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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1939 -•so. - THE M ODERN W O M AN - R e c ip e s mmm Three Oregon Girls Become Nurse-Stewardesses for U. P. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Claude Willson en tertained Mr. and Mrs A II. Will- son and H. F. Brown at dinner on Monday. By MARY A. JAMISON 5 LUNCHEON GUESTS Mrs. Willard Jackson entertained at luncheon for her mother, Mrs. A The roots of the Peony are very Busecruz, Mrs. Emma Quinby and LADIES AID fragile when first unearthed and The Ladies Aid of the Metho Mrs. Herbert Fisher on Tuesday. should be allowed to stand for sev dist church met in the church base- W. Schroeder E. Rawson * L. Leavitt eral hours. Wilting makes the roots meent on Thursday with Mrs. A. V. BIRTHDAY DINNER Among 20 additional young Hospital school of nursing. She Pruyn and Mrs. Melvin Davidson as Mrs. Chas. Newbill of Kingman | women assigned to Union Pacific is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. softer and easier to handle. Shake hostesses. Following the regular Kolony entertained on Wednesday railroad registered nurse-stew Charles S. Leavitt of Vale. as much dirt as possible then business meeting tea was served by last at a dinner party compliment- | ardess service on streamline, Miss Schroeder was born at off the rest by swishing the ing the birthday anniversaries of I Challenger and limited trains LaGrande, graduated at the remove the hostesses. up and down in a tub of water. The next meeting will be at Mrs. her husband and son DonaULOther since the first of the year 0regon Pasadena, Cal., Hospital school A roots knife with a short sharp blade will S. D. Goshert’s home with Mrs. H. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles is represented by three They of nursing and Pasadena Junior serve nicely to cut and work the Garrison and Miss Vera Garrison of ^ are ^ Mary Ellen 4va„ auil 4U4r D. Holmes co-hostess. Rawson, Port- College. She is the daughter of apart. Nyssa and Beth and Joel Mitchell. ¡“a ' d .' ‘ lois *EUne Leavitt! Vaie, Ben W. Schroeder, of LaGrande. roots The Peony is fairly free from — and Wilma Schroeder, LaGrande. Each nurse must have had one disease. WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE FRIDAY VISITORS to bloom may not Miss Rawson was born at The year’s practice of her profession, be due to Failure Mrs. Whitaker entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Garrison and Dalles, disease but rather to phy graduated from Parkdale be a member of the American ladies of the Wednesday evening conditions. Roots planted too bridge club at her home on l a s t Lenny of Jamieson and their high school and Emanuel Hospi Nurses’ association and had a sical deeply, excessive amounts of water, tal school of nursing at Portland. thorough training in her requir Wednesday and invited Mrs. Dean S“est Mlss Ethel Martin of Salem She resides at Portland. Miss ed duties before being assigned and planting close to trees where Smith. Mrs. Oroer Atkinson and! were dinner guests at the parental Leavitt was born at Vale, grad to regular duty as a Union the tree roots absorb large quan Mrs. Carl Coad as guest players. Charles Garrison home. of the soil moisture are points uated from the Vale high school Pacific registered nurse stew tities Prizes were won by Mrs. Coad. J § to be quarded against. ardess. — Union Pacific Railroad Phofo* and Tacoma, Wash., General Mrs. Leslie McClure and Mrs. Car MARRIED IN BOISE Fungus infection such as botrytis On Saturday Miss Eunice Coch los Buchner. blight may set in. The buds only ran became the bride of Charles Mc OFFICIALS ENTERTAINED SHEAV1LLE may become black and dry. or the Clure of Caldwell at a quiet service Mrs. Frank Morgan entertained whole plant may be affected. This the visiting officials of the Oregon (Too late for last week) in Boise. blight is reproduced by spores, which Following their marriage they left State garden club at luncheon on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haylett enter are easily recognized by the velvety N O W for a short stay in Twin Falls. They Wednesday. tained at dinner Sunday for their splotches on the infected area. Rain are now at home to their friends in Her guests included State Presi fathers and Freddie Jr’s birthday. wind and ants help to spiead the dent, Mrs. U. G. Smith, Regional Those present were Mr. and Mrs.. spores. Since the spores can live Caldwell. vice-president, Mrs. H. O. Mans F. Coblskey, Faye and Frances, over winter it is well to cut the W est’s Leading EASTERN STAR INITIATES field and Mrs. R. E. Beam press C. and Jean Cobiskey, Mr. plant back to the soil line and burn for Eastern Oregon Charles Casper. Carl Dean and Mr. and the infected branches. If the en Special initiation ceremonies were correspondent B E A U T Y SCHOOL held of Free Water and Mrs. H. E. Wal- by the members of the Eastern ther of the Dalles, chairman of the Mrs. D. H. Haylett. tire plant is diseased better dig it Stars in the Masonic hall on Friday Garden up and burn it. replacing the soil Afternoon visitors were Mr. and committtee. evening at which time Mrs. Walter In the center with Mrs. Leslie Falen and children. Roy Special Tuition evening there was a lawn Phipps and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ytur- spores. new soil free from fungus Marshall was taken into the order. buffett supper at the E. R. Jamison The work of initiation was under When Peonies are grown com in Buena Vista and a special raspe. Send for FREE catalog the leadership of Worthy Matron, home Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Falen returned meeting of the local garden club Miss Eva Boydell, and the enter held In their honor. Monday from Corvalis, where they and refreshment service attended the State grange conven EX-CEL-CIS tainment following was provided by Mrs. TO WED ON SUNDAY tion. Douglas MacDonald and her com Several families from Cow creek On Sunday at a noon wedding in !¿D£.autu ¿òchoot mittee. attended the dance at Succor creek Payette Miss Elizabeth Nein daugh MAI L COUP ON NOW 8 Saturday night. ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Con- Excelcis Beauty School. THURSDAY BRIDGE Nein will become the bride of Harry Endicott, assistant county 113-115 So. 9th St. The Thursday bridge club was en rod Henry Werner' Peutz, son of Mr. agent gave a weed demonstration Boise, Idaho tertained by Mrs. John Stafford last and after grange Friday night and a Mrs. William Peutz. week and Mrs. George Sallee and Please send free catalog. very discussion was held. The Wedding was to have taken Warrent Blodgett were Invited place two weeks ago but was post Mrs. interesting D. H. Haylett and Mrs. Letha Name ........................................ Mrs. to play with the members. Falen won the prize for naming poned when the bridegroom's broth Address ............................... Prizes were won by Mrs. Blodgett. er was suddenly taken ill. weeds. Mrs. Ike Brown and Mrs. Ernest City State The grange dance Saturday night McClure. was well attended and a good time Oil Business Trip— M. W. Cheeley motored to Glenns ! reported. The grande ladies purchased a Ferry on business Tuesday. new oil stove, new chairs and song books for the grange last week. Graduates Entertained— The grange H. E. C. will meet Following their annual custom with because they’re Mrs. D. H. and Fred Haylett for the past eight years the young members of the J. A. A. C. enter Saturday, July 1. tained at a banquet and dance for Mr Haylett and son Fred pur 29 Japanese children who graduat chased a new tractor last week And Cleaner— Because ed from high and grammar schools Fred is cutting hay on the McIn last year in the various schools tyre ranch. Ihev’ve been Cleaned this Mr. and Mrs. Jess Yturraspe of of this area. at the About 175 were present. Principle Jordan Valley attended the grange speaker of the evening was John dance Saturday night. WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL Walsh, superintendent of public Born to Mr. and Mrs. Max Lad- II \Y MONDAY AND TUESDAY. school at Nampa. Many special num iges at the Caldwell sanitarium, I'LY 3 AND 4. SO GET YOUR bers of vocal and Instrumental mus Friday a daughter. THINGS IN EARLY! ic and dance numbers were given Mr. and Mrs. John Baltzor are during intermissions at both dance working at the Carter ranch. and banquet. The Corlett Mining Co., of Port NYSSA TAB OR Honored guests were also present land came in last week and began from Baker, Pocatllo and Twin preparations for dredging on their SHOP Falls. claims on Soda creek. DINNER GUESTS Mrs Frank Morgan entertained at an informal dinner on Tuesday complimenting her house guests Mr and Mrs. Jack Mercer and her son Ted. Miss Virginia Miller of Big Bend was the only other guest out side the family. Your Garden - - - Society mercially the firm buds with long stems are cut early in the morning while the dew is still on and stood for several hours in tubs of cold water. A dark room or a cool dark basement is ideal for packing peon ies. They are then placed in long shallow, waxed paper lined boxes and placed in cold storage. When taken from storage the buds are placed in water—slightly warm if the blossoms are wanted soon. Stor age is used quite extensively in early districts and for the early blooming varieties. Peonies are not only lovely when in full bloom but they are ideal for a mixed border and for hedges. They combine well with iris and since early August is the ideal time to transplant or divide these two popular plants let’s plan now to have a bed or a border of them and enjoy a galaxy of blossoms from mid-May to mid-July. There are several types of iris, such as Japanese. Siberian. Bearded of German. As with most plants which attract the attention of hy bridizers you will find varieties sell ing from 25c to $25. The costly ones are brand new and there is barely sufficient stock to meet the demand of even the fanciers who want them as soon as they are introduced. It takes years to grow a new variety from seed, and more years to build up a stock after it has been proven; so unless your pocketbook is ample or your enthusiasm excessive, stick to the older varieties—they’re all Insure In worthwhile. Iris like a well-drained medium heavy soil, if anything on the alka line side. Manure, or any other plant food that creates acid should be used with caution. When buying divisions, or rhiz omes, remember the larger and sturdier they are the better. Plant the divisions two thirds un derneath soil should be wet and firmed down ahead of time to pre vent sinking after planting. If planted 18 inches apart, division will not be necessary for several years. Do not allow other plants to shade your iris, for the rhizomes do best in ample air and sunshine. With several fanciers close by we should avail ourselves of the oppor tunity and visit their gardens. Visits From Wisconsin— Kent Morgan of Oakfleld, Wis., arrived last week for an extended visit with his brother, Frank Mor gan. House Guests— Mrs. John Edholm of Gooding and daughter. Mrs. Edna Hendry of Los Angeles spent Tuesday and Wednesday with their daughter and sister, Mrs. A. C. Sallee. In Gooding— Helen Sallee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee is spending a few days in Goding with relatives. Sure Insurance Harvest worries are over when you have your crops protected in SURE INSURANCE. See us about you hay and grain insurance. FRANK T. MORGAN Phone 97 Nyssa, Oregon - Cooler Cleaner! Phone 74 Delivery Service Have You Checked the Ads Today? Who is advertising a complete interior car cleaning for only 75 cents? Who is offering amazing values in canning utensils? Who is offering a new type ice cream at .‘15 cents a quart? Who is selling the latest in sports suits, The Jitter bug, for $1.98 complete? Who has a long list of groceries at bar gain Prices? Who is selling ladies sandals, that usually sell for, $2.50 for only $1? Get the ad-reading habit. You’ll make many a saving if you do. Don’t put it off—turn to the Nyssa Journal advertisements now! The Nyssa Gate City Journal Phone 19 2-PIECE JITTERBUG SUITS a, *1.98 ^ Others at $2.98 Sizes 12 to 20 Smart, washable snlts for the week-ends, va cation. In a wide var iety of materials and colors, or combination of colors. Get before they’re gone! SHOP EARLY! WE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 3 and 4 A T K E S O N ’S S T O R E |* MEN’S AND LADIES’ WEARING APPAREL Third and Main Streets Nyssa VALE J U L Y 2-3-4 RODEO: Bucking Contest Bulldogging Calf Roping Cowboy Racing Horse Pulling, July 2 Horseshoe Pitching, July 2 ED & TILLY BOWMAN Riding Acts from Hollywood HAMMOND ESKIMOS Educated Dog Teams Clowning Midget Mules BASEBALL: Vale vs. Huston, July 2 Nyssa vs. Weiser, July 3 Winners, July 4 BIG PARADE, JULY 4 Water Fights Free Barbeque, July 4 Band Concerts Shady Park Fireworks Display, July 4 DOWIS BROS. CARNIVAL DANCING & MONTE CARLO EVERY NIGHT STARTING SATURDAY