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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1939)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1939 S T A T E C A P IT O L N E W S A. L. LINDBECK State Capitol News Bureau WASHINGTON NATIONAL GUARD TO VISIT NYSSA SALEM—A 'foreign" army will invade Oregon next month. A whole infantry regiment of the Washing ton national guard is scheduled to visit Camp Clatsop June 16 and 17 according to word received by Ma jor General George A. White. The visit will not be entirely a social call but will be resorted to in order to give the guardsmen training in motor movement and field bivouac. TO PREPARE CAMP FOR TROOPS The first detachmen of the Ore gon national guard will move into Camp Clatsop next week. This will be the camp supply detail under command of Lieutenant Colonel Raymond F. Olson which will ar range for the supply and subsist ence of the Oregon troops during their 15 days stay in camp. QUICKSILVER DISCOVERED Discovery of the presence of quicksilver in paying quantities on a small tract of state land in Douglas county was announced this week by Lewis Griffith, clerk of the state land board. The small tract ad joins one on which a clnibar mine has been operating at a handsome profit for several years. PAROLE BOARD CONSIDERING DIRECTOR Selection of the new state parole director is expected following a meeting of the parole board at Salem Thursday of this week. The board met at the home of Paul R. Kelty, board chairman, at Lafayette last week to consider a number of applications for this post. A deputy parole officer and four field men are also to be employed by the new organization which will occupy •quarters in the capitol building. MORE CAPITOL LANDSCAPING Word of beautifying the sunken garden which forms the center piece in the landscaping on the capitol site is to be started soon. The state will spend approximately $6000 on shrubs and plants for the garden, all the work on which will be supplied by the Works Progress administration. DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W NYSSA LIBRARY OPEN SATURDAY 2:30 to 7:30 ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian......Mrs. S. B. Davis CITY TRANSFER TRANSFERRING and TRUCKING Phone 15 and Phone 28 C. KLINKENBERG OPTOMETRIST •See MeFall and See Better” DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Onion Pacific ONTARIO OREGON ROBT. D. LYTLE ATTORNEY And COUNSELOR-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Phone 66 VALE OREGON DR. Chiropractic C. A. ABBOTT Physician Phvsio-Therapy Phone 25 Office: 3 Blocks Sooth of M. E. Chorch WATER RIGHTS FILING LARGEST IN HISTORY The heaviest filings for water rights in the history of the state is reported by C. V. Stricklin, state engineer. The long drought this spring has served to make many farmers conscious of the need for irrigation even in the Willamette valley, according to Stricklin. OREGONIANS BELIEVE IN INSURANCE Residents of Oregon paid out a total of $21.332.446 in premiums for life insurance during 1938, it was reported this week by Hugh C. Earle, s t a t e insurance commissioner. Losses paid by insurance compan ies on policies in Oregon during the year aggregated $10,819,834. AIRPLANES TO HELP FIREFIGHTERS The state forestry department will do its scouting this summer in a new II Waco five-seater airplane, the purchase of which has just been approved by the forestry board. In addition to scouting work the plane will also be utilized In carrying food and supplies to men engaged in fire fighting in isolated areas. Last sum mer several tons of supplies were taken in to the men fighting the Smith river fire by this method, parachutes being used in dropping the supplies from the plane to the ground. Of 23 cases of eggs deliver ed by this method, forestry officials said, only five eggs were broken. PRESSURE DID NOT SAVE THE JOB Carl Cover, former assistant to the state budget director, is out of a job as a result of an order from the federal social security board abolish ing the post of personnel director with the State Unemployment Compensation commission which he has held for the past two years. The federal board ordered the position discontinued as of April 30 but the unemployment compensa tion commission made an effort to have the order rescinded. In a tele gram this week the board refused to reconsider its original order. ALBERTA VALLEY Luther E. Fife attended a con ference in Fruitvale, Idaho Sunday. Rikas Van Twisk of Valley View called at the Jake Van Twisk home Saturday. Mrs. Rock Shelton and Mrs. Jake Fisher were in Ontario on business Monday. A Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife attend ed an L. D. S. board meeting in Weiser Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wills of Boise were Tuesday dinner guests at the Jake Van Twisk home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quigley were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fisher. Aftan Ure of Arcadia and Ellen Bybee rode their bicycles to On tario Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunn of Arcadia Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Newell Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van Twisk were Sunday aft ernoon visitors at the Gerrit Groot home. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Bybee and children were in Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen were business visitors in Prairie City Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot were Sunday visitors at the Jake Relk home in Oregon Trail. Mrs. Frank Winkles returned from Portland Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellice Midders of Adrian called at the F. C. Hath away home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Tensen and Mr. and Mrs. Aden Wilson of Nyssa were fishing at Burnt River Sun day. Mrs. B. L. Bybee of Utah and Mr and Mrs. Russel Jordan of Sunset Utah were week end guests at the B. G. Bybee home. Dick Groot was in Vale on busi ness Wednesday. Edna Hathaway arrived Friday from Rouge River. Ore., to join her folks in this community. Mrs. Ira Ure of Arcadia, Mrs. D. E. Mitchell of Kingman and Mrs. B. G. Bybee were shopping in Boise Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Bogart were fishing at Rose creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sweet and family visited the Abe Barberis family in Ontario Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hathaway and Edna spent Saturday evening at the Bob Johnson home in Riverview. Mr and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Par ma. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hart of Ore gon Trail and Mr and Mrs. Gerrit Groot were visitors at the Oerrit Stam home Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs Earl Post of Nyssa called at the Ouy Sweet home Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam visited Mrs. John Stam of Oregon Trail. Jake Groot and Truman Wagner of Arcadia left Monday morning for Powers, Ore., were Truman will work for the Southern Pacific rail road. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborne called at the Bob Thammel home in Nyssa Saturday. Pete Tensen was a business visit or in Vale Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen and family and Miller Jensen enjoyed a picnic at the park in Nampa Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam and Mr and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma were shopping in Caldwell Thurs day. Mrs. Sid Flannlgan of Sunset Valley called at the Lester Goulet home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Niel Dlmmick and family and Mrs. Sid Flannlgan were Thursday guests at the Andy Boers- ma home in honor of Ruby Boers- ma’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goulet vis ited the Lester Goulet family in Adrian Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fife were in Wei ser Sunday. NEWELL HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Overstreet and Mrs. John Jackson of Boise spent the week end at the R. R. Overstreet home. Alvon McGinnis built a chicken house for Dan Holly of Adrian. Little Gary Smith son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith has been ill with a cold. Otis Kurtz of Middleton and Mrs. Carrie McLaughlin of Ten Davis spent Wednesday night and Thurs day at the Marion Kurtz home. The W. C. T. U. was held Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Otis in Adrian. Mrs. Pinkston, Mrs. Sugg and Mrs. Welch attended from here. Rose McGinnis spent the week end with Charlene Linvllle of Mitch ell Butte. Rev and Mrs. Echelbarger of Mid dleton called at the Wallace and Cecil Smith homes Thursday. The club of Wilder Idaho met with Mrs. Leonard Smith, a former member Wednesday afternoon. The time was spent playing Chinese checkers after which refreshments were served. Mrs. Alvon McGinnis was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill and baby spent Sunday in Boise visiting the former's daughter, Miss Edith who is attending school there. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Judd and Eugene of northern Idaho and Mrs. G. L. Judd of Parma spent Sunday at the Maurice Judd home. Rose McGinnis accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith and W. W. Smith to Boise Thursday. Ellen Judd entertained at a tea for her grandmother, Mrs. Over- street, her mother, and her 4-H cooking club leader Mrs. D. L. An derson at the Overstreet home Fri day afternoon. Girl Scout handicraft class met at the Bend park Thursday. C. B. Hill got his tractor in the big ditch Tuesday. Merle Kurtz was presented the American Legion award in the Nyssa graduating class. The C. B. Hill home is'receiving a coat of paint. Mrs. M. L. Judd took Susan and Aurora Zamora. Stella Dunbrasky. Betty Shelton and Ellen Judd to the 4-H club meeting in Ontario Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. D. L. Anderson took a load for the morn ing session. Cecil Smith was a Nyssa business visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Mayberry and Mrs. Mabel Hufstetter of Big Bend spent Saturday evening at the C. E. Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Butler and Mrs. Minor Croy attended com mencement exercises in Nyssa. The formers niece Miss Marguerite Huf stetter is a graduate. OREGON TRAIL Oregon Trail school closed Thurs day, May 25. On Friday the annual school picnic was held in the morn ing. In the afternoon a short pro gram was presented by the lower grade pupils. Mrs. Alfred Adams' 4-H sewing club girls presented a playlet and the advanced girls modeled the dresses they had made Three of the girls were awarded second place at the Fair in Ontario Wednesday. They were Mildred Adams and Helen Shoop third year girls and Betty Rookstool a fourth year girl. Following the program a P. T. A. meeting was called and the new officers for the coming year were installed by Mrs. Albert Hop kins. Mrs. Frank Fry the new pre sident announced the standing committee as follows: program. Mrs F. O. Holmes and Mrs. Chas. Thomason; publicity, Mrs. F. 8. Byers; membership. Prank Parr and Frank Fry; Ways and means. Mrs. Vic Marshall, Mrs. Frank Parr and Mrs Viola Adams; 4-H club. Chas Thomason; hospitality. Mrs Geo. McKee. Mrs. Plaza and Mrs. W. S. Jones: summer round-up. Mrs. F 8. Byers. The money in the patches on the aprons was counted and a Uttle over $12 was taken in. This money Is to be used to help make up a 4-H club scholarship to 4-H summer school. lone Benson and Betty Rookstool were awarded the sc hoi- visitors iu Ontario. the afternoon working on leather arships. Mrs. Ewen Chard won the An’tola. R. L. Haworth and Mrs. M. work. 4-H club quilt. The boys played ball Mr. Mackay lias been ill the past E. Mis. Rogers spent Memorial day in The 4-H club fair was held in week. during the afternoon. and Caldwell. Ontario Wednesday and Wade club Mrs. R. W. Holmes entertained at Mrs. Ike Crosby from the Owyhee Star started in Bend this week members won fifteen prizes. dinner Wednesday evening honor liver has been spending a few Jays and Haying beet thinning is almost com Rev. and Mrs. Skidmore and Mrs. ing the birthday of her husband and at the Welcome Inn. Haslam of Roswell were dinner daughter. Guests were Mr and Mrs Mr and Mis. Ambrose I.Iaher re pleted. F. G. Holmes and sons and Miss turned from railroad points Friday, Mi and Mrs. Harry Burroughs of guests at the Sweet home Thursday. bringing with them Mrs. Eleanor New Plymouth were Bend callers Mr and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and Marjorie Smith. daughters attended a family reun Tuesday. A farewell party is to be given next Erikson of Boise for a visit. dinner at the Raymond Ha Thuresday evening at the school Chris Shea spent the week end in A large number of spring lambs ion were shipped from Bend Wednes worth home in Star Sunday. house honoring the teachers. Mr town. and Mrs. Albert Hopkins and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maher and fam day. Goldie Miller. Everyone in the com ily were in from their ranch on Joe Brumbach of New Plymouth ARCADIA spent a few days visiting his par munity is invited to attend. Lone Tree Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Sample and Two or three families are quar- ents. Hipp of Boise visited his daughter of Las Angeles arrived last inteened for the measles. Messrs and Mesdames Arch Parker Norman Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hipp Thursday for a visit with her bro-1 Joe Berrojalbiz and Gus Azcuen- Virl Bishop and Fred Gibson spent parents, aga made a trip to Murphy Friday. Wednesday evening at Snively Sunday. thers Archie and Wyatt Smith. The Arcadia Sunshine club will Mrs. E. C. Buckwalter of Lindsay, Ted Hon and Stanley Bowden of j Springs. meet at the home of Mrs. George Cal., arrived Friday for a visit with Arock stopped in from their work Mrs. Clyde Riggs and son of Par Mailer her daughter, Mrs. Frank Evans on the canal. ma were Sunday guests of Mr. and hostess. with Mrs. Vernie Butler co and Mrs. M. Evans. Joe Amberie of Rome is in town I Mrs. B. G. Roberts. J. M. Wagner visited with Willard Whitman, whose arm was this week. Mr. and Mrs. Drye Roberts were Mrs. Ellis Warner Thursday. badly injured when he was thrown Mr. and Mrs. George Parks were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virl Mrs. The last day of school picnic at off a horse week before last is much business visitors in Vale and Ontar Bishop Sunday. was attended by a large io Monday. better. Mrs. Elmer Eskew and Mrs. Claude Arcadia crowd. The day was spent In play Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard and Mrs. A. B. Azcuenaga was an out Eachus were Sunday guests of Mrs. ball. Then the district served family attended a birthday party going passenger on the stage Tues- J P. B. Anderson and Mrs. Della Bun ing Ice cream. at the Russell Talbot home near day. nell. Mitchell Butte Friday evening. Chestnut returned from Eu Kester of Emmett is a guest Aunt Mattie Thomasn enter gene Monday where he was called of Mrs. Mr. Mrs. N. Thomasson. USE JOURNAL WANT ADS. tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. by the illness of his wife two weeks Elmer and Parker of Wilder spent and Mrs. F. C. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. ago. visiting his parents. Albert Hopkins and Miss Goldie Mrs. Isabel Lee returned home Tuesday Donald Roberts of Roswell is a BOISEWINNEMUCCA Friday from Boise. Miller. STAGES guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Roberts. Chas Jones was home last week Summer school is over and the Mr. and Mrs. Arch Parker were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sisters have returned to their re dinner guests Sunday at the Char W. S. Jones. spective homes. McConnel home in Adrian. R. W. Holmes is busilding a new Tom Skinner is home from Cor les Mrs. Roy Moore went to Fairfield, barn. vallis for summer vacation. Idaho to visit a daughter. John Glover was in town for the Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Roberts and week end from Cow creek. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts were LOWER BEND Pascual Eiguren of Arock spent business visitors in Ontario Friday. a couple of days in town on busi The Girl Scouts met with Mrs. E. M. Hauser was in the Bend on ness. Paul Jackson Thursday and spent 4-H club business Saturday. Sam and Billy Ross werj in from Florence Russell and Don Case Junipers. will leave Sunday for Corvallis to the Mrs. Sam Ross is ill at her home. atend summer school. Palmer is assisting with the CONTRACTORS FOR Excursion Rates Harold Quick of Baker is visiting Joyce PAINTING AND Nyssa to San Francisco and return his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. work. Mrs. Kenneth Green who spent KALSOMINING Quick. the winter in town moved to Wago- (via Bus ................... ....... $26.60 Mr. and Mrs, Joe King drove to town Sunday. Baker Tuesday. Mrs. Opal Walton was a visitor at Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Teter, Milles Nyssa to San Francisco and return several days last week. Teter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Boise (overnight train from Winnemucca Freddy Calgacarta Is visiting at Harry Russell and family attended the Marion Wroten ranch. —including lower berth the dedication of Veterans memor Mr. and Mrs. Art Worthington ial at Nyssa Tuesday. both ways) ........................ $34.30 daughters of Caldwell were Mrs. Harry Russell took the 4-H and Sunday visitors at the Carta home. club cooking exhibit to Ontario John Dwyer, J. Person and D. P. Nyssa Monday. Elizabeth Molt, Ethel Case. Connors of DeLamar were dinner Prices reasonable and Owyhee Drug Leave Store 8:35 a. m. Myra Case, Marvla Molt, Opal John- guests at the Connors home Friday. estimates free Arrive nessen, Lorina Witty, Carol Witty Dr. Jones was called to Dewey San FrancLsco 8:05 next morning and Eloise Russell won prizes. See morning by the illness of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Case and fam Saturday Hanson. W. POGUE or ily spent Sunday at the Louie How Mr. Josephine and Jerry Palmer have Tickets—Information WILLIAM SMITH ell home in Weiser. the measles and Jack Is suffering OWYHEE DRUG STORE Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Mr. and from an injured foot. Phone 50 Phone 29 Mrs. Cecil Case and famiyl, Mrs. Curtis Jones went to Sacramento Hairy Russell and daughters at Saturday. tended the Pioneer day in Ontario Antony Yturri aws a caller from last week. Ontario at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. D. Yturri and Pete family left for Yakima, Wash. Accarstine were in Boise Wednes Thursday. day. INCLUDE OUR $10 AUTO ACCIDENT The Lower Bend young peoples Mrs. Gene Leaton is at the Wm club held their regular party at the Noble home for her vacation. POLICY school house Thursday evening with Altar society was held at the Along with your auto insurance Mrs. Joe King acting chaperone. home of Mrs. Josephine Rementeria. The next meeting will be June 8. PROPERTY DAMAGE AND PUBLIC P. T. A. will meet June 14 at the school house. BIG BEND LIABILITY RATES REDUCED Wade P. T. A. will meet Friday 30 PER CENT JORDAN VALLEY with Mrs. R. L. Haworth. Thig will be the last meeting of the school Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson of year Nyssa spent Saturday and Sunday Mr. Shaw of Nampa,, spent the Phone 97 Nyssa, Oregon at the Robert Long home. forepart of the week in this vicin Ray Wiliams of Baker spent ity. Sunday evening at the Pud Long Mrs. Robert Weir is the guest of home. friends in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Skinner and Mrs. John Mogus called on Miss visitors in Jordan. Lessie McDonald in Parma Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Buck Elcom of De Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop was Lamar called on Dr. Jones Wednes in Nampa Monday. day. Mrs. Jesse Higgins and Mrs. Geo. MEN’S AND LADIES’ WEARING APPARELL Mrs. T. Scott spent the week at Elfers were in Ontario Monday. Third and Main Street Nyssa the home of Mrs. Joe Fenwick on Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth were Succor creek. shopping in Nyssa Saturday. Julian Calzacarta was up from Mrs. Babe Hamilton. Mrs. How his ranch ofevr the week end. ard Hatch and Mrs. Harvey Match Miss Beada Madariaga left Sun were in Caldwell Monday. day for De Lamar to spend a week Mr and Mrs. Paul Jackson and with her sister Mrs. Lawrence Mrs. C. C. Kilburn were Monday ?? Vacationing This Summer ?? FRANK T. MORGAN ATKESON’S STORE LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Ordinance No. 255 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 105, ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR TAXING AND KILLING DOGS: REQUIRING EVERY PERSON OWNING OR KEEPING ANY DOG OVER THE AGE OF EIGHT MONTHS TO PRO CURE FROM THE COUNTY CLERK A LICENSE AS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SAID STATE LAW. THE PEOPLE OF NYSSA ORDAIN: Section 1 That Ordinance No. 105, entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the taxing and killing dogs as passed by the Common Council of the Town of Nyssa, February 12th, 1907, be and the same is hereby repealed Section 2. That every person owning or keeping any dog over the age of eight months within the City of Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon, shall not later than March 1 of each year, or within thirty days after he becomes owner or keeper of such dog, pro cure from the County Clerk of Malheur County, a license for such dog and pay ------- a license fee as may determined by the County ‘ by Chapter 309. be Oregon Laws 1933. Court, as provided Section 3. Any person owning or keeping any dogs over the age of eight months, within the City of Nyssa, who fails to comply with the State Law as provided by Chapter 309, Oregon Laws 1933, or any act amendatory thereto, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction therefor in the Recorder's Court of shall Passed be fined in an Common amount Council not less of than 00 of nor Nyssa, more than Nyssa. »10 00. by the the $1 City this 29th day of May. 1939 R. A. THOMPSON.Mayor Attest: M. F. 80L0M0N, Recorder Approved bv the Mayor this 29th day of May. 1939. R A THOMPSON Mayor Date of Publication, June 1. 1939 DISCONTINUE SALE HAMILTON-BROWN SHOES As we are discontinuing this line of Shoes— we offer them at prices you cannot afford to overlook. Get them while they last for the Men $4.95 Values Oxfords, Crepe Soles, Ski Type Sport Shoes, White and Tan Sports Dress Oxfords Now $3.95 for the Ladies $3.50 Values Here lx a chance for the Ladle« to get a Summer’« Supply of Shoe«. Oxfords with Cuban Heel, Sandal Type Shoes. A Full Line of Others too Now $1.98 Special for the June Bride! We have a large selection of the Smartest BRIDAL VEILS made of finest one-thread Lace, with decorated Tiara’s, or Bonnets. B R ID A L V E IL S - «15.00