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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1953)
6 THURSDAY. NOV. 12. 1953 THE VERNONIA^ORE. EAGLE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Insurance ONE SINGER hemstitch r ma- chine. Inquire Seawright’s Clean. 46t3c • rs. BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Beil, H. Hudson. 37tfc DO YOUR Christmas shopping the easy way, in your home. For lovely toiletry and cosmetic gifts, please call your Avon representa tives for an oppointment. Mrs. Katie Mae Howard, East side, 1105 State St., phone 273; Mrs. G aid Russell, West side, 959 Rose, phon.- 1197. 46t3c SLIGHTLY u- d modern daveno ar : chair. Call Joyce Gates, 1624. 46tlc DICKSON’S CLEANERS SCAPPOOSE j't ne Vernonia 913 for pickup at your home or leave at Lee’s S» vice Station, Pittsburg inter section. 46tfc ORDER doll clothes now for Chi istmas For sample and styles and sizes see Mrs. Hunter at Ko ght's Beauty Shop or call 662. 45t3 3-ROOM house for rent. Com- pletely furnished, Rock Creek read, mile north of Vernonia. 45t3 J P. McFarland. NICE, roomy 4-rm. apartment. Electric stove and electric wat r heater. Cail 1104 45t3c FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Three rooms and bath. Electric tange, oil heat. River view Apartm nts. 36tfe SMALL, clean, unfurnished house for two. See Mrs. R. D. Eby. 34tfc WANTED BABY SITTING. 35c hour be fore midnight, 50c after. Phone 1064, Mrs. W. C. Hartman 44t3 HOUSEWIVES wanted—Address advertising postcards. Must have good handwriting. Write Nation al Engraving, Watertown, Mass. io'7 GFNTLE Shorthorn cow for sale. I I I t< h with heifer. Good milker. I ALDER LOGS WANTED Tluee years old this spring. C. I N Rundell. Riverview. 44t3 Will pay premium price for really good logs. 1 Ä ’I wood-electric stove. $175. Inquire Mrs. L. Choate, 141 B St, or at Vernonia Trading Co. 44t3 1CVELY SPINET SLIGHTLY USED At a Bargain! S« .ral Small Uprights, Used th ndid Values. Buy Th m at PC RTLAND MUSIC COMPANY 514 W. Third Avenue Portland. Oregon Hr Y AND STRAW, grain and b d grain, Fair prices as to qui iity and quantity. Will con- gid r beef or milk cattle in trade. Einer Bergerson, Timber Rt., Ver non.a, Oregon. 36tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill di:* Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c Al HON SHOP, clothing repairs, hi > ditching. At Vernonia Clean- e> June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc AV TION: Every Friday. We hir a good mark t for your live- Sto k, furniture, tools, poultry, W- buy, sell, trade, every week daj . paying cash for livestock, fur nture, machinery, tools. Alt- rr. , Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Ph< nes: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt Alt man, Auction»' r, selling live- ato k or general farm sales any- whtre. lltfc FOR SALE J Si Car«, Trucks OLDS super 88 4 dr. Hydramatic, radio, and beautiful 2 tone Full guarantee s«dan. heater finish. $1795 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. Green color, Radio and heater, Complete guaran tee. $1395 H51 FORD 2 dr. sedan Heater. nice condition Guaran- teed $950 HUDSON 4 dr s< dan. One owner Radio, heater and many extras, Excellent con'’’‘ion $495 FORD 2 dr. sedan. Com plete motor overhaul. Guaranteed $525 1£«C WILLYS station wagon. 4- wheel drive. Outstanding cond tion and guaranteed to sell at $1150 VüRNONIA AUTO COMPANY r in 342 !.. b l.ANlK'RU 1SER Studeb iker . heatet. <n erdrive, direction. t< $1000 I. F Ellis. Mist Rt 45t3c older Fa ■ ■ r. 799 car offered 1 • \v F E. 4M FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle, Nov. 11 Officers wer? named as follows for the Teen Age Recreation group being organized: Boys— Don Rinfro. president; Earl Want land. vic:-president; Steve Hibbs, secretar y-treasurer and John Brown, sergeant-at-arms; girls— Patty Floaten, president; Bever ly H rrin, vice-president and Nancy Fletcher, secretary. A squash weighing 65 pounds and a potato weighing 3Q pounds were placed on display at the V rnonia Bakery. They were grown at the Louis C. Boeck farm on Keasey route. The Pal Shop was remodeled last week end by Mr and Mrs. Carrol Easky, owners. Neighbor •’Hello," "Hi," "Howdy" friendly greetings over your telephone made possible by the folks who work for your Telephone Company. Like yourself, they are friendly neighbors too, participating in community ac TEN YEARS AGO BIRKENFELD — Sevual have From The Eagle, Nov. 11. 1343 been victims of the flu recently. IWA Local 5-37 voted to adopt They are: Francis Larson, Mr. the national CIO plan which is and Mrs. Gus Wanstrom and to deduct one hour’s wages per Marie Bellingham. month to go to the war chest Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomp drive. Local quota is 53500 and son and family of Portland spent the chairman of th? local com Wednesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. mittees are Mrs. Hairy Culbert L. H. Jipson. son and Mrs. Harry Hall. Anna Hanberg called on Mrs. Lt. G. L. Hieber is taking an Guy Bellingham Thursday. advanced course of instruction Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills and in modern depot and warehousing family attended the golden wed m.thods at Camp Lee, Virginia ding reception and dance honor at the quartermaster school. ing Mr and Mrs. Fay Mills at A flue fire damaged the roof North Plains Saturday. of the J. W. Brimmer house on Rose avenue Tuesday. tivities. For good service or good cit izenship—count on telephone people. telephihe RESOLUTION Walnut Picking Employes Group H N £ H H H H X H H £ twin WANTED AT ONCE Unpeeled Fir Piling Delivered at Our Landing on North Rose Ave. LENGTHS FROM 20 TO 50 FEET H WILL ALSO BUY SUITABLE STUMPAGE K AND TAKE OUT. H See Joe Wilson at Yard or Leave Name and Ad K H H H dress at Eagle Office. Norris Pole and Piling Co. a HHZMXHZHZHXHZHZHXHZMXHZH IT'S LUCKY when you live in America the Most Powerful . one man chain saw ever developed ’ the new HOMELITE mode! 5-30 t X c •w No other sow con mokh <1 . . . for power per pound or for speed in cutting. Cuts 20 inch trees in os little os 20 sccoc Cub do*n ond cuts up ony free, ony sire qv cL/y Cr.J EQUITY il i 50 Packard, for b st Flu Numbers Victims In Birkenfeld Area YESTERDAYS FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Whereas. Brother Hu Ian Thack From The Eagle, Nov. 11, 1938 er passed from this earth on th; Those elected this week to fill 3rd day of November. 1953, at I city positions were: E. M. Bol- the Emanuel hospital in Portland. ling r, mayor; C. F. Hu ber, city Oregon, and treasurer; R. L. Raymond ar.d Whereas. in the demis? of Ben Bennett, councilmen for two Brother Huían Thacker, this years and B. L. Spencer and J. E. lodg? has lost a faithful and be- Tapp, councilmen for four years. JURGENS MILLS loved Brother, and the community Beaver Springs Road—Rainier a worthy and honorable citizen. Now Therefore, let it be re Phone 6 8256 solved that Vernonia Lodge No. 25tfc 246, Indep ndent Order of Odd HIGHEST cash prices paid for Fellows, does hereby extend its cream and eggs at your door— sympathy to the family and in picked up once or twic? weekly— respect to the memory of our ROCK CREEK — May Krieger call or write Forest Grove Cream deceased Broth:r, was hostess to a Stanley party It Is Further Resolved that the ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone with Cora Quackenbush of Hills 124. 14tf<- charter of this Lodge shall be boro as demonstrator. Those at veiled in mourning for a period tending were Mary Finnerty, Eve of thirty days. CARD OF THANKS lyn Krieg-r, Shirley Huss, Ro- Be It Further R solved that a vena Biddle, Clara Lindsley, Joan MAY THIS message express our copy of this Resolution be spread appreciation for the flowers, the on the minutes of this Lodge and Hunt. Isola Morris, Anna Winless cards and the consideration we a copy be sent to the bereaved and Blanche DeWitt. Marvin Krieger has been sent received at th.' time of our recent family. from Fort Lewis to T xas for bereavement. Carl Davis eight weeks of further study. Nell Thacker Jimmie Fluke Alice Buckley has been taking Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thacker Wm. Shafer a carload of women to the Seavey Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smith Resolution Committee. ranch to pick up walnuts. May Mr. and Mrs. Lester Galloway 46tlc Krieger, Blanche DeWitt, Mary Mr. and Mis. G. W. Thacker Sawyer. Shirley Huss and Blanche Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker CLASSIFIED RATES Lundgren were her passengers. Mi and Mrs. Clarone ■ N> w MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 The Ted Keaseys hav? a new Mr. and Mrs. L.ster Teeling words or less. Words over min granddaughter. Hilda has been 46tl imum. 2c each. Three inser with Marjorie helping with the tions for the price of two. care of the home and grand LEGAL NOTICE CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. daughters. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO information on classifieds will Notice is hereby giv n that the be given out until after paper undersigned has been appointed is mailed. administratrix of the estate of NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Ernest H. Steen deceased, by the ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED county court of the state of Ore AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT Î gon for Columbia county, and has FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. qualified. All persons having BLIND ads with answers to be claims against said estate are handled by the Eagle: Mini her by notified to present the mum charge 80c. No informa same to me at Vernonia, Orepon tion given relative to such ads. with vouchers and dully verified THE EAGLE assumes no finan within six months from the date cial responsibility for errors hereof that may appear in ads pub Dated and first publication No lished in its columns, but in vember 12, 1953. case where this paper is at Dat? of last publication Decem fault, will reprint that part of ber io. INS an adv. in which the typo Rose Steen, Administratrix graphical mistake occurs. John L. Finite, St. Helens; Oregon, POETRY accepted only as paid Attorney. matter. Rate: 5c per type line. CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. Powergbde transmission. Radio, heater, blue finish and low mileage $1495 Hi BOWLING RESULATS ldJmomi INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won Lost King’s Grocery 24 8 Bob’s Union Servici 13 14 Mill Market 17 15 Clatskanie 27 5 CITY LEAGUE Won Lost Dessy’s 27 5 Team No. 4 18 14 S P. & S. 22 10 Sunland Electric 9 23 WOMEN S LEAGUE Bessy's 28 Safeway 17 Vernonia Drug 15 Sam’s Food Store 12 / • TED S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST PHONE 775 VERNONIA. ORE. XHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXh NINE window shades in good or. r. Call 826. L. H Cates, n . . Mill Market and Lockers. 45t3 FOR RENT Bowling Results Yes, it’s "Lucky” for hunting and fishing and “Lucky” for the best in refreshment — age-dated Lucky Lager beer! You see, Lucky Lager is made better so it tastes better. Try Lucky Lager today... and you’ll agree: “IT'S LUCKY when you live in America!”