Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1935)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUME X X IX . G A T E W A Y TO THE O W Y H E E AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NO. 41. BREAKS OUT !N THE COUNT! cholera N YSSA, OREGON, TH UR SD AY, NOVEMBER 21, 1935 PROGRAM AT LIBRARY IN ONTARIO NOVEMBER 25 BIDS TO BE LET ON BLACK CANYON Fastest Growing Town in Oregon $1.50 PER ^E A K Survey Made o f Damage Done B y The Unusually Early Frost 1 8 WALTERS IS SHOT B ÏJ 2 RIFLE November 25, 1935 will be the one- hundreth anniversary of the birth of Andrew Carnegie. Libraries every- I where, whether Carnegie belief Ic- A survey on the freezing damagefthe potato loss Is 35 cars of seed I iaries or not, are participating In the to crops In Malheur County has just stock and 126 cars of commercial centenial celebration. been completed by Hugh L. Taylor, potatoes. At 360 sucks to the car this W . W . Lytle, State Veter The Carnegie Corporation ha* Bids to be Let December 2 Shipping Point Inspector and R. G. represents a loss of 12,600 sacks of No Motive Can Be Found j presented to the Malheur County County Agent. This survey seed and 45,000 sacks of commercial inarian Visits County to Library a framed portrait of Andrew | On Tunnel Work for | | Larson, For Rash Act of Nyssa was made by means of questlonaires potatoes. Caa.iegie. This picture will be un- 1 ■ cent to well informed men in each Investigate Outbreak. Y outh. A considerable amount of loss oc Black Canyon Project. veiled during the program which | of the school districts where perish- curred In minor crops such as celery, will be held in honor of Carnegie at ----------- able crops were being grown. Taylor carrots and cabbage. Pasture is re the library in Ontario, Monday Dr. W W. Lytle, state veterinar Bob Walters ls in the Ontario Much encouragement was received and ^jarson J*® that the survp-v ls ported to have been damaged at November 25, at eight o'clock. Mr. F ian, was in the county last week in C. Van Petten, repiesenting the by the delegates to the National | accurate with a tendency towards least 50 per cent. There was also a hospital in a serious condition as a vestigating losses in hogs which ha.j ¿ „ J ” f [ ~ s ^ result of a gunshot wound suffered Reclamation congress, which met at understatement rather than over- considerable temporary falling off in dairy and poultry production. Thursday evening about five o ’clock occurred in several sections of the presl{!e. The m wlll (CC, lslst of Salt Lake City Friday and Saturday, | I statement. The major losses occurred in ap- Figuring conservatively this repre in front of Dr. Sarazin's office. valley during the last few weeks. It several short talks and music Re. for an early completion of the Black In the sents to the county an actual money X-ray pictures were taken and the was thought that this trouble w as; freshments will be ^ d Canyon project, located in Idaho » les' lettuce anti P01» “ ** ------------ -------------------- j case of apples, it is estimated that loss of between $200,000 to $225,000. hog cholera and Dr. Lytle verified bullet was located but his condition The public is cordially invited to dir' . * east o f Ny-Si»a- Thrr. crews «2 500 bas- However, ail of this loss ls not a thle belief. is still precarious. have bec..i going over over the the work work on cars or a local ioss 01 “ as attended this occasion which is to ,lavB uel’ ‘ ffoing on I In view* of the fact that it is be The shooting, believed to be self- kets wlth s,ome mil toss into stlU t0 show UP farm loss as a cat isiderabl? portion honor the man who did so much for survey J details from the Nyssa recla- , | amonff annles after mation office and one from Ontario. , ong aPPles PUI into storage alter of this amount would have gone in lieved that public auction yards may libraries. _ . . , , Inflicted, followed a car accident in George Mitchell who has recent- | whlch ^ Walters> Burton furnish an opporunity for the spread 1 The route for the main canal is | freezing. In the case of lettuce, the to payrolls. This decrease In payrolls of the cholera, Dr. Lytle ordered the being laid out and work ls expected ! loss is estimated at 225 cars. Fig represents an actual loss to mer ly arrived In Nyssa to become M an -, and Bruce English figured The three disc 1 itinuance of all hogs sales in i to start sometime next month on uring 300 crates to the car the loss chants and others engaged in busi ager of the Nys^ Branch of the turned thelr rar over Qn the flrgt is 67,500 crates. It is estimated that ness hi the county. First National Bank of Portland. turn the other side of Dunaway public auction yards In Malheur ; actual construction. Mr. Mitchell has been residing in near the Frank Ward sheep camp. County. A disease of a somewhat Between four and five hundred Pendleton where he was associated No one was seriously injured in the similar nature is now prevelant in I delegates attended the congress, TOWNSEND CLUB with Chas. Reynolds, receiver for accident but the car was badly southern Idaho and has caused Ida ; iepresenting 14 western states. TO MEET TONIGHT the First Inlaud National Bank of damaged. Ellis Walters, father of ho to take the same action as Ore North Dakota sent delegates this Pendleton. gon in order that the disease may the stricken young maw, came along \ year as the newest recruit to the be stopped as soon as possible. and hauled the trio into town and The local Townsend club will meet reclamation organization. NEW CORN-HOG FEATURES Dr. Lytle warned farmers thatl to trie doctors office. Thursday night at the Community Optimism was expressed at the DISCUSSED WITH AAA MEN because of the prevalence of the jPneumonia Claims Young Walters was uninjured in the acci church for a business sesski i and meeting that eastern opposition to cholera, where any number of hogs' «. p . „ Two of the largest elk ever Friday night they will be addressed dent but Alvin Burton and Bruce showed signs of sickness vaccinating IVlan r uneral Services the western reclamation policy was brought ___ „ ______ _______ into ______________n Nyssa were bagged this by J. Edwin Johnson, son of John English required medical treatment should be done at once with t hog Held Monday Morning. Steadily crumbling as the realiza- past week by Ray Emmett and E. Johnson, pioneer Malheur county A preliminary outline of what the for minor cuts. Bob started down j tion of the necessity of removing Dewey Ray. The mea got their elk in surveyor. The public is invited. cholera serum. He also relommended new com -hog adjustment con town, but was met by his father ----------- j farmers from submarginal lands In the Imnaha river country in Wal- that hog owners living anywhere tracts are likely to contain has been and he told him to go back and sit near to hogs having this disease use Death struck suddenly last Friday 1 w'de non-irrigated areas and trails- Iowa county. Ray’s elk had a spread Dwight Johnston was takon to the received from Washington by the in trie car while he went down to the serum on their hogs as a pre in the home of Chandois Sanford planting them onto more productive of 48 Inches and Dewey’s measured Boise hospital suffering from a leg O.8.C. extension service. Latest the city hall to get a blank to report ventative measure. farms. j 46. Gordan Ray, who was also a Warner when Mr. Warner, aged 29, ailment, brought on by a bruise, it news tells of the result of a con the accident. Bids are to be opened December mcmber of the party, bagged an elk ls believed. The trouble was more ference of producers and state agri The first intimation that any died at Parma from pneumonia. He HICH SCHOOL TO leave* a wife aod four young child 2 at Ontario on four tunnel jobs on but it was a younger animal, and than expected and doctors say he cultural specialists held in Washing thing was seriously wrong was when GIVE STUDENT PLAY ren, the oldest girl being six years the new project. Just how much although the horns did 'not make will probably be in the hospital for ton this month where provisions Byrd Walters looked out of the window o f the doctors office and old. Chan was taken quite suddenly, mcney will be available for this the display the others did. it is re several weeks with his leg in a cast. were discussed. T' e students of the Nyssa high being stricken at his home at Dun- work depends upon the contract ported the meat was much more Recommendations from that con saw blood coming from the Chev tasty. OREGON TRAIL HELPS schcol have been practicing on a ' away and as the disease got a better totals for tunnel construction. ference Include approval of a two- rolet coupe parked l i front of the Lawrence Blodgett bagged an elk thrc"-act play entitled “ Look O u t1 hold cn him. he was removed to IN 4-H CLUB WORK year voluntary contract instead of building. He looked into the car and near Granite west of Baker. He shot Lizz which promises to be inter- j Parma on Wednesday. He steadily another for a single year, and one saw his brother slumped over In the the animal nine miles from camp esting. It will be given Friday night, [ grew worse until the end came Fri- GETS FINE WATCH . . . .. . . , .. , Oregon Trail— One o i the pro- which will permit Increase in hog seat with blood streaming from a ^ p T A u production this next year up to the wound on his head. Dr. Sarazin took FOR USEFUL SERVICE and after dressing it and hanging it | JecU of the November 22 at the high school I day, much to the sorrow of his many up, went back to camp. Around five Che sjxmsoring of 4-H Club work. charge and the injured man was gymnasium. The play is said to be j friends in this community, full amount of the producer’s base. o’clock the next morning they start placed in am ambulance and rushed very interesting, with exciting situa- j Funeral services were held Mon Last year they sent Gilbert Holmes That would mean a permitted 30 ti l 's throughout and at the same day morning from the Community Kenneth C. Miller, who has been ed out after the elk and it was 23 to Corvallis to 4-H summer school. per cent increase, though such an to the Ontario hospital. A motive for the rash act can time a light vein of comedy runs j church with Rev. White and the secretary for the National Réclama- | hours later before they got the meat This year they plan to send one amount is not expected by those local Eagles Aerie conducting the tion Association received a fine into through the entire production. , , camp A . after . . an ,, all day a>nd all member, and if possible will send familiar with the sltuatian, who say not be found. The gun, a 22. was in | services. Arra lgements were in Hamilton watch presented to him " lght * * ,° J hauling it on a sled two. that the drouth-enforced liquida the car but unloaded and It ls be i charge of the Nyssa Funeral Home. by the Association and purchased i HJ nr7 F elds went Blodgett on McLINGS LEAVE At the P. T. A. meeting Friday tion of breeding stock makes it Im lieved he had a shell In his pocket the hunting trip. Chas. and Otis evening Mr. E. M. Hauser, county possible for any major hog produc which he used. Bob Walters is 22 FOR EMMETT WED. | After short funeral services, he was last week by Frank Morgan from the ! taken to Hutchinson, Kansas for Paulus Jewelry store in Nyssa. Mr. Bullard also hunted for elk In the club leader, presented achievement ing state to attain this maximum years old and graduated from the Nyssa high school. His father, Ellis Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McLlng. who burial, the remains being accom- Pa ulus engraved cm it, “Kenneth C. same part of trie country. pins to last year’s 4-H Calf Club next year. Walters aind his brothers, Byrd, operated the Journal for over four I panied to their final resting place Miller, in appreciation of service members. The following boys receiv Recommended com adjustment is Jess Thompson, who ls seriously years, were bidding their «friends by his father, Fred Warner. well done. National Reclamation As ed pins, Junior and Hollis DeOrofft, about the same as at present, the Jack and Rex are all well known in Besides a 'host of friends, he sociation. 1935.’’ Mr. Morgan took the ! ill in the Ontario hospital, was re Raymond Morfitt, Gilbert Holmes, proposal being to allow benefits on this community and the family have goodbye Wednesday prior to leaving ported as having a bad day Thurs for Emmett where they wdll farm leaves his wife, Mrs. Mabel Warner; watch with him to Salt Lake City i Dewey Thomason and Frank Wilson an optional adjustment of from 10 made their home here for many the Earp ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Dick three daughters. Evelyn 6. Margaret where It was presented to Mr. Miller. | day but hopes are held for his re Mr. Hopkins, local leader, also re to 30 per cent, with each signer years. covery. Young have rented the McLing 4, and Gladys 2, and one son Fred A report from the hospital at ceived a pin. His club having fin compelled to plant at least 25 per Those from Malheur county who i home in Nyssa. They have the good rick Warner, aged 3. His parents att Sided the sessions last Friday, ished 100 per cent. cent of his base. The plan Includes nine o'clock Thursday evening In will of all the people in their new are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warner; he and Saturday Included Carl Coad, keeping the adjustment payments at dicated that Mr. Walters was still also leaves five sisters. They are: Dr. J. J. Sarazin, Frank T. Morgan. venture. 102 ELK CHECKED OUT n d t o w n 35c a bushel for the estimated yield living but little hope ls held for his Mrs. Ella Kane, Mrs. Virgil Newland, Robert Lytle of Vale, Judge David recovery. The bullet entered above AT LA GRANDE STATION on the acres retired. - 5 - Mrs. A q ia Healey, Mrs. Georgia F. Graham. Ora Clark. E. H. Brum- The plan for making hog pay the right ear and lodged on the Roy Shoemaker looking for lost Fisher and Mrs. Freda Brown, all of bnch and Mr. Harris of Jamieson. left side Just under the skin. The At noon Wednesday a total of 102 ments will be entirely changed if the funnel . . . . Man wanting to borrow Hutchison. Kansas. new recommendations are adopted. bullet fractured his skull in several elk carcasses had been checked Eddie Powell’s mining equipment Mrs. Warner and children expect places. . . . Chas Overstreet looking for lost through the La GrSide checking A flat adjustment payment of $2.50 to remain at Nyssa among their ROBERT LONG GETS for each hog produced up to half of station, which is receiving most of car . . . Egg scarcity in Nyssa . . . friends a id will be the recipient of 15 COYOTES IN OCT. I the signers' base ls the proposal. Tom Coward says he has lived in the elk killed in that county. a mothers penison to help keep the The season came to an end at While no benefit payments would _____ | Nyssa for 30 years now . . . Dean Tuesday, Novemper 26 has been family together. . _ , _ . . . . Smith planning oyster feed Thurs- sundown Tuesday but huntirs will be made on anything above 60 per set as the date for the cantata to be $ i a report for October issued by day night . . . Bill Coleman doing have until tonight to check in, cent, the grower could produce and given by the Nyssa Choral club. the bureau of Biological Survey. ^ th em in g . . . Wes Browne state police said. sell any amount up to his 100 per VALE LOSES TO WEISER They have selected “The Harvest” Robert Long had a record of 15 coy- startlng stucco work on house . . . Nineteen elk were checked in La cent. as their vehicle and have been prac BY ONE POINT MARGIN ctes killed and 2 bobcats. The 34 , Mike Hays breaking in new help- Grande during the last 24 hours The group unanlmousy approved An Oregon State College alumni ticing regularly. Eight high school hunters working all or part time. er . . . Trucks breaking new law and officials expected probably this using the appraisal method of estab dinner organization meeting is girls are being trained in interpre By a failure to convert their try took 404 coyotes and 25 bobcats dur- . Folks planning Thanksgiving . . . many more before the deadline ar lishing com -hog bases, so that to be held next Monday, November tative dances as part of the pro for point following a touchdown In ing the month. rives. equitable bases may be assigned to 25th at the Moore hotel In Ontario, gram. The affair is to be given at the first quarter of the champion producers regardless of past parti with an organization to be perfected the high school gym. ship game played at Ontario Wed cipation in contract. Community among the town* of Vale, Nyssa, Singers taking part in the pro nesday, Vale missed at least a tie committeemen would be given Ontario and Weiser. George Scott, gram include, sopranos. Mrs. Howard with the strong Weiser outfit, which mors power under this plan to make alumni secretary, will be in charge Larsen, Miss Elizabeth Anri Jones, was won by the Idaho team 6 to 7. assignments within the limits of the of the meeting. Mrs. Elmo Higginson, Mrs. Ray Vale scored la the first quarter and All O. 8. C. alumni are invited and county quota. Kendler, Miss Katherine Young, and fought like wildcats to protect their The proposed plan ls designed to urged to attend the meeting. John Mrs. Laura McCoy. Altos. Mrs. J. W lead but Weiser scored a touchdown hold com production In bounds and Young and Grant Rinehart are Poage. Mrs. John Young. Mrs. Laura and then converted for the winning Increase hog production as rapidly handing the details for Nyssa »£.■* Fisher, Mrs. Joyce Leinkaemper; point with less than three minutes as possible without letting It go to alumni who wish to attend are asked Tenors, Chas. Jones, Max Gilchrist to play in the ball game. former ruinous extreme* deemed to get in touch with either of these and Eldon Carter; Basses, A1 Thom The game was a play-off for the detrimental to both producers and men so that some Idea of the size pson. Malcolm Crawford, B o b championship of this district, both of the crowd to attend can be ascer consumers. Stringfellow and Kermit Leinkaem teams going through conference tained. per. Mrs. W. C. Jackson is the ac- play without a defeat. In a game The alumni organization will keep Henry Charrel has been sick this companiest. two weeks ago, Vale defeated Nyssa in touch with campus subjects, help week. Special numbers are being plan by the close score of 6 to 0. in sending students to O. 8. C. and WHERE YOUR RED nee’ by Chas. Wilson and Mrs. Her likely some club dances and dinners CROSS DOLLAR GOES CITY REPAIRING bert Fisher; besides several miscel CIVIC CLUB HAS STREETS OF NYSSA will be held from time to time. laneous numbers. WARNER FRIDAY Hunters Bring Back Their Elk '“ “ Choral Club To Present Cantata O. S. C. Alumni To Organize RED CROSS DRIVE NOW ON jy r m u m i NOVEL PROGRAM POUND PARTY TO BE GIVEN FOR WHITES The entire community is Invited to a "pound party" next Wednesday evening. November 27, to be held at trie basement of the Community church for Rev. and Mrs. Floyd White. It will be hi the form of a social night, with perhaps a short program, followed by visiting and a lunch. A special invitation is given to newcomers in this vicinity to come and get better acquainted. FARM SALE TO BE HELD NEXE TUESDAY A farm sale is to be held next Tuesday, Noyember 26th by George E Skelton on the Governor Ross ranch at Parma. The location is two miles southwest of Parma or one mile north of Roswell. Five work horses, 28 head of cattle, 23 head of sheep and a line of farm maehlnary and household goods will be sold Misses Lellah Foster and Delphlne Steward of the Idaho Power com pany gave a talk on better lighting at the Civic Club meeting Wednes day afternoon. Along with their discussion they presented a skit which centered around the proper and improper lightkig. Mrs. Ben son’s first graders also helped with the program by giving some of their songs and recitations. As lit erature for the National Education Week did not arrive, members of the Civic club reviewed various cur rent events of importance. The business meeting was pre sided over by Mrs E. D. Norcott, vice president. A nominating com mittee was appointed to nominate officers for the next year, to be vot ed on at the December meeting. Those serving are Mrs. J. J. Sarazin, Mrs. A. H. Boy dell and Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. Robert Vest was hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Garrit Stam. “ What becomes of my Red Cross dollar?" This is doubt less the question upon the lips of many as the annual R et Cross roll call ls made again this year. This question de serves an answer. Fifty cents of each dollar subscription goes directly Into the National Red Cross treas ury and the rest into that of trie local chapter. When larger donations are made, the first fifty cents goes into the nat ional work, and the remainder regardless of amount, goes to the local chapter. The city grader has been out this BUDDY EDWARDS TO week working over the street* of FIGHT AT BOISE TONIGHT Nyssa and has made a big Improve Buddy Edwards, well-known Nyssa ment. The work will continue until all the streets have been gone over battler. Is fighting at Boise tonight, and put In shape for winter driving his opponent being Billy Brldwell of Boise. The fight will be close to the main event, and according to the COMMERCIAL CLUB the dope, both boys are evrtily HOLDS LUNCHEON matched. Several cars from Nyssa wlll probably go to Boise for the The Nyssa Commercial Club met fight card. Wednesday for their first regular noon luncheon with a big atten COMMERCIAL CLUB DIRECTOR MEET THURSDAY dance and much enthusiasm. The luncheon was held In Bchwelzer’s The directors of the Commercial Cafe. Frank Morgan gave a talk on the Club met Thursday evening and work done at the Irrigation Con among other things, authorized the gress held at Balt Lake City Friday completion of the sign on the vacant and Saturday, saying that there lot across from the bank to advertise would be 35.0QP acres of new land to the Owyhee project. Berwyn Burke be settled this next year and am was appointed to draw up a design active campaign of advertising for a Commercial Club booklet to be would be necessary to bring this to distributed among prospective land seekers and to print the advertising the attention of homeseekers. Another luncheon will be held matter, boosting Nyssa and the next Wednesday. prospects here.