had hay chop Robert, who spent the past month Mr. Prancis is well known where- of N y*a, Mr and Mrs BUI Toll Venables remained lor a ever the American Legion is repre- of Pruiiland. Mr and Mrs. A. M pers this week. here, left Wednesday for their home The road workers improved the at American Lake. Wash. vented and is to business to O n- Goodsoa and Etteile of Ten Davis tario. where he and his bride will and Mr and Mrs. Ray Franklin, road to Mr W hite's and Mr. Boorks Mrs. Babe Hamilton, who spent DINNER GUESTS make their home on their return James and Trula Lee of the Owy- places. | the summer at Homedale. returned from the east ¡b ee district. Complimenting their house guesu, W. Scott, the bus driver, came | home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Alan B Bumnam, Pnday evening and gathered up the | Mr and Mrs. Elmer Wright spent high school students for the foot- Monday shopping to CaldwelL Mr. and Mrs. Louis P Thomas en RIVERVIEW APPLE VALLEY tertained at dinner on Tuesday ball jamboree at Ontario. E E Parker. Kenneth and Arch Melvin Spitze »rent to Nyssa Fri- Parker transacted business in Cald- Covers were laid for six. Tom Lee and son Harold left Ladies Aid meets on Thursday at well Thursday. Tuesday for the mountains where the home at Mrs. John Poage. Mrs. day cm business. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Miss Daphne Molstmm spent the they win go deer hunting. C. P. Leigh is assisting hostess TUESDAY EVENING BRIDGE W 6 Adams has begun to build Bratton home were Mr and Mrs week end visiting friends to Hunt- The Community Sunday School The Tuesday evening bridge club a small home on the acre lying east J. R Leffier and family. Juanita rngton was entertained by Mrs Leo Hoi- will meet at Earnest C Johnson's Boyles Walter Hahn and Ben Me- Miss Helen Hatch and Mrs Fern of the Scott home. lenherg on Tuesday evening with next Sunday Hatch of Adrian are hostesses for a Mrs. Ralph Gee and family were Connell o f Weiser. Mr and Mrs Floyd Hirst Mr and Mrs. George J. Mitchell. Mrs Bur- Alva Amidon threshed cloved seed party Wednesday afternoon honor Sunday visitors , „ at the „ Lester Ken- nali Brown and Mrs. John Young Mrs Harold Perkins and fam ily., . „ . this week. ing Mrs. George Fisher on her and Mr and Mrs WUey Clowers | b/m* . “ jL8un, g V,Jley playing aa guests Eulah Bratton entertained her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichols High scores were made by Mrs. and son of Nyssa, were Sunday Sunday school class of giris at the The Jacobs forty was sold last George are remodelling the house and im Prank Morgan and Mrs J. B. G le- guests of Mr. and Mrs week to a Mr Candler of Nebraska. proving the other buildings on the Arcadia teacherage Sunday. Clowers. zen tanner Mr and Mrs Henry Deery were His son srill farm the land. Mr and Mrs Charles Prank. Mr farm which they bought some t i m e Mrs Rene Nightingale of Ontario ago from Leonard Newgen. They short callers at Bratton's Wednes and Mrs. Irving Frank and son ENTERTAIN GUILD day. was the guest o f relatives here Wayne and Mrs. Pearl Prank of expect to move the latter part of E A Countryman of St. Paul, Sunday. In spite at the rain on last Wed Nampa, were callers of Mr and this week. Mrs. Nichols daughter. Mrs, Chester Moore, formerly Miss M inn. arrived Saturday evening for nesday afternoon, a large group of Mrs Tom Loe on Monday Mr and Mrs N. S. Phelan were a visit srith his sister Mis-s Helen I shopping in Caldwell Monday. ladle, attended t l* meeting of St Keith Blackburn who has been Dorothy Sales, and her husband will live to Mrs. Nichols' house. Pauls Episcopal Guild, which was Countryman and brother. P F a large delegation of Bend pa unable to attend school due to a Mr. and Mrs Henry Meier were j Countryman. entertained by Mrs Betty LaPrenz recent illness, started Monday W inifred Leffier left last week for and Mrs. Grant Rinehart at the M a a n A J O m a n d P h W c io w - ' ' t T ? 00 Dick Tenaen home ers have purchased a ^ e sT ca r Miss N « ^ stout of the States- Nampa where she trill attend Plans for the winter activities __ _____________________________ ___ man staff spent Sunday srith her Northwest Nazarene college. The small daughter o f Mr. and were discussed at the business meet parents, Mr. and Mrs J. S. Stout ing, after which a social hour fo l Miss Ida Smit has begun her sec Mrs George Paxton is ill with the lowed Tea was served by the host- ond year of teaching at Goodrich. summer flu. Mrs Ruth Williams o f Ontario Idaho. Miss Irene Sparks of Caldwell and Ira Williams of Payette visited A heavy wide- spent Sunday srith her parents. Mr at the W E Brown home Sunday WEDNESDAY EVEN I NO ribbed sock afternoon. and Mrs Jim Sparks BRIDGE that is just Mr and Mrs. Levi Stephens were . The new first graders at Valley Mrs. Aden Wilson entertained the the thing for recent visitors at Donnelly Wednesday evening bridge club this Mr and Mrs Wm. Harry and Mr. j a hunting trip. week and Invited Mrs. Warren Knee length and Mrs Floyd Mears attended the Blodgett and Mrs. Harry Miner to sales to Nampa and Caldwell Sat play with the members. Prizes for urday. the evening were won by Mrs. J. E Mr and Mrs C D Vertrees and i Bowen, Mr». Klaas Tensen and Mrs Mr and Mrs Emil Vertrees motored I Perhaps a small Re pair Sidney Burbidge to Vale Sunday and stopped to call j modeling Job would at the Reed and Triece homesteads ! Devotion to a when returning home. do the trick. Chippewa Sacred Duty Ha* No John Smit, who is working at Bates. Oregon, spent Sunday with Price Tag Ask for our estimate LOGGERS his parents. Mr and Mrs George REMEMBER: We are ready to New shipment. 8 inch tops Smit Mr and Mrs Adolph Schultz and | help you in your time o f need— I heavy duty composition son Charles and Donald Fisher and | Phone 73V4 Contractor— Nyssa Albert Meier spent Sunday evening | soles. 'Builder of Fine Homes" to Boise. Nyssa Funeral Home We Build to F.H.A. Pains Mrs William Witt enjoyed a vis- | Nyssa Dr. Frmncia S. Weir it srith her niece who stopped en- Thurlow and Carson route from California to Iowa last Dentist week. LEATHER GLOVES Floyd Higgins Jr. is leaving to at O ffice: Hararin Clinic Bldg tend the Nazarene College at Nam Phone MW pa soon Monday night his grand parents, Mr and Mrs C. H. Hig gins. Mr and Mrs Clarence Nich CARL H. COAD ols and family. Mr and Mrs Ches- Keep one Handy ATTORNEY-AT-LAW | ter Wood and Mr and Mrs Jesse Men» and ladies' Wearing Apparel Higgins planned a surprise to his PHONE J! For Your Third and Main Street» | honor Cakes and ice cream were Nysaa, Oregon mum Leeds G am son tee. of Mr Mrv Charles G arm on »h o critically m-ured l m San ago »a t w if r e c t q ered that a * jaren'-i and his us&er »h o nad been at h a oednde re- turned on Sunda; While still in a te r; tenous rrwxhtirr the surgeon in cnarge gate hopes of .nurale re- « " « 7 for Mr G arracn. He a still * patient at there Mrs Garraon and Vera expect to return to San Francisco on Satur- a sight »tth enough «•*. ----------------------------------- Bowmac Vertrees and Y slab Ver- trees spent Sunday at the parental C D. Vertrees home Mr and M rv Porre»'. Reed of Parma are irrmg v ite ser parente jg . ^ l * « S teven s They h ».r . » t « to bund h K Parma HOWS YOUR HOME W OOL SOX Professional C a rd s Hunting Trip! Square; sm ooth ends exact lengths mean squaring, sawing, waste time spent on the Thorough season- and le u and Job. It s so simple to tuck a new. E l modem Kodak ~ into your pocket or car Then, the mo ment things happen, you 11 be TOW NSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meetings of th* Townsend Club are held 1st and Ird Thursday to the Cagle* Hall The PaMie Is InvHed D R DeOroas Preaidant Mra. A. V Pruyn Secretary NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Maeta Wednesday Night AT EAOLE8 HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Bee C U P P CREER Pres D im * to fall ¿< H O O L a r e t h e ir s h o e s IN GOOD REPAIR- If M l being them Is QUICK SERVICE LOW COST ABBOTT'S SHOE SHOP Nest ts Nyma Cafe you r clothes CLEANEfl! <Nj Send Them To MAIN’S for better cleaning service! The whole family Fall Wardrobe can be made to look like new with our better cleaning serv ice. E.E.Cloninger. You’ll be delighted when you see how wonder fully clean we get your clothes— and restore the original color and life to the fabrics. DON’T DELAY— PHONE 56-J MAIN’S CLEANERS & DYERS “ Cleaning At Its Best” Atkeson Bldg. Third & Main HE HEADING FOR HEADACHES? IS Albert Heldt Atkeson’s Store Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 9 DtUy—Except Sunday Pry Building Mr and Mrs Vernon Parker sod children of Adrian were Sunday guests in the E. E. Parker home. Mr and Mrs Wilbur Roberts and children of Roswell vere calling cn Bend friends Snuda; fi I ? FOR RELAXING? 39c to 75c L. A. Maulding, M.D. root D M a k f the d««He»twwi of the new Adrian high school Thursday evening Mr Hovser of Bums arrived Th unday for a n rn with h i. us ter Mrs. C C Klltouro Mrs Barrett, who spent the sum mer visiting her sister. Mrs Ham ilton. left for her home in Seattle Thursday Mr and Mrs Ralph Haworth. Eleanor and Phyllis. Miss June Clark and Mr and Mrs E. H Brumbach attended a meeting of the Book club at the home of Mr and Mrs C E Peck in Boise Sun day. Mr and Mrs Bert LaRue Myrene and Buddy o f Vale and Mr and Mrs Paul Whitney and baby of Boise were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Arch Parks-. M rv Elsie Welsh, who was unable to start teaching at the beginning of the school year, began work Fri day Mrs. Johnson of Ontario sub stituted for her Iola Parker was an overnight guest of Donna Ashcraft in Adrian Saturday and guest at her birthday dinner Sunday. ready to click em into good _______________ snapshots quickly, easily GUARD ms EYES WITH P R O P E R LIG H T Poor lighting is dangerous. It causes eyestrain, headaches, and many other discomforts. You should guard the sight of your family with proper light! Modern IES Better Sight Lamps provide perfect light for any part of the room. Glare is eliminated, and reading and studying become enjoyable pastimes. Call us today and inquire about the new IES Better Sight Lamps for your h om e' O? Y O U ’LL FIND A W IDE ASSORTMENT KODAKS HERE A T REASONABLE PRICES H O T LUNCHES Tempting, Steaming HOT SOUP Crispy, Delicious TOASTED SANDW ICHES Coffee Hot Chocolate FOUNTAIN DRINKS OWYHEE DRUGSCO. PHONE 29 Next to Idaho Power I DA H O ^ P O WE R C u x th u u ú j Does So MUCH-Costs So U T T IP *