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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1955)
Library, U of 0 V» —A? « VOLUME 33, NUMBER 23 PHONE 191 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON 10c COPY C of C Sets Dinner Date The Vernonia chamber of com merce is planning a pleasant family and friends get-together in the form of a dinner meeting to be held in the Legion hall Friday, June 10 at 7:03 p.m. This is the first meeting of this kind to be held since the group has been organized. A good program has been arranged. The newly elected directors will be regularly installed and they are: John Thompson, Mary Drips, Sam Hearing Jr. and Ed Roediger Jr. The regular meeting of the board of directors will be held Monday night, Jun? 13, at 8:30 in the West Oregon Electric of fice. > Mrs. Hallie Kirk Dies Wednesday Summer School to Attract Nine from Valley for Sessions June 14 to 24 Nine 4-H scholarship winners from this area will join other cltib members from Columbia county the first of next week for the trip to Corvallis to attend the 1955 4-H summer school from Jun? 14 to 24. Eighteen «hundred Oregon 4-H club mem bers are “xpected to be in at tendance. Those attending from this area arid the sponsors of their schol arships are: Dick Aldrich, Ver- n nia-Timber Rout?-Kea»ey ex tension units; Donna Buckley, Vernonia grange; Margaret Buck- ley. Safeway Stores; Harriet Hrath, Pythian Sisters. Joyce Sullivan, P. E. O. Sisterhood; Darltne Tucker, Mist, Mist Young People’s club; Clinton Baker. Birkenfeld, Eagles Aux iliary; Douglas Bellingham. Bir kenfeld, Mist-Nehalem extension unit; Eugene Berg, Birkenfeld, Wmema grange. The older boys are housed in fraternity houses ai^i the young er beys in the two men’s coop- crative houses, Reed and Heck- j art ledges, and the girls live in ! sororities and Waldo and Sack- I ett halls. The 203 supervisors i are drawn from college counsel- I ors, county extension agents and ♦ volunteer local leaders. Friday night, June 17, the 4-H assembly will be host to the 400 Beaver State delegates in thè college coliseum Owen C. (Red! | Dunning and his entertainers ! from KOIN, Portland, will be ! featured on this program. The • club members will participate in a talent show during the second week and many other activities are planned to allow no dull mo ments. Classes will fill a good part of each day and special empha sis this year is being given to training of junior leaders. This helps to encourage continuance ?»f older members in club work. Ten year pins will be award'd by the First National Bank of Portland to all ten-year club members Marshall Featured in Western Foresi Indush-ies Review Article An article of great local inter- est appeared recently in the Western Forest Industries review under the heading, "Men Among B.g Trees.” The feature was an interview of Larry Marshall, manager of the Dolly Varden Lumber Co. of Arcata, Californ ia, who is also president of the Redwood Region Logging con ference. Larry, the son of Mr and Mrs. Dave Marshall of Vernonia, re- pl.ed to the question as to how he happened to get into the lumber busmens by saying. “I was born into it.” When he was bom in 1913 his father was a lumberman in Carson. La., in the pir.elands of the south. In 1923. his father came to Vernonia and has been with the Oregon-Amer- Ki.i and Long Bell companies . here ever since • Larry began working for the I Oregon - American company summers in 1930 and worked for , them off dtid on until 1938 He ' also worked for the old Clark and Wilson Lumber Co. He is a graduate in forestry of Oregon State college where he was a member of the Phi Kappa Phi scholastic society and during hiss senior year in 1941. won the Lipman Wolf? award given to the senior, junior or sophomore man or woman with the highest standing Following his graduation he w orked for the Eastern Lane Fire Patrol Ass'n. at Eugene, and the West Coast Lumbermans Ass n., also Eugene, before join ing the W -st Gate Lumber Co. at Sweet Hume in 1948. From there he went to Arcata in 1950 THURSDAY, JUNE 9. » ’ Election tG Pick Three As Directon District 47 Meeting Scheduled June 20; Grounds Get Aftim*ic9 Voters of school district 47 JL are reminded of the school erec tion to be held Monday, June 23 at which three directors must b- elected, one to fill the e:Tp> : 1 • -i >>f S’l’ii lb n mg and to fill out the requireni.-nti cl a five-man board as specified bv the new law now in effect. S t H i .ii ini Si has filed a p tit to pfcu his name on the ba for re ejection and l.ocl Rob and Wilbur Davis have filed far th other two positions PETITIONS AVAILABLE PICTURED above is B'U Pringle, center, and his | Ariyone else who wishes hie helper, Eric Feasey, using Pringle's horse. Red. name placed on the ballot n .» io get out timbers from an area on the Columbia Word was received here Wed-' secure a blank petition from I: Tree Farm on Oblack road for use in the restora nesday of the death that morn M Aldrich, school Merk, or ’O office. Such petition» tion of Fort Clatsop on its original site south of ing of Mrs. Hallie Kilk at' the school Astoria as a part of the Lewis and Clark Sesqui- Odd Fellow^ home in Portland must be signed by at least 18 centennial celebration being held in Clatsop where she had been a r -sident legal voters and must be filed county August 21-23. Four hundred pieces were for some time. She had been in with Aldrich seven days pm gotten out from under-story trees in a 50-year very poor health for several to the election, or by Monday. stand owned by Crown Zellerbach. They were months and lapsed into a coma a June 13, in order to have the the ballot shipped fre.m here to the Astoria airport to be few days previous to her death. name placed oit framed and set up and sent to Wauna for a pre Mrs. Kirk was born May 4. Names not printed on the ballot servative treatment known as Wolmanizing be 1871 at Kirksville, Missouri, and may be written in at the time of fore being taken io the old Fort Clatsop site for was just a month past her 84th the election. final erection. Pictured below is the restored fort birthday at the time of her death. Work is underway on the as it shoud appear when completed. Rolf Klep, She came to Oregon when only Washington school ground* former Asiorian and now an architect in New four and had lived the remaw which will greatly improve facil York city, drew plans for the restoration. He ing 80 years of her life in this ities for primary children. Per searched archives for a description of the fort, state. mission has been given by the six miles southwest of Astoria, after original site She was married to John Kirk high school board for the use of was located by the Oregon Historical society. Each at Heppner and later moved to an additional portion of ground of two barracks will be 50x15 feet, with 20x50- Vernonia where they lived for until such time as it shall be foot parade ground inclosed by stockade. needed t>y the high school. This many years. She is survived by four is being graded and leveled by daughters, Mrs Alta Sharp, John I Art Ostrander and will be seed Day; Mrs. Ethel Bell, Condon: "d, also. Mrs. Florence Whitsell, Portland COURTS PLANNED and Mrs. Zelma Dow, Vernonia, Plans are to install a basket and one son, John Kirk of Port land She also had 15 grandchil ball court, volley ball court, hor dren, 19 great-grandchildren and izontal ladder and sand box. Work on the building will in two great-great-grandchildren. clude painting the exterior foun I Funeral services will be Fri I dation and stops and revision of day afternoon at 2:30 at th? A. J I Rose Funeral Home in Portland. classroom storage closets in ad I Death came suddenly Monday Interment will be in Lincoln M". dition to the usual cleanup, If traffic has been halted this I painting and general mainten to Mrs. Frank (Anice) Roberson morial cemetery. week by the Vernonia high ance work usually done during school band, citizens can al) of Vernonia who had gone to the summer months. chalk it up to helping do their Portland to attend the Rose Fes Superintendent Darrold Proehl bit for the Portland Rose Festi tival festivities and suffered a has announced that three teach val Bill Johnson began inten ers will not return next year. sive marching practice with the fatal heart attack there. They are Mrs. Gladys Spoklie. Mrs. Roberson was the widow band Monday evening in prep Mrs. Grace Hendrickson and Mix aration for their participation in of Frank Roberson who passed Wilma Feller. The Cub Scout White Eagle the grand floral parade Saturday away here in 1942. Following his morning. The band will be at death she returned to her form district field day wa% held in THIRD GRADE INCREASED Banks Sunday, June 5. Vernon the Multnomah stadium at 8:00 er hörn'- in Louisiana and lived ia was represented by about 60 Miss Mtrcia .Manville will a m and the parade will b »gin there for a number of years be Cubs, families and fn-nds. The transfer from her present art* to move out of the stadium at fore returning here about two Cubs competed in the games n and crafts position to third grad • 9:30 Lin’’ of march was given years ago to make her home with age groups and local boys came This will be an additional third in the Northwest section of Sun her sister, Mrs. L. H Roberson. home with several ribbons gach. grad“ room, making three next day’s Oregonian for those who In the den mothers competi year Miss Manville plans to do Mrs. Roberson was a member wish to choose vantage points of the Baptist church in Texas tion Den 1 den mother Verna summer school work at Oregon for viewing it. The band has also accepted an and was very active in the work Harris and her assistant den College of Education at Mon won the mouth. invitation from the Junior Rose of the Baptist church here. She mother, Ruth Hult, Two primary teachers hav? Festival committee to participate also was a member of an East second place ribbon. There were free balloons for each child and been hired Jor next year and two Sunday in the rose planting cere ern Star chapter in Louisiana mony at Penninsula park. This She also was an accomplished all the pop, ice cream and coffee additional teachers will be hin d to complete the staff. will take place at 1:30 pm. and musician and taught music in the Anyone wanted. the band has been asked to play schools in the south for many the processional. national an y ars. Remains were forwarded Tues them. some special numbers dur by the ing the ceremony and the reces day to Ruston, La. Colonial Mortuary in Portland sional. At present funds for financing for services and burial beside her th? trip are greatly needed and husband. A beef barbecue on the J. C. in this area during th?*past de organizations and individual- Surviving besides Mrs. L. H. Moran ranch. Vernonia, will be cade who plan to make contributions Roberson are two other sisters, After the night at Salem, the a feature of _Ae second day of are asked to get them to Mr group wilA visit ranches near Mrs. Yancy Robinson in Lou Johnson or leave them at the isiana and Mrs. C. F. McCarthy a three-day tour of shorthorn Jewell, Birkenfeld, Mist and then Vernonia Eagle office or Jay's | in Texas and one brother, Till cattle ranches June 16 through to the Moran ranch fallowed by cafe. Only check received by man Hardy, also in Texas. an (Overnight stop at Irtjrgview, 18. Johnson so far is on? from the The tour, starting at the Tower Washington. At Mist, the tour Lions club for $20 However Askeriund farm, Leaburg, on members will see the largest reg other groups have specified Thursday. June 16 at 11 am. istered shorthorn herd in west their intention of helping. A con will include ranches in the Wil em Oregon on the Re^d Holding siderable sum will be needed to lamette valley from east of Eu ranch and at the Berg Bros, ranch cover the two trips and since th? gene to the Vernonia area in at Birkenfeld will see a large band is r-presenting Vernonia northwestern Oregon and con commercial herd where short in the narade everyone should The Nehalem Valley Pioneer clude with visits to operations horq bulls have been used in an want a part in it. association will have its annual around R?lso, Castle Rock, Win upgrading and impruvemi nt pro. • meeting at the Birkenfeld gym lock and Oakville. Washington. gram. At the Muran ranch th?y anil nasium next Sunday, June 12 A Stops will also be made the first Second Polio Clinic Sei According to word Wed program has been planned which day at Cheshire, Oregon State see a smaller herd of registered shorthorn cattle that has been nesday from the county health I will include numbers by the Co college and overnight at Salem As the caravan moves through filled and shown with consider at St. Helens the clinic for lumbia Cordsmen, a recently or the second sf>its- of Salk polio I ganized male chorus from Clats various counties, extension ag- able success in the Northwest numbers I enta will outline liveatock pro- area. vaccine will be given in Vernon kanie. Other musical Persons interested in inakin? and the usual ’ talks by pioneers I grams, highlighting pasture im- ia Wednesday, June 22 at 9 00 1 I provement with emphasis on fer- the tour may contact Gus Wood.,. will also be featured a m. at the Washington school A pot luck dinner will be held | tilizer and production techniques. Prineville. Kehne Wain, Rt. 4, Parents of all first and second I grade children who had the first I at noon and time given for vis I Examples can be observed of th? Box 205, Salem; J. C Moran. Ver Hein mann, shots should have th?ir children ' iting and renewing acquainten- | change from dairy to beef cattle nonia, or Ralph I production that has taken place Waukon, Washington. ces. there at that time. Band toPlay Heart Attack Again Sun. Claims Woman Cub Scouts Have Dist. Field Day Beef Barbecue at Moran Farm to Feature Second Day of Cattle Tour Birkenfeld Host To Pioneers Sun.