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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1953)
2 THURSDAY, NOV. 12. 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, Li wis ORE. I weeks at the home of her daugh His name was Smith, and his I I ter, Margaret Thiele. Mr. and Mr*. Walter Kant re mother in a burst of originality * Mr*. Kola Brady and Mrs. Pearl turned home last Friday from had christened him John. A good Erickson visited friends and rela Waldport where they visited Mrs. solid name that goes back to The tives Thursday evening as well Myrtle Kent the past two weeks. Founding Fathers, and beyond. as attending the Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bennett I Woodcraft meeting. Mrs. Erick and Mrs. Billy Tucker went to But Mr. Smith lost his identity I I son had dinner with her brother, Klamath Falls to attend the fun when he neglected to put his so George Johnson, and family. Mrs. eral of their brother-in-law, Rus. cial security number on the tax return at the time he made the Brady had dinner with Mr. and sei Herman, Tuesday. social security report on self Mrs E. P. Frank and son. After Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hanson and employment last March. Now the the Woodcraft meeting they mo children of Clatskanie spent the social security people are trying tored back to Portland to work. week end here with relatives and to pick him out from among the Both are nurses. friends. 1,267,315 other persons named NEHALEM SOCIAL club card WIN TURKEYS, geese, ham* at Smith for whom social security parly. Masonic Temple. Novem the American Legion bingo party. accounts are kepts. The first ber 14. 8 p.m. Bridge, canasta, Legion hall. Saturday night. No naml, John, doesn’t help much. panochle. Prises, free refresh vember 14. 461 lc There are 59,345 John Smiths to ments. 4611c Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barry, moved whom social security account Guest* Sunday here al the home Wednesday from their home in numbers have been issued. They’ll of Mrs. Zoe Whitsell were her Riverview to governin'nt camp get him straight, but it will take son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ken on Mt. Hood where he will by time and trouble for all concerned, neth Whitsell, of Portland. employed by the state highway including Mr. Smith, and it will WIN TURKEYS, geese, ham* at i department on road maintenance. cost some social security taxes the American Legion bingo party. Mrs. Barry formerly operated the to get the job done. Legion hall, Saturday night, No Palace Cafe. “Your name on the quarterly vember 14. 461 lc Tom Bateman and Loel Ro report of your wages, or on your Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman berts left here Tuesday for Lake annual report of your s.lf-em- and Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr„ were view where they were to spend ployment income that counts to in Portland Saturday night where several days duck hunting. wards old-age and survivors in they attended a reception tor Mrs. The 441h session of the Pacific surance is not enough to identify Bertha Burton at Camelia chap Logging Congress, held at Seattle your social security accounts,” ter, Order of Eastern Star. from Wednesday through Friday Ev Cummins, Field Representa Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCabe of last week was attended by Mr. tive of the Portland social se returned from Portland last week and Mrs. Glen Hawkins and Mr. curity office, pointed out. end where they had spent two and Mrs. Stephan Waite. One Cummins said that unless your program topic of discussion, name is accompanied by your so "Comparison of Operating Costs cial security number, just as both to Industrial Insurance Costs,” appear on your social security was conducted by Hawkins. card, there is no certainty that WIN TURKEYS, geese, hams at you will get credit for your earn the American Legion bingo party. ings. THURS., FBI. NOV. 12 13 Legion hall. Saturday night. No The nine-digit number on your vember 14. 46tlc social security card is different THE MASTER OF Clifford Bergerson. son of Mrs. from the number shown on any BALLANTRAE Mathilde Bergerson, was a visi other social security card. Cum (Color) tor here last week end from Ta mins said that well over 100 mil Errol Flynn . Anthony Steel coma. Hs is a captain for United lion numbers have been assign.d SATURDAY NOV. 14 Airlines, flying out of Seattle. by the Social Security Adminis SAN ANTONE GRANGE CARNIVAL cancelled. tration. “No two of these num Hod Cameron - Arleen Whelan Bring pie and attend pie social bers are the same,” he added. Folest Tucker November 21. Coffee furnished The nurnb rs preserve the iden SUN.. MON NOV. 15-16 free. Turkey door prize. 8 p.m, tity of the worker and his earn Vernonia Grange hall. Everyone ings account, making possible the DESERT LEGION welcome. 4611c principle that social security (Color) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Hughes benefits are geared to th .- amount Alan Ladd • Arlene Dahl of Peshastin, Washington called of each person's own earnings. TUES.. WED. NOV. 17-18 at the horn? of Mathilde Berger “The confusion, trouble, ex son fur several days while att nd- pense, end possibl? loss of bene MAN BEHIND THE ing the funeral of her mother, I fit payments that result from re- GUN porting a name without a num Randolph Scott - Patrice Wymore Brrtha Bergerson. ber. or with an incorrect number U. S. President Jefferson nev.r are not restricted to the Smiths," exercised his veto power. I Cummins point d out. He passed on to us some figures to show SHOP NEH II.EM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM I how many social security ac- co X I counts are k‘ pt for people with -J c | common names. 1,287,315 s z Smith u Johnson 933.881 JK Brown 857.753 a. Williams 730,884 O ' 10W ' HtiMPtr mas1, Jones 696.120 X ftnet! Miller 617,018 1 Davis 556,845 T 418,367 Wilson kJ Why don’t you give us a trial, too. You’ll notice 413.3»' Anderson ■' Thomas 361.390 the difference almost immediately in the quality •z Moore 361,2a3 7. Taylor 353,186 a. foods you receive at low prices. Remember— r Martin 339,573 Thompson 334,599 White 331.245 We deliver at no extra cost to you. Jackson 321.820 Harris 303,543 o Clark 293.495 TOWN TOPICS Jofi Theatre I < 285,343 261,870 I 238.533 238,241 Young 236,261 Robinson 234,371 Walker 216,071 Nelson __________ ____ "Even if you have an unusual name don't rely on it alone to identify your social security ac count,” Cummins cautioned. Many unusual names are not so unusual wh;re the social security account records are concerned. He advised workeds not to at tempt to memorize their social security numbers. “A change or transposition of one digit might result in crediting your earnings to another person,” he declared. In conclusion, Cummins said: "No matter whether your name is John Smith or Ichabod Crane, be sure that it is reported along with your number just as both appear on your social security card. If you change your name, ask for another card, which will show your new names but th,, old number. An application may be obtained at any Post Office or Social Security Administration of fice. Once a social security num ber is issued to you, it is yours for life. It is your link to the record of your earnings which will set the amount of your pay- ments.” Cummins may be contacted on the second floor of the Court House m St. Helens, any Wedn.s- day, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. for infor mation about your social security status. Hall Social Security ■ 1 Allen Three heasons Why You Should Choose thy friends like thv books, few but choice. — James How Jil Be more swift-foot .d to visit friends in adversity than in pros- perity. —Chilton There are no great.r miracles known to earth than perfection and an unbroken friendship. —Mary Baker Eddy Program, Bazaar Plan of Circle at the eagle office — Typewriter end Adding Mach-, r Ribbons for Most Machine* NATAL — The Mist Helping Circle is sponsoring a program THE VERNONIA EAGLE and bazaar Saturday, Nov. mb t 21, at the Mist gym at 8 p.m. Printing Office Supp. >s Everyone is welcome Bingo, fish pond, etc., will be added entertainment for the evening. » t Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff w?r. OAKES t in Portland Sunday where they I ADIO i R visited relatives and friends. f ! and I Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap i » were in Portland last Friday. i T V CENTER I I Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanen I i Now showing and installing I » and Gladys Dass called on their 1954 Model* of Admiral TV folks, the I. J. Dass’s, Sunday. } lets. Also Radios and Record ! Thy were enroute home to t I Seattle after having been to Cali J Player*. fornia on their vacation. admiral sales » 1 Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson ■ AND SERVICE I of Bonneville called on relatives PHONE 774 i here recently. r~ • •• ! l From where 1 sit... /y Joe Marsh Sheriff's "Push" Pulls a Vote Waa talking with our newly elected Sheriff Williams the other day. He told me about a fel low w ho stopped by his place late one night Just before election. “Heard a knock at the door,’’ he said. “Fellow I never saw be fore. Told me his car went dead down the road and would I give him a shove. My boy, Flip, and I went out to his car with him. We’re all set to push when he steps on the starter and the motor turns over. “Well, Flip and I just stood there when the fellow leans out the window and says, ‘Just wanted to make sure you’re the right man to vote for’.” From »here I sit, the fellow » ho’s quick to lend a hand make» any community a better one. But you don't have to run for office to prove you're a good neighbor One way I know is just to have a little regard for the other fellow. Whether your neighbor likes beer or buttermilk, don’t try to puah him to your choice. Just give hint your “vote of confidence.” Copyright. 1953. United States Breuers Foundation SUNDLAND ELECTRIC time at o 5 NEHALEM Mahogany Finish Console including Prderul l ax and Warranty MARKET AND GROCERY Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price I For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 waiviisN < iohs — tcnviiHN . iohs — iva n iris .ions JHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ H H * * » Al Kullander s Jewelry today! 1 Ls»-s V R _ I ■»©• V r ‘ «X *>X ‘X-X*X‘X*a»?X‘‘«i s ■>l »HI1CO 4’00 LOOK AROUND! / F'n ">1 I At 1 / ’ V fl , Mt The truly modern s<4f »inding »atch mile« ahead of old-fashioned watches! Winds itself as you move! Of guaranteed accuracy. Waterproof,* shock.resistant, anti-magnetic, beautiful! See it today! H N X K H M X N i ance problems care for j I • themselves . . . perhaps I « t lose your home, busi CROTON S179.95 ness, car or other prop- erty. Guaranteed Watch and Jewelry Repairing (’all on us. your WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR OLD GOLD BRING IT IN! insura Ix-t us give On Our Easy Terms! affairs i j VERNONIA INSURANCE: A. L. KULLANDER Bill J. Horn, Agent « \T< IlM th ER — JEWELER Off cial Watch inspector. S P t >. Ry. ^HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH^ herever UHF stations are on the air. Philco All-Channel television is the sensation of the industry. In addition to finest performance now. it insures full coverage for the future. New 1954 Philco mod els are now here—come in for a demonstration and see for yourself picture performance that is the talk of the town. Just out—the Philco 4100 It’s yours for 1954 st the lowest price ever for an all-channel 21-inch Philco console. DON’T LET your insur- » N X H X N $234.95 90S Bridge Street Phone 231 — Vernonia ♦ : » I Sundlantf Electric & Appliance •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ i TELEPHONE 591 STORE HOURS 8 to 5 V