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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1955)
1 THURSDAY JUNE 9 1955 THE EAGLE TOWN TOPICS Playing raacnlly in the pian^. recital given at Forest Grove by Mrs Leonard Dunlap were Grant and Peggy Bowerman and Greg- try Kamholz Guesls lasl weak of Mrt Grayce Bundy were her sister and husband. Mr and Mrs Fred Maueman of Centraiia. Wash- ngtun and her niece, Kathryn Thompson from Tillamook Memorial Day week end guests «1 Mr and Mrs Perry McFarland were Mr and Mrs. Wayne Bord ers and Darren from Sprjngfi* .d, Mr and Mrs Harvey Moran and Mr and Mrs Roy Jenson from Portland and Mr and Mrs Bill Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Burford Wilker son of Tillamook spent Memorial Day here with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson SHOP AT HOME AND SAVE WITH THESE VALUES! Belly Crocker Pie Crust Mix. 4 Stick to • a pkg. 2 pkgs. 49c Halferlys Clams 3 cans Minced Razor 95c Taxi we Id Tomatoes 2*/z can, 2 cans 45c Wilson’s Chopped Beef. 3 cans 92c 25c Chips 25c Libby't; Spaghetti & Meat Ball*. 16-oz. Can. 2 for Deal Chuck Roast Per Pound Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kuehn and family of Elgin, Oregon, spent the week end here with Mrs. Kuehn’s parents, Mr and Mrs M B Steers Sr and hei brother, Manon Steers, and fam- ily Their son, Larry, remained here for the berry season arid Mary Steers returned to Elgin with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Striker and family are vacationing this week in California Rebekah and Odd Fellows pot luck dinner and entertainment. Sal. June 11. 6 30 p.m. I.O.OF. hall. 2311c 45c 39c THESE PRICES GOOD AS LONG AS PRESENT STOCK LASTS MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Deliveries Twice Daily 10 A M. and 3 P.M. — Phone 1391 Loggers Injured In Car Crash I MIST—Same of the active j members of the MHC have been . TREHARNE— Several loggers j working at the cemetery the | past few days were injured in a car accident , Bernard Dowling, Roy Hughes [ Friday evening on their way j and Claude Johnson were Sat j home from work at the Sunset urday business visitors in Port , Timber junction. Their car was , land Mr and Mrs L B Eastman struck from the rear and turned were callers at the Austin Dow ■ over as th'-y were making the 1 ling home Thursday turn off the Sunset highway. Miss Shirley Wikstrom and ! Those injured were Elmer Good- Mrs. Russell Stuve were Portland Iman, Donovan Reynolds. Harry I motorists Tuesday. 1 Mrs Lloyd Beach spent a Weaver, Harvey Reynolds and I I couple of days last week in i Forrest Reynolds Injuries were ; Mr. and Mrs. George Pelers , Scappoose with her sister. Mrs cuts, bruises and shock Harvey are making an extend'-d trip to Lloyd Lynch. spent from Saturday to Monday Tennessee and other southern afternoon at the hospital in Hills states this month. boro. Irvin Armstrong apparently Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Manley and I was not injured. his mother spent last week end > Mrs Laveta and George Darl with Mr. and Mrs MJ Lamping ing of Portland visited at tne Dr Manley is out of the service home of Ray Stanley, their cous now and is opening a dental of fice in Vancouver. B C. MIST — Tom Piddcock has in, Sunday- Mr and Mrs Selwyn Graves Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Etiff. Lor- bought and opened up the Mist and Dana of Vernonia visited ene and Elvin spent the week garage end at Grants Pass visiting Mrs The Ericksons from Seattle with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Stiffs mother. Mrs. Grace Mat spent the Memorial week end Wilbur Thacker Saturday. Mrs E M Bledsoe ha^ gone , teson. with the Robert Wiesters to Manning for two wee" with I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds Mrs L. P. Wikstrom was in her daughter, Mrs Elva Tolke. | left Monday for Eugene where Hillsboro Thursday. Mrs Robert Reynolds and Earl, ( they will be for the summer Mr and Mrs. Glen Keys from Cheyrlee and David Reynolds months and Mr Reynolds will Portland were recent Sunday spent the day with Mis. Harry- take summer school work ai visitors of the Austin Dowlings. the University of Oregon. The Mist Helping Circle will Weaver and children Monday. Tom Karnoski returned io meet June 23 at the home of work at Safeway Monday fol Mrs. Austin Dowling. Family Returns to lowing a three week's absence A week ago Sunday a family Douglas, Wyoming for an appendectomy dinner was h-ld at the Don Hall Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Johnson horn? in Mprton, Washington TREHARNE — Mr and Mrs returned Sunday from a two Among those there were Mr and Henry Harders and sons left Fri week vacation during which they Mrs. Lloyd and Bobbie, the day morning for Douglas, Wy visited his brother in San Fran Lloyd Lynches from Scappoose oming after visiting their par cisco, went to San Diego and the Tommy Holces from Alaska ents and relatives for two weeks. Tia Juana. Mexico, and on the and George Jones Mi and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, way home spent a day in Sequoia Earl and Linn Reynolds and Dav. National park. <d motored to Portland Monday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff were evening to visit Michael Rey in Vancouver Sunday for a* visit nolds at the Physicians and Sur I with Mr and Mrs Herman Zim- . geons hospital. merman Miss Myrna Drips of Portland Winners in the Brunsman spent the week end with Mr. Hardware drawing last Saturday BIRKENFELD — A bridal and Mrs. Gene Drips, Bob and were: Ada J' an Lmdsley, Alice shower was h°ld for Norma Sine Collins. Buckley, Mary Lamphear, and Norman of Jewell Friday after Mrs. Sam Beck and daughters Mrs. Bill Hall. noon. She and Bruce Larson are were Tuesday luncheon guests Bill Nichols is ill this weel to be married the latter part of of Mrs. Albert Reynolds. with a virus infection and unable the month and plan to live at Mr. and Mrs. Beit Tisdale are : to be at the store. spending this week in at the ’ Birkenfeld. Guests Sunday at the home of Beverly Ric? of Hillsboro, Portland Meadows. Mi and Mrs. P.. E Archibald bride-to-be of Ralph Berg, son Walter Kirkbride was an over- | were his sister, Silvia Archibald of Mr. and Mrs Vic Berg of Bir night guest of George Miner in and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dowlei kenfeld, was honored at a bridal I Vernonia Tuesday. of St. Helens. Mrs. Jerome Whitmire went to ■ shower held at Birkenfeld in the Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Barnell and grange kitchen Thursday after Portland Monday evening to visit . Otto were here Tuesday to see noon. Th-y plan to live at Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitmire j Mr Barnell's sister, Grace M.l- Gualala, California where Ralph and family She planned to re- j ter, who is recuperating from a is working. turn home Tuesday night. recent automobile accident Johnny Hopkins and Bruce Bruce McDonald came home Hoyt of Vernonia are on their last Saturday from Good Samar- | way to Alaska to work. itan hospital in Portland where I Mrs J R Bennett left to make he had been taken by ambulance her home near her son in Port Thursday of the previous w ek land. due to an attack of pneumonia The HEC group met Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Oren Weed and with the grange men for general Barbara made a trip to Spokane clean up day at the grange hall last week end to attend a reun in preparation for the pioneer ion of Mrs We d's family. picnic there this coming Sunday. June 12 Tom Pidcock Takes Garage June 19th Father's Day Gift Suggestions - Wallets, Cameras. Pipes, - Electric Razors: Shaving Sets, Light Meters Comb and Brush Sets, Travel Kits. Cig arette Lighters, Travel Alarm Clocks, Barometers, Pipe Racks. Old Spice Gift Sets, Parker Pen and Pencil Sets, Parker Jotter, - Parker Liquid Lead Pencils - MANY OTHER GIFTS TO CHOOSE FROM IN ALL PRICE RANGES VERNONIA DRUG CO. Telephone 101 Club Members Continue Work on Mist Cemetery Bridal Showers Given for Two Delmonle Pineapple Juice 46-oz. can Each Baker's Chocolate 6-ounce Package VERNONIA. ORE — Vernonia, Ore, NEW SUMMER HOURS: 9 AM. TO 7 PM Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Welch and family left last week on a vacation trip to Nebraska Among elementary school teachers planning on summer school are Walter Harris who will work towards his master's degree at the University of Ore gon at Eugene, and Marvin Wig gans who will attend Portland State college. Guests this week of Mrs. Pau) Gordon ar- her two nieces and nephew, Larsana, Nola and Andy Nelson of Cottage Grove who are hers while their parents, who are worthy matron and patron of Cottage Grove chapter, OES, attend grand chapter ses sions in Portland. Rebekah and Odd Fellows pot luck dinner and entertainment. Sat. June 11, 6:30 p.m. I.O.O.F. hall. 23tlc Greg Kamhols appeared Tues day afternoon on the Kay West radio program on KEX. Each Tuesday music teachers who arc members of the Oregon Federa tion of Music clubs present pup ils who have previously played in music festivals sponsored by that organization. Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenman : rrivid home Friday from their • Greenman attendrd the spring meeting of the National Lumber Manufacturers association at Sea Island. Georgia While there they also went to Jacksonville, Flori da for a luncheon and sight see ing Before returning here they visited Mrs. Greenman's sister in New York Typewriter and Adding Machine Ribbons for Must Machines. Homeward Trip Begun by Mr. and Mrs. Crowston BIRKENFELD—Mr and Mr», j Harold Crows ton expected to leave June 7 from Delaware for home to visit Mr». Crowston» parents, the Cecil Elliotts, at ; Hillsboro and his folks at Ver nonia Mr Crowston has com pleted his service and is being discharged. Mr and Mrs. M P Mills re ceived word they are grandpar ents. Parents of the boy are Mr and Mrs. S. Garceau. Mrs. Gar- ceau was Georgianna Mills. Piano Recital Is Attended ■ BIRKENFELD —Mrs Howard Jones, Mrs Ted Bellingham and Mrs. Guy Bellingham attended the recital in Vernonia held for the pupils of Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Thomas. Louis and Marjorie Jones and April Bellingham are enrolled in the class. Mrs. Fred Larson has been on the sick list the past week. Mr and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield are attending state grange at Klamath Falls this week and in- tend to be gone a month visiting in eastern Oregon. Mrs Law-rence Jepson is in Portland visiting her daughter, Mrs Richard Thompson, and family. Mrs. Cecil Elliott is in the hos pital at Hillsboro for treatment for a ruptured spinal disc and will be- in traction for another week. Pat Berg is spending part of her vacation from New York vis iting at the R L. Berg home. Mr and Mrs. Goodman and children of Jewell and Mrs. Guy Bellingham were Sunday visitors at the home of Anna Hanberg. Mr and Mrs. Harshman and Shirley Berg were in Portland Thursday on business Mr». Clara Miller of Portland spent a f w days at the home .! her deughter, Mrs Fred Udey. PHONE 853i . _________ I MOTOR FREIGHT •Joi/ Theatre SATURDAY JUNE 11 TARZAN AND THE SHE DEVIL Lex Barker Plus NAKED ALIBI Sterling Hayden SUN., MON. JUNE 12 13 BATTLE CRY i Van Heflirr - Aldo Ray J , I Burns TV and i. I Radio Repair | ; ALL MAKES CAR RADIOS REPAIRED . 1 Factory reduced prices on 21” and 24” Hoffman TV Sets Low Down Payments— Easy Terms | I . BURNS TV AND RADIO 763 2nd Si. — Phone 1312 •a** and , Khct six enriching years, Old Hermitage is at the peak of its flavor. One sip — and your good taste will tell you you've found the Kentucky bourbon you've always wanted! z SQ80 Pin: M 4/5 Qt » I I OLD HERMITAGE BRAMO o *r»n<*-> ST1UICH1 so< rbo » »tusan lu». | I THURS.. FRI. JUNE 9-10 THIS IS MY LOVE Dan Duryea . Linda Darnell HERMITAGE • I NEHALEM VALLEY • A limited supply of I I • • Co-*» , THE VERNONIA EAGLE . Printing — Office Supplies | PHONE HI—VERNONIA. ORE. 86 PROOF.7 THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY