Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1933)
gate city journal , T hursday , J une a of Boise were attendant. The second cn Saturday at the Robertson Allen Forbes Weds 'Johnson couple left after the ceremony for the home. Guests were invited for seven tables. Prize winners Friday were Mrs. coast on a short honeymoon. They will Bareny Wilson, high, Mrs. Wesley J. live at the Bristol hotel where the bride Browne, low; Saturday, Mrs. Bernard Miss Largent Of ! has been manager the past year. Mr. Frost and Mrs. Leo Hollenberg. Mrs. ¡Forbes is vice president of the Yellow Harry Ooshert of Emmett attended the Boise On Saturday Cab company. The bride is a member luncheon on Saturday. A simple and quiet wedding Satur day in Boise was that of Miss Mary Largent and C. Allen Forbes, of Boise, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fobes of Nyssa. Rev. Hugh B. Foulke officiated and the ceremony took place at the Methodist manse. Mrs. Maude Cosho, sister of the bride, and Harry of Alpha Xi Delta and both Mr. and Mrs. Forbes are graduates of the Uni versity of Oregon. Miss Largent and Mrs. Cosho former ly lived in Nyssa. • • • • BRIDC-E-LUNCHEONS Mrs. Dewey Ray and Mrs. Artie Rob ertson gave two bridge-luncheons last week, one Friday afternoon and the • • • • SUNDAY PICNIC A party of Nyssa people spent a jolly Sunday fishing and picnicking on Rose creek. In the crowd were Mr. and Mrs Jess Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. H. Wilson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Franham Sills and daughter Peggy, Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Norcott and daughter Mary, Mr and Mrs. Dick Adams, Ted Newell and Ray Emmott. A fish fry closed the day’s fun. • WATCH AND CLOCK - - - REPAIRING All Our Work Guaranteed Is —JEWELRY REPAIR— Fifer Jewelery Shop Swan Building ' Nyssa, Ore. Attention! To Users of Electricity— We wish to advise you that we repair all types of motors, pumps, starters and general electrical equipment. We can supply new and some second hand equipment. All work under supervision of licensed and bonded electrician. THE ELECTRIC SHOP J. T. Lillard, Mgr. Ontario, Ore. Are Your Mowers Ready For the Hay field? Repairs! R e p a i rs ! Get your JOHN DEERE MOWER and RAKE Repairs at— Baldridge Implement Co. We Appreciate Your Trade NYSSA OREGON For Summer r ue I Burn 14-inch Block, Dry Pine It’s Cheaper Than Coal and makes a quicker fire. PHONE 26 • ARCADIA NEWS Nyssa, Ore. N yssa P acking Company Will Open on Sundays and Holidays from— 8 to 9 a. m. Only CONVENIENCE — and Thank You! Friends NYSSA, ORE. ROßT. D. LYTLE Attorney and Counselor at Law First National Bank Building Phene 66 Vale Oregon • *. U imi in in in in in in uuiriii il in ti in ni!! ti.» ffiw nm r IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE u STATE OF OREGON FOR THE = COUNTY OF MALHEUR. i In the Matter of the Estate of Donald Johnson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given th at Elmer L. Johnson, administrator of the Estate of Donald Johnson, deceased, has rendered and presented for final settle ment and filed in said court his final account of his administration of said estate together with his petition and report and a petition for final distri bution; and that Friday, the 9th day of June, 1933, at the hour of 1:30 in - the afternoon of said day, at the courtroom of said court a t the court house in said county has been fixed and appointed as the time and place any person Interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing to said account and contest tile same. Notice is further given that said ac = count is for final settlement and that m said estate is ready for distribution, and on confirmation of said final ac count, final distribution of said estate NYSSA SHOE SHOP 5 = Invites you to bring in your old shoes. What may seem beyond re- pair might be made into a good understanding and add a few steps to economy. | 3 | g | § Guarantee Work WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific Ontario If You Want to Look Your Best, Come To GEO. KINZER Plumber Just Installed a 1 NEW MACHINE for TREATING SEED GRAIN Chicken Scratch from your own grain. | NYSSA FLOUR MILL H. D. Holme« TRANSFER AND BAQOAOB NYSSA SHOE SHOP Ross Parkinson, Prop. All Kinds of Hauling hi City Limits I s PHONES NYSSA. OR. Nyssa, Oregon râjJilJlllllllllllll:lll!lllilllll!lll!lllllllllll!l!l!|llllll!lll!l!l!l!l!lll!lll!lll!llllll)î - ''¡i:ilil!i!i:i!lm j ii : iii !UI l!lil l!l!t Hi l l I I i.l liln t'M lii:i!l l!l:lil i!l l!l 11 i!r.lil i:t:iil iii r t lilJ il lin il l l l!H I in i l l!Ilii!lil:H l!liiilu ilil!iU iM illi:i« ^ E: S | General Auto Repairing | | Acetelyne Welding Greasing, Washing All Kinds of Service MACS BARBER SHOP Legal Advertisement Oregon On th e Old Job 1 Expert Leather Work g NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL Mrs. Ethel Funk and Mrs. T. Dieter MEETING will give a social for the P.-T. A. Fri NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the day, June 9. Misses Elsie and Clara Doman re legal voters of School District No. 26 of turned from Emmett Sunday. Miss Malheur County, State of Oregon, that Evelyn Thayne came back with them the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of J to spend vacation with relatives here. said District will be held at the school- Vera Carruth of Juntura spent the house; to begin at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, be week end with her brother Leroy. Jack Com was in Boise during the ing the 19th day of June, A. D. 1933. This meeting is called for the pur week. Miss Dixie Miner went to Juntura pose of electing 1 Director and 1 clerk and the transactiton of business Monday to visit relatives. Lacey Calloway and his bride were usual at such meeting. honorees a t a dance given Friday by Dated this 27th day of May, 1933. ATTEST: Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Doman. CHAS. M. PARADIS Mrs. Bill Hickey returned Sunday District Clerk. after a visit with her daughter Mrs. A. H. BOYDELL, Loy Beliste at Valley View. Chairman Board of Directors. June 8-16 , CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends who made NOTICE Laundry Agent my “friendship’’ quilt. Those who help IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ed were Mr.s P. M. Binkley, Mrs. Addle STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Wilson, Mrs. W. B Hoxie, Mrs. Dick COUNTY OF MALHEUR. Holmes, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Sally Dennis, In the Matter of the Estate of WIN Mrs. Mary Felton, Mrs. Mattie Thom FIELD S. BROWN, Deceased. WfflMKMMMMBlIIllTOimMMIIIIlM IM T ason, Mrs. John Ray, Mrs. Carrie R ut NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T hat ledge, Mrs. C. B. Short, Mrs. Chas. Mc Winifred Brown Thomas, administra Connell and Mrs S. D. Goshert. trix of the estate of Winfield S. Brown, Mrs H. T. Francis. deceased, has rendered and presented her final account of her administration of said estate and petition for distri bution and discharge as such admin for residential use, 250 gals, istratrix; th at Monday, the 19th day of to 1100 gals, per hour, also June, 1933 ,at the hour of 11:00 o’clock Parma water lifters for irri NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE in the forenoon of that day, In the gation, By virtue of an execution duly Issued County Court Room in the County out of the Circuit Court of the State of Court House, In Vale, Malheur County, —SEE— Oregon, for the County of Malheur, on Oregon, has been appointed and fixed the 7th day of June, 1933, pursuant to by the Judge of said Court in an order a judgment rendered in said Court on made and entered on the 11th day of the 5th day of June, 1933, in a suit May, 1933, as the time and place for wherein the Occidental Life Insurance hearing said petition, at which time Company, a corporation, is plaintiff, and place all persons interested in said ¡and Sallie M. Taylor; B. J. Schram estate may appear and object to said and Marie Schram, husband and wife; account, settlement thereof, and con Phone 75W ¡Elizabeth Canfield; F. W. Canfield, in test the same, and all persons concern Pai ma Idaho dividually, and as administrator of ed therein are notified to be present , the estate of Ward Canfield, deceased; and show cause, if any there be, why C. C. Canfield, individually, and as account and report should not be j administrator o f the e s t a t e of said approved and allowed, and said estate Ward Canfield, d e c e a s e d ; settled and the said administratrix dis Clarice G. Edwards; Amy C. Rader; A. charged. E. Nichols, individually, and as admin- WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS I istrator of the estate of D. M. Nichols, Administratrix of the Estate of deceased, and as guardian of the person Winfield S. Brown, Deceased. and property of Ira M. Nichols, an In competent; W. E. Nichols, individual Date of First Publication, May 18, 1933. ly, and as administrator of the estate Date of Last Publication, June 15, 1933 of D. M. Nichols, deceased; Cora Van E. M. BLODGETT, Attorney for Ad g Btiren; Ontario Co-operative Gas and ministratrix. 3 Cleaning and treating at Oil Company, a corporation, are de 3 reasonable rates— give fendants, said writ being directed to me NOTICE TO CREDITORS and commanding me to sell the here us a call. inafter described real property, I will IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE on Saturday, the 8th day of July, 1933, STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY = W e also make at the hour of 11:00 o’clock in the fore OF MALHEUR. noon of said day, at the north main In the Matter of the Estate of PAT entrance door of the County Court House at Vale. Malheur County, Ore RICK GALLAGHER, Deceased. The undersigned, having been ap 3 Flour, Feed and Cereal gon, sell, subject to the statutory right pointed by the County Court of Mal of redemption, all of the right, title and heur County, Oregon, administrator of Milled at Home interest of the above named defend the estate of Patrick Oallagher, de ants in and to the following described ceased, and having qualified, notice is real property to-wit: hereby given to the creditors of, and The S W ^S E ti of Section 20, all persons having claims against the Your Patronage Township 18 S., Rng. 47 east of the Solicited estate of the said deceased, to present Williamette Meridian, and con them, duly verified as required by law, taining 40 acres, more or less, to within six months after the first pub gether with 15 shares of water in lication of this notice, to said admin Ore. the Owyhee Ditch Company, in istrator, at his office in Nyssa, Oregon, | Nyssa cluding all buildings and im said place being hereby designated as provements thereon or th at may be I ‘ —AT— TAYLOR & PRUYN NYSSA ONE STOP SERVICE OREGON TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS WELDING Farm Machinery Is Our Delight At this season of the year Also, remember that bearings for all electric motors will be made promptly at—- Larsen Motor Company "Good Folks to Deal With" Powell Building Nyssa, Oregon BUSINESS DIRECTORY SPECIAL FOR JUNE 26 Piece Set Community Silver, 50 year guaran tee, regular $28.75 for only $19.75. Choice of Patterns. 1-4 Carat Blue-White Diamond. Guaranteed Perfect— $47.50. Other sizes in proportion. Opposite Moore Hotel HEATER’S STUDIO Phone 76F3 NYSSA U S T Gilmore, J. D., ranch ...... 78-F2 Thank You MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. Portrait« of Quality Kodak Finishing Ontario, Oregon Ambulance Service VALE U ST Hutton, L. E., residence .....81-W Malheur County Relief ,.108-W Sackett, H. L., residence .. ,.24-W ONTARIO LIST Haley. Mrs. Esther, res..... 73-W Hoffman, C. H.. ranch ...... 343R2 Jordon, Cliff, ranch ............ 351J4 Lawson. D. L., residente ...... 69-J Lillard. C. H. residence .... 172-W Mann, Dr. N. A., office .......... 252 Mickey, Kenneth E. residence 261 Ontario Store New* .—.....141-W Warren, Chas. residence .......165 Ontario, Ore. Nyssa Funeral Home Please cut out and paste or write in your telephone Directory D oes Your Car Need? Say It With Flowers - - Greasing, Washing, Polishing, An Oil Change Or New Tires No more expressive gift W e Can Assure You the Best of Products and Service NORCOTT SERVICE STATION Shell Gas, Kerosene, Cleaning Solvent NYSSA OREGON I | ^ jT ii r i ir i!r n r iii) iir r n iim x ii: r n ; i[ r i; r i!i:iir i!in r : r m !ii,i; E i.n i; n r r r iir n i‘r!iii!n iiiii!n n ir m m ir r m ;in :m !iii!iiiiiiri!i 4 !i!m !iiiiiiiiiii m i 13;- G1NZEL JEWELRY STORE Please Shop Early For Our Convenience PHONE 6 NOTICE 3 P. M. Warren, Prop. Nyssa Grain Co. FOR YOUR • the place where said administrator will will be immediately had. receive such claims. Dated and first published May 11. 1353. Date of last publication, June 8, DON M. GRAHAM 1933. Administrator of the Estate of | ELMER L. JOHNSON, Patrick Gallagher. Deceased. Administrator of the Estate Date of First Publication, May IS, 1933 of Donald Johnson. Deceased Date of Last Publication, June 15, 1933 ROBT. D. LYTLE, Vale, Oregon, Attorney for Ad E. M. BLODGETT, Attorney for ad ministrator. ministrator. For Pressure Pumps— REPAIRS! Phone 26 • MONDAY BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Dick Adams entertained Mon day bridge club this week, several guests substituting for members who are out of town, Mrs. E. D. Norcott won first prize, Mrs. A. H. Boydell, low. Mrs. Artie Robertson was the other guest. D essert was served. The club’s next | meeting is with Mrs Howard J. Larsen. erected thereon; together with all and singular the tenements, her editaments and appurtenances, water and water rights, pipes, flumes and ditches thereunto be longing or In anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, Issues and profits thereof, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy a judgment in favor of the above named plaintiff in the sum of $2.000.00, together with interest thereon at 7 per cent per annum from January 10, 1932, until paid; and the further sum of $180.20, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from September 6, 1932; and the fur ther sum of $13.25, abstract charges; and the further sum of $2.00, cost of title search; and the further sum of $200.00, attorney’s fee; and the further sum of $77.80, plaintiff’s costs and dis bursements, and for such additional costs as may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 7th day of June, 1933. C. W. GLENN, Sheriff, Malheur County, Oregon Date of first publication, June 8, 1933. Date of last publication, July 6, 1933. Date of sale, July 8, 1933, at 11:00 A. M. Robt. D. Lytle, Vale, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. vm BOYER FLORAL COMPANY W * WILL B1 a LAD TO SERVI YOU ONTARIO, ORBOON