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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1957)
Library Band Prepares for Annual County Contest Saturday William B. Johnson will take his Vernonia high school band to St Helens Saturday to partic ipate in the annual band and solo and ensemble contest which will be held all day and will culmin ate with a band concert in the evening to which the public is invited It will feature each band separately and a massed band, as well as the all-star county danc band. The Vernonia band will play as their numbers, Gusto March by Farrell and Belmont Overture by Bank Statement Shows Deposits way a success. First, second and third place winners are pictured below. In addition to the parade, another good contribution to the campaign was made Saturday with the placing of trash cans in strategic places by the Rainbow girls. The VERNONIA high school band took sweepstake honors in the paini-up, clean-up. fix-up parade last Saturday which drew over 25 entries and was witnessed by a large crowd of townspeople. Al though weather was cold, rains held off to make the event in every i » I VOLUME 35, NUMBER 15 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON Willamette Coach Points Out Needed Requirements An attendant of about 80, 30 of whom were boys from the athletic teams at Vernonia high school, enjoyed the annual ath- letic banquet at the Legion hall last Monday which was sponsor ed by the Lions club. The din ner was served by the Legion auxiliary. E. E. Dove acted as toastmaster to introduce the speakers of the evening, Ted Ogdal, football : oach at Willamette university, Salem. and his assistant. Jerry Long, Mr. Ogdal spoke of the things a college coach looks for in athletes, stressing the impor tance of seriousness in studies, willingness to do more than bare requirements, attitude and mor- 41e. He also touched on good Boys Featured At PTA Meeting Election of officers will be held at the meeting of the P T A. Mon day evening at the library room at the high school. For the program, boys who are - Mrs. Bassett’s home ec classes at the high school Will demon strate the making of tarts and will model shirts th"v have made. They will also serve the refresh- mr its. Meeting Room Available Guy Thomas. West Oregon R'ertric manager. announced Wednesday that the meeting -m in the new cooperative .-.H iding is available for public c by various organizations. People wishing to arrange dates ‘or meetings are requested to cali ■nr office. Th" room will ac- comodate a gathering of 50 pe< Council Gives Approval for ¡Garbage Site I I coaching combinations which have been successful. His speech was well interspersed with hu mourous anecdotes. Mr. Long spoke especially about Adoption of a resolution auth the split T formation in which orizing the purchase of a ten- he specializes. acre site on Capitol hill for use Kerry Moran was presented as a garbage dump was the re with a dozen golf balls and My sult of a special city council meet ron Vleck with a pair of hip ing Monday night. The meeting boots as expressions of apprecia was called for the purpose of at tion from the members of the I tempting to reach a conclusion teams. on the problem city officials have —— t— faced for several years. The new location will cost the city $800 and the purchase was made from A. M Odam. The re solution was adopted after coun cilmen read a letter from C. W. Luck has been running against Clark, county sanitarian . who the Vernonia high school baseball had examined the new location t°am in their pre-season games and had given his approval in the with Rainier defeating them in letter. He stated in part: "The loca a game played here last Wednes day by a 6 to 5 score and Banks tion, topography, soil formation delivering a second defeat Tues and isolation factors are good for day, 11 to 0. in a game played at use for a properly maintained garbage disposal site." Banks. Construction of a road into the The first league game will be location will be started in a few played at Rainier Friday. Weather has interfered so far days and steps taken to comply with track activities, but plans with state forestry d-partment requirements concn ning fire. are being made for a track meet requirements inciud.- a here April 18 in which Forest These Grove, Clatskanie and Scappoose cleared area for burning gai- bage, building an eight-foot wide are to participate. fire trail 150 to 200 feet out from the area cleared for burning and providing tixils for fighting fire. Two Losses Mark Pre-Season Trys Choral Festival Here April 20 THURSDAY, APRIL 11. 1957 PARADE PHOTOS AVAILABLE NOW Views of last Saturday's clean-up. paint-up, fix-up parade which was a kick-off evenl for this year's cam paign of improveemnt. are available in pictures at The Eagle office. About 20 shots of parade entries were taken showing all participants in the event. People wishing copies of the pictures may place their orders at The Eagle. Easier Lily Sale Due Rainbow Girls will again con duct the annual sale of Easter lilies for the benefit of the fund for crippled children and adults. Some of th" girls will be out with them Friday evening. April 12. from 4 to 6 p m and others will be on the streets with them Saturday from 1J a m to 2 p m. The United States National Bank of Portland showed depo sits totaling $73:1.818.13« ¡M of March 14. 1957. according to fi gures just released. The Vernonia banch reported deposits of $1.690.855.58 announ ced W B Marshall, acting man i ger. Total resources for the stat" wide system stood at $812.538.496 Loans and discounts are up al- most 10 mililion dollars since the spring call a year ago and now total $330,154,438. Loans and discounts for th • Vernonia branch now stand ut $178,661.38. Marshall reported. Attack Claims Former Resident George McGee of Salem, form er Vernonia resident and owner business of several Vernonia buildings, including the one oc- cupied by Nichols Variety and the one across from Bush Furni- ture, died Tuesday of last week at the home of a friend at Taft following a heart attack. He had been in Vernonia on Monday. Jf\ineral services, were at Sglem Friday. H." is survived by a son, Frank, of Salem, and a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Van Vorhis, Hi verside, California. Correction Noted In the announcement last week of the members of the new city planning commission, Pete Bruns man was listed erroneously. In his place should have been E. W (Pete) Peterson. f pii Hermann. The massed band numbers will be Overture from Eroica by Beethoven and Selec tions from Walt Disney's Lady and the Tramp ” Vernonia soloists who will ei ter competition during th.- da are Dane Brady, Walter Kirk bride. Stephen Kirkbride, Larry Garlock, Joyce Thompson. Juki Waite, Donald Gouge, Tomm McFarland and Carol Ray Ensemble groups who will ter are Saxophone trio, Jun Dav is, Carolyn Heath and Janelb- Thomas; drum duet. Jan Garne: and Janice Hoyt; and a clarinet, trio from the grade school, Mar tan Mathews, Harvey Redmond and Suzi Alexander Mr Johnson was very pleivaskr with the attendance of Vernonia people at the grade school con cert at Scappoose and hopes Ver nonia will respond as well Sat urday evening for the concert at St. Helens. Dove Named for I.E.E.A. Office Eugene E Dove, Vernonia high school superintendent, was natn ed last week to position of execu tive committeeman from Oregon for the Inland Empire Educa tion association at the convention held at Spokane. Flovd Light of Portland is the new president, Howard Andrews. K llogg, Ida ho. vice-president and Clarence L Booth, Lewiston, Idaho, trea surer. Darrold Proehl, grade school superintendent, was also at the Spokane convention last week Bateman Given Senate Appiovai O T. Bateman received a tele gram from Wayne Morris from Washington, D.C., informing hire that his nomination for postmasti er has been confirmed by the U. S senate. President Eisenhower had made the recommendation to the sen ate March 4 after it had been approved by the civil service and the senate post office committee. Formal notice of appointment from the president is yet to coni*. • r McNeal Speaker At Graduation Vernonia will be host to other high schools in Columbia county Saturda.v of next week. April 20 Dr. Roy McNeal, profc for the annual choral festival which will feature contests dur geography at Southern Oregon ing the day and a concert in the College of Education at Ashland, evening to which tha public is in I has been chostn for the speaker vited. More details of the pro f for commencement exercises which will be held May 24 For- gram will be given next week. students are slated to re- liplomas at that time. i Dr. McNeal will be remember ed by local masons as last year< worshipful grand master in Ore gon who has been a visitor at the Im ai Masonic lodge 1U44- 2ND POLIO CLINIC DATE POSTPONED F.F.A. BOYS took third place for their entry which suggested putting into use the shop training they have beer, getting on some *ccd home improvements. ✓ Information received Wed- the county nesday from health office by Darrold Proehl is that the supply of Selk vaccine has been tempo rarily exhauaied and the clin ic for second shots announced for April IS will have to be postponed. However, it is hoped it can be held before the end of school and just as soon as the date can be es tablished. letters will be sent out through the school and the date will be given in the paper. First shots were given lati week to S7S children and- women. THE 4 H CLUBS, top photo, who ar» sponsoring • paper drive as their contribution to the clean up campaign, took first place honors for their entry. Not pictured was the vanguard, the Radio Fixit boys, and the wagons loaded with papers. Second p'ece went to Carroll Buckley, below with his four horse team and wagon.