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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1953)
UNamesÄdded To Woodcraft Nehalem Circle No. 881, Neigh bors of Woodcraft, met Thursday, August 20, in the IO.OF. hall in special session for the purpose of initiating a class of new mem bers. The district circle officers and team motored here from Portland to put on the work of initiation. After a short welcoming ad dress. Guardian Neighbor Cathtr- me Lentz turned the gavel over to District Guardian Neighbor Ruth Cordova, who conducted the meeting. Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Bring To— REN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners Distinguished guests receiving the honors of their respective rank were: Grand Banker Eudelle Norgaard. Grand Representatives Nellie German, Mary Kreiger, and Dolly Stratton. Also honored were Field Director Jerry Sayler and Field Manager Roy Peters. Grand Captain of Guards Kris Norgaard and his famous team also were honored as were the officers of district 11 of whom Pearl Erickson is a member. After an impressive flag cere mony was exemplified, roll of dis trict 11 officers was called, *_>1- lowed by roll call of local officers. The beautiful lessons wer? im pressively unfolded by the well- versed officers. Instructed into the Mysteri.'s of the Wood were: Ruth L. Steers. Marion B. Steers, Miss Laura Steers, Robert Mc Nair. Cleo Maye McNair, Lee Jessee. Mildred Jessee. Nels H. Hogb°rg, Len ire Cox. Rockwell A. Horn, and Vivian M. Counts. After these 11 new Neighbors had been initiated the district Circle team put on some sion drills. Grand Banker Eudell? Nor gaard then addressed the meeting, stressing the thought that friendly coop, ration and harmony makes an active and growing Circle. She miso brought the regrets of Grand Guardian M.neiva Codding who is confined to her home after sur gery. Refreshments of ice cream, cakes and coffee ended the evening. The next meeting will b" S; ptember 3 at the Legion hall. What a M With Good Foods from KING'S X SALAD DRESSINGS M X M X H COLD CUTS PASTRIES CANNED GOODS Whatever the need for your picnic we have M them. Why net come in today and look around X for yourself. M H H KING’S Grocery - Market Riverview Phone 91 “Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge fa XHXHXMXKXMXKXHXHXHX^XNX i T ¡¿XNXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXft H H H H H X PLANNING K H M H M M M X H H X H X M H H H WEDDING SOON Remember It Forever With wonderful picture coverage. at reason able prices WE DO NOT DELAY THE WEDDING Grove Studio & Camera Shop M X H 1928 Pacific Phone 4972 Forest Grove, Oregon I Deborahs Change Date Of September Meeting The regularly scheduled Debor ah Society meeting for Septem ber has been changed to the second Tuesday of that month. The regular time would be the first Tuesday. Mrs. Merle Ruhl will be the next hostess. 7 Nehalem Milk Is VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY. AUG 27. 1953 X Past Chiefs Set Date For Luncheon, Meeting Excusable homicide is that which occurs by accident or mis fortune. EAGLE, The Past Chiefs club will meet next Tuesday, September 1. at the home of Laureta Lamping. The meeting will be proceeded by a "Rolling Dollar Luncheon” promptly at 12 noon. This will be followed by the revealing of secret pals, drawing af new names and the installation of new of ficers. I ! For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products I I Visitor Honored at Luncheon Tuesday Call or Write Miss Emily Fairbanks, who has been a visitor here nt the Dav Marshall home for the past two months, was the guest of honor Tuesday at a noon luncheon for which Mrs. Judd Greenman was hostess. Six including th? hos tess were present tor the affair. PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 16212 I I Vernonia, Oregon The Vernonia Eagle Printing — Office Supplies Timber Rt., Box 56 f « DR. HARRY II. LOY, Optometrist If your glasses are unbecoming to you, You should be coming to me. LENSES DUPLICATED GLASSES REPAIRED Next Meeting Date Set fcr September 1 168 N. Third Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon BIRKENEELD — Mr. and Mrs Don Jensen and children went Tigard Monday. Delmar Jepson will return his base in Michigan the first the week. Donald and Beverly Jepson plan to accompany him. Karen Jensen spent last Thurs day with Virginia Johnson. Wilbur DuPuis has been helping Ben Holboke put up hay. Sewing club had its regular meeting last Tuesday at the home of Ilene Larson. Ten members were present. Next meeting will be with Pat Larson September 1. Mrs. Oliver Jones and boys spent the week end in Portland with her sister Mrs. Mae Logue. They went to Jantz.n Beach Sun day. Clinton Baker is visiting his cousin, Roger Parman, in Port land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parman. PHONE 853 RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Jack May have purchased th? Murvel Frank home and moved in this week end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank plan to visit her parents in Oklahoma for a while. Mr. and Mrs. James Ernest Pebble Creek have moved Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Whitlock Rodeo. California are visiting th home of her parents, Mr. ^nd Mrs. John Krinick. Mrs. Harold Williams and four children of Portland are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jerman, this week. i A most enjoyable ev>ning was spent by about 35 members of Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge who visited the I.O.O.F. home in Port land Thursday, August 13. While there they held their regular lodge me.ting with Jjine Pace, N C... and Alice Buckner, V.G., presid- ing. Before the lodge meeting the program committee put on a comedy skit entitled "Clemen- tine." The skit and group singing was s enjoyed and appreciated by the members and the 24 residents of the home who were members of the Rebekah Lodge. Some of the members who had come early had an opportunity to inspect the home. The F. L. Girls pr.sented a beautiful bedspread to the resident occupying the room sponsored by the Vernonia Lodge. June Ray, Irma Chance and Louise Hamnett were appointed as a committ ? to make plans foi the next initiation when the degree will be conferred by the Past Noble Grands. After lodge, delicious r.fresh- ments of cookies, ice cream and coffee were served by the com- mitte consisting of Grace Cant- well, Noma Callister and Ma- th i Ide Bergerson. Meeting Marks Anniversary Date The Friendship Circle met at Ella Wood’s home August 20. Join: hostesses Ella Wood and Nadine B an had planned a picnic at Big Eddy park but due to the showery weather it was postponed. A delicious lunch was enjoyed by the members present. This meeting was the Circle’s anniver sary and during the afternoon secret pal narr's were revealed and gifts opened. New pal names wre drawn for the coming year Laura Carmichael was elected the Circle’s new president and Ruth Steers was elected secre tary-treasurer. The club thanks Emma MacDonald for her work as president during the last y >ar. The following members asked to have their names withdrawn from the Circle: Marvel Chalmers. Jun? Ray and Mabel Graves. The club regretted to hear that. Mr. Chalmers was ill. also of illness in the Ellis family. The Circle members presented a gift of a pink begonia plant to Mrs. Chalmers. Those present at this enjoyabl? anniversary meeting were: Mes- dames Freda Biggs and Johnny, Ruby Biggs, Ruth Steers and Mary, Laura Marmichael, Emma MacDonald and Jimmy, Mary Steers, Blanche Millis, Agnes Gib son, Isabel Carmichael and two children and th? hostesses, Na- d;ne Bean and son Michael, and Ella Wood. Mrs. Pearl Wilkarson was a guest. Next meeting will be September 17 at Isabel Car michael’s home. t THE Rebekahs Meet ñt IOOF Home Members of the Assembly of God church and friends gathered at the church parsonage Friday night. August 14. after the Young People’s service to surprise Mrs. W. A. McBride, who had pur posely be.n detained in the church sanctuary until the guests could assemble. A very enjoyable evening was spent in visiting and also several musical numbers rendered. Mrs. McBride received many love ly gifts. Delightful refreshments of cake, ice cream and coffee w re served by the ladies of the church. Ownership Changes for Home in Riverview BEVERAGES M Birthday Party Surprise Honors Mrs. McBride : Why Let Shopping Keep You Hopping? Shop Through the Classified Pages of jÇ^Your Telephone Directory i ' _ * i There's no need to dash all over town to do your shopping. It’s so much more1 convenient to «' shop by telephone with the help of the classified pages 4* •ages of your directory. directory 4» ‘ SAVE TIME—SAVE MONEY—SAVE EFFORT. Use your "Shopping Showcase"—the classified pages of your telephone directory. NEHALEM VALLEY Î MOTOR FREIGHT LTELH’IIOU; CIHPIÏÏ 7 SAL 7, 7 % 7. X 7 * z r HEARD OF SALES • ... YOU'VE heard of FIRE fire sales clearance SALES sales ... 6 ♦ CLEARANCE AVCTIOHS.-BVT AUCTIONS... BUT THIS TIRE SALE OVES CITES TOP QUALITY QUALITY.. AT L0W,L0W,UNHEAR0 LOW.LOW.UNHEARO OF ECONOMY PRICES? ARMSTRONG ARMS TRONG TIRES 4.00/l4|4.70/i5|ZJ0/l5 4OO/I4|4.ZO/J5| 710/15 I 4.50/141 4.50/141 »11.45 I » »12.97 >11.45 12.97 I | >14.30 414.3» | »15. »15.40 401 : TOP QUALITY ARMSTRONG SUPER HEATMASTER TIRES Famous 8LA(KWALL REGULAR RRKE SALI F4KF YOU SAVt 6.70/15 $22 os »16« »5« 7.10/15 »24« »1800 7.60/15 »26” »19« *6« »704 8.00/15 »29” »21« »714 *20'° *14»° »510 »24,0 »18” »6»« 6.70 15 *27 00 »19 •• $7'i 7.10 15 »30 00 s22°* *F' 7.60 15 1 »32»° »24” »8« 6.00/16 wise mother chooses this of all milk. This vitamin- drink vrovides your child with that extra pep. For de livery to your door phone— I 6.50/16 WHITEWALL CtMFAIAIlf SAVINGS IN All 0ÎHII sins NEHA ORIRV PROOIKTS (0. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHON! 471 Add $2.50 per tire if you do not have recoppoble carcasses to turn in. All TIKES MEBEB KT IIWOSBITIOML NAB HAZAN til AKASTEEl VERNONIA SERVICE STATION Phone 311 Vernonia, Ore.