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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1911)
Her st-Gradui H ill wnu proud ol | •Id tim er« could e win u frecklefJ nboy, running ab oj he Lonsdale ore Mrs. ('arbwn child to the chjJ irs returned hern] of scientific cdu with the HK.simllu duration Hetty and her pigtails, j replaced by a | omplexlon; the 9 coiffure that wul tore simple womea| jrhed the simple i •let school and 1 settled down to i for the same schoi Carberry-franstoa \ 9se peculiar bent i of the higher ed-J le was pleased to | classes." It wgi | tie Indian 1 ks and squaws ai < of their tribe, nil - rlghtB milli ntum| trough tho liberal t romen from the i Lonsdale had b«J to lend one of hill ■ to the experl men! I of the payment of] and so Hetty had I hoyden and retun young person. In Stnats scowled i sight of her. In thH id planned to be mg muld he grown up. 1 along in his quit ; himself as still I whom he fondly i he saw the changtl tad wrought he grod despair, and yet, J persistence, be bn t at the earliest oppt pose I'll have to be ow,” he said. "I gut tr that you was eng you went away to I re you not forgotM rl romnnee?" she atk| ate assumption of 0 the man at least,! ng that lay beneath, lucation nnd her su? etty was still a tom!« ven now she longed long, delightful rambi and yvood that she i to take together, can’t forget,” said Hi " I was hoping that I , too.” 3o remember,” com 1 nlso remember c must realize that thi given me that I mlgb a community. It wou i benefnetress to set ed life nnd sink myt ith yours.” hat’s the use of know noon and sun are Is lives in Africa, If you! d maid ?" scoffed Marti and Theresa and Ml nrrled, and man ied » learned how to be I ers. Your mn's a (4 she taught the other! r to know how to f 1 thnn to know the i head has been filled hat’s where you mls4 r, quickly. “ Even I t f atlon makes me be the problems of life .nee, the chemistry «<1 the relative nrtrtttej various meats and vef ice of housekeeping! : Interesting stmllet1 y-Cranston has par1 sed upon me the M munlcating to others! Anythiug llml ia worth leading at all. Is worth reading again. HitilieiiilgT tlint we licii(l«|Uarter8 for kintls o f are all Working Clothes sip'll as 1 Iveralls, •! III1IU- eis. Kaki I’,mts. Work- in^ Shirts, etc. Yet % r_ ___ __ , ___ ,, ,__ , „ _ . , M odern ad vertisin g is a gam e played by m erchants, and paid for, ultim ately, by the loser. He was a man who dared to stand Wltll nne or two for what wtts right. n , u-ut new glory to his land, He prized bis honor more than might. S c our " S p cial Hcduccd” TEN DOLLAR SUITS Not. m any le ft. Wc call attention to Wolkill}' Shot -. Ived hi new arrivals of medium heavy i" Ltuaranteed. L. SPIER Oregon Nyssa Some people contend It's always the cream that rises to the top; but then again, there’s froth! Hlessed is the lawyer, for while the fam ily scrappeth over the Inheritance, he m errily spendeth the same. Women are Inconsistent, we know; but what about the man who slaves the greater part of his life to make fifty million dollars, and then ac quires an ambition to die poor? A. V < CO O K B R O T H E R S S E K E R t l BLAC.HSMITHS Horse Shoeing a Specialty All work guaranteed, (vivo us a call. Located on First Sreet in Nyssa, Oregon *v\ c ¿v* * vA This is the time to get BARGAINS ’Tts long since tie through darkness groped, Long since tils proud lips have been dumb. He was the rn&n that once I hoped I should have courage to become. —S. E. Kiser. L IG H T E N D IE T W HEN UN D E R S T R A IN . , W h e n th e re Is, te m p o ra rily , g re a t m e nta l stra in , It Is best r a th e r to d e c re a se th a n to in c re a se the ratio n, a n d m a k e It up w h e n n o rm a l c o n d itio n s are restore d. T h e s tr a in w ill be bet- te r b o rn e If th e d ig e st iv e s y ste m le re lie ve d p a rt ly o r a r.tlrtly , at- ' lo w in g the n e rv o u s e n e rg y to be d iv e -te d to th e b ra in o r m u s cles, a s the c a se m a y be. If thle be not do ne the d lge e tlve s y s tem w ill be w e akene d , w h e re a s by the o th e r c o u rse it w ill be stre n g th e n e d . Y o u c a n n o t w o rk b r a in o r m u ac le to t h e ir fu lle st ca p a c ity , and at the sa m e tim e w o r k the d ig e st iv e a n d e lim in a t iv e o yste m to its lim it. Lumber, Coal & RuilJing Materials J.I STALE ♦ ■* ♦ J The noted liquid for keep- Î ing nwi i’ ll v ; p in g a pH 4 ° f each klnd lnto w ater. T ‘ • *>re»d a b so r b s i, .¡u- i «b ile the fre sh r.k«.u\ manner ** FLIES ! and INSECTS From nuit ♦ BREAD. A g r e a t m a n y pe o p le have le a rn e d e x p e r im e n ta lly th a t bread free h fro m th e o ve n Is m u ch m o re difficult of d ig e st io n th a n atale bread. W h y t h is la the case * e a sily se e n b y d ip Uecfivpd l So-Bos-So F o o d S p e c ia lis t V8. ii k I ; Dy DR. T. J- ALI r.N FRESH • ► *♦ *♦ *♦ ♦ ♦ *♦ *♦ *♦ «< > * ♦ * ♦ * ♦ « * ♦ DAILY DIET AND HEALTH HINTS COWS ; v ♦ ¥ ♦ -EUiteffc Physician - Y o u r husband should reduce hts flesh. W ife — But, doctor, he runs a mar ket and can't afford to mark down his meat *8, F. Foster ; I \ IiKtilSTEKED 1’ lIA U M .M IST * J ♦ *♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦•*> ♦♦♦*♦*♦* « ueaci I« e a sily sa tu ra te d ig e st iv e ju ic e -- « b i l e th e fr e s h fo rm s t0 l,an p e lle ts w h ic h are b ro k e n up • iu d ig e ste d o n ly w ith gre a t V. a n d fr e q u e n tly are a c o n t rib u t in g c a u se of a p p e n d i citis. AS TRUE AS GOSPEL HAD HE BEEN A C R IM IN A L ? L ife Is larger Ilian morality. Nothing should be owned which may not be destroyed at will. Just as facts aro skeletons of truths, words are single bones and tho dic tionary Is a vast ossuary. bo •wevc ! v w e u WH-f OOKI T You [ GO OACW TO JDIGG INC SsAvRpfWES (VOU CAM T PLAX 5AU Art Is an outcome of the play Im pulse, as Schfiler said, the exuberance of energies not exhausted in the strug gle for existence. A truth^-nuy be formulated, but It Is not true till It Is felt and acted on end ceases to be true when It ceases to b«- felt and acted on It hoots not to point out that the artist Is often seltlsh and licentious; It Is the greatness of his soul, not Its pettiness, which he pitta In his art. N YSSA PHARMACY Dealers in A MISUNDERSTANDING O v e r h e a rd at the P a rty . Cut Glass, China, Stationery and Albums. he Empire Lumber Co. 31 “ Don’t say anything to make Mrs. Lceder laugh. Her enamel’s craok- Ing.” "T h e man who just came In? H e’s Mrs. Muldrum’s second husband. I ’ve forgotten Ills name.” “ You never know who you're going to bump against when you come to a plaoe like this." “ Watch out— here she omes. Yes, Indeed, Mrs. Gwlmp; w e’re enjoying ourselves immensely.” IN hat Martin said »W y-Cranston and her I* F. A. (iOELTZ, Prop. ire repetition hi re. Nyssa . . . - Oregon it If Betty found ! « rt ory substitute for love v It in her manner- led her with tin awrjJ in deserved, but she beneath the a ' e ■d contempt foi -«on* •s. Martin she «a* I r that first meeting hen raine a sum'non* rom one of the uatr Betty was left to to reek. H er father LTI). lness trip and she the big house H« sekeeping did not ® In her cooking Tit* lfort of knowing the admaking when the den and uneatable »' ;e o f food valuer dii transform the most ® D the most appetldn* I of thp week she '«I »tie and utterly worn ilartin found her * chen nnd took her ong arms to comfn** ’Mother though' pertj come over to stippRf W h e rs 7 C a u s e a n d Effect. le ," he said when EMlson now «tu-iles music; or to win a p p l * « d subsided. "She That news makes ue want to laugk; _____ gtc must ncr , Ito neglect. Had he studied music sooner is as bad as this thi ^ ^ ■ l e n hr - Where would be the phonograph? Juat a little, for ar, that perhap? okery needs a little pt A n In s in u a t io n , rnt. Are you ready'* H ard L u c k T h a t W on. a home of your oW* T bles— I say, old man, the first He vowed he'd win the pretty maid Betty smiled th rong ggmgg, 0f my book Is exh r ^ J By foul means or by fair, * “ If you are w llllu i Ibles- -W e ll, I trust your friends And so he left no stone unturned— Not e'en a solitaire. c said, meekly 11 your generosity. at In spite of the< !f,J ice Is not of murh^ ist-graduate course 3 C 1 10.11 17 18 2425 man who walked In wisdom’s way*. DAILY DIET AND HEALTH HINTS By DR. T . J. ALLEN F ood S p ecialist ('. L. COOK a MON. T U B . WED. THU who lies within that grave T h o man who produces excellen t w ritin gs usually does so abom inable w riting. There is a class of persons whoso motto would seem to be: "When In doubt, back out.” JULY D e ad a n d F o rg o tte n . There is u grave, neglected, bare. T ’.* which no pilgrim *>y«r go*4«*: No stone has been erected there, And there no blossom ever blows. C A L L OF tH E OPEN G o t a Good S e a t In F r o n t W h e re H a C o u ld K id the P la y e r s on the V is it in g Team . A C u re fo r the B lu e s. W hat! Moping Juat because the skies Are dull and dark, and gray? Ire), 'ted. long fared Juat because The rain beats down today? Why. bless you. child! It doesn't help! ■ To let the tears drip. too. Just wipe your eyes and look around For some good work to do. There's nothing helps when you ar blue Like helping set things right. Kind service dlls the darkest day With sweetness anti with light. And when you’re feeling out of sorts The very wisest plan 1 Is to And out what others want And help them all you can. So look around and study up I Some helpful thing to do; ; You'll nnd rh— ring others' lives ! W ill brighten life for you. Look up the real unfortunates, i And ease thetr ache* and pains, An-1 while you feel you're doing .«at You’ 11 never know It rains! A C o in cid e n c e . “ There Is nothing in a name.” "O f course not.” "Still, I have Just been reading about a fellow who Invented a new propeller.” "Y.’hat's his name?" “Bwlaher." "How old> do you think I am?’ she asked " I haven't ever tried to guess." hs gallantly replied, "but you don't look it by at least five years ” M.-iyb* In strike for the h-art o f th* forest. Muse by the shores of tumbling streams. Would bring bark the spell of the days that were rarest. Would quicken the glow of my fading dreams. Maybe, n glimpse of the hills when morn- CURIOUS CONDENSATIONS The chines«' cultivate an odorless onion From the A ziec tchotcolatl comes our word chocolat«1. The British inupmim’s library boasts 33 miles of shelves. The annual consumption of wine In France Is 23 gallons a head. The diamond railed a brilliant has 6x a- r-ts A roee diamond is faceted on I*, -in the top; It has a fiat bottom. The rop of the t'nlted State* In lb 10 am ninted to 33.066,000 tons, vali. rt a, .J23.3fO.ftOO Both Terrifying. “ Men led parlous lives during the ftone age " “ N o doubt. Still. I don’t imagine ft was any worse to be chased by a petrodartyl than It Is to be bumued In the back by an automobile “ Tom — Bella didn't know much about the man she married. Stella— No, and she ha; been terrl bly worried since the marriage. Tom — How Is that? Stella— When the mfnl'ti-r came to tho death do part portion of th«' cere mony, she hearil til«- groom whisper. “ Is that the minimum sentence. Judge?” Ing Brightens the world with her golden beams. Would waken a hop«« that has long b«-en sleeping. And lead me again to my rastle of dream»! Maybe, to roam where the wind Is High Ing And the shimmering sea In the sunlight gleams. Would tench me a song I've despaired learning. Would fashion a life from the tissue of dreams. N o P re c e d e n t fo r M a rla . FROM THE PENCIL'S POINT A fable Is an open-fa<-«d lie with a moral attachment. Doctors may take life easy and »till manage to avoid arrest. M« eable news is fresh, even after passing through salt water. While there la life there la hope for everybody but the undertaker. "N o,” bald the lady on the stairway, Regular dishonesty la ee ier to man Mini shu i;poke 'vftii extrem e distinct- ness "your e x-'u «*» w ill not be re age than irregular dishorn «iy. ceived and filed .'’ It's only when some men get tight "Hut haven't you any s-sympaihy In your cold heart, Marta?" exclaimed that they turn themselves loose. the limp and drooping arrival If It Is necessary to burn your The clock struck two "This Is not the United .States Fen bridges burn them In front of thoae on your trail. ate. James Pillgrew ," repii d lady with « xtrenic aarca. tn Yo>* II Justice la probably represented as a get Juat wh *t’b coming tt >« ’ hout « otnan because It Is something a man a single tear?” Is always after. And she aacended th-