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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1953)
From th» I I Residence Made In New Home Beef Herd Started With Stock Purcbaae MIST — The Mathew brothers have just purchased 80 head of beef stock, young heifers. They have built a large new silo and shed upon the hill across from their home places so have a splen did place for their herd. The Carl Ennebergs have been down with the flu. Mrs. Richard Banzer assists in the Mist store several days a week. Ralph Waddell is expected home from Korea where he’s be. n for a year for Uncle Sam. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Custeman from Rainier visited the Chas. Hansen horn' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom spent last week end in Salem with their daughter, Mrs. Chet Clenderien. NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Buck Garman and family, who formtr- ly resided at Birkenfeld have moved to the Clyde Johnson place I above Oblacks, that they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanen of Seattle were week end visitors at the I. J- Dass home. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap attended a meeting at the Deer By Marvin Kamholz Island fair grounds Sunday. A pot luck lunch was enjoyed. March 15 is a date on the cal- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edmonds endar. It was dlso the deadline and girls were Friday evening for payment of the annual con visitors at the Clair Devines. tribution to Uncle Sam as all Recent visitors at the Ernest those people who are not subject Kyser home were Mr. and Mrs. I to withholding from wage or Vai Franklin of Hazel Grove. salary checks are well aware. The Mrs. Harvey Parcher of Rainier fact that the 15th this year was a and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thom Sunday just add?d another day as and Jackie and John Thomas, Henry II set up the first jury to the final time for payment all of Rainier. system, in the 12th century. for which those who wait until the last minute. Most people taxes too high, not only the amount of the income taxes they pay, but the taxes that are hidden in the prices paid for merchandise. They are correct. Americans payed more for taxes last year than they did for food and cloth ing combined. Figures show in 1951 that total federal, state and local taxes, dir.ct and hidden, came to $84,600,000.000. In the same year total food and cloth ing purchases amounted to $81,- 000,000,000. 'J I That adds up to the fact that ■ I Lw: the tax load is the largest single item of expens'1 to millions of families. The danger point to a nation’s strength is considered as having been reached when Reg. taxes take 25 per cent of the na Brand tional income. That point has 25c been left behind because taxes Zee Brand J3L take almost 33 per cent now. Reg. White • People are becoming more and 37c more aware that the check or money order they make out for Zee Brand Reg. their income tax payment is far Lunch size from the total amount they pay 15c for government, That is just one Zee Many payment. The other payments Req. V; dXvU A GpCl Brand uses are made when an automobile, a 27c loaf of bread, a pair of shoes, a show ticket or any one of thou Reg. sands of other purchases are Value made. The tax is hidden in the price paid and goes to the tax Comfort collector. 4 rolls Drastic reduction of govern Silk ment spending, especially waste 2 rolls ful and unneessary spending, will Chiffon reduce the tax bill. For our 2 rolls money that reduction cannot come too soon! Office Desk f Teilet Tissue White Napkins Pauer Towels Toilet Tissue Toilet Tissue Toilet Tissue We thought the question of daylight saving was settled when Oregon voted for standard time at the last election. The results of balloting on this measure indi cated decisively how the people considered the summer time clock change that in the past has caused confusion. Apparently some people in Portland want to be contrary re gardless of the will of the ma jority, by adopting daylight sav ing time next summer anyway, either by changing the clock or having businesses open and close an hour earlier. Such a proce dure has been suggested. However, thank goodness, a recent poll by Dan E. Clark II and associates indicate most Port land people favor abiding by the new law to keep standard time. The finding of the survey indi cated the following percentages: adopt daylight saving, 34.6%; go along with will of majority, 63.3% and undecided, 2.1%. May this end the matter once and for all. Aunt Claimed by Death Friday TREHARNE — Mrs Jack Ev ans, aunt of the mesdames John Siedelman. Marion Siedelman and Ed Siedelman, passed away Fri day afternoon following a short illness. The funeral will be held on Wednesday. Edwina Siedelman, Jean Kirk bride and Nancy Siedelman v isl ted Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and children Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Rey- nolds and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver and children Monday evening. Mrs. Geraldine Barker and Johnny Daniel were overnight guests Saturday of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Jerome Whit mire. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire called on Mr. anj Mrs. Turner Grapefruit Segments 3 ba» 35c 3 35c Rrnnnn Detergent DlCcZc with W. Cloth 15-oz. pkg. Parade 19-os. pkg- Detergent 31c 30c THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia. Oregon Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at the post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.0) yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. c CASCADE BRAND — FRESH Salad Dressing 45c Fresh Mayonnaise 29c 29c 19c 18e -roll pkg. pkg. of 80 125-ft roll ss c Quart size Reg. 25c 39c Rinso Soap 23 «. pt,. Lux Flakes i2>/J-oz.Pkg. Surf Detergen! 19-oz. pkg. Rik Rak Cleanser ?an. NU MADE BEST FOODS 59c Qt. 59c Qt. » CHUNK TUNA FISH STAR-K1ST TORPEDO See premium offer at display Light Meal c No. *,i can No. can C Beef Rib Roast *U. S. Choice" "U.S. Good" Per Pound Safeway sells only "U. S. Choice” and "U. S. Good” beef lamb and veal because these top gov’t grades offer greatest value. T-Eone Steaks g ~T lb 95c Short Ribs £°ad.. lb. 38c Ground Beef u.n _ lb. 49c Canned Hams *\u°bn« .! $629 Sliced Bacon st.nd.rd lb. 55c 29c 29c 30c 23c OYSTERS, Some wearing of the green was in evidence Tuesday, St. Patrick’s day, but how many people know that living in Vernonia is a full- blooded Irishman? He is Jack Barry, former operator of the taxi service, and he faithfully observed March 17 by sporting a green tie. fresh P int CORNED BEEF, lean lb. FILLET of SNAPPER lb. NO TOPS Change of Home Made to Here RIVERVIEW — Sunday visi tors at the Robert Wyckoff home were Mr and Mrs. Robert Gatch- ett and children and Joe Colony of Millwaukie and Charlotte Wel ty of Portland. Thomas McLeod of Kent Ore gon cam? recently to make his home with his daughter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt. Mr. and Mrs Joy Bell of Long view and Miss Kathy Cowie of Castle Rock came Sunday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robert Young. The Bells returned to their home that even ing. but Miss Cowie is making a longer visit. Quart . Reg- 29c 2 ! Golden Carrots lb. 10c FRESH AND TASTY Green Onions Bunch 5c FLORIDA RED New Potatoes 3-lbs. 25c t I I » I f Anglo Beef _. 12-oz. can Delrich Margarine ub. Shady Lane Buffer Fresh Milk 34%_ 3.8% _ Ot. 10c Grapefruit An..®!, 49c 5 lb. Oranges n ... i bag 39c Cauliflower lb. 15c Lettuce crisp .„•lb. Tomatoes n o«, tub« Poi_ioes Ño’i ... 10 lb. Potatoes L’i 25 _ lb. 15c 25c 55c $1.37 55c 30c 75c 22c COLUMBIA EMPIRE ROSES 2 Yearn Old CLOSEOUT ÄppleS Newtown, lb. 5 Nors Sunday. Lee Rogers visited his mother Sunday. SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS Orange Juice H 2 Spaghetti 32 2 ” Lux Soap...... Lifebuoy THURSDAY, MAR. 19, 1953 ORE. Salad Dressing ":«■ 25c "re"? VERNONIA, Daniel and family Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale Mon- day evening. Mary Ella Whitmire of Port- land is spending her spring vaca- tion with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Davenport, of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murkling of Vernonia visited 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire Sunday even- mg. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carver called at the Bert Tisdale home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Sam Beck and Mrs. Bert Tisdale were in Forest Grove Wednesday. Royce Newton and Wilbur Thacker made a business trip to Hillsboro Saturday. Visitors last week end of Grand ma Rogers were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riggle, Buxton, Friday; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sword Saturday and Mrs. Ina Marshall and Mrs. CHECK THESE BUDGET SAVERS Apricots EAGLE, NALLEYS FAMOUS TANG Sandwich Bags I. of « 10c Lunch Bags Of 20 10c Garbage Bags HJ. Of 7 10c 39c _ 15c -27c THE 49c each 63c 39c 33c Tea Timer Crackers lb. 36c Pancake Flour Suzanna 40-oz. 33c Flour Ki,chen Cr,lt 25 lb. $2.33 Easter Egg Dye Pkg- 15c r Easter Eggs "fiS pkg. 29c Royal Satin •hor‘t!L 87c Spry Shortening 3-lb. 93c Prices effective thru Saturday, March 21 SAFEWAY