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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1953)
Neighbors Plan For New Members Wedding Rite Unites Couple at Seaside Wedding Event Unites Couple Ralph Kent and Joy Olafason were married August 1 at a wed- ding ceremony which took place at Seaside. Ralph is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent who are former residents of Wilark where Mr. Kent was employed by Clark and Wilson. Ralph at tended grade school here through the sixth grade. The Kents now own and operate the Rainbow Auto Court in Seaside. Vfhalem Circle No. 881, Neigh- •’ .-s of Woodcraft, met Thursday, August 6. in regular business ses- After exemplification of the : ¿g ceremony the roll was called 'id the minutes of previous meet- were read and approval was Candidate Given Degree July 24 I ♦ » I » Mt Heart Rebkah Lodge met regular session July 24 with Jane Pace. N.G., presiding. The initiatory degree was conferred on one candidate. Plans w re made to visit the I.O.O.F. home in Portland Thurs day evening. August 13, and at the same time hold the regular meeting there. Grace Cantwell, who is chairman of the transpor tation committ e, advises all who plan the trip to Portland to be at the Vernonia I.O.O.F hall at 5:45 p.m An interesting pro gram and meeting is being ar ranged. What an Outfit! • • I I » » NO DRAPE. No shape, Material from a blanket i factory. Help! » I I I » • I I Perhaps your insurance program is in a similar • state. Overlapping po J licies. ll n d e r-insured values, Why not let us « i make sure that you're i • properly outfitted with protection ? » • i i » i i i VERNONIA INSURANCE i « i i 4 i I BiH J. Horn, Agent i i Phone i I u 905 Bridge Street 231 — Vernonia i « ! TI.» only tin mines in North America are in Alaska. JNXHIHIHIHIHIHIHXHIHXHIHJ H N X H H 5 X H M X H H H H N H Every homemaker is looking for these things in a Th' Nehal m Valley Squares have cancelled their dance for th-s Friday, August 14. at Birken feld because of the county fair. Horse Falls, Causes Injury to Rider's Foot I TREHARNE — Mr and Mrs. Selwvn Graves spent Sunday at the Wilbur Thacker home to celebrate Mrs. Thacker’s birthday Mrs. Thacker called at the Oliver Grav s home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady and children spent Sunday at the zoo in Portland. Stephen Kirkbride's horse slip- ned and fell with him last Thurs day, catching his foot in the stir rup and spraining it. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke Mon. day evening. Patsy Brissett of Vernonia was a guest of Rosalie Kirkbride Sun day and Monday, returning home Tuesday morning. Walter Kirk- bride was an overnight guest of George Minor Friday night. Mrs. Florence Reynolds enter tained the birthday club Thurs day, July 30, in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Carl Snyder en tertained the birthday club in the honor of her birthday Thursday, August 6. Mr. and Mrs. DeeVere Hershey and boys were in Portland Sat urday. 1 VERNONIA, ORE. THRUSDAY. AUG 1.3, 195? Navy Man Ill fit Mare Island BIRKENFELD Word was re I Supper guests of Mr. and Mr- ceived here that Lloyd Lousig- Don Jensen Monday were Mr. and nont is in the navy hospital at Mrs Eddie Wheeler and Dannv Mar“ Island, California with a Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham form of inflammatory rh.'uma- April and Monte. Mr. and Mrs. tism. His mother. Mrs Lois Lou- Cecil Elliott and Lawr -nee Jepson signont. and brother. . Pete, . went Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham. to visit him. Lloyd went to grade Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bellingham. Mr school here. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Mills of North and Mrs. Don Jensen, Mr. and Plains spent several davs last Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Mr and Mt week visiting at the M P Mills Eddie Wheeler and Mr and Mi home. G. W. Parman went to Skvlin • Mr. Harrington, who owns the dancing Saturday night. The', old Shearer place, is having some were celebrating Mr Parman land cleared. birthday. DR. HARRY H. LOY, Optometrist « If your glasses are unbecoming to you, You should be coming to me. LENSES DUPLICATED GLASSES REPAIRED 168 N. Third Ave., Hillsboro, Oregon ■ LOOK IN THE BOOK FIRST IT SAVES TIME I Whenever you’re not sure about a telephone number, don’t trust to memory. Don’t make time wasting guesses. Look it up in the telephone direc tory. You’ll be sure to get the party you want . . . the firjt time you call. It take* only seconds . . . but it can save you many minutes and needless annoyance. ¿(fatâait I Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY KING’S Grocery - Market Telephone 16212 Phone 91 Vernonia, Oregon Riverview "Where Your Money Buys More” At the Mile Bridge Timber Rt., Box 56 'iZNZHXNXHZHZHXHZHXHXHXHXr KA04A, CL H ermitage 'À BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Äug. 13 THU. FRI 4-IS Joie Chitwood's Daredevil Tournament oi Thrills and Stunts AFTERNOON: Junior Olympic Races FVFMTMC- Square Dance Jamboree 9 P.M.—1 A.M. L i VL j IIII i VJ. Multnomah Sheriff’s Cycle Stunt Team AFTERNOON: 2-4 p.m.—Free Barbecue EVENING: Hardtop Jalopy Races Enjoy Your 38th Annual AGED ; Pint $2 COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR I 4 5 Qt Deer Island, Ore Orpsmn*f birgrst-telling itraipht bourbon! THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YE4RS 010 • 15 HOOF * THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY I 4 KING’S measures up very well H with these standards. Ask the woman who shops X there, she’ll advise you to buy there, too. H X H X H H Nehal em Squares Cancel Dance Friday for Fair NATAL — Mr and Mrs. Harold Beck of Bremerton, Washington called at the Ernest Kyser home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peterson and baby r. turned to Seattle Sun day after visiting his folks and .■<nd her parents, the B. F. Win slows of Birkenfeld. Jannette Dass is in Portland visiting her sister and family, the Don Armstrongs. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were at the fairgrounds Saturday getting th“ Na’al Gran" > exhibit ready. Mrs. Laura Carmichael and Mrs. Ruth Steers assisted. Callers at the Ernest Kv.s r home Tuesday of last week were Mr. and Mrs. Win. Zillman and Mvrtice, Jimmv Zillman, David Johnson and Gary Karvonen of Clatskanie. Mr and Mrs. Ike Dass had their grandchildren, Carol Ann and Nancy Jane, for the week end while their parents, Mr .and Mrs. Don Armstrong, were on a busi ness trip. 1 Last week end guests at the Clyde Hendersons were Mr. and Mrs. Vern McNeil and Mrs. Goode of Portland. Callers on Mrs. Peterson Thurs day wire Mrs. Lillie Henderson, Mrs. B. F. Winslow of Birkenfeld and Helen Lchy of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Nettie Titus visit d her daughter and family the Wm. Pringles. She returned to her home in Seaside Saturday. EAGLE. For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products HIGH QUALITY MODERATE PRICES EFFICIENT SERVICE H grocery store. Grange Exhibit For Fair Ready Masonic and Eastern Star mem- bers and their families will picnic at 2 p.m., Sundav. August 23 at Rogers park. a ■ t Thursday, August 30. On that date the district Circle officers and team will visit this Circle and put on the work in honor of these n 'w Neighbors of W< »odcraft. Fortunate indeed, ar • these new Neighbors who will be instructed in the Mysteries of the Wood by the well versed officers of the district Circle and the famous district Circle team. Captained by Kris Norgaard, renown'd drill captain. Plans were completed for en tertaining the visitors and new members. Meeting adjourned to refreshments served bv Catherine Lentz and Virginia Hogberg. I Maseru, Stars Plan Picnic August 23 read. Three applications for benefit membership were r ad. Voted inti membership were: Robert Eugene McNair and Cleo Maye McNair and Miss Laura Steer. Th sc three new neighbors and fiv ■ others who previous!'- were voted into the Circle, will be initi I I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartley of Coos Bay announce the engage ment of their daughter. Diane Carole, to James W. Rusow. son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rusow of North Bend, formerly of Ver nonia. A winter wedding is plan ned. An event of July 31 at Van couver. Washington was th- mar riage of Marilou Frederickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pringle, and Charley E. Olstedt. son of Mrs. Irene Olstedt. Rev. Paul Kunsman officiated at the ceremony which was attended by the immediate families. Miss Mildred Thacker and Wm. Olstedt attended the couple. Afterward a reception was held at the Pringle home. The wed ding cake was served by Mrs. Pat Hilderbrand and Mrs. D A. Whee. less, sisters of the bride. Mrs. Earl Wantland presided at the coffee service and Miss Mildred Thacker at the punch bowl. Miss Dawn Lousignont had charge of the gifts, and Miss Francis Kaspar, the guest book. The couple left on a honeymoon trip and will make home near Jewell. THE Forestry — Machinery Exhibits i