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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1920)
THE GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. PECKHAM CASE CO. Houje Fumi« bars and Funeral Directors. I. II. Kellar, in ükar^e of Parma Store. House Phene 50-SSS Phone 50-SS Steres at CaJdwe.'l and Parma, Idaho. ‘ ♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ! o X : WE INSURE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A SPECIALTY During the year 1919 en the P ieifie Coast, losses on automo biles alone, paid by the in su r ace companies, amounted to #U . Can You Afford to t ; Without Protection? .. A We donot overiasure, tb«'#fo ) in the event of loss we can guarantee immediate and equv.abU settlements. List your real estate with us t-nd if not unreasonably hiwh will find you a buyer. Prosp active settlers expected from the East in Brptaniber, 1920. Nyssa Realty Co, J. Boydell Phone 42 Nyssa, Oregon Licensed real eettite broker, am! m -seler o f the Interstate Realty Aesc.iatien. How About Your H eater W inter M il M» U f J. S Inspected * Proposals are invited for the con Published every Friday at Nyaaa. Ore- struction o f an addition to the P u b gen, by lic School Building at Nyaaa, Ore., for WIN 9. BROW N. the Scheol District No 8t>, Malheur County, Oregon Bn**»«i aa »ecuHu-ciwa u i.i.o i April Bids received by C. C Hunt, clerk _, .an), at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon, under the A ct o f March 3,1879. o f Sehoel Board, until 7:30 p m. Tues day, October 12, 1920, at N ys.a, Ore Bids received senaiataly on General SUBSCRIPTION R A T E S : Construction and en Plumbing, A Mr One year, is a d v a n c e ................. $1 Id titled cheek io a turn net Ices than 6 "VW uentba in advance____ _______ _ 76« per cent o f the amount o f the hid to ac company each proposal, or a Bidder’ s Bend. Plans and specifications can be pro- cured o f the Clerk o f tho School Board On Tuesday after ssheol, the Ontario or Tourrtellotte & Hummel. Architects, football team or rather enough men to 316 Overland Bldg , Boise, Ida. make two teams accompanied by their Building is o f Masonry Construction, nil star coach Burr Weed* earn# over two stories in height und bastaeent. and played a practice gam* with the It contains four regular School Rooms, Nyssa toam. Onr boy* showed tho with Hails, Coat Rooms, Lavatories, Ontario tssm that they still have quite Library, principal’s Office, etc. a few thing* to learn about football. School Board reserves the right to The total enrollment for the Public accept any, or reject all bids. school is now 277. Signed: "E very parent, guardibn, or ether W. L. GIBSON. Pres, e f Board. pereoa in the state o f Oregon having C. C. HUNT, Clerk o f Board. control o f any child, or children be. OF SETTLEMENT OF tween and including tb* ages e f nine N O T I C E FINAL ACCOUNT. and fifteen yeors o f age, shall be re » te and Passed »! H tí tí One Hundred Per Cent Pure H Lard. Sausage and Hamburger. Also brine in which our Home Brand Bacon is pickled. tí tí « »! NYSSA SCHOOL NOTES Real Estate and Insurance $ 3 ,8 0 ? BUILDING CONTRACTORS, ATTENTION ! GATE C i n JOURNAL K H fil tí tí tí Nyssa "eat Market ANDERSON & BURBIDGE El tí r * K t í t í t í t í H t í t í 3 t í t í H t í t í t í t í t í t í ’ t í l fparma IS levator ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < i < > Buyers cf Grain and Seed of All Kinds Us on Phone No. 85 Cali quired t* send child or children t* the ! In the County Court of the State ] » public schools for a term or a period of j of Oregon for Malheur County. not less or more than the number o f NOTICE Is hereby given, that the month* o f public school held annually undersigned, Viola V. Beler, the in the district in which such parent, luly qualified administratrix of the gnardiinu or ether person iu parental es ate o f Henry Beier, deceased, has relation may reside.’ ’—Oregon School filed her finaa account in her ad Law. ministration o f said estate, with the H títítítítítítítítítítítítítítítítítítítítítítít Parents, please sendyour children to « clerk of the above en ltlel Court and I tí 2 school regularly; give them a fair said Court has made Its order, fixing tí \ chance. Absence for even part o f a a 11, 1920, at the day on the part e f achildis a handicap Monday, October tí Mr*. Reynelds, 7th grade toacr er hour of 1:00 .o ’clock p. m. ia the t í the above entitled who was called te Condon. Ore., Thurs court-room o f t í day evening returned to her work Court In the Court-house la the tí = = ONTARIO, OREGON = = = = = Town o f Vale, Malheur County, Ore- Tueday morning. "T h e merest beginner who bring« Hon, as the time and place for hear his mind to his work is incalcubally ing objection to said final recount superior to a ro jtine instructor. A and for settling the same and for M wholesome doubt as to the sufficiency the discharge o f said administratrix tí o f what we are doing makes improv and the distribution o f said estate, tí raent possible. The race has not yet •vhch order Is dated Sept. 7, 1920. Funeral directed from the Parlor-Chapel, the Home, t í found out how to educate its children First publication, Sept. 10, 1820. U. or from the Church of your choice. Parlor sit though it has been trying for many Last publication, Oct. 8, 1920. years. None but the mind saturated /*t VIOLA V . BBIEU, uated in u quiet district. First-class with knowledge and well stocked with Administratrix o f Said Estate. visions o f the possibilities e f educatiou services rendered to all ea* detect the shorttominga o f ita pro M P R O F E S S IO N A L . cedure. None but the theorist can die- ft ciimiuate the strength and its weak ness, or actuully see what is being PHYSICIANS and S U R G E O N S H done. Noae but the theorist can intro tí Day Phone 115 Night Phones 89M-178 170M duce experiments, devise standards, ¿4 suggest alternatives, or predict tbi DON S. NUMBER*», M probable outcome o f a given course of PH YSICIAN a SU1MEON action.” — M oorein ’ What is Educa lion .” < o * * * * * * * * v < 7 4 4 * * < 4 * * ♦♦♦♦♦* Rhone 40 Parma, A school board member in Chicago who recently resigned la quoted as say ing: " I t feels queer to he abt* to say WILLIAM J. W f i l » f i , M. D once more that 1 am a assa e f p e a ce ." Little Alfred wrete this eempoaition EDGAR • F O R T N E R , M D en parents: Parent* are thiags which boys have to look after them. Moat Physician# and «urgeowe girls have parents. Parents consist of offices Over Flrat National Rusk pas and mas. Pas talk a good deal aoeut what they are going t* do, but MMKIG* it's meetly the mas that make you ONTARIO, mind. F. J. WALMSLEY, Mgr. .. n m 1 ítí 5 iowell Co., Ine. v FUNERAL DIRECTORS G 3 We have a fine line of Heat ers, including Round Oak, Howard’s, Cole’s Hot Blast, and other heaters. Come in and see them. Yours for service N Y S S A HDW . CO. PN TH E CTF.OUIT COURT 0 9 THB ST AT® OF ORBGON FOR M A'LH ÏU R OÖUNTT. ad to appaar and answer the eom plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit ea or before the expira tion of the time preserved In tha D. H . CdsARB, l ’laiaUtt, order o f publication, to-wlt: ea or before the expiration o f alx weeks, MA1VLK C. BKHO j O W ; H A M T from the date of the first -nablicatloa HIIiL AND tJ Z Z m HIS/L, HUS o f this summons, and If you fail to HAND AND WTTE; JOHN O. LJT- answer for want thereof, plaintiff TIJD AND NARY U . LITTLE, will apply to the Court lor the relief HUSBAND AND W IT T ; (BOtlS- prayed for In his complaint herein, TIN NAOI j B AND FRJ3D NA04.E owlt: for a decree qriotlng the t'tle HUSOAND, IRENE RIOPBLLK >t plaintiff In the N 1-2 o f the AND WM. C. lUOPBLLE, HUS SB 1-4. and the SB 1-4 of the SE 1-1. BAND; JOHN HIXiL AND BM.MA ill In Section Fourteen, Tp. 1« 3. R. HILL, HIS W IPE ; SAMUEL. I HI. I *7, » . W . M , In Malheur County, AND ANNA C. KILL, HXS WIPE; Oregon, together with (he nppur U N A HILL; MRS. ANNA JOHN tenaarea, and requiring defendants SON AND OU3 JOHNSON, HUB to set ferth tha natura a f thair claims HUSBAND; CARL HILL; ICRS thereto. If any they have, and enjoin KVA CARLS' ON AND QUB CARL ing U t defsaitant«t and each thereof. SON, m at HUSBAND; MIS j Irons * averting any claim* whatso liMXLY m u . ; ELI, UN H ILL; Q. ever In said prem iss«; and for such B. HARRISON AND DORA E other and further relief u to the HARRISON, IUS WIPE; TAYLOR Court may teem Just and equitable. BISHOP AND NELLIE BISHOP. This summons la published pur IIIS W IPE ; T . D. MYERS AND suant to an order of Hoa Dalton JANE DOIE MYERS, HIS WIPE; Bigg». Judge of the above ratified J. D. COLBERT AND JANE DOE Court, made and entered thla 27th COLBERT, HIS W IPE; AND THE la y o f August, 1020. unknown m oots o r SWAN W M . E. LEVA, H ILL, DiOCUASED, DofooiUnt*. Residing at Ontario, Jrejon. To Mable C . Hlx«Iow. Harry Hill. JOHN H . NORRIS. Lizzie Hill, John C. little , Mary ■ Residing at Payette, Idaho, Little, Chrietin Nagle, Pred Nagle. At orneya for Plaintiff Irene RW»i>elle, Wm. C. Riopalle, Flrat publication Ausu t 27, 1920. John Hill, Emma Hill, Samuel Hill Lne: pub Iratton. October 8. 1980. Anna C. Hill, U na Hill, Mr* Anna Johnson. Oita Johnson, Carl FOR SAI.H C H E A P -O n e Butterfly Hill, Mrs. Eva Carl sou, Qun Carl reset Separater, Ne. 4| atmest new. son. Mia« Emily Hill, Ellen Hill, O laqalre next doer to Jonreal iEO E SCHW EIZER. N. llarrlaon. Dora E Harrtaon Taylor Bishop, Nellie Bishop, T. D Now U the tim e to lay In your Myers, Jane Doe Myers, J. D. Col winters supply o f honey. Credit sl bert, Jane D oe Colbert and the un owed for contllners. McCarty A known heir» o f Swan Hill, Dsseas CM— A A r.. alO-tf •d. Defeats«'« IN THE NAME CBT T O » H i t T O F OREQON, You are hereby reqalr W A H TB O —Fat hags. If yea bsv* say, let as k a e w .- Mytoa Mast Idarkat. Art. Experienced Lady Assistant Service arage Ten Year* Ago in Nyssa Hours, 10-12: 1:30-5 Evenings by Appointment A. K McCarty ia building a "b a b y ” bnngaiaw What do you knew about it? Mark says " i f house* count, he •aght te ha a married naan ’ . It pays to advertise. Mack. Cet n r prices on Tires before buying elsewhere DR. C. M TYLER DENTIST C. C. COTTON, P ro-. Owtort», Oro. • ft. T. O M U S P F v îV » DENTIST 43 v When You Think o f Anything Farm«, léteho Y le c tr ic a l ATTORNEYS THE GRIFFITH ELECTRIC CO. ATTORNEY AT LAW VALI Ontario, Oregon OKEGON 177 - — PHONES------- -1 5 7 —J Let us demonstrate the wonderful LAUN DRY-LTTE Washer V\ ¡ring ot All Kinds, Motors, Appliances H. Brooke • P. J. Golhtghe ATTO R N E Y S-A T-LA W The Miller Tire everywhere, is not a Over $1,000 daily rpections. Fifty i defects. Every lot of tread and tested in the lat Over 1,000 tires factory mileage test: Every tire is sigm tor, and both are pen; Highly-paid exper making betterments. Mark t. THINK Op C. M. CRANDALL The Miller Tire is It is today’s sensatic It is winning coun acore of makes are bre In the factory tes 93M ( *< Wilson Bldg Fifcr’s Jewelry Store Tractors Immediate Delivery AND Tii.ACTORS DENTISTS I>*lno Gibton couldn’ t keop away W. from N ytsa’ a girls. He was among I them Monday. :i a» ATTORN B Y-AT-LAW THE CITY DRAY Cord« or F C. W. de Boer. Prop. Suc-essor to H. D. Holmes. ^ Hoorn* 12, 1< 15 Wilson Bldg. ONTARIO n 444*04444444<**4 + »»♦ ♦ ««+ «» O n ta ro , ( >r R W. SWAGLER I a¿.d SECOND H AND CARS N krvb S pecialist There wse a litil* excitement about the eity last Men < *f afternoon when the Wells Bros’ horse«, mules and out fit came into the town. It was com posed o f 40 teams mad waaons with a complete camping outfit and arcompa- aiad by 40 men. This ie a geed sign that there will be something doing in the way o f ditch building in the n*ar future. Everyoae ie s e llo u t to see things started. And they will soon if the bond* are voted. Repairing a Specialty SOME GOOD B U Y S IN Acute or Chronic Disoasos Room over Post office Ontario, Ore. Mrs, C. C Hunt accompanied by her other and sistar-in law from Portland, spent Tuesdey in Mole*. and Diamonds Trucks Fordson DR R A. MOON Chiropractic Physician L. C Pound* and B B. Himiar have rented th* Sharp building and will open up a moving picture theatre. It will be knewa as the Owyhae theater and will he doing business en or absst June 10, 1910. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry Ford Cars House Calls Made, Phono 158 A espy ef the Gat* City Jearnal of Jane, 1910, he* been brought to the Journal office. It eeataine news o f a day'ih al is almost ancient in N ye.n’ e yonng life, and the fallowing item* may h* e f interest to modern Nyaaa: Ge*. Grass waa in Ontario Monday. if or :: OREGON QUICK SERVICE F EASON A B L E CHARGES LESLIE J. AKER PARMA, IDAHO ATTORNEY ANB ACCOUNTANT (K X Iim iM IM Il Post office Building, Ontario, Oregon. aw \4ï M ' \ PHONE 1»:F 3 i INCOMB TAX AD VISER $ I We Haul Anything Any Time ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦444444 4444 THE (