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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1939)
NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U RNAL, TH U RSD AY, JUNE 1, 1939 T h e Gate City Journal D reg PER I A T I 0 N P ubli sh IV IN IF K LD I.O LTS P BROWN THOMAS - - - - Own« . - - - Editor and Publisher THOM AS INDEPENDENT IN PO LITIC S AND R ELIGION. O P T IM IS T IC IN D ISPOSITION W ITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP M ALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION KATES *1.50 One Year $100 Six Months ............ OS Simile Copies (Strictly in Advancei AD VE R TISIN G KATES Open rate, per inch .. 30c National. Per Inch 30c Classifieds. Per word ... 01c Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission through the United States Moils, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879 NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL’S PROGRAM -------- + -------- Co-operative Marketing Association for Malheur Farmers A Properly Equipped Trailer Camp A City Park A Comprehensive Street Improvement Plan IN W H IC H W E GET OUR EARS PINNED BACK -A N D DO SOME PINNING OURSELVES IT H IN the last week we received a letter from Joshua Bernhardt, head of the sugar section of the Department of Agriculture in which he encloses a "Statement Concerning 1939 Beet Sugar Marketing Allotments,” and which he states "w ill indicate to you that the processors in your area have received their fair share of beet sugar quota for this year.” Dr. Bernhardt evidently doesn’t like the idea of individuals taking up the fight for the protec tion of the American farmer’s market when to do so one has to mention a specific company. His “ statement” says that “ many of the tele grams received mention the Amalgamated Sugar company” and then goes on to say that the company did not market all of the sugar pro duced in 1938. W ell there was good reason why it was not marketed— there has been in the last year a constantly lowering of prices and the company, which in fact is the marketing agency for tne grower, was looking for a better market. Back of this whole cock-eyed idea of limiting the American farmers market, is the reciprocal trade agreements. As an example we borrow a few remarks from “ The Sugar Beet” a magazine published quarteily by the Amaglamated Sugar Co. “ President Roosevelt stated that to re duce the Cuban quota on sugar and give it to the American farmers would seriously jeopardize the big improvement made in our export trade with that country. Figures compiled by the U. S. Department of Commerce show, however, that since the reciprocal trade agreement has been in effect with Cuba, the United States concessions to Cuba, including sugar, have amounted to $178,453,000 while Cuban concessions to the United States have only amounted to $23,668,- 000 or a net concession to Cuba of $154,785,000 by the American taxpayers.” That “ net” concession to Cuba of $154,785,- 000 is more than the gross value of the sugar produced in the entire continent of the United States! The gross value o f sugar produced in the continental United States is about $150,000,- 000— and we are willing to bet a plugged nickle that our hotshots in Washington would be wail ing to high heaven if the American sugar grower put his labor on the same rate o f pay as that of the the Cuban, whose average wage scale is 75 cents a d ay! But these high minded zealots with a tempor ary (w e hope) residence in Washington are not singling out the sugar beet farmer but our beef livestock raisers as well. President Roosevelt took particular pains just recently, to castigate the American manufacturers o f corned beef for charging exorbitant prices to the Navy for the famous “ corned W illy “ saying that the Argen tine product was not only cheaper hut was in fact superior to that produced in the United States. Well, having been in Uncle Sams ser vice for about sixteen years we claim to know something of the taste o f coined beef and as far as we are concerned that produced in the United States is the tops. O f course, tastes dif fer There is one thing fundamentally wrong with all of these crack-pot trade agreements ami it bobs up in this one over feeding the Navy Argentine corned beef that is the difference in the wages that are paid to the laborers used in it’s production. Roosevelt was much put out be cause the Navy was asked to pay the American canners 24 cents per pound as against 15 cents asked by our “ good neighbors” in the south, but he fails to show any qualms about the fact that the American canners have to pay their labor 68.8 cents per hour while those in the Argentine W receive 12 cents an hour— just the small differ ence of 575 per cent in the w’ages »aid to labor! And on top o f this difference of labor wages, the American canner must follow certain speci fications which are contained in a document entitled "Federal Standard Stock Catalog PP-B- 201" which goes on to regulate just how and what shall go into a can o f corned beef as for example “ D-l. Unless specifically otherwise stated in the invitation for bids, the subject com modity shall be prepared only in a plant which is regularly operated UNDER TH E SUPERVIS ION of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Depart ment of Agriculture, and shall be inspected, passed, and marked in accordance with regula tions governing meat inspection of the United States Department of Agriculture, “ United States inspected and passed by Department of Agriculture” or the proper abbreviation thereof.” We wonder how many o f the fair haired boys from the Department of Agriculture are down in the land of the vaqueros, telling the Argen tine packers how the corned beef will be packed, and how much they will pay the laborers work ing in the packing plant? But getting back to the sugar situation, the amendment to the sugar act which would give to the American sugar beet grower better tnan th fifty per cent of the American sugar market, is still in the House committee and our congress man from this district laments that “ it is hope less, we cannot bring it out on the floor” — we do not expect our representatives to do the im possible— but why take a defeatist attitude? Why not get those great “ servants of the pee- pul” to bring it out on the floor where it belongs. W e need more than figureheads in Washington if the American farmer is to get his rightful share of the American market. A C IT Y ZO NING SYSTEM m mint Ministers or others interested in church publicity are Invited to use the columns ol the Journal to carry important messages and notices to their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday ol each week. M ETH O D IST COM M UNITY F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST CHURCH SC IEN TIST Floyd E. White, Pastor 215 North 9th Street. Payette, Idaho A. B. Hahn, Sunday school supt. A branch ol the Mother Church, Sunday schol 10 a. m. Lesson sub the First Church o l Christ, Scient ject: A Good L ile s Defense. is t , In Boston, Massachusetts. Morning worship 11:15 with Dr. Prank Mathis as speaker. Subject: God the only cause and Epworth league 7 p. m. Junior league 7 p. m. creator. Golden Text: Psalms 93:1. The Evening worship 8. Dr. Mathis Lord reigneth. he is clothed with will "fonduct services each evening majesty the Lord is clothed with until June 11. Come and join us in strength, wherewith he hath girded these meetings. You will enjoy himself: the world also is stablished. them. and it cannot be moved. The Wednesday evening meeting, at which time testimonials of Christ ian healing and remarks on Christ ian Science are given, is held at eight o'clock. The Reading Room is located in the Church Building, where the Bible and authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, bor rowed or purchased, and is open every day from two to four p. m„ ex cept Sunday and holidays. The public is cordially invited to attend our services and make use of the Reading Room. L. D. S. CHURCH 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:30 a. m. Priesthood meeting. 8:00 p. m. Evening services. 2:00 p. m. Tuesday, relief society j meeting. 2:00 p. m. Saturday, primary J children’s meeting. ASSEM BLY OF GOD GOSPEL TABERNACLE Three blocks South of Main on First street. Ernest C. Knull, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Classes for all ages. Mrs. Gene Honey, superintendent. Morning worship at 11:15 a. m. Young peoples meeting at 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic meeting at 8:15 p. m. Everyone welcome. K IN G M A N C O M M UNITY CHURCH Ernest Tetwiler, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. M. F. Nichols, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Evening worship 8:30 p. m. Everyone welcome. Tract No. 487-A, description N I» SWW S W ’ i . sec. 15, twp. 31, rge. 41. price *10.00. Tract No. 488-A, description NW NWW, sec 14, twp 15. rge. 42, puce *50.00. Tract No. 489-A, description S ’ » SEW, SEW 3 W 'i, sec. 23. twp. 1„, rge. 42, price *60.00. Tract No. 490-A, description SW W N W 'i. sec. 25, twp. 15, rge. 42, SEW NE**, sec. 26, twp 15, rge. 42, A ll West and South of Orchard's Water Canal In the SWW NEW less Cemetery, sec. 26, twp. 15, rge 42, price *50.00. Tract No. 491-A, description N W SEW, SWW SWW, sec. 23, twp. la, rge. 42; SW SW, WW NWW SWW, sec. 25, twp. 15, rge. 42; All sec. 36, twp. 15, rge. 42, price *470.00. Tract No. 492-A, description SW NWW. sec. 13, twp. 16, rge. 42; SWW, WW SEW, SW NEW, sec. 14, twp. 16, rge. 42; NWW, WW NEW, sec. 23, twp. 16, rge. 42, price *320 00 Tract No. 493-A, description All sec. 5, twp. 31, rge. 42; All sec. 7, twp. 31, rge. 42; All sec. 19, twp. 30, rge. 42; All sec. 31, twp. 30, rge. 42. price $640.00. Tract No. 494-A, description EW, EW WW, sec. 31, twp. 30, rge. 43, price $240.00. Tract No. 495-A, description SEW NEW, sec. 25, twp. 17, rge. 44, price $40.00. Tract No. 496-A, description SW SW, sec. 35, twp. 17, rge. 44, price $160.00. Tract No. 497-A, description EW NWW, lot 1. EW lot 2, sec. 7, twp. 18. rge. 44; NWW of lot 2, sec. 7, twp. 18, rge. 44; NW SWW of lot 2, NEW SWW, sec. 7, twp. 18, rge 44, price $55.25. Tract No. 498-A, description A ll lying North and West of County Road in NEW SEW. sec. 3. twp. 19, rge. 44. price $10.00. Tract No. 499-A, description All South and West of Malheur River in NEW SWW. sec. 6. twp. 19, rge. 44. price $10.00. Tract No. 500-A, description SW SW SWW, sec. 25, twp. 30, rge. 40; 1.8 Acres South of Antelope L a t eral in NW SW SWW, sec. 25, twp. 30, rge. 44; Land lying South of Antelope Unit in SEW, sec. 27. twp. 30, rge. 44; SWW. sec. 27, twp. 30, rge. 44; NW NW, sec. 35. twp. 30. rge. 44; NW NWW, sec. 36, twp. 30, rge. 44, price $120.00. Tract No. 501-A, description NWW NWW, sec. 15, twp. 18, rge. 45. price $20.00. Tract No. 502-A, description Strip of land North of Canal in SEW SEW, sec. 21, twp. 18. rge. 45. price $10.00. Tract No. 503-A, description SW SEW, SEW SWW, NWW SEW, sec. 28. twp. 29. rge. 45, price $80.00 Tract No. 504-A, description All South and East of Jordan Creek in NEW and in SEW NWW, sec. 19, twp. 30, rge. 45; SEW less 3 Acres more or less West of An telope Unit, sec. 19, twp. 30, rge. 45, price $60.00. Tract No. 505-A, description NEW SEW. sec. 1, twp. 18, rge. 46, price CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Vern W. Martin, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. ST. PAUL'S EPISCO PAL CHURCH Morning worship at 11 a. m. Rev. Stanley Moore, Pastor Message by the pastor. Church and Sunday School at Young peoples service 7:15 p. m. 9:30 Sunday. Evangelistic service begins at 8 Communion the second Sunday ol p. m. the month. Everyone invited to come. Guild meets second Wednesday of Tuesday noon, prayer and lasting each month at 2:30 p. m. service at the parsonage. The Reverend Stanley Moore has Wednesday evening prayer meet announced that he will close the ing, 8 p. m. $20.00 Nyssa and Ontario services for this Every second Thursday the For Tract No. 506-A, description North coming Sunday. June 4, to afford eign Missionary society hold theit 15 Acres of SEW NWW, sec. 12, twp. 21, rge. 46, price $15.00. opportunity for the members of the monthly meeting. Tract No. 507-A, description NEW two parishes to attend a joint dedi Mrs. F. A. Powell president. SEW, Lot 7, Lot 8, sec. 13, twp. 21, cation service to be held in Holy These services will be held in the rge. 46. price $60.00. Trinity Mission in Vale, at 11 a. m. old theatre building. Tract No. 508-A, description EW NEW SWW. sec. 20. twp 17, rge The Right Reverend William P. 47, price $20.00. Remington, Episcopal Bishop of SUNSET V ALLE Y CHURCH Tract No. 509-A, description NWW Eastern Oregon will conduct the Preaching service 10 a. m. NWW, NEW SWW NWW, sec. 5, twp. 18, rge. 47; EW NEW, sec. 6, services which will dedicate an Rev. Matthews, evangelist will be twp. 18, rge 47, price $65.00. alter, given by Mr. C. C. Mueller in the speaker. Tract No. 510-A. description NEW memory of his departed wife Special number In song will be N W W , sec. 5, twp, 18, rge.. 47, Ophelia. At this same service two rendered. price $20.00. Tract No. 511-A, description NEW eucharistic candle sticks, given by a All are urged to attend these ser SWW, NW SEW SWW, sec. 6. friend of Mrs Mueller in her mem vices. twp. 18, rge. 47, price $60.00. ory will also be dedicated. Sunday school will be held im Tract No. 512-A. description SW NW NWW SWW, SW NWW S W 'i. Services will also be held for the mediately following morning wor sec. 6, twp. 18, rge 47; NW S W 1, late Bishop Robert Paddock, who ship. SWW. sec. 6. twp. 18, rge. 47; SW passed away in New York City, May Everyone welcome SWW SWW less West 7W Acres, 17. Bishop Paddock preceded Bishop sec. 6. twp. 18. rge. 47, price $60.00. Tract No. 513-A, description Lots Remington as Bishop of Eastern NYSSA GOSPEL TABERNACLE 1, 2, 3 and 4. Block 79 Green's Ad Oregon. Wm. K. Hoag. Pastor dition to City of Nyssa. price Members of the Nyssa Parish who $40.00 Sunday school 10 a. m. Tract No. 514-A, description Lois plan on attending the Vale services, Devotional service 11 a. m. 6, 7, 8 and 9. Block 75 Green's Ad are asked to notify Mrs. J. J. Sara- Evangelistic service 8 p. m. dition to City of Nyssa, price zin, and particularly if they can $30.00 Bible reading Tuesday evening. furnish transportation to others Midweek prayer and worship Tract No. 515-A, description Lots 4 and 5, Block 65 Green's Addition going to Vale. Thursday evening. to City of Nyssa, price $30.00. It is planned tor all members to All are welcome to our services. Tract No. 516-A, description Lots meet at the St. Paul Parish hall in 17 and 18. Block 147 Ward's A d dition to City o f Nyssa, price time to leave by 10:15 a. m. PAR M A LUTHERAN CHURCH $75.00. A. A. Schmidt, Pastor Tract No. 517-A, description Lots 6. Day in Payette— Drainage District is the owner a n d , 7 and 8. Block 78 Original Town- K IN G M AN K O LO N Y L.D.S. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school for all. Mr. and Mrs Harold Bayer and holder of Certificates ol Delinquency site of Ontario, price $30.00. numbered 7981. 7982. 7983. 7984 and SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:30 a. m. Divine services daughter spent Tuesday visiting in 7985. Tract No. 518-A, description Lots 19 issued on the 13th day ol August "A changeless Christ for a chang Meets in Kingman Kolony school Payette. and 20. Block 82 Original Town- 1938, by the Tax Collector of the site o f Ontario, price $100.00. ing world.” County of Malheur, State of Ore house Sunday at 1:00 p. m. Tract No. 519-A. description The gon. tor the total amount of Three leaves for Dillon— South 10 ft. of Lot 9 and All Lot Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty- 10, Block 205 Original Townsite A. L. Atkeson and daughter re eight and 29/100 Dollars ($3938129) named defendants and each and period not exceeding 5 years; and of Ontario, price $15.00. thereof and also foreclosing all tracts priced at more than turned to Dillon. Mont.. Sunday a ft the same being the amount then every due and delinquent for drainage the liens against the property above $500.00 for cash or for not less than Tract No. 520-A, description Lots 11. er spending the past ten days with district assessments for the years described and mentioned in said Cer 2 0 cash, and the remainder to be 12, 13. 14 and 15. Block 250 O ri ginal Townsite of Ontario, price 1936 ___ and _____ 1937 _ tificates of Delinquency, Mrs. Atkeson and Elizabeth and 1932 1933-34. 1935. ___ _ . . . . . and . id quiet- paid under written agreement with $50.00. the purchaser in equal installments together with interest and costs ing the title thereto in the plaintiff attending to business matters. No 521-A, description Lots thereon accrued and accruing, upon against each and every one of the over a period not exceeding ten Tract real property assessed to Fred J above named defendants. And you years; all deferred payments to 16 and 17. Block 291 Original Kiesel Estate, of the above named and each of you hereby are sum- draw interest at the rate of 6% per Townsite of Ontario, price $10 00 defendants. the owner of record, moned to appear within 60 days aft- annum, payable annually; all sales Tract No. 522-A, description Lots 1 to 10, incl.. Block 314, Lots 1. 2 situated In said County and State. | ed the first publication of this sum- and agreements to be subject to all described as: and 3, Block 315 Original Town- mons. exclusive of the day of first terms and conditions of Sec. 69-813. site of Ontario, price $65 00. publication, and defend this action Oregon Code, and Chap 402, Laws The East half of East half of or pay the amount due as shown o f 1937; all lands within the bound- Tract No. 523-A. description Lots Southwest quarter of Southeast above, together with attorney’s fee aries of Irrigation or Drainage Dis 13 to 19. Incl.. Block 1 Riverside quarter (EWEWSWWSEW), the Addition to Ontario, price $35.00. South half of Northeast quarter [ and costs incurred, and in case of tricts to be sold subject to any valid your failure so to do. decree will be assessments made or to be made by Tract No. 524-A, description Lots 7, List of Legal Adver (SW NEW ), the South half of 8 and 9, Block 12 Riverside Addi North half of Northeast quar ' rendered foreclosing all of your said District since the date said tisements in this is claim and interest in and to said lands were acquired by the County tion to Ontario, price $15.00. ter (8WNWNEW). the North property and also foreclosing the and all lands within the boundaries Tract No. 525-A, description Lot 29. east quarter of Northwest quar sue, as required by of the Warmsprings Irrigation Dls- lien of said certificates of delin Block 2 Terrace Heights Addition ter of Northeast quarter (NEW - vhich have been classified as quency and the said attorney's fee trict which to Ontario, price $15.00. Law. NW W NEW ). the Northwest quar in classes 5 and 6. and as to which and costs incurred against the land '“ ** * Tract No. 526-A, description Lots ter of Northeast quarter of 49 and 50. Block 2 Terrace and premises above named and des said County has heretofore by reso Northeast quarter < NWW NEW - cribed. and quieting title against lution dated September 3rd, 1930. Heights Addition to Ontario N E 1» ) and South half of North said | authorized a transfer to said dis price $10.00. you and each of you as to east quarter of Northeast quar SI MMONS FOR PU B LIC ATIO N trict of the water rights appurten property above described Tract No. 527-A. description Lots ter of Northeast quarter (8W - IN THE C IR C U IT COURT OF 38 to 42, incl.. Block 5 Terrace NEWNEWNEW). ail of Section 1711$ summons is published by ant to said lands or to be sold with THE STATE OF OREGON FOR out water right. Heights Addition to Ontario, 17, Township 19 South of Range order of the Honorable Charles W MALHEUR COUNTY. Said lands numbered as to tracts price $50 00. 47 E. W. M.; The East half of Ellis. Circuit Court Judge, made this Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District, a and with the minimum prices set Tract No. 528-A, description Lots 7 East half (EWEW) of Section j 24th day of May. 1939 Quu ast-Muntcipal C o r p o r a t i o n , opposite each tract or as follows, and 8. Block 4 Original Townsite eight (8) Township 19 South of aintlff Piai C AR L H. COAD. to-w it: of Vale, price $10 00. Range 47 E W M.; T h e East vs. Attorney for Plaintiff Residence J _ _ _ _ Tract No. 529-A. description Lot 21. hall of Southeast quarter (EW- Tri-State Investment Company, a and Post-office Address: Nyssa. No- description. N .» Block 5 Hadley's 2nd. Addition to SE'»>. and the Southeast quar SW. sec. 29. twp. 20. rge. 39; EW corporation; Ogden Trust and De Oregon Vale, price $10.00 ter of Northeast quarter >SE‘ ,- SEW. SWW SEW. sec. M. twp. 20. velopment Company, a corpora Pirst publication May 25. 1939 rge 39; NW NEW. SEW NEW Tract No. 530-A, description Lots 5 NEW>. all of Section 5. Town tion; Fred W Kiesel and Jane B Last publication. Juñe 22. 1939 WW NWW. sec 31. twp 20. rge. | and 6. Block 17 Eldredge Addition Kiesel. his wife; Wilhelmlne Paul- I ship 19 South of Range 47 E W - 1 39. price $120 00 to Vale, price $20 00. M ; all that portion of the West me Kiesel Shearman and W H NOTICE OF SALE OF C O I N T Y , Tract No 481-A. description SEW Tract No. 531-A description Lots T half of West half (WWWW> of Shearman, her husband; Fred J. OWNED LANDS and 8. Block 17 Eldredge Addition Section 4. Township 19 South of NWW. EW SWW. SWW SWW. Kiesel Estate, a co-partnership; Pursuant to an order of the Range 47 E W M lying West sec. 2. twp 17. rge 40: NEW NEW. I to Vale, price $20 00. W A Bishop and Vera Bishop, Tract No. 532-A. description LoLv County Court of Malheur County. of the right of way of the Ore SW NEW . sec. 10, twp. 17. rge. 40; i his wife; and also ail other per Oregon, dated the 22nd day of April. NW *. NWW. sec 11. twp. 17, rge ! 26. 27 and 28. Block 11 Hope A d sons or person unknown claiming ] gon Short Line Railroad there dition to Vale, price $15.00. 1939. I will on the 3rd day of June. 40. price $80 00 any right, title or interest in and j on; and all that portion of the 1939 at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. Tract No 482-A. description SEW Tract No. 533-A. description Lot 8 to the real property, described in ! West half of Northwest quarter M . at the front door of the County W W NW W », of the Northwest SEW. sec. 26, twp. 30. rge. 40. i Block 12 Hope Addition to Vale, the application on file herein. De price $5 00. quarter of Southwest quarter Court House at Vale. Oregon, offer price $10 00. fendants. i N W ' i S W 1 » ) . and of the South for sale the tracts of land herein Tract No 483-A. description WW ! Tract No. 534-A. description Lot 14. To Ogden Trust and Develop- i Block 32 Hope-Holland Addition after described and numbered for SEW. sec. 13. twp 13. rge 41; WW nient Company, a corporation; Fred I west quarter of Southwest quar to Vale, price $5.00 ter <SWW8WW> of Section 9. not less than the prices fixed by EW EW SEW. sec. 24. twp. 13. rge W Kiesel: Jane B Kiesel; W ilhel Township 19. South of Range Tract No. 535-A. description Lots 1 said Court with the proportionate 41. price $80 00 mine Pauline Kiesel Shearman; W 47 E. W M lving West of the and 2. Block 1 Nelsen s Addition cost of publication added thereto Tract No 484-A description WW H Shearman; Fred J. Kiesel Estate, to Vale, price $20.00. right of way of the Oregon NEW. EW N W '.. sec 35. twp. 18. a co-partnership: W A. Bishop: Said lands will be offered for sale ¡T ract No 536-A. description Lots 1 rge 41. price $40 00 Vera Bishop: and also all other per- i Short Line Railroad Company to the highest bidder for cash: or thereon sons or person unknown claiming all tracts priced at $200 00 or less to Tract No 485-A. description WW I and 6. Block 16 Northwest Town- site Addition to Vale, price $10 00. SEW. sec 36. twp. 19. rge. 41. any right, title or interest in and to Said defendants and each of them the highest bidder for cash, and all Tract No 537-A. description Lots 1. the real property described In the hereby are notified further that the tracts priced at more than $20000 | price $50 00 2 and 5. Block 17. AH Block 18 application on (lie herein, of the Nvssa-Arcadia Drainage District and not more than $500 00 for cash Tract No 486-A. description SEW •Northwest Townsite Addition to sec 17. twp. 21, rge 41; WW SEW. above name defendants: will apply to the Circuit Court of or for not less than 20% cash and Vale, price $20 00 IN THE NAM E OF TH E STATT the County and State aforesaid for the remainder to be paid under NEW SEW. SEW NE*., sec. 32 twp. 21. rge 41; WW. sec 21. twp. O F OREGON: You hereby are a decree and judgment foreclosing written agreement with the pur- C. W GLENN notified that the Nyssa-Arcadia I all claims and interest of the above : chaser in equal installments over a I 20. rge 42. price $160 00 Sheriff. Malheur County .Oregon. EC EN TLY a questionaire was mailed out in Gooding in which, among other things, was framed several questions in regard to estab lishing a zoning system in this community. Early returns have indicated that there is considerable interest in establishing such a set-up here. Larger cities have zoning regulations and it is necessary that they should, and numerous com munities of comparative size to Gooding have found it advisable to follow a similar plan. Zoning is a question involving the future wel fare of any town of this size. It is a question in which every property owner should be vitally interested . . . not only in protecting the value of residences in any particular section, but in con trolling and regulating the appearance o f newer residential sections. It seems only fair that if a property owner should choose to build a $6,000 residence in a particular district, he would have the satisfac tion of knowing that the city would forbid the construction of a $200 building on the adjoining lot. Not that the small builder should be penal ized . . . the zoning need not be so stringent as to make the building of small home prohibitive, but it would provide a means of regulations. Comprehensive zoning in cities of this size will work only where the citizens appreciate its value and are willing to sacrifice something for the common good of a better community in which to live— no zoning proposal can with stand the pressure of antagonistic public opinion.— The Gooding Independent. R t / T V * t Legal Advertising <