Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1935)
t THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published At Nyssa, Oregon VOLUM E X X IX . G ATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS NO. 42. <$> BOISE MONDAY FOR ALLOTMENT Oll NYSSA SEWER NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, NOVEMBER 28, 1935 * « MK. JOHNSON ADDRESSES LOCAL TOWNSEND CLUB SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS MAILING Fastest Growing Town in Oregon SI.50 PER YEAR t a » r a s diesai * IS RESULT OF Bill ACCIDENT THURSJr es To Hold District Convention Here Sunday A group of Sunday School workers Mr. L. R. Johnxm of Medford of the Methodist church motored to and a brother to County Surveyor J. Boise Monday and attended a Sem The following suggestions Edwin Johnson was the speaker at inar oi| Sunday School work con have been mentioned by postal the meeting of the local Townsend ducted by Miss Sarah E. Green, of workers as things to keep in club Friday night. Mr. Johnson is a Sessions To Starts Sunday Chicago, who is a specialist in mind when sending packages very able speaker and a good sized BEST W INDOW TO church school work. Those attend through the U. S. mall: Morning — Guests Ex crowd was out to hear him. He has GET CASH PRIZE ing were superintendents DeGross been chosen speaker for Idaho as PLEASE mail early. pected from Enterprise Mrs Abbott, also the following well as for Oregon. Ny jsa Expects to Share In and PLEASE wrap parcels se to Boise. teachers: Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Hawkins, Funeral Services H e l d The Commercial Club held At their business meeting Thurs curely. New Allotment o f Fed Mrs. Wolfe, Ruth Wolie, Mrs. Cor their regular Wednescay day night it was decided that the Sunday Afternoon at bett, Mrs. Pruyn, Mrs. DeGross and luncheon and among other PLEASE address plainly. loser in the membership drive should eral P. W . A. Funds. Owyhee School House. Rev. White. Mr. DeGross was host a ! thing* .decided to give a prize The Nyssa Eagles are to be hosts give their treat on December 13th. PLEASE do not write In lunch at the Mecanafe and an en to the best dressed window, Sunday for the District convention, The contest closes with the meeting your parcels. joyable as well as profitable day was featuring Christmas goods. It with delegates expected from the on December 5. The quilt which the C. C. Hockley, P.W.A. director for spent REMEMBER that unsealed makes no difference whether Aeries at Baker. Ontario. Pendleton, Funeral services were held Sunday club has been selling chances on Oregon returned from Washington greeting which contain no your window is large or small, La Grande, Bums, Enterprise; be afternoon at the Owyhee school will be given away at this meeting. D. C. Friday with assurance of 31 BACK FROM HOSPITAL writing may be mailed for m e clever windows help make a sides guests from Aeries ln Idaho In house for Robert Francis Walters, new allotments for needed schools, each. lively trading center and the eluding Emmett, Weiser. Nampa and who died Thursday night In the On water supplies, sewer systems, city Dwight Johnston was brought club Is anxious that Nyssa Boise. The convention will open tario hospital as a result of a bullet halls and courthouses. Notices are back from the hospital at Bois; have some well dressed win with a public dance Saturday night wound. It Is believed that Mr. Wal to be sent each public body receiv Wednesday following two weeks STUDENTS GIVE dows for Christmas. Judging ln the lodge hall, with the meeting ters was hurt In the car wreck near ing an allotment as soon as the list spent there treating an infected will take place Saturday, proper to get underway at 10 o ’clock the Ward sheep sheds Thursday is approved by the Comptroller leg. The leg is still in a cast and he PLAY FRID AY EVE December 14th. Sunday morning, The occasion will afternoon and was not responsible General and Nyssa city officials are will probably be unable to work for The club is also negotiating also be the district convention of the for his actions when he sent a 22 very hopeful that the allotment for at least a month. for a visit from Santa Claus ladies Auxiliary and an elaborate bullet crashing through his brain the sewer system will be among the The first student body play of the and Just when he will arrive program is being planned. while sitting In a car in front of Dr. 31 new alloments. Basketball practice at the local year, which was given last Friday at will be announced next week. Registration will be from 9 to 10 Sarazlns office. He was rushed to These 31 allotments, which in the H. S. gym, scored very success high school started Tuesday with 43 the hospital but the buUet had gone Sunday morning, according to the elude "grants" from the P. W. A. fully, A large crowd was present to squad members out fighting for a completely through Ills head and tentative program now arranged, total $732,588 and will be used as watch the students present “Look place on the varsity lineup. Includ death came about 10:30 that night. with the opening ceremony schedul part of the financing of the P. W. A ed In the material Coach Young Out Lizzie,' a three act comedy. The ed for 9 o'clock. After the reading of Bob" as he was familiarly known, construction program to relieve un will have five out of the eight boys plot centered around a country fam minutes of the last district conven was bom near Nyssa' and had spent employment and stimulate return of who represented Nyssa at the tourn ily. their servants and neighbors. tion. there will be the lnltiatlcsi of his entire life here. He graduated good times by circulating this ament at Union last year. They are Ruth Edwards capably portrayed the convention class, expected to be money. Including the grants and Paul Johnston, from the Nyssa high school with the Hazel, the daughter who desired a Raymond Holly, a large one. Don M. Graham has class of) 1933 and curing his schol the money put up by the various A member of the Vale CCC camp, more interesting life. Her parents, Arthur Cook, Frank Pierson and been selected to give the address of astic days, earned letter awards In public organizations, a total of $1,- George Dapkus, 19, was killed Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Long, played by Vir Bob Wilson. welcome at 11:16, followed by Intro both football and baseball. During 628,000 will be added to the con day might on the John Day highway ginia Miller and Curtis Foster, add Several squad members of last duction of Deputy Grand Worthy the past year he lived on the T. M. struction program in Oregon. two miles north of Vale, apparently ed much to the home atmosphere of year who played In second team President, D. D. Hall, who will give» Lowe ranch with his parents. Kingman—A large group of 4-H the response. by having his head crushed by a play. Comedy was furnished by Flora games and substituted for the var Rev. Floyd White had charge of club members and their parents SCHOOL MASTERS CLUB passing car or truck. The body of Mae Wimp as Lizzie and Roland sity are out, including Harold An The ladles auxiliary are preparing MEETS AT FRUITLAND the dead youth was found by the Whitman as Hank, the servants who derson, Lloyd Wilson, Warren Lar the services Sunday with the Nyssa from both Owyhee and Wade dis a splendid turkey dinner to be serv Funeral Home handling the ar tricts met with Kingman Kolony Rev. Galin Jordan, clergyman of the dressed up to act as society maid sen, Leonard Nichols, Gerald Slippy, ed between 12:00 and 1:30 Sunday The Schoolmasters Club met at Vale Christian church, who was and butler. BUI Kurtz. Jack Rust. Ed Boydell, rangements. Music was furnished by last Thursday evening, the occasion while the convention is ln adjourn Mrs. C. L. McCoy, who sang two Fruitland last Thursday evening in taking CCC boys to camp after the being the Achievement Day pro ment and are preparing to serve a The play followed the lines of a Don Boren, Jack McKee and Jake solos and two selections by a quar gram as sponsored by the P. T. A. the Methodist church for a dinner evening services genuine melodrama, with Warren Groot. Some of the material for tills large crowd. Starting at 1:30 there and meeting. There were 40 plates Members of the sheriff's office Larsen portraying the part of the years team will no doubt come from tette composed of Mr. and Mrs. This was one of the largest such a f will be a Joint meeting of the F. O. set at the banquet, which was fol a id other officials were called to miser who held the mortgage on the transfers from oth ff schools and In Howard Larsen, Mrs. Laura Fisher fairs ever held ln the community. E. and the Auxiliary with a report lowed by a conference by the various the scene and found the body lying Long farm. However the situation éligibles last year. Included In this and Mr. Charles Jones. Mrs. C. C. Presentation of awards was held of delegates to be heard. Deputy superintendents and principals on ¡n the center of the highway. There was saved by Richard Biltmore from group are Poage, Jacksou. Prawitz, Hunt was accompanist. Pall bearers for Wade, Owyhee and Kolony club Orand Worthy President, D. D. school problems In another room | were no bruises on the body but the the city, ployed by Arthur Cook A. Hendricks, M. Rust, Jerry Rust, were BUI Elliott, Werner Peutz, members and their leaders, with Hall, Is scheduled to give the prin was held a meeting meeting of of coaches coacnes and ana i head was badly crushed. The Nyssa who very capably turned the affairs Leuck, O. Brown, W. Smith, John Leonard Smith, Max Sohweizer, Mr. Qeorge Mitchell of the Nyssa cipal address of the convention, Arnold Slippy and Wade Nichols. in a third room was the grade teach- j Funeral Home was called to take in favor of the Leigs and incidently Sweat, and Barkley Wilson. branch of The First Natloanl bank starting) at 2:16, followed by ad Robert was just 11 days past 21, of Portland presenting the 3rd and dresses by other delegates. Presenta ers ccrference. The grade teachers charge of the remains. ; obtained in return the affections of Coach Young also has a promis expect to organize at the next meet- | As the accident was reconstructed, I their daughter Hazel. The miser was ing group of freshmen out for prac- I ^ ^ ri _ ^ ln?_^°_V! mbf.r_ 10th; 5th year pins with the compliments tion of membership banner will be ing .which will be held at Weiser on j ¡t was believed Dapkus left Vale ; caught in the clutches of Minnie Uce including n ;a ham Holmes, His father and mother. Mr. and of the bank. E. M. Hauser, club at 3:00 o'clock, followed by good of December 18th. between 8:45 and 9:00, walking j the neighborhood gossip, played by ¡Huffman, Burke, Warren. Robert Mrs. Ellis Walters were married leader, presented the other awards. the order and adjournment W. J. Those present from the Nyssa alone toward the Vale CCC camp, j Clarissa Tillman, and everything Following singing of club songs, Williams Is chairman of the conven sorn, Pompe, Bill Wilson, Huston here In 1910 and have made their vicinity were Leo Hollenberg. John Somd of his companions had urged ! < ided happily. All the parts were Wilson, Case. M. Kurtz, Enos, L. home here ever since. He is also a cooking demonstration was given tion and Is making the arrange Young, Owen Price and Albert Hop him to wait a while for them but he handled very well, and the actors survived by three brothers Byrd, by Emily Otis and Louise Hinton of ments, Points, John J. Smith and W. kins. aged 18; Jack, age 19; and Rex, 24 the 2nd cooking division. The girls said he would start on ahead and,showed considerable ability and dir- Swarm. Burial was ln the Owyhee cemetery. explained and prepared potato soup. possibly they would catch up with ecting. The play was In charge of The first game of the season will T. NELSON DIES him. When he got about two miles | Mr. Shoemaker, NYSSA, KOLONY Four girls, Betty Schwelzer, Dor be with Parma, a double-header to DELCAMATORY MEETING out of Vale, It started raining a bit; I AT VALE SUNDAY othy Winters, Flora Prosser and be played on the Parma floor Tues GIRL SCOUTS HOLD HELD AT ONTARIO TUESDAY Lucille Thrasher told of their exper there was a heavy, low fog, and the C A N T A T A PI F A S T « ; day, December 17th. The two Parma r I r w r D C teams will come to Nyssa on Thurs A JOINT MEETING night was dark. It is possible the lad j iences attending summer school at sat dowi.i on the comparatively dry j IVlUolU, L U V L K j day, December 19th for the first Tuesday night at Ontario a Joint Corvallis. Friends In this community were Nyssa and Kingman Kolony girl pavement to await his companions j meeting was held of the rural and Mr. Allen, assistant club leader of saddened to hear of the death of home game of the season. A total of scout troops had as their guest Sun possibly dozed o ff to sleep. It was I Although the crowd attending the 18 games have been scheduled with city school derlamatory committees. the state gave an Interesting talk T. T. Nelson at Vale Sunday. Mr. day evening, Mrs. Mary J. Littlefield brought out In the coroner's Inquest | cantata “The Harvest" could have four more to be added. Besides Miss Harriet Ahearn of Ontario Is and boys and girls, as well as par Nelson had been 111 for a year and ____ that several cars had pass- been 'ar8er, the program was very scout _________ executive _____________________Tuesday from San Francisco. these, several tentative practice chairman for the city declamatory ents look forward to his annual death followed a heart attack. A son Miss Hansaker of Vale was a special j ed the object lying in the road, and I llne and showe<l that those taking games have been arranged, the first committee and Albert Hopkins, visits. One of the features of the Dr. Milliard Nelson of Tacoma, had guest, and together with mothers ¡not one had thought it a body. The ! part bad l,ime ln |Me" games to start next week with the teacher at Oregon Trail, Is the rural evening was motion pictures of a returned home Saturday after and judges .was invited to a 6:30 boy was onlv five feet, two Inches I ParaUon. The Choral club was assist- CCC teams and others. When the chairman. 4-H club summer school ln action. spending several days visiting his tall and the body was lying at an ed bV ^veral high school students buffet supper at the Parrish hall. The committees decided to take Mr. Allen also gave a talk on the father. schedule is complete, it will be an Nearly 50 attended the supper, angle. In the dense fog, it looked wbo were trained in Interpretative nounced in The Journal Mr. Nelson was born ln Norway ln the contest o ff a competitive basis, baby beef project. with Miss Hansaker leading the like an animal or some sort of pack- <Ianc'n8 by Miss Ruby Denny. Mrs except ln the zone contest. These A great many 1st, 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 1866 to this country at the Herbert Fisher and Chas Wilson girls in singing. In the discussion age lying In the road. will be on a competitive basis and 5th and 6th year pins and certifi age of 15. He was engaged ln busi William Ross Ragsdale of Nyssa « ave two vloUn duets accompanied following the meal, Mrs. Littlefield winners will speak at the final con cates were handed out. The club ness ln Pendleton before coming to told of girl scout work throughout ! came along the road at approxi by Mrs. Wilson. S. J. Reid of On test but there will be no judges to leaders who had carried their clubs where he -has operated a fur- the world. Particularly fascinating mately 9:25, coming with a load tario directed the cantata and Mrs. place the speakers. The committees through 100 per cent also received nlture store for the post 30 years. was her description of her Intro of lumber from Ironside. The next W. C. Jackson was accompanist. Mr. Nelson Is survived by his wtfe are to meet again December 12th. pins. Mrs. H. R. Otis was given the Mrs. Ada Haworth prepared the duction to Princess Mary at the morning he returned to Ironside Local hot shots trying their luck Those from this section who attend special honor of a 5 year pin; other Mrs. Itlna Nelsan, one a oi Dr. Mil costumes and Miss Clara Rettie had beautiful Girl Scout home in Eng and after arriving, heard of the were Jimmie Nlcholsee, liard Nelson and a daughter Mrs. with air rifles . . . Sam Caldwell ed were Mrs. Victoria Schwelzer, leaders land. This home Is supported by a death on the road. He remembered charge of the programs. The general downtown getting a hair cut . . . Walter Marshall «ad Albert Hop Hazel Schaffer, Mrs. Charles New- Oordon Smith of Vale. Funeral ser committee was composed of Mrs. gift from Princess Mary and the hitting something in the road Stsi- blll, Mrs. Floyd Zesiger. Doris vices were held In Vale Tuesday Highway workers painting yellow kins. royal family Is very much S.iterested day night, but thought It some Howard Larsen. Mrs. Laura Fisher KUngback, Mrs. Harriett Truelson, afternoon at the Christian church line and signs on streets . . . "Fur in girl scout, or girl guides as they animal; the fog and rain making It and Chas. Jones. Mrs Bert Lein- nished House for Rent" sign ln Don GUILD TO MEET Mrs. Dyer Roberts and Mrs. C. E. with the Nyssa Funeral Home mak very difficult to see clearly. He im kaemper was in charge of publicity. are called In England. Elliott. It was announced that Mar ing arrangements. Burial was la Grahams window, said to be the mediately came to Vale and re The Oulld will hold a covered garet Winters and Clarence Enos Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Mo- only one this year . . . New oil paint NO SCHOOL FRIDAY ported the Incident to the officers. MRS. JOLLEY KILLED ing at postoffice by Artie Robertson dish 1« icheon at the Parrish Hall were to receive the Kingman P. T. Coy, friends of tha Nelson family Li the Inquest held Tuesday, the School was dismissed TJhursday . . . Dr Norcott smoking a pipe . . . next Wednesday, December 4th at A. scholarship to summer school and Mrs. C. C. Hunt attended the IN CAR ACCIDENT following verdict was handed in by for Thanksgiving day and ann- which time the members will work next year for outstanding club work services. Mrs. McCoy sang, accom Do your Christmas shopping early. on tying a quilt and repair the song with Susan and Daniel Zamora as panied by Mrs. Hunt. Mrs. Ada Jolley, for nine years the foreman. D. C. Masteror.: “ We nouncement was made that there books. state president of the W. C. T. U. the coroners jury being duly en- would be no school Friday. alternates. II was killed a week ago In an accident paneled and sworn to examine into Special scholarships to summer COOK ON ALL-STAR the nature and cause of the death of the other side of The Dalles. She DISTRICT FOOTBALL TEAM school were announced as follows: was returning from Boise, where she the person George Dapkus, find that Alvin Duvall and Jack Jordan on the person so killed was Geo. Dap h id attended the funeral of an Arthur Cook, who played defensive crop raising; Margaret Kllngbock uncle, and was traveling by bus. She kus and that he came to his death and Leola Truelson county fair center and offensive fullback on the mirsed her bus at The Dalles and by the following cause: That the canning exhibit; while Evelyn Ha local football team this fall was hired a car and driver to overtake death of said Geo. Dapkus was worth won the $100 scholarship picked by coaches and officials as a her bos. when another car crashed caused by some unknown object pass given by the Union Pacific for the member of the All-District team tito the machine, throwing Mrs. ing over his head and crushing his j ^ outstanding club member of the ] In the position of center. Cook’s By James R Stotts In Boise, Cap- her to complete something like 60 miles shorter than by any other county. Jolley out and fracturing her skull. skull.” The findings were signed by work ln backing up the line as rov D. C. Masterson, foreman: Bob Bar- , ital News, She died a short time after. miles, exclusive of contracts award ^route. The distance to San Fran Quests of the evening were Mrs ing center was outstanding this ney, L. K. Bullock, Leo H. Schmidt, I The Malheur county W. C. T. U ed. Of the $170,000 allocated by cisco will be only 750 miles. Kathryn Claypool of Vale; Oeorge year. I w lth the completion of contracts Oregon, $85,000 is to be expended for sent flowers to her funeral as many R. L. Kirby and A. T. Monson Farmers o f southwestern Idaho Mitchell. Oscar Bauer and Harry The jury refused to place the now under construction or to be local members counted Mrs. Jolley construction of a bridge over the and eastern Oregon envision the Claterbos of Nyssa. At the close PARMA COMMUNITY CHURCH blame on any certain party for an j started In the immediate future Owyhee river, near Chinese gulch. development of markets through as a friend. of the evening cocoa and cookies H A S PLANNED SEVERAL apparently unavoidable accident; jonl>' 60 miles of the I. O. N. high- The remainder of the amount will truck hauling over the highway of were served by the 4-H club boys GOOD ENTERTAINMENTS not knowing whether It was Rags- ornia,” will remain to be built, and be expended In road construction from 33 1-3 to 40 per cent of the SALE TO BE HELD and girls, dale's truck or whether some other ornla.” *'11 remain to be built, and from Chinese gulch to Jordan Valley products of their farms, and ln the AT RUST RANCH The Community Church of Parma car had passed over the boy’s head. \ ^ *s predicted that this, Oregons and the re-routing of the jink from course of time, of the vast major TUESDAY, DEC. DISTRICT CONFERENCE has Invited U 8 Senator James P. Several wttnesss were examined at remaining proportion of the three Rome to Jordan Valley, shortening ity of the products. Shipments from TO BE AT ONTARIO Pope of Idaho to speak at the A farm sale is to be held at the the hearing which took place ln the \ state project, will be completed by the route a distance of eight miles. this immediate territory and as far church on Sunday evening, Decem A. E. Rust place 14 miles southwest courtroom at Vale under the dir the end of 1937, and commencement east as Olenns Ferry, approxiate a LAST OREGON LINK ber 1st and a large crowd Is ex of Nyssa on the Owyhee river on ection of District Attorney M. A. made in the development of the . , . „ „ . total of 50,000 carloads of livestock, lower Snake river valley into Calif - hear the distinguished A district conference of the Am pected to be considerable livestock, machinery Biggs. I? dairy products, poultry, eggs, pota- omias market basket. and for which no allocation has Tuesday, December 3rd. There will "" 1 toes, celery, lettuce, onions, fruits erican Legion Auxiliary will be held senator speak. His subject will be For completion of its last portion been made will be from the Jordan and other farm products; this has at Ontario on Thursday aftemoen, "8elf Interest and Collective Secur and household goods to be sold. Col. CLYTIE LONG TO HAVE FARM AUCTION FRIDAY, DEC. 6 of the road. Idaho has Just award valley north to the Malloy ranch, been the average for a number of December 5th. State officers will be ity.” Amos Miller is auctioneer and Another outstanding entertaln- present for the meeting, which ed a contract at a price of $116,000 a distance of 22 miles, not now a years. Frank Morgan is clerk. Clyde Long s planning to lease his to the Triangle Construction com- standard highway but of good con- With the development of the starts at 2:30 and the evening will men Is planned for Friday evening. farm and has advertised a farm sale pany of Boise, a reflection of the struetton. The other link will be ______ TAKEN TO VETERANS second _____ unit __ of _____ the ____ Black Canyon be given over to a banquet and at December 8th at • oclock when the HOSPITAL TUESDAY to be held Friday, December 6th,! rapid progress which has been made from Rome to the end of construe- p ^ ject near Caldwell, and for 8 o'clock there will be an open Eoclesla Choir of southern Calif starting at one o'clock. The sale ! In construction work the past two \ tion. This link. It is estimated, will j wh|Ci1 ^ federal governmentt has meeting for the Legion, the Aux ornia will give a musical enter tainment at the church. Sunday Chas. Kennard. who has been will be held at the Long ranch four years. A total expenditure for con- Involve a cost of $5000 a mile or a a(jverttsed for bids, total shipments iliary and the public. Local regular meting will be held evening, January 12th they have wl]1 ^ vasty increased, staying at the Western Hotel and miles north and three-fourths of a struction work, including the con- total of $300,000. December 2 on account of the On dated up Lieutenant Commander Nevada has already completed has been employed by Henly, on mile west of Nyssa. There will be j tract Just let, approximating $300,000 tario affair being on the regular Bryant of the U. B. Navy to talk on her quota of construction. When STEADY FARM FLOW destruction work, alas taken to quite a sale of livestock. Including | has been made by Idaho, Hostesses for the peace. He has attended several The State of Oregon has expend- | completed, the distance by this A study of shipments for commer- meeting night the Veterans Hospital at Boise 15 head of cattle and four head of Tuesday evening, suffering from horses, besides farm machinery and ed $110.000 and allocated an addl- route from the Boise valley to Los clal crops from the Boise valley December 2 meeting will be Mrs. Ab armament eonfsreneee and le rated bott. Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Cook. as an able speaker. tional $170,000. There remains for Angeles will be 850 miles, or 200 (Continued on page 4) household goods pneumonia. ;T HOOP ARTISTS HOLD PRACTICE VALE CGC YOUTH IS ACHIEVEMENT DAY HELD AT KINGMAN ROUND TOWN I-O-N Highway To Be Big Help To This Section In Moving Crops To California Market I V / / ‘ 1