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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1953)
Library, U of 0 Loggers Hold Second Place In LC League Reappraisal of County Property to Start Soon Vernonia, Rainier 3attle to 0-0 Tie Tn Last League Try Vernonia wound up the 1953 * jail season last Friday aven- ni when the team journeyed to Ft. nier to play that squad and v n undisputed place for the second spot in the Lower Colum bia League. Th? two teams bat- the to a 0-0 deadlock. This tie ga.-ne gives the Loggers second piace in the league with th? re cord of four wins, one tie and one i . t . The St. Helens Lions are ir first position, being the only t -a in the league to defeat t)»e local gridiron warriors this year. This game was a hard fought ti in which both teams got down t pay dirt in the first half of p.;.v, only to meet a stiffening defense by the opposition, or to fumble. In second quarter play th Loggers had two golden op- p .-.unities, both occurring from Ri. '.ier fumbles. Both times the Loggers fumbled in turn, stopping i w;.tever drive they could have I gc erated. | Rainier’s fartherest point of i p etration in first half play wac i t e Logger 30 where a stiffen- i i: i defense couldn't be overcome I by the fast-moving Columbia ! ba; xs. , 'Tactically the same paturn J f. wed in the second half with tr only serious threat of third quirter play occurring in the lat te • part when the Columbians h • v-d a long 40-yard pass which ca.T.e to rest on the Vernonia 30. F." ti that point the Rainier ele- i v? drove to the locals' 25 where th hit bad breaks and fumbled I v ? the Vernonia team recover, ! ing, Midway through fourth quarter p.xy the Loggers had fourth down ar.d five to go on the Columbians’ 2. The Loggers elect.d to try f a field goal, which went just i under the bar. The rest of the quarter was played in the middl. of n field by the two teams with r. Tier being able to start scoring dr vcs. Ted Cady, Salem, a represen tative of the Oregon state tax undervalued property, the county commission, was at St. H lens * tax millage rate can be redui d last week starting arrangements It appears almost certain that for a property reappraisal of Co i timber land in Columbia county lumbia county. I now apprais ’d at about $154,000 Cady said he would outline the will increase in value for taxation job on paper, setting up the pro i purposes, since tracts as small as gram to be carriid out by coun 1 160 acres now bring $200.000 on ty assessors with the aid of state • the open market. assessing experts. The reappraisal program is the result of a contract between th? state tax commission and Colum bia county. County Judge John Whipple said recently the pro gram will represent the first com pute appraisal of the entire coun Columbia county and seven ot ty and should equalize the tax its cities received a total of $1,- load carried by county residents. ¡142.14 in quarterly liquor tax The program will extend over ’ revenues from the state of Ore- four years at a cost of $160,000. 1 gon last w?ek. Ot the total. Columbia county The apportionment consisted of will pay half, »nd set asid? $15,- ' $66168 for th? county, S44.B1 for 000 in its budg.t this year as th- I Clatskani?; $20.14 for Columbia first installment. I City; $5.92 for Prescott; $63.90 It is hoped that by catching | for Rainier; $32.77 for Scappoose; property that has escaped taxa- [ $234.28 for St. Helens, and $75.64 for Vernonia The money is collected by the state as a tax on malt and alcoho lic beverages and is distributed quarterly to cities and counties j with shares being determined by There were 42 present at th? I population. The total tax money Columbia county council of P.- I allocated by the stat? was $75,- T.A. which met at the Washing- i 655.44. ton grade school Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Mrs. James A. King, regional vice-president, directed a work- shop on parliamentary procedure. programming and budgets. The cafeteria serv.d lunch at More decorations for use in the 12:33. The Vernonia high school girls glee club, under the direc bubsiness section on Bridge street tion of Bill Johnson, sang three will be purchased prior to the holiday seas m and displayed, numbers. Mrs. Lloyd J. Harrison, council along with decorations first ob presid nt, presided at the busi- tained last year, Lions club mem. bars decided Monday evening. A ness meeting after lunch. Recognizing the importance of fur-d of $59 remained from the good sportsmanship, it was voted fund built up last year for Yule to give an award for sportsman season decorations and this money ship as displayed by the grade will be used to purchase the ad- school teams during basketball ritional ornaments. The club heard as guest speaker. season. Th? council also heard a report Claude Shaw, state patrolman. that all children had been served Hi; told details concerning police by the pre-school clinics con work and demonstrated some of ducted by th? P.-T.A. The re the equipment used. port showed that a large number were in n?ed of dental and medi cal attention and it was sug gested that clinics be held earlier in the spring to allow for needed attention before school opens in th? fall. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Steers be The meeting here Monday was the first for the association this gan operation Monday of th * busi ness they purchased a short time year. ago from Mr. and Mrs. Claude — - — Thomas and have changed the name of the stor? from Thomas Variety to Vernonia Variety. The new owners also announce that they have- 500 turkeys which will be available for th? holiday LOWER COLUMBIA LEAGUE trade and that they plan to start T?am W L T Pct. butchering about a week before 6 0 0 1 000 Thanksgiving to supply birds for St. Helens 800 the November holiday. 4 1 1 Vernonia .600 Their flock is considerably 3 2 1 Rainier .600 smaller than last year when they 3 2 0 Warrenton 2 4 0 .333 produced 2600 birds. Clatskanie 1 5 0 .16« Scappoose 0 5 0 .000 Seas id? Friday's Scores St. Helens 53, Scappoose 6 Warrenton 13, Clatskani? 7 Vernonia 0. Rainier 0 The St. Helens Lions, cham The public dinner served at the pions in Lower Columbia league play, are scheduled to meet t)s- Washington grade school on Sat- I wego on the St. Helens field Fri urdav. October 31, by the lunch day night in the first play off to room personnel and th? P.-T.A. decide the state title. St. Helens was well attended. Approximately $150 was cleared won last Friday’s game from Scappoose 53 to 6, but had clinch by the dinner, which will be ed top spot in the league before used in the purchase of som? ad ditional equipment for the lunch that. Warrenton defeated Clatskanie room. The school wishes to thank the 13 to 7 Friday to advanc? from fourth to third position and tie peopl • who donated material and with Raimer. Warr?nton will play work in making the dinner a one more game next wenk with success. Seaside, which now holds bottom position in the league. County, Cities I Get Tax Money I i P-T.A. Council Meets Here Mon. District Board Vacancy Arises ~ ~.c directors of the union high s< ol district will b ■ faced with th' job of making an appoint- rr.t -: at their next meeting to f th? vacancy which arose ear in . this week when Mr. and Mrs. Lukter Herrin mov d from this lccaiity. He has held a position or the board of directors for the part several years. Mr and Mrs. Herrin will move t a trout farm near Bridal Veil w- re both will have employ- rr t. They plan to dispose of their mill property here. The appointment to fill the va- c;. ■. y will be effective until th? n.ular district election in Jun? of next year. At that time, of the district will select person to fill the position. Students to Convene “ ve high school students and S.<.' rintendent Eugene Dove will g to Wy-East high school near H d River for a regional student < <; -.cil meeting Saturday. Stu- a<-:s chosen to make the trip are Pa: Hickman, Joyce Jones, Pet? Nrris. Ken Nanson and Don Shafer. Marylyn Goode is an a . natc. Pal Shop Moved The change in location for the Pai Shop was accomplished last week and th* business reopened Saturday in the building owned by Mrs. Jennie Lusby and located just west of the West Oregon E.t.tric building. Preparation for t.- change was made by Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Robertson. Lions Decide on j Use for Money Management of Store Changed Third Place Tie Remains $150 Cleared at Saturday Dinner Pomona Schedules Meet Landscaping Completed Final work on the landscaping of the high school was carried out Tuesday of this week by Thornton's Nursery of Warren. The planting of the shrubs was started the latter part of last week. The regular meeting of the Co lumbia county Pomona Grange will be held Saturday, November 7, at the Winema Grange hall at Birkenfeld Tb? meeting will b°gin promptly at 11:00 A M. Ini tiation in the degree of Pomona will be at 7:00 p.m. and the lec turer hour at 8:00 p.m. Schools, PTA To Observe National Week Parents to Be Asked To Open House on Evening of Nov. 16 The observance of this com munity of national education week is planned to take place on the evening of Monday, Novem ber 16, according to a joint an nouncement issued Wednesday by school officials and the Parent- Teachers association. The obs.'r- vancc is planned for that date even though the week is official ly the time from Novembtr 8 to 14. Partial plans for the observance were dJvised Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of Lachers of the schools and the P.-T.A., but the ' working out of final plans will take place at a later date. How- 1 ever, on November 16, parents i will be invited to an open house starting at 7:30. Details for the I high school’s part of the pro- i gram are to be worked out today, Thursday, at a teachers’ meeting, i according to Superintendent Eu- | Dove. At the grade school, the public i is invited to visit both the Lin coln and Washington schools and observe classes. Superintendent Darrold Proehl said Wednesday morning. A school assembly program will be presented Friday, November 13, in connection with both nation al education week and national book week. THOSE WHO ARE IN IT Earl Wantland AT/2 I -ft Fri day for San Francisco on his way back to Japan where his ship, Yorktown is on maneuvers. Pvt. Kenneth Lindsley has been promoted to private first class. He is spending a seven-day leave at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, coming from Ft. Lewis, Washington. j Commission Medical Care ^Budget Spent Expenditure for Item Higher Than Amount Last Year The Columbia County Pub'. Welfare commission is in the ur- happy position of having to der. .< medical care during the balane* Walter Eugen? Pugh starts his of this quarter (September throug.i A.S.A. school at Fort Devens, December) as the total mediea. Massachusetts N o v e.m b e r 2, budget for the period is spen', Walter Pugh is th? son of Mr. in fact is over-committed by $1. and Mrs. Wayne Pugh of Clats 100. An attempt will be mad* kanie, formerly of Vernonia. to plan for care in cases of dir* Walter states his school term is emergency. 23 weeks long. He asks his There seems to be* only one high school friends to write to answer, and that is relatives must him, address, Pvt. Walter Pugh, assume some of this expens-- RA 19479745, Co. D., A.A.A.S.R Word of policy to be followed by Ft. Devens, Massachusetts. the commission for the remauid. of the year was released earlier this week by Mrs. Eva L. Tica commission administrator. Medical care the first quart? of the fiscal year totalled $12.12« Sponsored by the Vernonia as compared with $7,394 for the public library is th? local obser same period last year. vation of National Book We?k, It was anticipated that the rela November 15-21. As has been the plan for the tive responsibility law would re past several years, the library sult in a reduction in all pro awards books as prizes for the grams. Prior to April of this winning posters depicting the year, the rate of payment was so theme of each years book week. Miss Lorna Johannaber, art low that few relatives were liab' .* instructor in the schools, is en under the law. Since zXpril sev couraging all grade youngsters to eral sons and daughters have b< participate. For the first time I come liable, but the obligation high school art students will com i becomes collectible only after th.* pete. Their works will be judged j total year’s earnings ar? coniput.d, as one group apart from the grade and the basic legal document is entrants. an affidavit on income tax state Slogan for the 1953 Book Week ments. Therefore, collection on is ‘"Reading Is Fun.” the new rate will get into pro Judges for th? poster awards cess some time in 1954. City councilmen. at their Mon are Rev. W. A. McBride, Mrs. Relatives can make current con day evening session, which was E. F. Leake and Mrs. Bill Chalm tributions on 1953, if they see the first for November, officially ers. fit on estimated liability, but it. authorized a procedure that will is a voluntary contribution which make possible construction of the will offset the total liability set proposed new settleing tank for I up when the data is available the city pumping plant. It appears now that an appreci Preliminary plans for the tank able reduced cost before June or as pr pared by S. A. Ross, engi July of 1954 is out of the question. neer, call for placing the tank The process for inspection of About 49 students of the Wash public assistance lists has aroused partially in G street on the north ington grade school are partici little interest in this county. Since side of th? plant. City Attorney C. F. Bradley will pating in the elementary band the process was set up there ¡las be asked to prepare the legal program this year. The group, i been one inquiry which did n >t procedure necessary to vacate ( und r the direction of Marvin result in inspection and one the half of G street on which the Wiggans, music instructor, is di which did tank will be locat.d and also a vided into an advanced and be- short length of Washington street ginning band. There are 14 students in the toward which the front of the advanced band and 35 in the plant faces. Mr. Wiggins Only other official action of beginning band. councilmen Monday was approval hopes to combine the two groups of the renewal applications for and present them in a public 1954 liauor licenses for Ralph performance for the Christmas Hulan Thacker, 51, passed aw ty and Mary Gaith r and for Sam program. November 3 in the Emanuel hos Hearing, Jr., and the examina pital, Portland, as the result of tion and approval of monthly injuries suffered when he fell bills. from the monorail at the mill here Monday, October 26. Final rites for the d?ceased »ill take place at the Christian churc i Saturday at 2 p.m. and commit The semi-annual orthopedic ment will b? at the Vernonia clinic sponsored by the crippled Memorial. children's division of the Univer. He is survived by: his wife, The public is cordially invited sity of Oregon Medical school, Nell; three children, Ray, Betty to attend the annual Sadie Hawk medical society and the health Smith and Pat Galloway; his pai ins dance, sponsored by the high department will be held at the ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thacke: sch<x>l Girls L ague, according to McBride school on Thursday, No a brother, Wilbur, and sister, Mr. an announcement made earlier vember 12. C. New. all of Vernonia and Mr. Youngsters up to 21 may be Lester Teeling of Portland. this week. The dance will take place Saturday evening of next referred to the clinic by the Arrangements are b?ing handl w:ek, November 14 in the high family physician. There will be by the Bush Funeral home. an orthopedist, consultant nurse, school gym. starting at 8 o'clock R?freshments will be sold dur physical therapist and medical ing the evening and tickets will secretary to conduct the clinic, be on sale for a dressed turkey according to Miss Grace Rouma- which will be award d during goux, public health nurse. intermission. Ticket holders need not be present to win. Dress for the dance is expect'd Schoolmasters Meet The Baby Loggers took on th? to b in k< ?ping with Dogpatch Sev?n men on the teaching Rainier JV’s on the local field style. staffs of both schools went to St. Monday afternoon and were d? Helens Monday evening for uie f?ated 7-0 in a very even battle, Vernonia held the visitors th annual crab dinner meeting ot Number* Listed th county Schoolmasters. Grade first half and w-nt off the field Listed this w?’.k on page 8 teachers attending were: Super at halftime with a 0-0 score. Mid are the unclaimed numbers chos intendent Darrold Proshl, Hau- way through the third period, en for the Brunsman profit shar ton Lee. James Johns, Walter however, the heavier Rainier ele ing program last Saturday. Three Harris. Marvin Wiggins, Lyle ven proved too much for Coach numbers, which were claimed, Frazir and Dan l.awler. High Reynolds JV’s and pushed o»tr were held by C. Schlosser. Lee school men were Superintendent for the only TD scored via th-? Jesse and C. Sutton. The num Eugene Dove, William Ferguson. air lanes. The try for point was bers will be listed in the same William Johnson and Harold Mc good. thus ending th? last foot ball game for the season. Entire. place each week. Poster Contest Plans Given Street Vacation Asked by Council 2 Band Groups Learning Work Death Results From Injuries Annual Dance Open to Public Date Set for Child Clinic JV Game Monday Ends Grid Year