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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1939)
JOURNAL 77>eNYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE VOLUME XXXIV NO. 36____________________________________ NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939 Nyssa Schools Start Year M ond ay REGISTRATION BOOTH FOR I OOF FIRST ANNUAL NYSSA FALL FESTIVAL PROGRAM The Nyssa lodges of the Odd Fel lows and Rebekahs have arranged with the Nyssa Fall Festival com mittee to have a registration booth FRIDAY STUDENT ENROLLMENT SHOWS for present and past of the order, according to an announcement of 1:00..P .M .—4-H Club Livestock Exhibition— DECREASE IN HIGH SCHOOL M. F. Solomon, secretary of the at Nyssa Commission Company Both the Nyssa high school and Nyssa Odd Fellows. sales yard, south end of 2nd St. the grade school started the school Awarding of Prizes to Exhibitors year Monday, after a delay of a 2:30 P._ M.—Athletic and Novelty Events—4th week due to waiting for the arrival Louis Garrison of equipment for the high school. St., near farm produce exhibi Approximately 250 students have Seriously tion booths. registered in the high school, a 4:00 P. .M.—Senior and 4-H Club Livestock, Washington, D. C. News Bureau of drop in enrollment of about 65 pu H u rt pils. the Nyssa Gate City Journal and pet parade. In the grade school the number TRAFFIC ACCIDENT RESULTS EVENING — Carnival and Theatre Entertain of students is about the same as WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 14— last year, according to Leo Hol- IN SERIOUS INJURIES ment. There is no immediate prospect of lenberg, principal, with a registra SATURDAY Word was received in Nyssa last United States sending food to Great tion of 500. 1 :30--P.-M.—Matinee Entertainment. Thursday . afternoon by Mr. and Britain and France, although the The teacher load in the grade 4 :00 P. 4M.—Grand Parade, includes childrens first reaction to the war’s start was school shows an average class of Mrs. Chas. Garrison that their son a sharp increase in retail prices to 35 pupils per teacher, Hollenberg Louis of San Francisco had been division, commercial float di in a traffic accident in San Fran American consumers in the face of said. vision, clubs and lodge divi cisco and had been critically in surpluses of everything. Later, and Teachers in the grade school, jured. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison left sion. Payette School band. soon the farmers and stockmen will receive better prices—now going to with the grades they aré beaching th at night with their daughter 8:00 P. M—Massed Band Concert—Nyssa and processors, wholesalers and retailers are: 1st grade, Mrs. E. M. Benson Vera, to be at his bedside. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown; 2nd , Payette bands. Word received by Dale Garrison entirely. grade, Mrs. Walsh (Heifie Medes- from his mother later stated that Conditions at the opening of the ker) and Miss Joan Bannister; 3rd second world war are quite differ grade. Miss G. Eva Boydell and there had been a bad skull frao- ent from the first “war to make the Miss Jennie Hansen; 4th grade, ture, a broken arm, a fractured VACANCY ON GRADE Nyssa Park Board world safe for democracy” and “a Mrs. A. Chadwick and Miss Ber jaw and possible internal injuries. SCHOOL BOARD Other details of the accident are war to end all wars”. Wheat acre nice Martin; 5th grade, Mrs. Omer Is Appointed age, for example, is far greater to Adkinson and Miss Phyllis Dorffler; not known here at present. A vacancy hai been created on day; there is a larger supply of 6th grade. Mrs. Margaret Carpenter the board of school district 26 by By M ayor livestock. Great Britain has already and Mrs. A. Bertftelson; 7th and ANTLERLESS DEER the moving of E. Gaston to Red made contracts with Argentina for 8th grades, Mrs. Nettie Medesker, mond, Oregon. PERMITS READY beef (same canned meat over Mr. G rant Rinehart and Mr. Arthur Just when the elect'on will be BOARD HAS AUTHORITY TO which there was a controversy a Smith, with Principal Hollenberg The state game commission at its held has not y f - been decided on, DEVELOP A CITY PARK few weeks ago when President teaching science in tthese two meeting in July ordered the sale of but an announce tent will be made Roosevelt said it was a better pro grades. Mayor Thompson appointed five 500 special permits to take antler in the near future it is expected. duct than the American article). members to form a city park board less deer during the regular open What may Be a step in the di Canada and Australia have large in conformity to an ordinance pass season for buck deer, September 20 wheat crops; sugar is being produc rection of establishing the 7th and to October 25, in the area immedi REAL ESTATE ed recently by the city council ed in British colonies; Ireland (neu 8th grades as a junior high school ately adjacent to the Mule Deer establishing the board. is seen in the division of the teach CONFAB CLOSES tral), is in the sugar beet industry Those named were Mrs. Andrew game reserve in Klamath and Lake ing of the subjects of mathematics, in an important way. Wheat carry Boersma, Councilman J. C. Olsen, counties. Approximately 100 tags English, social science and general Following a four-day session, the Dr. K. E. Kirby, Jess Thompson over in all wheat growing countries have been sold so far and the de is enormous. Australia has a heavy science. The mathematics depart mand for tags is expected to in Oregon real estate board brought and Louis P. Thomas. Members of ment is in charge of Mrs. Medes to a close its annual meeting held the new board have not yet held store of wool. However, there will crease as the season approaches. be a demand by the allies for fats. ker, English by Rinehart and so Anyone desiring a tag can secure this year in Ontario with a ban their first meeting, but it is under cial science by Smith, and as men To what extent food supplies tioned before, Hollenberg teaching one by forwarding to the office of quet held at the Moore hotel on stood that one will be held in the Wednesday evening. reach Great Britain and France will straight science. near future to complete the or the game commission in Portland Opening was on Monday and that ganization and prepare plans for depend on the scope of the sub the fee of five dollars together with \ marine warfare against British flag information as to the number and afternoon the delegations made a the starting of a city park. ships carrying food cargoes. kind of hunting license owned. The tour of the Owyhee project and FOREST SERVICE Housewife's Buying Panic commission is compelled, according visited the sugar factory. On Tues IRRIGATION DISTRICT Blame for upping prices is charg RESEEDS RANGE to law, to issue the tags in the or day afternoon the visitors were en ed to the American housewife who der that the applications are re tertained at Payette and inspected TO HOLD MEETING wanted to “stock up". Tlie day that (Special from Washington Bureau) ceived and after 500 tags have been the cannery and creamery there, WASHINGTON, D. C.—Range sold, no more will be issued. having lunch at the Bancroft hotel. President Roosevelt gave assurances The board of directors of the At the Wednesday dinner the out Big Bend Irrigation district will sit th a t there is no occasion to pur land in southern Idaho, Nevada, Hunters carrying antlerless deer chase more than the normal food Utah and part of Wyoming, a total permits for this area will be re standing guests of the evening were as a board of equalization Friday, supply for a week, the procurement of 112 million acres, is so denuded quired to check in and out of any Governor Sprague of Oregon and October 18 at 8 p. m., according to division of the treasury ignored Mr. of vegetation because of overgraz one of the following stations: Lake- Governor Bottolffsen of Idaho, an announcement of Carl H. Coad, both recently elected Republicans secretary of the district. Roosevelt’s advice to consumers. ing that the forest service is experi view, Paisley and Dairy. and both newspapermen. Procurement telephoned to all gov menting with reseeding. The de During the meeting, the board Those attending the meetings and will review, make corrections of as ernment agencies to prepare their partment of agriculture also states requisitions for one year’s supply that communities in the valley sec POLL OF CANDIDATES dinner from Nyssa include Don M. sessments and make apportionment Graham and James Graham from in order th at the supply can be ob tions face danger of flood due to from Washington Bureau) the Nyssa Realty company, Mr. and of taxes for the ensuing year. tained “before prices increase”. loss of vegetation. The ranges in (Special WASHINGTON, D. C —Survey of The assessment list and record Among other items, a year’s supply the region are used by about five the presidential situation by a n a Mrs. Oscar C. Olsen and Mr. and may be viewed by any interested million head of sheep and a large of sugar, flour, bacon, lard, coffee tional magazine, the poll taken Mrs. Bernard Eastman Jr. person at the office of the secre New officers for the coming year for government hospitals, camps, part of the section’s one million among congressmen shows 44 per tary in Nyssa. cattle from six to 12 months a to be elected were David B. Simp etc., the instruction of procurement cent predicting Vandenberg’s nom division making Uncle'Sam No. One year. The conditions are becoming ination; 22 thought it would be son of Portland, re-elected presi so serious th at the government is dent and W. A. Zimmerman, also PURINA DEALERS hoarder. expected to issue new regulations Taft, and 12 percent said Dewey. of Portland, secretary. MEET HERE War Precaution Republican runners up were Bridges until the range can “come back.” of New Hampshire; Martin of Mas Warlike atmosphere in the na sachusetts, and McNary of Oregon. Purina dealers of the Snake river tional capitol—Tourists forbidden to SPRAGUE OPPOSED valley met in Nyssa Monday night walk under the portico of the White NYSSA FARMER BUYS For the democratic nomination 43 predicted Roosevelt: 13 percent said TO HOARDING for their regular meeting. House. Police of the executive man BLOODED HOLSTEIN Garner with 9 percent for Hull. The meeting, presided over by Bill sion detail have shifted their serv Democratic runners-up: Farley, Mc SALEM—While Governor Sprague Skinner, district sales representa ice revolver from the hip to a hol A registered Holstein heifer has Nutt, Hopkins, Clark of Missouri. "deplores” the hoarding of food tive for the Purlna-Ralston Mills ster slung from a white Sam Brown just been added to the herd of stuffs in anticipation of war-time company, dealt with the various belt. No outsider permitted to peek Clyde Dideriçksen Nyssa, by pur profiteering, there is nothing he phases of merchandising Purina into the building at the navy yard chase from M. O. Cowling, Caldwell, OREGON PEST FUND can do about it, he told newspaper products. where big guns are rifled. Eighteen Idaho. Change of ownership for Hosts for the meeting were the minutes after a shift changes in the I Special from Washington Bureau) men at the capitol this week. The WASHINGTON, D C —Oregon governor declared that in his opin local Purina dealers, A1 Thompson navy yard every blueprint and other this purebred female, Blackjack documents must be accounted for Walker Starlight, 2042553. was offi received a share of the $1,750,000 ion there was no occasion for and Son. by the last man inspecting it. There cially recorded by the Holstein- appropriated for grasshopper con hoarding in this country where are 7500 civilians working in the Friesian Association of America. trol. Enough poison bait was sent there is an adequate supply of ev- DRIVERS EXAMINER to 24 states to fill 185 trains, each everything and told newspapermen yard; some were contributing to Brattleboro, Vt. Didericksen is one of about 250 train composed of 50 cars. The de that his family was not stocking HERE NEXT FRIDAY communist “front” organizations a few months ago. Secrecy surrounds Oregon Holstein breeders who have partment of agriculture buys the up on anything. Mr. Roosevelt's goings and comings registered and transferred some ingredients and ships them to se The examiner of operators and lected centers where they are mixed between Washington and his moth 640 animals in the past year. chauffeurs will be in Nyssa, Friday, and distributed through local agen DUAL OFFICEHOLDER September 22, 1939. at the City hall er's home a t Hyde Park. Each day \ cies to farmers. an officer from the army, another RULED AGAINST between the hours of 10 a. m. and 1 from the navy, sticks pins in a map FLAX CO-OP ASKS 5 p. m. respectively, according to a of Europe facing the president’s FOR CROP ADVANCE FREIGHT MOVEMENT SALEM—Apparently aimed at recent announcement released from desk in the executive office, show Ralph W. Perry of Hood River the Secretary of State's office. ing the day's developments in the All those wishing permits or li The Nyssa station of the Union country, Attorney General Van Officials of the flax cooperative war. Some new dealers who hate at Canby have applied to the board Pacific is a busy place these days Winkle has advised District Attor censes to drive cars are asked to get Hitler favor sending troops to the of control for an advance on this with freight going and coming in ney John Baker of th at county that in touch with the examiner during allies (they were too young to be year’s flax crop. Lack of sufficient increased amounts. it was unlawful for one person to these hours. in the first world war). The govem- capital, they said, places the co From this station this past week, hold the dual position of county (Continued on Page 8. Column 3) operative at a serious disadvantage according to E. C. Crandall, station commissioner and director of a WPA NURSERY FUNDS I in competing with the state flax agent, 80 cars of sugar were shipped peoples utility district. Perry, a THE WEATHER plant which is in position to make from here, 24 cars of spuds and 28 Hood River county commissioner, l Special from Washington Bureau) was recently elected a director of WASHINGTON. D. C —President So far Nyssa has escaped freezing immediate payment to its growers cars of onions. Unloaded here were 26 cars of the newly created Hood River PUD. Roosevelt has signed as eligible for temperatures although the ther without the necessity of borrowing mometer this past week has on a from banks at high rates of inter cattle and 28 of sheep. The stock ■■■■■»«■«■■■■■■■I WPA funds a state-wide project for will be fed here this winter, most Oregon to maintain and operate couple of occasions just missed it. est. of it at the sugar factory feeding free nursery schools for the needs. Following are the thermometer pens. Allotment is estimated at $91,817 readings for the week as given by “Fudge” Schireman all worried and the sponsor is the state de the Nyssa offices of the U. S. Rec CCC TO STAY AT J. V. about the young master shut up in partment of education. lamation : REPORT MADE ON a school room . . . . John Young Date etaoin unun unnun I (Special from Washington Bureau) DOG LICENSES casting a critical eye over the new Date High Low Prec | WASHINGTON, D. C —At the squad . . . . the early and the later GRANGER ON BOARD Sept. 7 ______ 33 78 request of Senator Holman. Oregon, Chief of Police A. V. Cook, in rains descending in one grand Sept. 8 ......................37 85 I the plan to close the COC camp in his monthly report to the city coun (Special from Washington Bureau) Sept. 9 39 90 Jordan Valley and transfer its ac cil Monday night, reported that his downpour . . . . all hands turning WASHINGTON. D C — As a na too on booth making . . . . and ev Sept. 10 ---------------54 94 trace tivities to another location has been office had collected $274 in dog li tional defense measure Secretary of erything promising for a grand two- Sept. 11 _________ 42 85 26 abandoned. The senator received censes so far this year. day celebration if old Pluve will Agriculture Wallace has appointed Sept 12 ---------------49 66 .55 petitions signed by every stockman an agricultural advisory council. Of this amount $54 80 was paid to just hold back. Sept 13 __________43 63 .36 in Jordan Valley, urging that the the county, the city receiving Only member from the Pacific coast Water in the Owyhee Dam j tfsmp be continued until necessary $153.44 and a commission of $65.76 is Ervin E. King, master of the 390.620 acre feet. /• » te r holes have been p rovided Washington state grange. was paid for making the collections ROUND TOWN Fastest Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR Fall Festival Opens Tomorrow Captain Charles Soderberg, the heaviest and highest of the world’s high divers, will provide thrills and chills for the edification of those attending the Nyssa Fall Festival and Hildebrands United Shows, Fri day and Saturday of this week. Final touches were put to the first annual Nyssa Fall Festival last night when the committee met. Keen competition Is shown be tween the eight Oranges who will have farm produce exhibits at the Festival, for the electric range that is offered for the best grange booth. Other clubs and Individuals will compete for cash prizes, the exact amount of which has not yet been definitely worked out by the com mittee in charge of this division. Close to 200 feet of exhibition booth space has been asked for by a large number of exhibitors. The Fall Festival will open to morrow at I p. m. at the sales pa vilion of the Nyssa Commission company, where the 4-H clubs will have on exhibition their prize stock. Following this exhibition, athletic and novelty events will take place at a location near the farm pro duce exhibits on 4th street. Among the novelty events will be a sawing and nail driving contest for the ladies, while the city men are an xious to try their strength against the farmers in a tug of war con test. Of special interest on Friday at 4 p. m. will be one of the few 4-H ^club stock parades ever held in this ■vicinity. In addition, farmers with blooded stock will be in this divi SCHOOL BOARD SETS sion. A childrens pet parade will be held at the same time. Over MEETING FOR 30TH twenty saddle horses will also par The board of directors of school ticipate in this parade. district 26 have oalled a special During the afternoon the judges meeting for the taxpayers of that will have reached their decision on district for the purpose of voting awards for all exhibits. on a proposition to authorize the Location of the various 4-H home board to expend $678.64 left over economics projects, cooked and can from fire insurance money, together ned foods, needlework and antique with $127 received from the sale displays are as follows. 4-H club of the 2 room school building, for home economics at the Masonic purchasing equipment and con Hall and Legion Hall; cooked foods, structing bleacher seats and lockers Masonic hall; Canned foods, Ma in the reconstructed gymnasium. sonic hall; needlework and antique The date of the meeting has been displays, Eagles hall; flower show. set for Saturday, September 20. Eagles hall. The polls will be opened at the con Saturday, starting at 1:30 p. m., clusion of the meeting, which has been called for 2 p. m. and will those 4-H members who exhibited stock on Friday will be entertained close at 7 p. m. at the matinee performance at the Nyssa Theatre. P.I.L.E. TRIP At 4 p. m. the grand parade will FOR 4-H MEMBERS swing onto Main street with three large divisions, a childrens, com Striving to win the trip to the mercial floats and organizational Pacific International Livestock Ex marching units. This parade also position in Portland this fall, spon will be headed by the same group sored by the First National Bank of saddle horses as were in the pa of Portland, 4-H Club members of rade Friday. Prizes will be awarded Malheur county are completing spe for the best in each division. This parade will be headed by the cial projects and preparing entries for county and state 4-H competi Payette school band, which will tion. As for the last three years, participate in the massed band con choice of the boy and girl from cert to be given at 8 p. m. Saturday each county in Oregon for this night. Wide praise is being voiced by three-day visit in Portland will be based on outstanding leadership Nyssa business men for the high in and achievement in 4-H Club work. terest shown by farmers all over According to local 4-H Club lead the county and across the line into ers, the reports of last year’s trip Idaho, and everyone is predicting brought back by Doyne Price and one of the most successful farm Viola Edna Pullen, winners of the fairs Nyssa has ever sponsored. Business houses, by a vote of the 1938 award from this county, have heightened the competition to fever Nyssa Chamber of Commerce, have pitch. The trip includes daily visits been asked to close their places of to the exposition grounds, sight business during the parades on Fri seeing in Portland and special en day and Saturday. tertainment by the state-wide bank which pays all transportation and $500 DAMAGES expenses. Last year 74 boys and girls of Oregon enjoyed this visit DONE BY FIRE to Portland and the same number Fire broke out this morning at 1 is expected this year. H. C. Seymour, Oregon 4-H Club a. m. in the Pete Dear building on director, has again been appointed the west end of Main street, causing general chairman of the Judging damages amounting to about $500. The fire was of undetermined and awards. Local Judges will be the county agent, county superin origin, the damages of which was tendent of schools and O. J. Mit covered by insurance, according to chell, manager of the Nyssa Branch Don Graham. of the First National Bank of Port land. Dates for the visit this year D edication Postponed are October 11, 12 and 13. Due to the fact that so much of the equipment in the new high DROUTH ENDS school has not arrived the dedica WITH SHOWERS tion program and teachers greet Ending a two months drouth ings which was to have been given when only a trace of rain fell, heavy under the sponsorship of the Ore rains began falling early Monday gon Trail P. T. A. and the Nyssa morning and in three days a total Civic Club on the evening of Wed of 1.17 Inches of moisture was mea nesday. September 20th, has been sured at the U. 8. Reclamation of postponed. The new date will be an nounced later. fices. This is the heaviest rainfall since Thursday Quotations March of 1938 and more than has By Wiley Clowers fallen in all of the months since Reflecting the upward trend of February of this year. Coming so nearly at the close of food prices butter and eggs have the Irrigation season, many farm advanced with prices on eggs not ers have found th a t they now do given by the buyers. Following are the market prices not need any additional Irrigation and have ordered the water turned as given by Wiley Clowers: Butter, Grade A ..... ................ .39 off. The reduction in second feet of Butter. Grade B ....... ............. ..... n Trade in on Eggs ------------- ---- 33 water per day is now 281.