Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1920)
T he ATE CITY JOUKNAI VOL XIX NO. 5. NYS8A. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1920 Barney Wilson KINGMANJÍ0L0NY Withdraws From Miss Kennedy, who ie teaching In ^ Nyes.a, spent the week end with Miss Mayoralty Raer Florence Kingman. Many Nyssa People Converted -a » - s a » . s r -a»- baby spent an enjoyatHe n uairal even ing at the W W. Smith home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bradley and family motored to Ontario Sunday, * w» ( t-k in g Mrs. C. W AMredge, who A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town— ; spent the past week with them, horn ■. What Your Neighbors Are Doing. f j F ied Kiingback took a loa lof wheat 2 | ‘° W arren’s mill Monday. He intends Clibton Webb and Mrs, Sadi* ' to have it ground and made into flour I. Crockett surprised their friends H. F. P r a t t of E m m e tt was in Nyssa Fred E. Young ia reported on the sick later Tuesday. list. Mrs. Wall a r d the children are visit yesterday when they motored to Wm. Peutz was in from Owyhee Caldwell and were married. Isham An arson attended the sale in ing at the Lowe home this week yesterday. Idaho Wednesday. The bride is the popular pro George Kroth nnd Andy Hansen arc J C. Watson was here from Apple Mrs Dallas Duncan of Wilder, whs helping hay on tha Peutz ranch prietor of the Silver Grid and has Valley yesterday. in Nyssa, Tutsday. Mr. and Mrs, T M. Lewa motored lived in Nyaga many year«, and Tom Johnston of Jordan Valley was Mrs. R. R. Overstreer, c f the Kolony to Purma Sunday where they were her friends a^e a r >st. Tha here yesterday. was in Ny^ea Tuesday guests to dinner a t the home cf Mr. gr^wn is a trusted et ployeeof Mrs Ezra Bowlz aad son went to Mrs Iieed and duaghter. were On and Mrs P eter Denning who are girl- the Wood Live Stock company hooa friends of Mrs Lowe. Emm ett, yesterday. turio visitors Taesday. Miss Charlotte Huffman of Nyssa j a n d h - s n l *d e N y s s a *’i# h o n , e Clarence McConnel was in from his Willi# Rifenhurg and " R e d ” deVries spent the week end a t l er home near - t h e p a s t year. rancL on the Owyhee, Tuesday. were Ontario visitor* Tuesday. Mitchell Butte. He** cousin Herman 1 _____— Mrs. John K ester and Miss Nellie Dr. C. C. Tyler, of Ontario, was Rust took her back to Nyssa in his ear Sunday evening. • Among tha O wyheetham who wen Conley were in Ontario yesterday hunting in this locality last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Kiingback “ Forded” ■ prises a t the County fail ware the Frank Minton was in Nyssa from Tom Neighbors and Robert Clark to Roswell Saturday for fruit. | Bigelows on canned fruitand « gitables. Apple Valley, on business, Monday. left Tuesday evening for California. Not much doin’ this week, every on wheat, J« hn Reece and n butter Mrs Kirk and daughter, Mrs. Ed Mr and Mrs. C. H. P rettym an and hody too busy haying and nearly every Bnc| eookiea-M rs. M. Klmg ick. Mr. „ , Warren were Caldwell visitors, Tues Mr. and Mrs J. M. Robertson were one ia finding it hard to * g e t a fuII ( Reece b w heat waa le n t to l i e S tate crew. day. out pheasant hunting, Sunday. Jack McConnell is reported to have fair a t Salem, as waa also > piash and cantelopes exhibited by S. D. Bigelow. Mrs. Wilson and daughter. Gertrude, A regu'ar business mseting of the sold his hay last week a t $10.00. were a tending the Round Up in Wei Masonic lodge will be held nex t Wed Mr. and Mrs. Ben l.egan and family ser, yseterday. nesday evening in the Opera house. formerly of Owyhee but now of Kuna, Upon her return to W i." i Walla and Mr. Cal Logan of Burley, Idaho Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beak with of The city trees are being trim med by visited in Nyssa Wednesday at the H. Mies Marion Lowe was m tided th a t she had been selected as a n u m b e r of Fruitland visited the F, R. Marshall order of tho city council, and now Walters heme. home en Sunday. present a more pleasing appearance. Kenneth McDonald spent Tuesday- the Cabinet of the Y. M C. A. of Whitman Collage. W. L Gibson returned this week night with his cousin Gerald DeBord. W. W. F ester is making extensive improvements to his residence property from a trip to th* interior where he purchased 1400 head of Iamb 9 to chew ne r the school house. his hay. Gordon McLaiTerty laft for Caldwell Guy Hunt of Cornucopia and 9. ^ Monday afternoon, where he will a t Painter of Halfway are visiting at tend the College of Idaho. the home of tho former,s brother, C. Mre. Ray Chipman and son left yes C. Hunt. terday morning for a tw o weeks visit A football practice game was played with her parents a t Drewsey You will find every Director and Officer of the between Nyasa and Ontario Tuesday Malheur County Bank keenly alive to the responsi Ira Talkington returned to Nyssa and as usual, the Nyssa boys showed bilities assumed in acting as custodians of the from Montana yesterday where he has good speed been for the past several menths. people’s money, and iff. financial prerrotors of their Mr. and Mrs McLellan, of Nampa I M ibs Eliiott has fin’thed hercom m er Barney Wilson, who was one of th* cical course in Buiae, and is now at home. three nominees for mayor at the masu Mis» Eulalia Shaffer is a freshman at ■ e a ti n g held recently in the pern house, has, a fte r giving tho m a tte r , the L ermountain Institute a t Weiser careful consideration, decided th a t he i this y*ar. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edwards spent could not spare the time from his pri v a te business to attend to ‘he daties Saturday and Sunday in New Plymouth e f the office and definitelydac'i » the on a combined business and plcasuru accompanied by nomination. This leaves the field to trip. They were P. M. W arren and W. S. Clore, and Mrs. Edwards sister, Miss Mason, who the race promises to be worth watch teaches in the Roswell high school. Ing i A E. Wade, formerly of the Kolony, Mr. W'lson’« formal deelinatien was a guest a t the Kingman home r e follows: cently. Mr. Wade is now located at “ To the People of Nyssa: Lewiston, Idaho. “ While appreciative of the honor son- Miss Vera Neeh one of our teachers, fined on me a t the recent mass meet spent the week end at her homo in On ing, I m ast dscline to accept the nomi tario. • nation for mayor, owing t<* the preBs The Blodgett family from Nyssa and of private bnsiness, which would p r e vent me from giving the attention to Miss Bernice Martfh from Parm a were the duties th a t the offioe of mayor a t their Kolony homes Saturday and Sunday. would require should I be elected. j Reverend Shields held aerviees at the “ Thanking my friends for their offers school building Sur.dsy morning, an 1 a of support, I am, short musical program was a spec-al “ Yours respectfully, feature of Sunday School. The mem •‘Barney Wilson.- hers of the Sunday Scnool voted in favor ef a county nurse, Commercisi Club Meets Mr aad Mrs. Orin Wallace visited at A special meeting: of the Com the Vanderpool home Tuesday. mercial Club was held Thursday W. A. Schlup and family of Harbor, evening to arrange plans for re Oregon, are now occupying Mr. Hub ceiving the Portland business W alters’ heuae. men. who will be here October Two companies have been trying to 19. Committees are a« fellows: secure hag this week in the Kolony to Entertainment—S D. Goshert. bale, but no more sales have been made Jess Thompson, Ernest Wilson. up to this time. Auto—I Lax, C. C. Cotton, Er- The hrst meeting of tha Home nest Wilson. Nursing class met Monday; but the Printing—E. M. Dean, J. Bov* first lesson will be given Friday, tbe d e ll eighth, in the old Big Bend atore building at twe o ’clock prom ptly. The lesson was postponed until Friday in order th at those who were hay ng this week could commence with the first lesson. The only expense involved is one dollar for tho textbook. Monday, to tha fact we save auto owners g .a Miss Simmons sp ik e interestingly of her f j i Cross work abroad cbieily in m o n >y or, 'i-es and -vito access r Vlaoivdatok. On Miller and Horse Shoe tires we sell, Miss Frances Enos has accepted a we will repair free of charge any found school on the upper Owyhee. defective. Horse Shoe Record tubes will stand a Miss Thralma McCreary is attending te s t no other will—once you try them the Intermountain Institute at Weiser you will use no other. Adrian is a busy place this year. WK CARRY A BIGSTOCK OF T IR E s Denny & Company are loading twelve AND AUTO ACCESSORIES. cars of baled hay per week: E. L. la t e R ear Donble Tire Carrier each $4.' j 0 is loading the second car of apples: Two Top C o m p l e te .......................... $13.00 cars ut coal and one of lumber arrived S e a t Covers Compiele ______ 12,00 this week for the Van P etten Lumber F ro n t Springs ..................................... 1.90 company. Tiling for the drainage district continues to arrive, and they Tool B o x ....................................... 3.00 F ro n t N. 3. Casings .............. 13.00 are unloading constantly. The tile F ro n t Tubes .........................................2.7$ covers nearly two blacks of town. One car of barley was seu t out Tuesday, Casing Repairsd. Retreaded and Re but w heat loading is a t a stand-still on lined. All Work Guaranteed. account 01 ihe slump in prises. BICYCLES R EPA IR E D and S U P P L IE S SOLD FOK S A L E —Larga wicksr baby car ru g a . Mrs. Sialla Hoover. l-2t ►a»- «■ ■ ■ ■ I I CONSERVATIVE Such co-operation reflects in the growth of our business and this banl appreciate* the business o f its eustomers and oilers you friesdly banki» service. RELIABLE IINSUE2ANCE a I Nyssa Oarage Batteries recharged and repaired A full line of Oils and Greases.! Kelly Springfield tires aa I tubes. All work done Promptly by. F in t Class Mechanics, and guaranteed to Please. AT YOUR SERVICE WE NEVER SSEFP mot op with a haavy snow storrn srd extrem ely sold weather, which caua d him to beat a hasty re tre a t for Sunny Malheur. Revival maati g* are b e i n ; held at th? Apple Vailey sehool bouse con ducted by Rev. Folgham, of Payette, and arsisted by Rev Clive William» of Nyssa. Good interest is being shows a rd meetings will be held indefinitely. All are cordially invit d. Mr. and M u H. k . Hite were bu ness visitors to town Monday. August 1st, 1920 ............... ......... ................... $ 186,95» 33 September 1st, 1920 ................. $ 280,530.(-! October 6. 1920 .... ............. $ 343.471.1J We Solicit Your Business Malheur County Bank M H * , a a a a Are Your Barns in Shape a a a For Winter a a a a S A good barn that is wi and weather-proof is the a .a most profitable invest - cut on your farm. a a ■ Your cattle thrive better when they are properly a protected and they require less feed. The mild a K H H A » ■ « id * f M production from your o w a is greatly increased by a warm barn. ■ m m a u a over and you have time The harvest work is n to put your barn in s! : .e for winter. Batten t p all the cracks. S«’e th ( the roof is weather-proot You may«l b .o 1 an a ¡dition to take cure of your stock. Bui do it now. We Furnish the Material a a a a a a a M m a m m We have all the material you ieed Come in and let us figure costs f< r vou. Also we can probably make some suggestions that will save you money. m a a j a a Boise Fayette Lumber Co. F. A. GALLEGY, S"les Manugei a a a a a] a a a a 3 a George Kroth returned from a trip Caldwell Monday. Mr» F L. DeBord made a brief c a t th* Walters home last week Mr and Mrs. W arrea Flos,..- a« family, recently of Harper, but n< w living n H. W alters dry land ran«-, and Mr and Mrs. Claude 8m h ami 5 D EP O SIT S OWYHEE ** . welfare Miss Charlotte Huffman, who is at- are visiting a t the horns of their son tending sohool here, spent the week and wife, Mr and Mrs. Elmore Mc- L ellai. end at her home on the Owyhee ■J. Boydell and W. B. Moxie attended LOST— White canvas robe between Nyssa aad Gamble Island Finder pleas, 'h e Malheur County Re Ity asssciution meeting in Ontario on Friday eveuing leave a . Jou rnal office.— Ady oh i last. At said meeting it was unanimously H. W. Adams left Sunday evening agreed th at in the fu ture ail listings of for Susanville, where be will visit his Real E state shall be -‘exclusive author daughter and family fo r a few days ity” to sell. This arrangem ent will be Wilson & Warren sold the last of far better for the party listing, und their w heat and barley, Wednesday, will do a *->ay with any controversy afts r a fter having shipped several car loadc. sale, also will anable the broker to give each listing sufficient Rdvsatising with Mrs. E tha Ha.ey and Mrs. Andruella all other brokers in Malheur ceunty and Storts left Sunday evening I n‘ Fayette, elsewher*. « h e re they will try their ha. i atpack- ng apples. Parker’s Tire Shop J. H. Wolf. More Popular Nyssa Young People Wed IRyssa an d \Picinit$ } Mr. and Mrs Charles Hinder e f Cas cade arrived the first of the week to visit their grand dau ghter. Mrs. W. The w ater was turned out of the Megorden. Owyhee Ditch Fast Friday. Mrs H F. Pr t t and children ar Fred Kiingback had a 'phone p u t in rived in Nyssa Saturday evening from last week. Emm ett, on their way to the Owyhee Mrs. J . S, Glascotk motored to ihe to visit old friends. Bend for fruit Saturday. A ato Assessories White Leghorn Pullets for Sale,— Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ray arrived in Frank Fraier, husband of our popu Phone 177 ONTAR O, OREGON Mrs. J C. Beam, N yssa—Adv. Oct 1 Nyssa from Portland Monday morning and are visiting a t the home of Mr. lar primary teacher is hslping through haying a t the Ja c k McConnell ranch and Mrs. C. P. Lackey. ï m e h m s s b u m m Many friends ia thia neighborhood Ed Hillier formerly of Nyssa, out now of Nampa, was a Nyssa visitor were shocked and grieved to hear of Sunday, and was accompanied heme j th* recent death of Bert Cassell, of Ontario, who was taken ill with typhoid by Mayor T. J . Caldwell. j and died soon a ft e r Mr. Cassell was G. A Cayot Internal Revenue man, in the community a short time c<{o, of Portland, wss in Nyssa Wednesday ) having dug several wells around here cheeking up local soda fountains and this summer, the most recent one being also looking up income tax returns. ! for Pete Christensen, of Adrian. Miss Bernice McLafferty left S atur When you insure your prop rty against fire investigate Rhe day evening for College Place near I | W. M. Mill-r, formerly of Nyssa, company th a t issue* your Polity. I represent tha largest and Walla Walia, where she will attend but now the "McConnen m a n ,” with stron g est American Company. Protect your Hay, Grain, on a . 640 „ acre the Seventh Day A dveatists school headquarter* r. , homestead near Bonita, was in Owyhee Tuesday Automobile, Dwelling and Outbuildings. Arnold L aFrenz formerly of Nyssa, wjt |, WBrej I w rite Deeds, M o rtg a g e , Contract* and Wills. Notary was a heavy loser in the fir. a t Robia | G#<) Smitk he, „ Archj. i i n e | i ,r * Pubtia. Phono or call a t residence. atta. Monday night, when th ® ! stack hi. 3rd cutting of .H aifa the destroyed a building belonging to him r . first of the week. valued at $10,000. * Fred Pullen ha i the misfortune to Mr. Maynard Redmond, cashier o f , . . , , . . . . . & r, . , o . . lose hi.» pet lamb, which slip-eo away t h e S t a s e Bank of Portland, visited y ' , r' . , Nyssa, Oregon. folios , „ , , . j • • . . unnoticed, and followed - bami o! Nyssa 0,1 Saturday last and »heep into the hills. m ally listed his holdings here w Pb th- Mrs. Harry P r a t t and chi-'re Nyasa P.ealty company. Margu rite and E sther and Mrs Wm A party tor.rfsiing of Mr. and Mrs Obeinsyer and baby of Emmett, viaitr < •♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ >♦< C. P. Lackey, and daughter, Mr am ; at the Chas Bradley home from Satur Mrs. T. Butler. Mr. a rd Mr» Dewt dav to Tuesday whan Mr. P r a t t ar. Ray. and Gordon Kay attended the Mr. Oberm yer came to take them h me. | Round Up in Weiser. y< ater day, John Wall J r . , sen of Mr and Mr . | I-, A. Galtegly. was called to Camas John Wall ha» been very ill but is no Prairie, Sunday, owing to the illness of quite a bit better. 4 BROWNING & ?EASE, Prop». on? of his child rir. J VV. Wills is Elroy Hoffman finished filing II «-•• | substiluliri; ii the her company’s allies during Mr. Gailrgly s absence. last wsek. Wm. MeEwen who wa» very ill 1» I Harry Sharp re urned Friday from Lot u . make your old car New. We special./« in Auto week i» able to navigate again a d an ex tenia«; trip through Washington, repairing and rebuilding. 'G a Engines repaired Ita h o a n ! Montana. In Montana I a foaling much better. »■■■anni $1 60 PER YEAR 6c PER COPY Nysea Yard a a a a a a K ia dxmm