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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1953)
2 THURSDAY, AUG. 27, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN . Mis» Emily Fairbank« of Jack bank. Mr. and Mrs. Winston Walker sonville, Florida, who has been visiting her twin sister, Mrs. Dave and children left here last Thurs Marshall, for the past two months, day for Port Orford where he will leaves Friday to return to her be employed by a plywood firm. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Shipman are home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mar shall, who will start their two- the parents of a daughter, Diane week vacation, will drive their Marie, born at St. Helens August truest as far as Arcata, California 19. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman io visit with the Larry Marshalls. are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. S Hardy of Mr». Frances Freeman and daughter, Patricia, arrived Te Grass Valley, California visited A. McBride rentiy at the home of her sister, Rev. and Mrs. Mrs Joe VanderZanden, from Monday and Tuesday. They had Schuyler, Nebraska, to spend j been to Moses Lake, Washington three weeks. Her daughter, Pat, visiting his relatives. They re has employment in Hillsboro. Mrs. turned home by way of Crater Freeman will leave for her home, Lake. Friday evening, the 28th. They DANCE and drawing. Legion hall. spent th? week end at Seaside September 26. V.F.W. Auxiliary. 35t5c and returned home Sunday after Mr and Mrs. Marvin Meyers noon for the Silver wedding an niversary of their cousins, Mr. are the parents of a son, Ronald and Mrs. Adolph Weverka, at Douglas, 8 pounds, 4 ounces, born Hillsboro. Mrs. Mike Danaher, July 21, at Wilcox Memorial hos cousin of Mrs VanderZanden, and pital in Portland. Mrs. Freeman arrived Sunday for a visit from David City, Nebraska and for fishing and sight-seeing. Mrs. Bertha Rosa underwent .surgery Thursday morning for re moval of call bladder. She came | Katherine Eileen Keasey, June through it fine considering her age of 71 years. She is in the graduate of Vernonia high school, Portland Sanitarium and Mrs. has been granted admission to Nola Brady is specialing her Oregon State college for 1953-54. mother for at least the first week. Sh? is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Borton from Grand? Mrs. T. F. Keases Admission requires high school Round and Mrs. Clara Liepold a*f Portland were at their mother’s graduation. Entranc- is granted bedside as much as possible. Mrs. upon receipt of the student’s ap Rosa has been quite sick with plication accompanied by records gall bladder attacks for the past | of high school work. Other names four months, becoming more s - may be add d to the list sines the OSC registrar’s office is act vere the past two weeks. COOKED food sale. McGee Build ing daily on new applications for ing. Bridge street, Saturday. Aug the fall term. New students week at OSC this ust 29. by Ladies Auxiliary. F.O.E. 35tlc year is scheduled September 13 I Mrs. Justine Huelshoff of Ar- i to 19 with classes set to start cata. California, who has been j September 21. During new stu visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. dent week, students receive special L. H. Cates, 1 ft Tuesday for her instruction on courses of study and registration. They also com home. plete placement examinations and Mrs. Connie Anderson under take part in a variety of campus went surgery at St. Vincent's hos. activities. pital in Portland Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rem Hawkins to Be Guest nant left here Friday on their Caller at Birkenfeld vacation trip, planning to go to All square dancers are invited Vancouv r, B.C. From there they had no definite plans for the re to BirkenP'ld on Friday evening, mainder of the time h” will be August 28, when Glen Hawkins away from the bank. George will be the guest caller for the Laver in filling the vacancy at the Nehalem Valley Squares. Student Enrolls For 53-54 Term xponf Family Gathers For Reunion Lookout Duty Due for Month Frankie and Marvin Stevens and TREHARNE — Jean Kirkbride and Tommy Cribbins of Bridge baby, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rey drove up Friday to visit with nolds, Forrest and Kenneth helped Jean’s family, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver put i Kirkbride. Jean says she will 1 probably be on her fire lookout in a pump, motor and pipeline I on Anderson Mt. for another from their well to the house Sat 1 month. urday and Sunday and were din- John Weaver, Rosa Weaver and i ner guests of the Weavers Sunday. children, Billy, Harry and Betty, , Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and James , left Wednesday evening from motored to Amity Monday to see i Portland for Baxter Springs, Kan- the W. M. Long family and bring ' sas to make th sir home. Jo Ann home. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Falcon berry visited Mr. and Mrs. Byron ' Kirkbride and family Friday eve. Mrs. N. S. Rogers and son, Douglas of Salem and Mrs. Laura Thacker were Thursday callers on grandma Rogers. BIRKENFELD — One day last A. J. Wienecke of Hillsboro and w?.k while working in the woods J near his home, Tom Pidcock killed M. E. of Banks called on Mr. and a young coyote with a shovel. The I Mrs. Carl Wienecke Wednesday animal must have thought itself afternoon. Grandma John of Portland and ! hid, as it crouched behind a Mrs. Lena Stanton called on the stump. Tom worked his way Wienecke’s and grandma Rogers around until he was close enough Sunday. to strike the animal. Mrs. James Smith and daughter, Mrs. Hattie Parman and Dick of Mary Lola, visited Mrs. Carl Wie Scappoose visited friends here necke Monday afternoon. Thursday of last week. Mrs. Hulan Thack.r and Mrs. Mrs. Don Jensen spent Thurs Wm. Falconer are spending some day with her parents in Tigard. time at the coast. Her father, William Towle, has been sick but is some better. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, who live in one of Harrington’s houses on Deep creek road, had their son and his family from near Gold n- dale, Washington visiting them RIVERVIEW — M. A. Oakes last week. J. R. Bennett’s sister, Mrs. fell from a roof Monday while Hoover, is here visiting he and installing a TV set at the home of Mindy Bjornson. The extent Mrs. Bennett. of his injuries are not known, but If you threaten to strike a p?r- he is confined to his home, suf son. you are guilty of simple as fering from injury to his back. Albert Helland and son, Nor sault. man, of Ellensburg spent three Manslaughter in the second d - days recently at the home of Mr. gree is involuntary manslaughter. and Mrs. Rtx Normand. i i 1 ! Coyote Killed Near Birkenfeld Injury to Back RIVERVIEW — The Lindshy family held a reunion at the Grange hall August 23. Those at tending were: Mr. and Mrs. W J. Lindsley, W R. Prince and Mrs. Jensen of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. George Stanton and daughter and a friend of Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hi bier and son of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lindsley and family of Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Lindsley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and family of Treharne, Mrs. Dswey Hunt and sons and Pvt. Kenneth Lindsley, who is home on leave from California. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rayborn of Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick Sunday. Elon Felton of St. Helens is spending a f w days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gl?n Hawkins. Mrs. Myrtle Rust of Kansas City, Kansas is visiting at the home of her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs. E. R. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Bamell of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Goodrucn and Miss Lorraine Travis of Port land spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nor mand. FOR ATHLETE S FOOT A KERATOLYTIC IS A MUST. What is a keratolytic? An agent that deadens the infected skin. It. then p els off exposing more germs to its killing action. Get. T-4-L. a keratolytic. at any drug store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, vour 40c back. Today at NANCES Always So Popular A case of delicious Olympia Beer at th. eoch or at the picnic . . . supplies you with o 'ight refreshing beverage of moderation Enjoy its purity of flavor ! Result of Fall 7ti the Water" / OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY. OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON. U S. A. •• FOR BACK TO SCHOOL Clothes and Shoes ''etyeratcr ' PHILCO-1 DAIRY bar L For Girls For Boys Loomcraft Dresses Star Brand Shoes Outstanding fit and workmanship Of Good Quality Leather and Workmanship Woolen and Nylon Sweaters C Ice RIDERS V entlc Western Cowboy Pants and Wear or Antere1 Lee Saddle Pants 11-Ounce Sanforized Denim with Zippers » Plastic Rain Coats Suede Cloth Shirts InColors and Clear By U. S. Rubber Co. Sanforized Buster Brown Anklets School Sox Plains and Colors 4 Girls Slips Nylon, Rayon and Cotton Ttw sensation of the low priced refrig erator field .. . l’hileo with Dairy Bar. Butter Keeper and the biggest freezer ever offered in a 7 foot refng- •mtor. Adjustable Shelve«. "Key Largo” color. Philco 726. SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 736 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ Poll Parrot Shoes Girls Fancy and Sport Shirt Blouses Keds Tennis Shoes Suntan and Gray Pants for Boys AS ADVERTISED IN GOOD LOOKING! LONG WEARING I SANFORIZED for permonont Ht. MENS Lee Rider Cowboy Pants it « Hanes and Wil son Knit Shorts ¡LIFtl s o «« m • / I ». BOYS Lee Rider Cowboy Pants 11 «- Oeeta. I BOYS Lee Rider Cowboy Pants »*»♦•« 4 « 1