Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1920)
ÎII2E GATE CITY frozen over and Children of Warren school are skating on it. ARCADIA OPPOSE ANTI-SEDITION BILLS W. H. Beam and! family motored Gompers Announces American Federa near Ontario Sunday. Ida anl Ruby Wilson are visit ing ut the O. .1. Pinkston home. Ira Dali and wife si>ent the day at Mrs. George Adams and son Les Charlie Thompson's Sunday. ter motored to John Wards place The Misses Floranee and M.rgu- Sunday. nret Poulard gave a party Friday A work train is at the damaged .enlng which was enjoyed by the bridge, with a ere.v of men repair young people of the neighborhood, ing It. 'i he evening was spent in playing Vernon Wilson is on the sick list. ;■ mies and dancing. •Miss Idzzie Zittercdb was visiting T O G IV E St LV R T E A . fiiends and tt n--acting business in Poise an I .Varopa last week. The Community Service club will W. H. Pinney of Ontario bus give a Silver Tea at the Lib-ary ordered a ready cut house patten room on Saturday fternoon and eve and will sturt building a modern ning. January HI. Everyone is in vited to coma and bring a t>ool< for I oti->e on his ranch here soon. Klbert Butler, .Ir. ani family spent the library. Committee, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Imx, Paturd' y evening at C. W. liar- and Mrs. Elliott. BY OUR RE G U LA R C O RR ESPO N D EN T C*RD OF THANKS WARRENNEWS BY OUR RE G U LA R CO RR ESPO N D EN T John anJ Bay Oantrall visi’ ed at file O. .1, Pinkston home Friday. The meeting of the Parent -Teach ers association was held Friday. On account otf some water leak ing into the Owyhee ditch, it is tion of Labor will Fight. Waahlngton.— Formal announcement that the American Federation of Labor woBld oppose "with whatever power it na y possess" the enactment of the anti sedition hills now pending In con gress, was made in a statement by Samuel Gompers. The attack of organized labor, itf chieftain indicated, will be directed impartially against the Sterling bill recently passed by the senate and against the Graham measure, based on suggestions of Attorney-General Palmer and awaiting action by the house rules committee for a specia' rule to expedite consideration. Refer ring to the two measures as one bill President Gompers declared its enact ment “would violate the constitution and rob the whole American people of their most cherished and basic guar antees of free government.” COMPROMISE VOTE LEADS We t ike this means of expressing intercollegiate Ballot Opposing a >ur heart felt thanks to our many i League in Any Form is 13,933. friends and relatives who so kindly) New York.—Advocates of ratitic.'i issisted us during our hte bereave tion of the peace treaty by compromise ment, both at the home and in the headed the poll in the complete re searcli an'l recovery of the body. turns of the intercollegiate referendum Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, made public here. They led by a Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Ward, small margin voters who favored rati IMr. anil Mrs. Wm. T. Coleman fication without reservation or amend Frank Ward ment. Earl Ward1, According to the revised figures the (Mrs. A. J. Neathery referendum was voted upon in 410 col leges and universities and 139,788 votes were cast with the following re sult: Compromise between the Lodge and democratic reservations. 49.653; ratification without reservation, 48. 332; ratification with the Lodge res ervations. 27,970; opposition to the league in any form, 13,933 votes. Deschanel Elected French President. Versailles. — Paul Deschanel was elected president of the French repub lic by 734 votes of the 889 members of the national assembly voting. His majority was the largest since the •lection of Louis Adolphe Thiers, the first president after the fall of the em pire, who was chosen unanimously. If you catch a cold, keep warm. If you have a fever, keep warm. If you get neuralgia, keep warm. If jour hones ache, keep warm. Keep warm anyway. liny a good hot water liag, such < we sell and1 guarantee, and keep It handy. We carry anything you may have need of in R U B BER GOODS at L O W E S T P R IC E S for the Q U A L I T Y . A F T E R T H E SHO W V IS IT O UR F O U N T A IN IT S TILL S A T IS F IE S . BUILD FOR THE FUTURE This institution is here to help von every day, our officers are always at your service. A hank acquaintance is the foundation for business success. Plan to have at hanll a reserver for opportunity or an emer gency. The reserve may he ho:h capital and 'rlendly co-oi>er- atlon, which includes financial guidance. THE BANK OF NYSSA H. WALTER’S, Pres. FRANK I). IIALL. Cashier Fred F. Young. Assistant Cashier. E ■ H ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Eisner’s Slayer to Die. Munich.-—C<vant Arco Valley was sentenced to death for the assassina tion of Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian pre mier, at Munich February 21, 1919. Japan Resents Chinese (Lbc Oate City Journal SH O E R E P A IR IN G D E P A R T M E N T We have just received two carloads of FARM IMPLEMENTS All during the coming season we want to serve you IN THE IMPLEMENT WAY So let Your Wants be known to us in order that WE MAY BE ABLE TO SUPPLY YOU Come in and inspect our lines and GET OUR PRICES Fred J. Walmsley & Co. ; * . P A R M A , ID A H O Boycott Pekin.—The Japanese eonsul-gener al at Tien Tsin has addressed a note to the Chinese commissioner of for •ign affairs declaring Japan will hold Chinese authorities responsible for losses Incurrifd by Japanese merchants BARNES MERRY M IN S TR ELS through the boycott of the yarn, piece H E R E N E X T S U N D A Y EV E. goods and silk guilds and similar Jap anese organizations. A big attraction is scheduled for Odessa Falls Before Bolshevik Armies. Suniday evening January 26th at the Washington.—The Bolshevikl have Liberty theatre, when .the Barnes •aptured the important city of Odessa, Merry Minstrels will make their apitearence. Performance im the Black sea, the state department initial was advised by Polish authorities in starting at 8:15. Bucharest. 'Barnes’ Minstrels Is all-white-peo- >le aggregation, and Is composed 1 Cabinet of Premier Clemenceau Quits. almost entirely at returned navy l’arls.—The cabinet of Premier vetrar.s and could! well be called an Clemenceau has resigned. President erseas minstrel rarroa Poincare asked Alexander Millerand. The cast contains such well-known governor of Alsace, to form a new’ cab minstrel i>erformer* as Nate Busby, tnet. Harry Milo, Johnny and Botoby Dale (the famous blackface twins, and Winnipeg Papers Suspended. Winnipeg, Man.—Winnipeg’s three many others ot well-known talent. daily newspapers suspended on ac- The company otf 20 performers prom- i ount of a paper shortage. ises that there will be no lagging moments during the entire perform- Idaho Opens Legal Battle on I. W. W. mce. Sand Point, Idaho.----- Idaho's first A s|K>ci*l band and orchestra will big court fight against the l. W. W. furnish the musical program. The opened here when 22 alleged members jazz orchestra promises the jazziest of that organization went te trial. jazz chat was ever jazzed in Xyasa. They are charged with criminal syn The band will make a noon parade dicalism. and will aleo give a free band con cert In front otf the theatre. T H E MARKETS. Portland. Oats—No. 3 white feed. 163.50 a ton. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corn—Whole. $70; cracked, 172. Weston f . Shields. Paetor. Hay—Willamette valley timothy, $26028 per ton; alfalfa. $3150. Preaching at 7 p. m. subject. Butter Fat—56 0 57c. T he Hi*© and1 Low In Conflict.” Kggs—Ranch, 45c per doiea. Special music by the choir. Con Poultry—Hens, 28033c. Cattle — Best steers, $11.26012; gregational singing. Christian Kndeavor at 6.30 p. m good to choice, $10.56011; medlam to good, $9©9.75. Sunday School at 10:00 a. a . Hogs Prime mixed, $15.5001$; me A>1 are cordially invited to these dium mixed. $15015.60; pigs. $11500 aervices. 14.50. ! Sheep Kastern lambs $140 15.60; FOR SALK—A No. » Ottrer Type valley lambs, $12.60016; ewes, $709 Out of Stationery? Seattls. UHc can print anything you want from one inch square up to 22x30*sgct your Job printing done at this shop D O N ’T F O R G E T O U R H A R N E S S A N D Hay Kastern Washington timothy. $38 a 39 per ton; alfalfa, $35. Ilutterfat —60061c. Kggs—Ranch, 60 0 65c. Poultry—Hens, heavy, dressed, 4Je; light, 40c. Iloge— Prime, $160 16.50; medium to choice. $1501$; pigs. $13.50014.60 Cattle— Best steers. $1160012; half ers. $9010; oalvee. $7016. BIG BEND, Sunday chord at 10 a. ru every i^nJav and preaching at 11 a. m SILVER TEA AND BOOK SHOWER JANUARY Jt writer for $45. Inquire a t thts office Jan 9-tf Nyssa Barber Shop Shaving, Hair Cutting Hot and Cald Baths NYSSA OREGON Well, Call on Us— It’s For an evening of Entertain ment and Rest Come to the IBERTY------- THE ATE Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday Nights Each Week |>artna Elevator — - - ........................................ - - ----------------------------------- ~ - Boyers of Grain and Seed of All Kinds Call Us on Phone No. 85 F. J. WALMSEY, Mgr.