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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1953)
2 THURSDAY. AUG. 13, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners Past Neighbors Visit Aged Lady Stay in Hotpital to End thia Week, Expected BIRKENFELD — Trent Gamer Second and third awards for the has been in the hospital in Port Brunsman Hardware profit shar land with a stomach ailment. He ing program went to Elizabeth TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. expects to be home Wednesday or NATAL — About 57 attended Earl Spofford arrived from Sum Thursday. I Serafin and Sherman Fisher last Albert Kirkwood, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Mer) Graham o: mitt August 2 and will be here the annual Devine picnic at Dass { Saturday, but the first place Arthur George and son, David, park Sunday. Relatives came Vernonia called on Mr. and Mri until the middle of September called on grandma Rogers Tues visiting friends and relatives and I from Portland. Gaston and Clats | award, 1227, remained unclaimed day afternoon. Mr. Kirkwood and Ted Bellingham Saturday. up to Wednesday morning of this Mrs. George are cousins. They Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Mr taking trips to Oregon Caves and kanie. Mrs. Adah Hoberg called on week. other scenic places and into Idaho. were old tim* neighbors of grand and Mrs. Eddie Wheeler and Da/, Mrs Mona Gordon visited rela Mrs. R. S. Lindsay last Thursday ma Rogers when she lived wher? ny Gary Jensen and Chtryl Jen Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap sen went to Jantzen and Washing tives in Seattle and Vashon Island Rogers park now is. from Wednesday until Sunday of called on Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peter Weather Prevent» Picnic Arnold Wienecke, Hillsboro, ton parks last Sunday. son- Tuesday evening. Mrs. Don Jensen and childre | was a Wednesday evening caller last week. * Mr. and Mrs. Clyd? Hend rson Of Grange HEC Tuesday i at the home of his brother and went to Tigard last Thursday George Hahn is attending the were in Portland over the week Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellinghazr Northern Wholesale Hardware end visiting the Norman Hender BIRKENFELD — The Winema 1 sister-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Carl called on Mr. and Mrs. Ce« Wienecke. Gift show being held in Portland sons. Grange H.E.C. met in the Grange Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wienecke. Elliott Sunday evening. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. A. M. Perry and Claire Bellirg- Several att nded and enjoyed j kitchen last Tuesday. A picnic Linda, Barbara and Susan, of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Magoff and daughter vacationed at Cannon the charivari Friday evening for had been planned, but the weather Veneta spent from Tuesday to ham were fishing again Saturda / Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brickel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper. was unfavorable. It was Mrs. Friday with his parents Mr. and and both brought in a nice cater Callers Sunday at the Devin? Mrs. Carl Wieneck?. Thursday, joined them Wednesday of last 1 home were Lois Stunkard. As- Cecill Elliott’s birthday and she Laura Thacker stayed with grand, week. [ tona. Mrs. Dean Porter and child. was pleasantly surprissd with a ma Rogers while the two Wie Mrs. Ray Baker underwent a I ren of Waldport, Minna Hernan necke families visited Cannon major operation last week at the and Mr and Mrs. D. H'rnan ot birthday cake and gifts from the I Beach and Seaside. ladies present. The cake was Jones hospital in Hillsboro. She Portland, Bill and Victor Devine. Sunday visitors at the Carl W:e is at home now doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Devine and baked by Mrs. Ethel Larson and I necke home were his brother. B !1 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Maish Jackie Devine. Mrs. Lora Phelps shared by Wayne Larson, Mrs. ■ Wienecke. North Plains, Mr. and f Vancouver, Washington, are the and Andy Pransdal of Portland Larson's grandson whose 10th Mrs I L. Bledsoe, Diana. Lyle. parents of a daughter. Becky and Janel) Divine. birthday was that day also. Next Mike and Sylsia .f Sandy anc Jewell, born July 30. Mrs Maish AUGUST 13 * meeting will be with Lora Hop- I Mr ana Mrs Wm. R.ggle of Bux THURS.. FRI. is the former Phyllis New. daugh- Elma, Washington last week ton Mr Bledso? is a brother i kins, with a pot luck dinner be ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar>-nce New. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Laws of Si. the business meeting. They 1 of Mrs Car! Wienecke. NEVER WAVE AT A Mr. and Mrs. Kent Bauersfeld i Helens were here Saturday on fore Mr and Mrs. Wm. Riggle of are planning for their bazaar WAC and son, Kevin. wer_- week end business and calling on friends. which will be October 24. A deep ■ Buxton were dinner guests of Mr. guests of the A. L. Kulland rs. Word was received here of ihe frier and other gifts will be raf I and Mrs Gus Hult and family Rosalind Russell - Paul Dougla.; Kent who formerly worked in birth of a son, Timothy Mark, fled at that time. Sunday Kullander’s jewelry store, is now August 5 to Rev. and Mrs. Allen Otto Stowell of Buxton, brother Mrs. Lawrence Jepson left last located in Independence .as a Backer of R-ardon. Washington. Tuesday for Detroit. AUGUST IS She will of Sylv.a Falconer and Laura SATURDAY watch repairer. The Back«-rs are form r residents meet her son, Delmar, there. They and Nell Thacker is in the Jones Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Spofford. Jr., of Vernonia. ROAD AGENT are driving a new pickup home. hospital at Hillsboro. Portland, are the parents of a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kent visited Tim Holt - Norine Nash Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Mike Long and girl, Renee, born at 6:15 am. their daughter and family at New and son. Danny, of Bogue, Kansas children of Amity visited friends Plus THE NARROW MARGiN Tuesday morning at Good Samari berg last week. hav? been visiting Mr. and Mrs. and relatives m Vernonia over Charles McGraw - Marie Winds». tan hospital. She is their first Mrs. Roseita Savdoral of Port Mrs. Wheeler is the week end. Rose Mary Long child. Paternal grandparents are land has been h“re caring for her Cecil Elliott. Cecil’s sister. They left for their is visiting Jo Ann Kirkbride for Mr. and Mrs Dudley Spofford. mother. Mrs. Harry Junken. who Mrs SUN.. MON. AUGUST 11.-17 two weeks. Mrs. Olive Powell was surprised is confined to her bed with heart Home Tuesday morning. by a visit from her niece, Mrs. trouble. Mrs. Junken is improv, Wheeler is the postmistress th. re. ONE MINUTE TO ZERO Clyde Curtis, and husband of ing slowly. -- - Robert Mitchum - Ann Blythe Mrs. Mary A. Lanphear of Palo ¿ ' J. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Alto California is here visiting her brother, Norris Soden, and I TUES.. WED. AUGUST 18 3 caring for Mrs. Sod n. Mrs. Expert Tonsorial Work Dorthea Pear on. who has made PICKUP ON SOUTH ST. her home with Mr. and Mrs. So Richard Widmark - Jean Peter: den, is on an extended vacation Vernonia, Oregon BIRKENFELD — Art Belling due to failing health. Mrs. Pear son plans to visit relatives in ham and Ron Trenholm went deep sea fishing Saturday and Montana and Minn.sota. Mr. and Mrs. John Hollow and brought home somj nice salmon. daughter of Grass Valley. Cali They also caught a six-foot shark. Mr. and Mis. Robert Cahill fornia were guests of R?v. and Mrs. W. A. McBride last Wed were at the James Cahill home the nesday and Thursday. The Hol first of the week. Th.y took their lows were on a vacation trip to daughters horn'1 with them. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cafferty I Seattl? and British Columbia. I Th y expect to b • gone two and Shelia of Portland spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Guy weeks. i Gerry Pearl was injured in a B.Hingham. They called on Mr. car accid nt near Seasid • Satur and Mrs. Robert Berg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill were day night. August 1. He is in the hospital in Astoria, having suf Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and fered a kne injury and cuts on Mrs. Guv B< llii.cham. Mr. and Mr. Larry Hall of the face. He also had an opera tion for a kidney disorder. Gerry Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robert Berg Sunday. Their two I boys, who have b en visiting here, Pearl. Mrs. G lberi Bergersan is in the went hum-' with them. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wanstrom Sacred Heart hospital, Eugene, with polio of the throat. Mr and were in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jepson Mrs. Berg-rson lived on the Work, man place on Timber route for a are the parents of a six pound, 14 I year and just recently moved to ounce boy born at St. Vincents Corvall's where Mr. B.'rgerson is hospital in Portland Thursday. He employed by a life insurance firm. has b.en named Donald Ross. Mr and Mrs. Emil Messing are Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY vacationing at Everett. Washing Bob Cline of Vernonia and Mr. ton and will go on to British Co and Mrs. Lawrence Jepson of Bir- Pint £0^3 4 5 Ql- ^^10 lumbia with Mrs. Messing’s kenfeld. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and brother. Doug Culbertson was here part children of Wenatchee. Washing 86 PROOF • 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS . THE OLD of last week and this week to see ton visited the Anderson brothers SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY his parents. Mr and Mrs. Harry last week. Culbertson, and friends. He re turned to Hollywood early this week. Oliver Graves recently cut his leg with a powir saw. Th? in jury makes it necessary to use crutches. Ellen, Small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grable of Revere. California has leuk.ima. and has but a short time to live. Claude Grable is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Grable, formerly of Vernonia and a nephew of Harold B'-rgerson and Mrs. Dan? Brady. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Spofford had all of their children and grand children in for a gathering Sun day. August 9. These include Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spofford of Sum- mitt, Alaska, and their children, Ellen and Earl, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Spofford of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Graham of Trout dale and their two children. Rod ney and Eugene. Mr .and Mrs. I Annual Picnic Attracts 57 • One Award Unclaimed From Profit Selection •Joy Theatre I Shark, Salmon Caught at Sea Bowling Alley to Reopen in Near Future WATCH FOR OPENING DATE Anyone interested in league bowling please call 291 k ^fashionedrefrigera^' / - sphilco -4 dairy bar l= FOR ATHLETE S FOOT A KERATOLYTIC IS A MUST. What is a keratolytic? An agent that deadens the infected skin. It then p els off exposing more germs to its killing action. Get T-4-L, a keratolytic, at anv drug -tore. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Today at NANCE S The wnsat ion of the low priced refrig- •rator field . .. Philco with Dairy Bar. Butter Keeper and the biggent frw ier ever offenxi in a 7 foot refrig erator Adjustable Shelve«. "Key Largo" color. Philco 726. SUNDLAND’S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ I i I I !I 1 IÌ I Come see and drive the winner! Road Test and Rate the Dodge V-8 that topped all other B’s in every price class in famous 1206-mile Mobilgas Economy Run. ..and lOdavs later broke all records for standard American cars in official AAA Performance Runs over tht “Measured Mile.” Step up to Dodge . . . step out in the winner! Prices start below many models in the "lowest priced" field! dependable ÏM « Got to briet It to Boliovo It! DODGE TUNE IN MEDALLION THEATRE EVERY WEEK ON CBS-TV. . . SEE TV PAGE FOR TIME ANO STATION HÄWKEN MOTORS — 868 Bridge Street