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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1954)
r THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 1954 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE—General SHOP planer 12'4x6" with 2 sets knives', sharpener and jointer. Can be used for saw and mould r. Arbor for 12" saw and moulding »wad with 3 cutters included, Never used. Also small 2-Saw «<fger, saw gummer, 6” 4-ply belt, factory built steel trailer. Cash, I ims, or trade for Aider logs. JURGENS MILLS. Raimer Phone 6 8256. It2c PRACTICALLY new trailer house. Worth $3500. Has scarce ly been lived in. Will trade for hiime in Vernonia. Inquire Ver nonia Eagle. It3 USED living room rugs. Inquire M’S. O. S. Poynt-r, Keasey Rt. Iti NJJTICE No sale Christmas week. Auction every Friday including New Year’s day. Cash paid for fia niture, tools, livestock, ma- chinery, any day. Altman’s Auc- tion Mart, Forest Grove, Phones 7615 and 7612. MMc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dot. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c AJ'RON SHOP, clothing repairs, A-mstitching. At Vernonia Clean- «■■. June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc AUCTION: Every Friday. We hi' .’e a good market for your live- trti k, furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trade, every week day, paying cash for livestock, furniture, machinery, tools. Alt- nu.n’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt AJtman, Auctione r, selling live- Flock or general farm sales any- where. lltfc ’ OR SALE—Cars, Trucks .1553 WILLYB 4-door sedan. Only 3000 mile*. Overdrive. Radto and Heater $1795 155.3 CHEV. 2 door sedan. R&H. Beautiful condition $1765 JS’O WILLYS 4 wheel drive sta tion wagon. Excellent con- dttion $1095 ISSA FORD 2 door. Light blue. very clun $950 >*4S OLDS 4-dixir sedan. Cus. tom model, all equip ped $525 J?4S CHEV 2 ton truck. Long wheelbase. New motor. $695 Perfect condition VIRNONIA AUTO COMPANY 27 Years in Business in Vernonia J’ ne 342 Vernonia 52tlc FOR SALE—Insurance •1 LL HUDSON Insurance, tele- p »nc 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 <r ■ nths at low rates. Also fire n jrance. Geo. Bell. H. Hudson. 37tfc WANTED LADIES. tain extra cash bv ad- d t »sing advertising postals at b< re. Write. Vali Co., Box 1042. Aluncie, Indiana. Itl REASONABLE proof of labor, < against Columbia Timber > puny previously operated by >C. -■ ilergerson and Mr. Hames. Reply care of Vernonia Eagle. 54t3c HOUSEWIVES Address adver- t ’4 postcards. Must have good . .¿writing. LINDO, Watertown. V ess . 53t4 ALDER LOGS WANTED Will pay premium price for really good log* JURGENS MILLS Beaver Springs Road—Raimer Phone C «256 25tfc 1_________________________________ HIGHEST cash prices paid for c.-ratn and eggs at your door— p « ked up once or twice weekly— cs >r write Forest Grove Cream s’ry. Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone I4tfc « 5RPENTRY WORK Repair, re- -’ ’deling, new construction Rea- • enable rates by day or by con tract. F. J. Parkhurst. 1042 Weed AVt , or see Pete Brunsman. Mtfc I OST AND FOUND FOUND: Black cocker spaniel XV I owner pleased call or any- interested Had about four i k Phone 1636. or Work- -• Timber Rt. Itlc i WOMEN'S LEAGUE Dessy’s Tavern Safeway i Vernonia Drug 1 Sam'* Food NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PEEBLE CREEK LIVE STOCK DISTRICT. ORDERED BY LEGAL VOTERS THEREIN AT ELECTION OF DECEMBER 1. 1953. WHEREAS at an election duly held at the polling place for the Vernonia No. 3 voting precinct on December 1. 1953, in accord ance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 513 Oregon Laws for 1949, the following described lands, to-wit: South half of Section 9; South half of Section 10; South half of Section 11; and all of Sec tions 14. 15. 16, 20. 21. 22, 23. 26, 27, 28, 29. 33, 34 and 35, and the east half of Section 32 in Township 4 North of Willa- Rang? 4 West of the ' mette Meridan were ordered to be incorporated as a grazing district for the pur pose of making I" it lawful for livestock to run at : large therein; and WHEREAS the boundaries of such area is given as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 35, Town shin 4 N. of R. 4 W.W.M., in Columbia County, Oregon; thence westerly along Town ship line to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quar ter of Section 32 Township W.W.M; 4 North of H 4 ................... thence northerly along sub- division lines to the North- west corner of the North- east quarter of said Section 32; thence West along Sec tion line to the Northwest corner of said Section 32; I thence northerly along sec tion lines to the Northwest corner of Section 20 Town ship 4 N.. R. 4 W V. M . thence Easterly along Section line to the Northeast Corner of said Section 20; thence Northerly to the quarter cor- n r common to Sections 8 and 9, Township 4 N., R 4 W.W.- M.; thence Easterly along subdivision lines to the quar ter coiner common to Sections 11 and 12 T. 4 N.. R. 4 W. W.M.; thence South along section lines to the place of beginning. NOW THEREFORE, in com pliance with the r quirements set forth in said Chapter 513 Oregon Laws for 1949, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on and after the sixtieth day from the date of the first publica tion of this notice, it shall be lawful for anyone owning or having the custody, possession or control of livestock to permit th? same to run at large within the boundaries of th? lands above described, the name of which shall he "Pebble Creek Livestock District." This notice is published once each week for 'three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Columbia County, Oregon, as required by law, and the date of the first publication thereof is December 17, 1953. (County Court Seal) c. w W m kman County Clerk of Columbia County, Oregon 51 t3c Lost 17 28 33 50 Stop During Trip RIVERVIEW’ — Mrs. Minnie Ratkie and son. Wally, of Seattle visit'd Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wells. They were returning from Mapleton where they spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny K;ck. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Atkinson and daughter of Estacada and Gerald Atkinson of Spokane visited at the J. E. Rose and E.-L. Lloyd homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mahar spent New Years at the home of her sist r, Mrs. H. W. Wickuler, at McMinnville. Mrs. Helen Sauders and child ren spent New Years and the week end at th? home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jerman. Margaret Wells returned home Sunday after visiting several days at th? horn of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck at Gresham. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon KHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZMZHZHZHg X H H H H H H SEE H H H H H Hillsboro Phone 8081 H Phone 8071 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H M H H BANK OR GMAC TERMS OR TRADE. A FEW 1953 NEW BUICKS AT REDUCED H M PRICES. THREE COMPANY DEMONSTRA- H H TORS, BIG DISCOUNT TREHARNE — Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, James. Rosalie, Walter and Jo Ann, and Bill Ostrander motored to Portland Thursday where Jo Ann was admitt.d to the Shriners hospital for a spinal operation. Sh? will stay three or four months. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holmes of B?averton and Mr. and Mrs. Ebb Stroud of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and family and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride Sunday. Don Reynolds visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and family New Years day to watch the Orange Bowl game. TREHARNE — Bill John Mrs. Andy Stone visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkoride and son moved a truck load of their furnitur? to th? golf course resi Rosalie Wednesday ev ning on her way home to Olympia after dence Sunday. James Kirkbride visiting Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk helped him. Neighbors wish to and making trips to Forest Grove welcome the Johnsons to the neighborhood. for medical aid. Marvin Stevens was taken to Mrs. Byron Kirkbrid?, Jo Ann, Stephen and Walt or, were visi th? Jones hospital in Hillsboro tors of Mrs. Bert Tisdale and New Years night suffering from Mrs. Sam Beck Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bryon Kirkbride, Jo Ann, Stephen, Rosali ? and Walter visit d Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wea ver and family and Mrs. Rosa Weaver and children Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Und ?r- hill and family of Mohler, Mrs. Underhill of Tr?nton, braska visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and Rosalie at 4 fl. oz. bottle with spreader. Sticks paper the G. C. Kirkbride home New quickly without wrinkling. Smears remove Years day. easily. Harley DeWitt called at the Price 40c Byron Kirkbrid? horn ■ Monday evening on business. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride THE VERNONIA EAGLE Rosalie visited Mr. and M is. PRINTING ------ OFFICE SUPPLIES Fmnk Morris Saturday evening. Residence at Course Occupied STREITWIESER BUICK CO. Our $30,000 stock of guaranteed used cars must be sold to make room for 1954 trade-ins. REDUCED PRICES Carter’s Rubber Cement LtGAL NOTICE FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Three rooms and bath. Electric range, oil heat. River view Apartmt nts. 36tfc THREE-ROOM house partly fur nished; iini'-rmim cabin, furnish ed, one sleeping room. Mrs. Alice Mills, end of First St.. Riverview. It3 CARD OF THANKS I YOUR CARDS and well w -he* during my stay in the hospital are very much appreciated They were the best medicin? I received BERT HAWKINS Itlc CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Word* over min imum. 2c each. Three inter- iion* for the price of two. be given out until after paper it mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. NO information on classifieds will THE EAGLE tuumei no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ad* pub lished in its column*, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. Legend related that the crown of thorns which was placed on the head of Christ was made of holly and that before the cruci fixion the berries were white, but turned crimson like drops of I blood. Won 47 36 31 14 Operation Due at Shrine Hospital FOR RENT WE WISH to thank our kind friends and neighbors for their kindness and help during our time of sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shafer and family Itl h?mia. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride motored to Portland Monday to visit Jo Ann and on other busi ness. Bowling Results Past Residents t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IN THE CITY OF VERNONIA. OREGON. NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held for the people of the City of Ver nonia, Oregon, on Monday, Janu ary 18. 19.14. at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m. in the council cham bers in the City Hall in Vernonia, to discuss the question of annex, ing to the city boundaries the following described territory. Known as the Oregon-Ameri can Orchard Tract: Beginning at an iron bar at the Southwest corner of a tract of land as described in Book 16. page 504. Columbia County Deed Records; said point being South 227.5 and West 501.75 feet from a concrete monument es tablished as the center of Section 4. Township 4 North. Range 4 West of the Willamette Meridian. Columbia County, Oregon; thence South 88 05' West a distanc? of 117.5 feet; thence South 0 16' East a distance of 139.1 feet; thence South 57 31' West a distance of 360.9 feet; thtnee South 75 21' West a distance of 117 9 feet; thence South 89 09’ West a dis tance of 426.4'; to the center of Rock Creek; thence along th- center of said Rock Creek North 38 17' West a distance of 209.4 feet; thence North 17 56' West a distance of 290.0 feet to the Southwest corner of a tract as described in Book 17, page 235, Columbia County Deed Records: thence along the South line of said tract as described in said 17. page 23.1. North 88 54' East a distance of 305.5 feet to an iron pin, thence North 0 38' West a distance of 36.32 feet to the Northeast corner of a tract as describ.d in Book 73. page 397. Columbia County Deed Records, said point also being rn the South line of Bridge Street in the City of Vernonia; thence along the said South lin ■ of Bridge Street South 89 35' East a distance of 880 30 feet; thence South a dis tance of 430.0 feet to the point of beginning, all being within Co lumbia County. Oregon; All persons interested are in vited to attend said public hear ing. DATED this 21st day of De cember. 1953. Sam L. Hearing. City Recorder Scribner s Lumber and Log Book Contains Tables for board measure and log measure plus many other tables and measures. Price $1.00 THE VERNONIA EAGLE OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING Typewriter Ribbons Ribbons available for most popular makes of Typewriters. Adding Machine ribbons ordered. THE VERNONIA EAGLE OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING B.B. Retractable Ball Pen No stain, no smear, no skip. Never transfers or fades. Legally approved. Fully automatic. Price $1.29 THE VERNONIA EAGLE PRINTING ------ OFFICE SUPPLIES Y ZM ZNZHZM ZHZHZM ZM ZHZHZHZHZHZHZZHZM ZHZHZHZHXHHZHZHZM ZHZHZHZHZ 6