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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1933)
GATE CITY JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1933 LITTLE NEWS OF NYSSA BIG BEND TEACHER Caldwell nine will play in tty»» nun* P.-T. A. DELEGATE _ _ t _ _ t day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K lug left Tuesday) for Idaho City. Mr. and Mrs —“ “ “ “ — — — ——— — — ______ Big B e n d -M rs . R. L. Haworth and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Toombe spent , --------------- John Klug ------- left on Wednesday. M r. a n a Mrs. M rs. Ray n a y Kendler «.«m a ie r left i e n T u e s -' , n u. a im ***>«• * ------— ------- - ' i., P H R n im h n ch a ttpn d ed an ex- day for Mr. K en dler* home at U m a- Sunday at Baker with Mrs. Toombs' Miss Dorothy Ollmore relum ed home p T A a t O n tario parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis James. Monday from the College of Idahc meeting ofu p - T t A ^ Ontarto Ulla. - where she competed her sophomore Saturday. Mrs. Haworth was chosen M r. and Mrs. Robert Strlngfellow Bert Llenkaemp r returned Saturday " ™ re sne completea ner »OP"01" 0™ delegate ^ represent Malheur county have gone to Pocatello to spend their from a fishing trip with friends at y • at the state meeting in Portland June American Falls and Lake Channel. E B Butler, Jr., returned Monday and 7 vacation. Chas. M. Caldwell returned on Tues Earl W arren left Tuesday for his if™ " 1 * * ‘P £ ' “ • < ^ Mr. and Mrs. 1 Robert W eir were in day from Kent, Wash., after a visit home at Yakima. Wash., after spending ^ alL Jo* R °b e rt«)n made the trip with j Vale three months with relatives here. him and en-!oyed 1 1 hnmensely. Tom Case SQn Qf M r and Mrs Cecll with his family. Mrs. W. B. Hoxle visited with her : “ » • Gillian Newby accompanied the Ca5e, was operated on for appendicitis M arlin Wilson Is painting the re Wilson at Pon- Stringfellows to Pocatello. There she SatUrday morning in Ontario. modeled residence owned by his mother daughter Mrs. Helen i mnt Viar ewin C 1 nAiTro onH oppnmrvanipn _ _ . — .. Mr and Mrs. Louis Ackerman of Mrs. Addle Wilson. Her home was re dosa last week. Mrs. Wilson and daugh- I1“ 1 her son George and accompanied | him to his camp where she will make a , goulder, Colo., Aileen Conway and built after a fire last fall. ters returned with her. j returned vlsit wtth hlm and hlS recent brlde- Mary Ryan of Ontario were guests In Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schireman spent Mrs. Merrit M. Greellng the week end In Boise with friends, from Boise with the Schlremans Sun- Mrs- J }> Glimore attended com- the Brumbach and Purdy homes They also attended a party of Standard day and is spending the week with her mencement at o ege o ° Wednesday. OH employes. parents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt. Monday m c ^ n g w h e ^ e r nlece Miss „ n n g your containers for Fly spray. _ . „ .____ , . _ .. , _ , . .... M argaret Williams graduated with Cows give more milk when sprayed Irving Nakervta of Butte, Mont., ar-1 Mrs. Thelma Barker and children honors with | with n y FolI. Baldridge Implement rived Monday to spend a week or ten have moved to the Sherwood residence 1 days with hi* aunt Mrs. A. H. Boydell vacated by the Relnke family who have j Marjorie Sterling and Bitty Be“ Ft l.‘ ^ Mrs Herman Miller and ______ , , T-ahft n o ., tcher of Payette are spending a weeks! Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller and and family. . moved to Idaho C y. vacation with M r. and Mrs. Thos. B. children and Mrs. N. S. Phelan were Miss Evalyn Earp took the younger | Mrs. W m. Noble and daughter Eva- Norda]e Roy sterling brought them guests In the Allison home at Melba girls' class of the Methodist community lyn of Jordan Valley were guests la s t ; oyer Sunday last week. They returned Saturday ac- church Sunday School on a hike and week at the J. R. Hunter home. They Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Frizzell are j companied by Mrs, Allison, picnic In Apple Valley yesterday. |also visited In Idaho towns. leaving today for Portland and the I Mrs. Frank Rowbottom returned to Mrs. Allen Wilcox and two young Dr. Payne, of The Dalles Tuerculosis coast where they will spend their va- I her home in Los Angeles Sunday after daughters of Vale were guests of Mrs. hospital, will leave soon for Vienna to catlon - j ^ y wid attend the Rose Fes- a pleasant week with her sister and Oeorge Stacey Monday and attended take a post graduate course. Dr. Payne | Uval and yisit M r Prizzell,s brother brothers. She was honor guets at many the show "State Pair,” at the Liberty has numerous friends In Malheur coun- and iami)y j social events. theatre. ty' I Mr. and M r s Charles L. Thompson' ° win? to the change In P la w for Mrs. Roy Zancher of Star and Miss da hter Mrs L E stephens and entertainment of Honorabel T. A. W a l- Miss Bernice Vorhies went to Boise Wiggins of Midvale sisters of M r Stephens returned last week to prepare for a recital given Midge ----------------- -----------------“ ---------- -- Friday from |ters ,°f . Washington. E. C. Van Petten by her instructor Miss Kathryn Eckert1 Mrs. Chas. M. Paradis, with the Z a n - ^ l c e Utah M r Stephens is awaiting Indefinitely postponed his debate «w - _ ■ i a . t r . -.1 1 . . # — -11«* ««« a ««/« « innfn o f Dn «•*> *41 n ’ fVin enl esc* f n V Miss Vorhies cher family were guests at the Paradis transfer to a new location by the Pac- th® sal®® tax on Wednesday night ... _____Bob Peck came over from Owyhee I home last Sunday. played first violin. lfic Produce company. _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ Dam Sunday and took his parents Mr. E. B. Brush has made the sale of a and Mrs. C. E. Peck back with him to large quantity of potatoes to the state d the d He provided them the institutions in Salem during the l a s t l y experlence of a three mlle ride few months. H e recently made a de- through the tunnel which they greatly I livery In Salem and Mrs. Brush ac- enjoyed. ! companied him on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanberg of S A V | W . B. Hoxle went on to Pondosa from Baker Sunday and was an overnight guest at the Paul Wilson home. Mr. i Hoxle found the mill at Pondosa in full j operation. Harold remained In Pondosa ! where he has prospects of work, —AT— EDER’S SATURDAY, JUNE 10th j COFFEE SPECIALS CHASE & SAN B O R N ’S COFFEE, lb. package with 1 pckg. Royal quick setting pineapple gelatin, value 45c. Both f o r ...................34c CHASE & SAN B O R N ’S COFFEE, 2 lb. pckg., with 2 pckgs. pineapple gelatin, value 85c Both f o r ........ .......................................64c . CHASE & SANBO RN’S COFFEE, 3 lb. pckg., with 3 pckgs. pineapple gelatin, value $1.30, Both f o r ......................................99c B AKIN G POW DER, Price’s 12 oz. tin, money- back guarantee ................................... 23c CORNSTARCH, lb. pckg................................ 5c GOLDEN B A N T A M SW EET CORN, Del Monte No. 2 size, 2 cans........................ 24c MEN’S CO TTO N GLOVES, p a ir ...................5c JELL-A-TEEN, all flavors, 5 packages.......23c Everything in fresh vegetables and fruits Eder Grocery PHONE 58 NYSSA, ORE. GROCERY S pecials For Saturday, June 10 and Monday June RICE, Fancy Blue Rose, 4 lbs.................. ..... 19c M AC ARO N I, bulk, 4 lbs................................ 19c M O TH ER’S COCOA, 2 lbs............................ 19c SU N N Y M O N D A Y SOAP, 10 b ars...............21c H O LLY W O O D COFFEE, Vacuum packed, 1 lb. t in ...................................................28c H O LLY W O O D COFFEE, Vacuum packed, 3 lb. tin .................................................... 80c CHEESE, Sunshine, 5 lbs.............................. 69c SARDINES, N o w a y, in olive oil, 3 f o r .......25c P E A N U T BUTTER, in glass, 2 lb.................23c ICED JUMBLE COOKIES, 2 lbs................. 25c C H O C O LATE E C LAIR COOKIES, 2 lbs.....29c WILSON GROCERY Mm* PHONE 21 LINCOLN YOUTH IS BADLY HURT Mrs. Ed. H. Wilson and little daugh- I ters and Mrs. Fam ham Sills and daughter Peggy were guests last Thurs Lincoln— Little Tommy Redsull cut day night at the home of Mrs. Wilson’s I mother In Nam pa. They returned F ri three of his fingers nearly off Tuesday j when he caught his hand in a derrick day. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Francis were cable. Several young folks gathered at the ¡overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. games Sunday ; Wamsley of Parm a Tuesday. The Fran- Redsull home to play I cis plan to return to Depoe Bay the last night. Mr. and Mrs. W . S. Rogers and fam of this week after a visit of two months I here. They have been staying at the ily were visitors at the Jones and Reims homes In Fruitland Sunday. home of Mrs. M ary Felton. Mrs. Robert Davis and daughters | Mrs. Addle Wilson and ~ daughter Maxine and M ary were visitors at the Gertrude,. Betty Cook and Mrs. B a r George Markham home Sunday. ney Wilson spent Sunday afternoon in Fred Redsull came down from G a s L a Grande with Miss Donna Cook. Mr. oline Gulch Thursday and returned Wilson remained at the ball game In Sunday. Baker. Farmers have started haying. Donald O rah am had bad luck with his first purchase of goldfish for a new Mrs. Ted Newell returned Tuesday lily pond. W h at caused their death, he W alla does not know, but one morning he from a visit with relatives in found all of them dead. He made a Walla. second purchase of 22 fish which to Leo Hollenberg and C. L. McCoy rep date are thriving In the lily pond. resented the Nyssa-Parm a golf club at Not so long after the hills were made a tournament committee meeting In They made around Cow Creek, Charles McIntyre Payette Monday night. pioneered there. He settled on Cow plans for a tournament June 25, be Creek in 1872 and today Is residing on tween the ten low score men from all the old ranch. He was In Nyssa on busi clubs of the Snake river valley. Next ness Saturday with Fred Palmer, an 8unday. the local club will entertain other old timer of the Jordan Valley Caldwell golfers. country who Is now residing in Cald Mrs. Arvilla Fauchier celebrated her well. 73rd birthday Sunday with a dinner at A number of fans accompanied the the home of her daughter Mrs. C. A. ball team to Baker Sunday. Mr. and Abbott. Guests were Mrs. Glasgow, of Mrs. Dewey Ray, Mrs. Tom Burton, Wyoming, mother of Hugh Glasgow, Thomason, Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Bunny Schweizer, Artie Robert Mrs. Mattie Mrs. John Zittercob and Mrs. son, W . B. Hoxle, the Oeorge Schweizer Betts, family, Bernard Frost, Pete Boydell, Josie Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Barr Doolittle. Mrs. Frank Rambaud, Mrs. Art Servoss. the Household Fly Foil Spray— keeps files A. V. Cook family. Barney Wilson and awav. Bring a container, 25c a pint at son attended from here . Baldridge Implement Co., Nyssa. Bridge Prizes —— a Bother ? NYSSA, ORE. The $10. I. E. Minster et ux to Continental Casaulty Co., S H S W tiS W V i and N 4 - SW ViSW Vi. Sec. 17-16-47. Also Lots 4 and 5, Blk .315, Ontario. 5-3-3. $1.00. Fred E. Burgess to Eliza Bugess, S H - SWV1, Sec. 26-18-44. cont. 80 acres. 6-2- 33. $1. MauriceL. Judd et ux to State of Oregon. E ViSW W , eSc. 11-21-46, cont. 40 acres. 4-3-33. $3000. M. FR1.-SAT., P IC T U R E JUNE 9-10 W E D .-T H U R .-F R I., JUNE 14-15-16 “KING KONG” , .HI III lllilll M l III II111 l.lllll |;| III l:ll I 111 I III 1.1 lit HI M ill III III III lll'lll III III III 11 III HI HI III HI III III M W I M l III HI H ill HI H PUBLIC SALE Wed., June 14, at A. J. Richey Ranch Gambel Island Near Nyssa Dairy Cattle, Farm Machinery of A ll Kinds, Tools, Hay, Household Goods, Dishes and Fruit for cash sale. FREE COFFEE and 5c LUNCH Free Ferry Service All Day Amos J. Miller CALDWELL OREGON -SEASON “STRANGERS IN LOVE” The Primitive Dram a Titanic; 'A il m i i i i hi hi hi i n i hi mini 11 i i hi Hiii iii iii m CREAM S U N .-M O N .-TU ES., JUN E 11. 12, 13 Mrs. M ary Brown left for her home In Boise Sunday after a week's visit with her sister Mrs. Geo. R. Swan. i iiiiiii m i iii i'i n hi in 1 1 1 min m m Is With Us Again We make the Delicious Sundae or Cool, Re freshing Drink that helps make the good old Summertime t h e nicest time o f the year. We Will Be Glad to Supply Your Party Needs THE Nyssa Pharmacy Try the Drugstore first NYSSA OREGON Auctioneer hi m i hi itiiiiiinriiriii iiiw ih ii DRESS SALE Three Big Days of Bargain Prices in Summer Dresses. Friday, Saturday, Monday, June 9-10-12 We have placed our entire stock of Ladies Silk Dresses in three large groups—priced at three remarkably LOW PRICES con sidering their style and good quality. GROUP NO. 1 GROUP NO. 2 GROUP NO. 3 Regular Regular Regular $1.98 to $2.98 DRESSES $3.98 to $4.98 VALUES $5.90 to $9.98 VALUES Sizes 14 to 40 Sizes 14 to 50 Sizes 14 to 50 $2.90 $4.40 NOW $1.49 NOW NOW Don’t fail to cash in on these wonderful summer values as prices are GOING U P ! Remember, three big days. Our Entire Stock of Ladies’ Summer Coats HALF PRICE “ Cool and so easy to keep clean these warm summer months” — is what you will say about our new oilcolth table cloths. New patterns and designs. A ll wrapped in attractive celophane package. C. N O T SURE O F T IT L E OF W ith Frederic M arch . Kay Francis Flowers and pretty dishes on a white lunch eon cloth make food in summer more attractive. Our new white damask Halifax cloths are pret ty, serviceable and inexpensive. NYSSA LIBERTY Theatre Marriage I.icenses Issued John Jacob Molenaar and Dorothy Jean Durbin. 6-3-33. Your luncheon may be lovely— but it will be lovelier when you use one o f our new luncheon sets, 54x54 inch cloth with 4 napkins of pure linen in gay plaid combinations. Prelaundered and ready for use. Caldwell’s Store FO R S ALE — Ticket to Portland, must be used by Tuesday. Inquire J O U R NA L. Court House Filings Something “ soft” in the way of prizes is to be found in our pillows. New gay cretonnes and satines. Velvets with a modernistic touch to tone up the living room— you’ll love them. We have lots of other pretty new things that should make nice gift suggestions and pnzes. Do drop in and see them. P O R S A L E — S pan o f horses and h ar ness, 1400 and 1500 pound. $50. W. B Larkin, 1V4 miles south of Nyssa on Bridge Island. Pd. 1 time June 8. FOR R E N T — Modern, 4-room house; semi-modern 4-room house. See W il C. L. McCoy at a golf luncheon at her son Bros.. City. home in Ontario today Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rose were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Nordale last Real Estate Transfers Recorded Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rose are mov- A. L. Lee to T. W . Ware, Lot 1 Blk. 4, ¿ from Nam pa to Buhl. Harper. 5-20-33. $50. j M fs R D Lytle oi V ale left last Howard L. White to Cora F Dye et tl week for Lacrosse, Wls., where she will N W ^ N E t i , Sec. 23-13-40. cont. 40 visit relatives. She will also attend the acres. 10-20-32. 045. World's fair In Chicago. C. W . Glenn, Sheriff to Orville Nich ols. NE14, Sec. 5-17-47. 5-16-33. $412.19. C. W . Glenn, Sheriff to Gertrude Erwin. All south and east of County road In EHSE14 and SWV.SE14, Sec. 3-19-44. 5-22-33. $106.75. Elsie F. Parks et vir to Georgia A. Cox, Lot 5, Blk. 11, Outlook. 5-30-33. Ed. Pierson and Mr. and Mrs. W ill The ___ ________________ _ ever conceived by strangest story Pierson^ are in Mecca, Cal., awaiting the jman g y greatest picture of the Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Tuning start 1 of work on the Shea job. They year. of Roswell were guests In the B rum find it difficult to get on as the project Is relief work and Californians get first Prices for K IN G K O N G . 10c and 35c bach home Sunday $1.00 for 3 adults. choice. Not When You See Our Suggestions 12 Mrs. John Lon* rwilved word Mon HOGS m r ) DEMAND Dick Tensen recently sold seventy day of the death of a brother at Salem. Wm. Schireman has purchased a I head of feeder pigs to H. O. Sloan. ¡They are pastured on the Sloan ranch new Plymouth sedan. D r J. J. Sarazin Is attending a med- « Apple Valley. A large herd of pigs mna nlon rvlianhn •i.l hi’ recently by Qfl an lcal meeUng at Starkey Hot Springs w as 4140 purchased rev eu u y uy Arcadia farmer M r Tensen says the todav ------------ ..---------------- --------------- ■ today raise In price has resulted in a good Mrs. P. B. Schlapkohl is entertaining demand for feeder pigs. Mrs. Merrit Oreeling of Boise and Mrs. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Golden Rule C. C. Andtrtm Nyssa - Gompcmy * Oregon