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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1957)
Library, U of 0 Choral Event Slated Here For Saturday Old Buildings Get Planning, • Group Action Five Schools io Compete in Annual County Festival FLOCK of wild swans seen flying over Vernonia lest Tuesday attracted much attention and a report from J. P. McFarland, Keasey route, led io above photo. Some of birds had landed on Rock creek near his place and two are pictured at start of take off run. Very few of birds remain on continent. Game Commission Work Told Chamber Representatives from the four i v.' oners of the Clean-up, Paint en, Fix-up campaign kick-off ? parade were presented awards »• the Vernonia chamber of com merce membership dinner meet- g Wednesday night. Louis Towne, acting for chair- man Donald Bayley, presented a trophy as grand prize to Bill Johnspn, Vernonia high school D nd director, for the band; first place ribbon to Mrs. Herbert rieckenliable for the 4-H clubs; • end place ribbons to Carroll Buckley for his team and wagon ?ntry and third place ribbon to Jerry Buckner representing the high school FFA club. The guest speaker. R. C. Hol- itway, chief information and ed it ation division of the Oregon ■ tc game commission, told of venous projects carried on by . *• commission and emphasized the importance of tourist busi ness. The game commission sells 500,000 hunting and fishing li censes per year to persons over 14 years of age and statistics shnw the annual amount spent by each licensee averages $100 An ■ es’ mated figure overall for local i «.nermen, hunters and tourists ■ Oregon is eight million dollars j per year. • Among the projects carried on i ‘ the fishery program, with 16 I nt‘cheries; habitat improvement. I .’.nemical treatment of lakes to i rid of undesirable fish; di- vi ,-sion screening for irrigation' ditches; planting of fish by trucks a~d airplanes and collection t>f statistical data by field men ..yman Hawken Sr. reporting the industry committee said •«it at least three opportunities’ '• industry had been received re su ting from the publicity given Vernonia in the Oregon Journal articles written by staff whit* •• Jack Zimmerman, along with s< eral inquiries for small acre- ~.r' to purchase. An aluminum -. i ncation plant, a pre-formed c: “lent step concern and a fishing • 41c manufacturing company • e among those who have been ? contact with the committee. S • oral others are being worked h. but by necessity the infor- -■ :ion is confidential. Art Ostrander, roads and high- s committee chairman, re sold to raise working funds. Thi purpose of this organization is to promote, assist and co-ordinate all groups of the county in en couraging industry and recrea tional programs. Louis Towne announced that the litter cans, purchas°d by the Nehalem Assembly Rainbow girls, have been placed about town and much cleaning up has been done. Cont -st rules will be printed soon. Pete Brunsman said calls for information about rocks had been received as the result of news paper articles and also urged any. one wanting wooden mckles for the Friendship Jamboree to see him. The nickles will be sold as a collector item to help finance the July 4 celebration, but must be ordered 30 days in advance. minded th? members to see the reto section of the Sunday Ore gonian, April 21 for a map and article on the Highway 99W Al ternate Road association. Infor mation had been received from State Highway Engineer Williams that the two narrow bridges north of Vernonia would not be replac ed this year, but are on the agen da later. Agriculture chairman Louis Towne, reported that two new plantings of holly have been made and another will be planted this fall and more interest in poultry raising is being shown. He also announced a meeting of the Columbia County Develop ment commission to be held in Rainier April 17 for the election of officers and formal organiza tion. Memberships are being Observances of Easter Dated PHONE 3131 TO ’ REPORT FIRES Fire Chief Bob Thompson emphasizes the number '3131' as important to everyone in the city and in the rural fire district as far as the report ing of fires is concerned. Failure to call this number, which is to be used only for reporting fires, caused a ser ious loss last week end and can cause similar losses in the future. When this num- ber is called, the person mak ing the call must also give the location of the fire before hanging up the receiver. Easter observances in Vernonia will begin on Good Friday when the St. Mary’s Catholic church will have confession from 1 to 3 p.m. and the stations of the cross at 3 o’clock, and protestant churches will hold a union Good Friday service at the First Bap tist church at which Rev. Harry Burk of the Nazar-ne church ■ will speak. Several churches have also announced candlelight communion services for Thurs day evening On Easter morning, a sunrise service will be held at th? Ver nonia Memorial cemetery at 5:00 a m at which Rev. John Cowles of the Bible church will speak The various Sunday schools are presenting programs and special Mrs. R S Lindsay of Pittsburg Easter services are scheduled for is arranging the program for the the 11:00 o'clock hour at all of meeting of the Columbia County the churches. Historical society which will meet Saturday at the Vernonia Grange hall on Timber road near the golf course. A potluck din ner will be served promptly at noon and the business meeting and program will fill the after noon Local history will be fea Fire of undetermined origin tured and anyone interested is I completely destroyed the two welcome to attend. story log house of Mr and Mr Historical Meet Here Saturday Fire Destroys McKenney Hdme 21 Troop 201 Scouts Participate in Camporee at Camp Wilkerson Site ” venty-one boys for Scout p 201 and Scoutmasters Jew- < Uojsd camped last week end at ->-.p Wilkerson in what was i.ywn as an inter-patrol cam- r-'-ree. The four local patrols, 3eaver, Eagle, Indian and Pan- ’ r, participated In view of •w storm that blew up Saturday igh'. the boys were glad for the . xd shelters at the Camp Wilker son site. The boys held various contests - rcouting skills between mem bers of the four patrols, and each patrol furnished on.: cook for th-- rocai preparation. Earl Reynolds • ar .ed the title of best cook end was awarded a blue nbbon B'vs who attended the cam- poree were: Beaver patrol. Tom my, Watson, leader; Ray Hamnett. Ralph Anderegg. Johnny Biggs, Earl Reynolds and Harold Has kins, explorer scout, adviser; Ea- gle patrol. Verne Smith, leader: Jimmy Hult. Bill Bergerson, Bill McKenney, Jim Justice; Indian patrol. Bill Tomlin, leader; Wal lace Pollock. Neil Lloyd. Bill Wil son. Darrell Elliott and Lloyd Vike. senior patrol leader; Pan ther patrol. Jim Eckland, leader; Roy Reynolds, Windell Pearson. Wesley Holt. Sunday morning a church ser vice was conducted by Bill Tom lin, Jim Eckland and Lloyd Vike who are working for church awards. I , | i Wilbur McKenney about 1 00 a m. Sunday The house was oil Pebble Creek road about a quar ter of a mile from the Rieverview bridge The McKenney* and guests were playing cards when they h**ard a thud upstairs and Mr. McKenney started to go see what it was The upper part of the house was already in flames They wer? unable to get any of the furnishings or personal items out with the exception of the television set which was right by the door In addition to the usual household items, Mrs. McKenney- had a valuable antique collection Because of the desire of friends to help in a time of need, a mis cellaneous shower is being given for the McKenneys Monday af ternoon at 2 00 o'clock at the I OOF hall under sponsorship of the Mt Heart Social club Every one who wishes to participate is invited Solution Sought for Financing Purchase of Garbage Dump Site Vernonia high school will be At the regular meeting of the host Saturday for the annual city council Monday night, a let county choral festival and con ter from the city planning com test with the choruses from St. mission was submitted asking Helens, Clatskanie, Rainier ar.i that the council tak- legal steps Scappoose here for the event if necessary to enforce recomme-.i The contests will take place dur datums made on certain buildings ing the day and will be climaxed in Vernonia. In part, the letter JAMES CAYWOOD with a concert in the evening. stated that in view of some Max Risinger, director of mu Named chairman of county chap buildings being old, delapidated sic at the University of Oregon, ter of American Cancer Society and "eye-sores" to the city and will be guest director for the | therefore menaces to the heallti, chorus made up of the combined safety and city betterment, the choruses from the five county- council was asked that the fire high schools. Each chorus will marshall and health authoriti s also sing alone, and sacred selec check, inspect and make recom tions will be included in th? con mendations for repair or removal James Caywood. county chair of buildings considered hazardous cert which will make it very fit man of the American Cancer So to health and safety. ting for the Easter season. Ad mission charges of 50c for adult--- ciety, has announced that a house In closing the letter read. "We and 25c for students will be made to house fund drive will be con feel such action by the mayor to help defray expenses. The ducted here next Tuesday even and the council will serve as a public is assured of a good even ing, April 23. Mr. Caywood is valuable starting point in clean ing’s entertainment by Robert acting as general chairman here ing and beautifying our commurt Kelly, chorus director for Ver and has appointed the following ity and engendering in our citi nonia, who is in charge of ar area captains for the drive: z-ns a feeling of pride in being a Isabel Anderegg, llene Larson, rangements. part of a progressive, growing Last Saturday, the Vernonia Nell Thomas. Charlotte Mason, Vernonia, the gateway to the high school band participated in Pat Galloway, Ina Bateman, beautiful Nehalem Valley.” the annual band festival at St. Anne McEntire, Olivia Brickel, The main issue of the evenin ’ Helens and was rated as super Nora Redmond. Margaret Davies. was again the garbage disposal Margaret Hartzell. Verda Cook, ior for its performance. Also, problem. At a special meeting three of the entries made during Mercedes Proehl, Emma Busn, held last week, the council adbpt Mary Drips and Lucille Fowler. the day were given superior rat ed the resolution authorizing tile ings with one drawing especially Mrs Ray Garlnck and Mrs I.loyd purchase of a 10-acre site on Capí Garlock will handle the drive high commendation and straight I to) hill for use as a garbage dump. A gradings That was the sixth in the Mist area. Financing for the preparation Goal set for Columbia county grade trio composed of Harvey of the site to meet state sanita Redmond. Marian Mathews and in this drive is $3000. tion and fire control requirements Suzi Alexander who were graded was rhe difficult problem brought in the same class in which ninth up Monday night. The decision graders were grouped. Superior was reached to ask the county ratings were also given to Dane- court to give aid in developing Brady and Walter Kirkbride. the dump site since it will ser*» The band will present a con- ■ this entire section of Columbia cert at the Cedar Hills shopping j Funeral services for Mrs. Ka county. One half of the remain center from 1 to 2 p.m a week therine L. Foster. 43, who pass ing cost after county h"lp will be from Saturday as a part of the ed away in Portland early last paid by the city, the other 50 per anniversary celebration there. week, were held Saturday at the { cent by the collector Vinemaple church, with burial An increase of 20 per cent ui in the Jewell cemetery. Her garbage collection will be paid husband, Roy Foster had pro the city by the collector until the ceeded her m death only a little city has been reimbursed for over a year ago. The service was | the site development, after whicn read by Rev. J B. Ellingson and the garbage collection fee will New business to open Monday Rev. and Mrs. L. A Shelton of be returned to the original fee of this week is Reta’s Apron and Vernonia zang. Survivors include four sons. Gift Shop open d by Mrs. M J Gene, Jim, Jerry and David Fos Lamping Sr. in the building on Bridge street formerly occupied ter and two daughter, Janice and Neomia Foster. by the dental office of Dr J. R House Canvass Set lor Cancer Rites Saturday For Mrs. Foster Shop Features Aprons, Gifts i Board Considers Repair Program Manley. Mrs. Lamping will do hemstitching and make button holes in addition to offering for sale a wide variety of aprons and hand made gift items. Vandals Damage Cemetery Stones Delegates Named For Girls State Vandals have again b?en at work at the Pioneer cemetery on Rock creek road and a number of tombstones have been found dislodged from the graves of pio neer residents of this community, some of whom no longer have relatives here to care for the plots There is no caretaker on duty for this cemetery, but the laws of common decency should re strain people from such depreda tions. However, if th? culprits are apprehended, the full penalty of the law will be exacted. Announceemnt was made this week by the American Legion auxiliary of the three Vernonia girls who will be privileged to at tend Girls State at Salem in Jun» . They ar- Julia Waite who is sponsored by the auxiliary; Caro lyn Heath. P.F,O and Helen Mill, of Birkenfeld. Mt Heart Rebe kahs All three are Vernonia high school juniors A special meeting of the board of school district 47 Jt. will be held Tuesday evening at the Washington school to consult with the tirchitect on consideration of repairs to the building which will be done during the summer months Items planned and bud geted for include the laying of asphalt tile floors aond installa tion of a temperature control sys tem in the classrooms Teachers at Conference Darrold Proehl and Jamt~o Johns attended the conference of the Northwest Oregon Ele mentary Principals association at Gearhart last Friday and Sat urday. New PTÄ Officers Named Monday; Aid Given Sweaters Mrs. Earl King was eiect-d president of the Parent Teachers association at the meeting held Monday evening at th high school Those who will serve with her are Mrs Herb Hecken- Itable, vice-president; Mrs Louis Thompson, secretary and Thom as Steyaert, treasurer. Installa tion will be held in May Rollcall resulted in the atten dance plaque being awarded to the freshman class who will re tain it for a month, or until dis placed The PT A has pledged $50 to help par for the sweaters that have been purchased for the grad? school band. Two project* , ' | ! are planned to raise this . the first being a food sale at Strong s Electric a week from Saturday, April 27, and the second, a lun cheon which will be served for the sorority group of which Mrs Harry Sandon and Mrs Ora Bol- meier are members when it meets here May 11. Members will donate food for both events. Darrold Proehl answered ques- tions from the question box. one of which dealt with the band per iod con fl ict ion with other clas- sea. The question of ballroom dancing being taught at the high school as an activity was also dis cussed again and a delegation named to meet with the high school board and voice PT A ap proval. Conclusion of the evening was a demonstration of the making of tarts by the boys who are in Mrs Bassett's home economics classes. They were dressed in aprons and chefs hats they had made and served the tarts to those present. A workshop for PT A members, teachers and anyone else inter ested was announced for Mon day, April 29 at 7:30 in the high school library. Mr*. L. L Welia and Mrs. Stephen Waite will discuss many subjects of com munity interest from the con vention he'd in Pendleton