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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1923)
G ate C ity J ournal NYSSA, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1923 i\E XXII. NO 7 5*1 id «] DEN TS flBSI USE ÎÛFEÛPLE |l ( ¡n i S CONCHOS HiS 1AM ANO PLATFORM $1.50 PER YEAR Home Recipes THE RANGE STOCK INDUSTRY • Christina» Time. I have always thought of ' Christmas time, when it has 1 come around, as a good time, a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time, the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their s hut-Up hearts freely. And, therefore, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, 1 believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it.— Charles Dickens. , , » * » * » » * * * » » * * Roast Tig. WeHtern Slates Have Half Billion Acres oi K n ;,e Lands. Prepare a dressing as for fowl. Permanence of lhe range cattle Take young pig about two months and sheep ¡miustiy in the 11 west old, wash thoroughly inside and out ern states has been recognized and in water in which one teaspoon j the state coll(?Kes> including 0 A * • * * * « * * * WEATHER REPORT for V L id i OF DECEMEBER 15 Date ’ Temp. 1923 Rain Max. Min. Inchet* Dec. 6 67 32 0 Dec. 7 57 31 ü Dec. 8 40 24 trace of snow Dec. 9 42 15 0 Dec. 10 36 12 0 Dec. 11 34 9 0 Dec. 12 37 9 0 Date Temp. 1922 Rain Dec. 6 47 39 .44 Dec. 7 43 27 0 Dec. 8 40 22 0 Dec. 9 38 24 0 Dec. 10 48 30 .06 Dec. 11 40 18 0 Dec. 12 33 16 0 RECLAMTIONISTS FROM OREGON AT WASHINGTON ' H. H. D'A RAION D OF VALE, REP RESENTING WARMSPR1NG8. 4 soda has been dissolved, wipe dry, C., are to join efforts in helping the 1 ' Board of Engineers Has Acted Fa salt the inside and stuff with pro range livestock men with some of * ' vorably on Umpqua River pared dressing, sew up and place in ' r knotty problems, these states * Project i ... . .. have an area of 650 million acres roaster in kneeling position, tying ... , , ♦ which can be used only for grazing. * legs in proper position. Pour u • More than a third of the area is Clear Cut, Concise, Ea Washington.—Richaird H. DeAr- little salted water in roaster and public lands not under control and * ' * rly Definite Statements mond, of Vale, has arrived in Wash baste with butter and the water a so badly overgrazed that users arc * Recommendations ington to look after interests of the few times. When it begins to not getting full carrying capacity. * Warmsprings reclamation project omske, rub all over with cloth that ¡l* furnishes mueh o i the 8PrinK an,‘ * ton D . C.— Tax reduction , . , . fall grass and needs wiser handling. and R. W. Sawyer has arrived on ,s dipped in melted butter, repeat] Control of animal dUeaae, am, * [ light of way over all * * alation, President Coolidge often. This will keep the skin from jiarasites, * the same mission for the DesChutes coordinated production * 5n his first message to project. The Baker and the Owyhee becoming cracked. It will take and marketing, culling sheep foi projects aireauy were represented from two to three hours to roast. increased weight of fleece, and im kposed to a soldier bonu:, and a brief has been forwarded for Place the pig on large, hot platter tut said llatly and without proving feeds and feeding are other ow yh ef : 1‘ hone J the Harney valley project by S. A. with green wreath around neck and ---------m tion for Oregon will be opened up | * pn. FORMER OREGON REPRESENTA Mothershead. sprig o f celery in its mouth. Make in the agricultural conference to be I The young folks of the commun I Agriculture TIVE IN CONGRESS The Oregon reclamationists are a gravy by skimming o ff most of held at the college January 21-25. I ity gave a surprise party on Glen [plicated scheme of relict Growers, investigators and na- j Points Tuesday evening in honor o f ! visiting Secretary Work in tun. and the fat, stir into the remainder one [i government fixing prices sixteenth birth »re awaiting the decision of the de- [to tile public treasury will large spoonful o f flour, season with tional leaders will assist in working the young man's October 19 He Announced Candidacy partment on the Baker project. jpeimaiient value in estab- salt and pepper, add enough water out the program in these subjects day. For Republican Nomination ■iculture. Simple and di- fMH or?n/°ri ilU U j'"* '> getahles, The local P. T. A. held its month Members of the Oregon delegation to make what gravy you want, let field crops, dairy products and pout ... * Lis put into operation by As U. S. Senator UHi.YJt « J *y meeting at the school house Fr.- appeared before the hoard of er.- boil up and serve. To carve the I try. » himself m e tho only real ] day afternoon, reporting a good ut- j pig, cut o ff head first, split down After the group programs have | A Christmas tree and short pro- gineers for rivers and harbors in | restoration. *«. HAIR J worked out * * * " in I gram will be given at the school j behalf of a survey o f the channel the farmer must be re- j Clifton Nesmith McArthur, ex- the back, take o ff ham and shoul-' |,een AND OOI j I to a general confer- h „use on Christmas Eve. near the mouth of the Umpqua reduction of national and United States representative in con ders and separate the ribs.— Mis.. be submitted , ,. .. ... „ ., enee for coordination with all the hamai J Ron. lie must be assisted i Mrs. Thos. Glendenning and son I Hver with 8 view to inside improve- others for a comprehensive plan of gress from the third district in Ore-| Harriet Boydell, Nyssa. ganization of the freight- i Tommy and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, ot ment, which the hoard acted upon farming in Oregon. are winch could reduce, gon, died at 9:35 o’clock Sunday Homedale, visited at the W. E. fuvorably. Alacaroni Spanish. ++++UHÌ his production. To make I night following a sudden illness with Walters home Sunday. 1 ------------------------- WESTFALL Boil enough macaroni for your effective there ought to I meningitis. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lowe and School Lunches. meal, in salted water, cook until I Mrs. M. Fitchett and son Ben consolidations. Cheaper Mr. McArthur’s death brings to a Preparing the luuchbox for tho have moved in town for the winter. fam,ly’ who ^ v e been raising tur- lust be provided, tender; cut up one largo onion, fry j close a notable political career. A J. L. Lamberson and wife spent a I keys on the Julien Lowe home- . child who has , , to eat his midduy it have organization. His till brown, put with onion % can few days of last week in Ontario ^tead " eart Mitche11 Butte. have 80>d meal Bt “ hiuol ls "ot a simple mat- ith whom he exchanges I staunch republican, he became an j leftovers most of their possessions and are ter of chucking tomatoes, and season with chili visiting. ' 1‘ _ “ some ,J 1 ! into the farm for those of I active party whip during his four leaving Tuesday morning for North a paper bag. That’s the way it powder. Cook all when mixed 5 ] A school meeing was held at the organized, labor is or- j congressional terms which followed era California, near Red Bluff. They used to be done in the day3 before minutes, serve hot.—J. D. Rogers. school house Monday afternoon. isiness is organized, and i his participation in state politics. will visit their daughter, Mrs. Guy so much was known about nutrition, Russel Kelsey made a trip to a way for agriculture to j Shumway, of Creston, before leav but mothers of this generation have Dorn at The Dalles June 10, 1879, Fruitland Saturday. unless it, too, is organ- Caramel I’ arfait. more scientific information -at their he was 44 years o f age at the time Miss Eva Everette visited friends ing Oregon. l creage of wheat is too Caramelize % cup sugar. Add V4 of his death. Following his gradu Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans were command thun mothers o f former in Ontario and Vale Saturday and lless we can meet the generations. ation from the University o f Ore cup boiling water and cook until Sunday. Caldwell visitors Friday. cet at a profit, we m ust, The trick is to make the noondyv gon in 19U1, with a bachelor of arts dissolved. Beat the yolks of 2 or 3 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fenn were Henry Fitchett and wife visited g for export. O rgan ij degree, he entered the newspaper eggs, add % cup sugar, and mix Mrs. M. Fitchett a few days last Nyssa and Ontario visitors Monday. meal so invitingly appetizing that it Id help to reduce acreeags field, serving as reporter on tne lo well. Then add to hot syrup, stir week before going on to Beulah, Vincenti Mendiola moved his is eaten to the last crumb. And it f co-operative marketing! cal Oregonian and with the Asso ring constantly until the mixture where they will spend the winter at sheep to their feed grounds on the must not be hard to digest, either, r the farmers themselves,! foor immediately after the lunch is Glascock ranch Saturday. ciated Press office until 1903, when thickens, chill and fold in 1 pint the Ralph Hunter ranch. by competent manage- j beaten cream. Turn into for three years devoted himself firmly Miss Harriett Prow of Ontario, tendance. After the business meet swallowed the boys and girl« alt out doubt would be of as-1 quart mold and pack in equal parts to farming. who has been visiting her friend, ing a short prog nan was given, fear for the school playground, they can not wholly cookie«— Sandwiches, fruits, October 19 he announced his can ice and salt.— Mrs. R. 11. DeArmond. Miss Crystal Cammann, since the those present enjoying the “ Art W. B. HiDi0^ve th* problem. Our agricultural old Museum.” E. L. AtaeLaffertj wrapped— are the good didacy for the republican nomina- Thanksgiving holidays, returned schools ;'oi s p o > on “ Reading for Children.” of a «»»Id’s noon lunch. Be Hstl ha Lion as United States Senator from Popcorn Delight. home Wednesday. in the theory of organization ¡ Oregon. Clint Hill and wife motored to Machinery was set in motion fUr ! sPannK in U8,n* meaU m the 8and‘ Take two cupfuls o f sugar, one jNSHUmlnd eoopAutive marketing, more nutnt,oua a,ul Mr. McArthur’s political activities cupful cream, a pinch o f salt, one Vale Friday for dental treatment, the production of the playlet which, wiehe8î u8e ersifi a Dive ation is nedessary. Those I etidonea Ni is to he given under the “ allspices ’ more tas‘ y filli" » 8 of baked b€ans also visited at New Plymouth bc- were not the boundary of his work table spoonful lemon extract, one raise their living on of the P. T. A., by local talent, on and chili “ uce- chee8® and nuts’ land are not greatly in dis- in the state, lie was active in the cupful chopped popcorn and one- ! I°re returning home, Don’t l ‘’^ 8 and mayonnal8e- ma8hed P®88- Zenala Lamberson is on the sick Thursday evening, Dec. 27. ress. '^Sue loans are as wisely dairying field, himself having op half cupful peanuts. Boil the sugar, forget the date, there’s sure to he1 and. chopped eelery. Doll these up erated a ranch in Polk county near salt, cream and butter until it forms l'st this week. g stock with a bit of lettuce, nuts, or ripe ither mati s di Kiekreail, which he purchased in a soft hall when tested in cold! Orville Presley^is another who is lots of fun whn the members of the olives. P. T. A. display their dramatic abil lid be financed through a 1903, following the termination of water. Remove from the fire, add I 0,1 the sick list. Pies, cakes, and heavy or greasy the extract, popcorn and nuts. Stir ] Jack Welch made a business trip ity. The Misses Lowe and Mac- foods of all kinds should be kept agency as a temporary i his two years as a reporter. 1 Kl Lafferty are also scheduled to give mey expedient. Breeding o f registered Jersey cat until it creams and pour into a hut- ! to Harper this week. out o f' the school lunch box. Young Among those who were parcel us some of their charming music. Reclamation tie became his avocation, and upon lered pan. children should never be permitted Arthur Mason, foreman of the posting their turkeys to Portland n of many contributing his return to Oregon following the tea or coffee; the school water sup Evans ranch, spent the week end this week are Mrs. Grace Hart, Lil kupants of our reclamation completion of his active congres - 1 ply will supply the beBt drink, if CRESTON lie Woodard and Charley Johnson. with Jack Troudeau at Beaumont. Ire in financial difficulties, sional service, ha again entered the you cannot arrange for a milk de F. L. DeBord sent shipment of Harold Wilson and Billie Wood- dairying field in connection with ag livery. dressed geese and turkeys to Port Father O’Conner from Juntura, worth. ■ ^ H H N “ i,e K ^ t e d by definite ricultural financing firms, giving Snover, N ^ S W U , SEVtSW'/« Sec. A meeting was held at the school land Wednesday. M f> 1 »uthorityo f law empowering the speeal attention to the aiding o f 1 he was a visitor at the Creston school Mr. and Mrs. Lou DeGoode and 25; NE14SEV4 Sec. 26-23|38. 10|1«| last Friday. house Sunday to appoint committees the Interior h - dis- dairyingmen. He practiced law iCETT Guy Travis returned from Ontario for the Christmas tree. Those ap son John and Mrs. J. W. Kygar 23. »1.00, suspend, readjust, and re- i throughout the state, although not Wednesday of this week. Crystal District Improvement Co. pointed were: Finance, Mrs. C. called at the Loy home Sunday. and -urges again.-1 water j for any long consecutive time. Mrs. E. L. MacLafferty visitel to R. U. Bradshaw, N W tiN W * Pierce, Zenola Lamberson and The Creston young people spent tice in illiM ? ' Tl 1 whole <lueation is being Air. McArthur was married to Lu Sec. 10|16|48. 12]4|23. (Q. C. deed.) Manda Gregory; buying, Mrs. Steve Mrs. Lowe Friday. the evening at the Shumway home, cille Smith of Portland, June 35, Ellis Walters sold a bunch oi W. D. Macbride to Bethsina J. A*ve tl Ivantage of the facts and- 1913. lie is survived by his wide./, in honor of Walter and Harvey’s j Woodard, Mrs. O. Presley and Mrs. dressed turkeys to Wilson Bras. Pennington, SE!4, EV4SW14 Sec. birthday anniversaries. All report I. P. Hart; decorating, Mrs. Fitch conci which they may develop, his mother, Mrs. Harriet McArthur, ...1ÆB Thi„ 10|19|16|44. 11;20123. $1. (Q. C. j ett, Gene Stewart, Edna Everetts and Monday. tion, involving a govera- and a brother, L,ewis A. McArthur, having spent a nice evening. Miss Ruth Evans will be a week deed.) irasy tl Taent jtment of more than $136,- of Portland, with whom his mother Louis Wedding has moved to th e ! Airs. Payne. end guest of Miss Elna Grossback Robert Coulter et al to R. U. ... I «*0,000 d affecting more than 'iu. resides. Wood’s ranch, for the winter, tc | There will be a dance at the hal. at Beaumont. A party of young Bradshaw, N W liN W « Sec. 19|10| Monday, Dec. 24, after the Christ users, is serious, \vfuiu trap and hunt. Vllsos B h flL Members o f Air. McArthur’s fam the school folks will return with her for holi 48. 10|19|23. $1.00. (Q. C. deed.) relief th is necessary should be ily were at his bedside in his ap- F. R. Beers went to Riverside on mas program, which day week. Verner W. Chambers et ux to V. children are giving. t contracts with the gcv- partment at Belle Court, 52 Trinity business the first of the week. B. Staples, Lots 8, 9, and 10, Block Frank Scott made a business trip hich can be met should place, at the time oi his death Guy Shumway is working on his 22, Ontario. 12j6|23. $2,500. e established general pol- he exception of his wife, Mrs. Me- ; reservoir and as the ground is to Beulah Mondday. Charley Roy, the grocery sales ie projects should not i.e Arthur was in New York city on frozen quite hard, lie makes slow Complaints Filed in Circuit Court. Estate Transfers Recorded man of Boise, was in town Monday. Real for any private Control. . usiness and was summoned as soon! progress. j Boise Payette Lumber Co. vs. G. Oliver Sandy was a business vis Week of December 8th to C. A. Stout was gathering cattle B. Porter and Wm. Porter. 12|14| ■ i her husband was taken ill. December 15th. 23. Recovery on account. $114.74. and taking them to the Coleman itor in town Monday. Ben Payne made a business trip A beautiful time is Christmas ranch down near Riverside. V. W. Chambers et ux to J. T. Christmas comes as a blessed day me—-in which bitterness and envy Louis Wedding was out to Cres to the Owyhee country last Sunday. I. P. Hart has purchased the McNulty, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, when we refresh ourselve» once ielt into understanding and foi- ton buying hay. 12,8|23. $1,376. again with the friendships we have i ivi-ness. A gracious time— in Mrs. A. V. Clark is visiting home Howard property and is moving the Block 80, Ontario. Eli I. Beers et ux to H. J. made. house on to his ranch south of town. bich we renew our faith! folks this week. I « TS Gf INTEREST G. N. M’ARTHIIR DIES SUDDENLY AT PORTLAND T C ry DBA! COUNTY STATISTICS Guilty Conscience flapper WEf2 120LKSE — MAKES n ie c e ALL of y o u r s , w ip in g OVE 12 TvÆ TôVOEli> — ME Ç û D Aß N E D 4oR E MY BE<?T GUEÇiT TOW EL / WM06 HANDS ARE T h OSE ? 8EF0RE YOU STAßT %TüßMlN(J A6 a \ n LO o ic A T T h i <3 J T Ë Copyright Western Newspaper Union P- 7 m