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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1953)
« THURSDAY, MAR. 19, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Vacation Time Devoted to Work CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General GRASS and Vetch hay, Oat hay, all wire baled. $15 and $20 ton. Two miles up river from Mist at Battlecreek. 12t3 MODEL A in good shape. See E. P. Frank, 506 First Ave. 12t 1 BABY auto b d and seat; 2-in-l high chair; Folda-Rolla stroller. Less than half price. Phone 713. S. D. Waite, Park Drive. 12t3c PIANO bargains. Used uprights $85 and up. Small uprights $200. Thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed. Free Delivery. Cook’s Piano Shop, 3622 N. E. Union, Portland. Ilt3c AUCTION: Every Friday. We have a good market for your live stock, furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trade, every week day, paying cash for livestock, furniture, machinery, tools. Alt man's Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Phones: 16215 nights, 5320. Walt Altman, Auctioneer, selling live- stock or general farm sales any- lltfc where. GROS LEY 8-Cu. ft. deepfreeze. Fngidaire refrigerator, 8-cu. ft. Wood bedstead. All items prac tically new. Walter Bateson, Mist, Oregon. Ilt3 ONE team bay mares nicely matched. 4 years old. Partly broken. With harness, $200. Herb Counts, Keasey Rt. 1 lt3 RED CLOVER seed. 35c lb. Al bert Selimidlin. Mist route. 10t3 HOME LAUNDRY—Phone 1107. Mr«. York. Laundry, fluff dried. 15c lb. Shirts, finished extra. 25c. Flat finish'd, minimum $1.00. One day service on request on fluff dried. Also curtain stretch- 9tfc mg. AUCTION Filing your livestock and misc. to Clatskanie Auction yard where we have many buyers and sellers. Livestock sold by the head or pound. SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 12:30 P M. CLATSKANIE AUCTION YARD Milt Butler. Auctioneer Phone 1600 7tfc PRUNING. LAWNS. LAND SCAPING. ROCKERIES. SHRUBS Fruit. Nut. Shade Trees Fstimates free. Call St. Helens 1214 W-I, Thornton’s Nursery, box 23, Warren Ore. 5tfc >iLL maxes of sewing machines repaired. Electrification of any make machine. Park’s New Home More, 4816 N. Lombard or in quire Eagle office. 38tfc DEAD STOCK PICKED UP Free of Charge ALSO OLD. WORTHLESS LIVE HORSES BOUGHT. Phone collect. Clatskanie 44R11 COLUMBIA RENDERING COMPANY 51tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE NW \P OR SELL following: New .32 Win. special rifle, model 94, JI2 Win. auto, rifle with Weaver 330 cope and lee dot., 16 ga. Hig gins bolt shotgun. .25 Colts auto, pistol, .32 Walther auto, pistol, P 38 auto, pistol, Belgium 9mm pistol. SAW .357 magnum pistol, small household type safe« cafe size < ash register, ‘37 Plymouth radiator, Chev. generators, 1 ’■» IIP John . n outboard. WANTED following: Good electric sewing machine, plywood any size, «lestrie drill, standard typewriter, 2's to 5 HP outboard motor, shop t<x s. C. Shaw, 4th St.. River view . 10t3c CLASSIFIED RATES BLIND ad* with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion given relative to such ads. CARD of Thank* It Not.ces: 80c THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub- l.ihed in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo- KO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper is mailed graphical mistake occurs. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER. (Our Great America A b/ ..+ 433 rccr- £W NATAL — Mr and Mrs. Geo. Mathews are here doing some work on their honr» while school FOR SALE—Insurance is dismissed for spring vacation. BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele Mrs. Mathews teaches at Quincy. phone 773. We have a reliable Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stuber called Co., writing cars for 3, 6( 9 at the Max Oblack home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. called on Mr. and Mrs. Melvin i Saxton at Mist Saturday evening. 37tfc Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser were I in Forest Grove Saturday and FOR SALE—Real Estat again Tuesday. 1 I TWO three-room modern homes. Callers at the Devine homes One fully furnished, other partly. last week were Carl Danielson, 162 A St. Both rent'd now. Einar Danielson, Mrs. Inez Zill- Good income property. Call man and daughter and Amelia Ruby Smith, phone 912 for de Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lind tails. 10t3c say and children of Redmond are SAWMILL for sale. Will cut spending several days here with from 12,000 to 15,000 ft. per his parents, the Robert Lindsays. day; 195 HP Waukisha motor, all new belts, 16-ft. carriage, 3 headblocks. Cut up to 4-foot. Good contract will b? turned over to buyer. Price $9500, terms. Don Bayley. HOMES HOME with income: 2-bedroom Officials of the Vernonia Fed modern house and two small eral Credit Union announced a houses. Income now $85 per few days ago that payroll deduc month. Close to schools. Price tions can be made now for union $5200, terms. members working at the mill and 3 GOOD building lots corner that arrangements for this pro Bridge and 2nd Ave. 20x30 cedure can be made through building on one. Full price Frank G. Morris. Membership $600, terms. in the union may be people work MODERN 2-bedroom home. Util- ing at the mill or living within a ity room, garage, Wired for six-mile radius of Vernonia. range. Close in. Price $5750, Union officials emphasized that good terms. t the credit union, fills a need of FARMS people which cannot be met in PRICE reduced for quick sale: any other way and does not re 7-rm. modern house, electric place other financial, institutions. heat, basement with furnac?. Year round stream, 2 acres land. Price $7500, good terms. Guests Entertained at 1 ACRES, 4-room house built in 1950; 5 miles out on paved high Homes in Treharne way. Spring water with pres TREHARNE — Kash Britton sure system. Price $3500, $500 of Sacramento, California is visit will handle. ing his brother and family. 40 ACRES, 4 in cultivation. 4's Mrs. Turner Daniel and daugh miles out on paved road. Good ter, Geraldine Barker, visited 4-rm. modern house plus utility with Mrs. Byron Kirkbride Sat porch and fruit room, wired for urday afternoon. range, excellent garage and Frank White of Astoria visited chicken house. Price $7950. In his daught.r and husband, Mr. cludes approximately 100 chick and Mrs. Joe Miller, the week ens, some lumber and furniture. end of the 7th and Sth. On Sun- Good terms. day Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller in 21 ACRES 2 miles out on paved i company with Mr. White motored road. Two-bedroom modern to Beaverton to visit their sister house wired for range. New and daught.r, Mrs. A. C. Van addition recently built on rear. Hyning and girls. Mr. Van Hyn- Good barn, 3 acres in cultiva ing has been quite ill suffering tion. Price $8500, good terms. from high blood pressure. DON BAYLEY, BROKER Mr. and Mrs. Royce Newton MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia 12tlc and Darlene spent Sunday with the Wilbur Thackers. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell and WANTED Bill of Buxton called at the H. A. WANTED: Industrious man with and Wilbur Thacker homes Mon car to supply Rawleigh Products day. to 1500 families in Columbia coun ty n ar where I have been selling 13 years. Good opportunity. If 1 you like outside work and your own profitbale business write or see Leroy Gift, Scappoose, phone 41F3. 12t2c TUE GIÄMT5, BCA^T^i THE CEÑTEi? FlBLV FEUCE IWE ‘¿tkORTE^T RlGtfT LETT F'ELP FENCES IN EllWES? MAJO«. LEAGUE I SV MCMTf^A AHC> WWM5K» A8F MUL'O h S 08 DOLÍAN XA/ A4 All-txn WAP •SPHUCE 8AAK SfirifS TW UÑATEA 7C> mil $1* C9/U KM ÜOAAO etcr Of C/AFSr EA6LE AA h H CunanAK« WANTED: Loan of $1000 for 24 months. Double security. Write Vernonia Eagle. 12t3 WANTED: Douglas Fir and Port Orford cedar logs. Quote prices f.o.b. shipping point. Nieder- meyer-Martin Co., Portland Trust Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. Ilt5c GARDEN plowing, rototillmg vice. Call George Johnson's vice station or write Marvin Gaughey. i LISTINGS wanted by the largest farm selling organization in the world. We sold 27 Columbia county farms last year. Call or write Strout Realty Co., Box 706, Scappoose, Oregon. Tel 642. 10t4 WANTED BERRY WORKERS Work to start, weather permitting TRANSPORTATION FURNISHED Register by Postcard to ROLLING HILLS FARM Banks. Oregon HIGHEST re<h price« paid for ■ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call o»’ write Forest Groxa Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phon« 128- 14tfc i rl)R RENT HOUSE for r nt. partly finished Also cabin furnished and one sleeping room. Mrs. Frank Mills, 1st. Street, Riverview. 12t3 3-ROOM house for rent Keasey road 1 mile north Vernonia. J. P. McFarland. 12t2 PARTLY furnished house on 2 acres. See Mrs. John Krinick. 5th house on 10th St., Riverview. 9t3c LARGE sleeping room, two beds with kitchen privilege if desired Riverview Cabins, Riverview, Oregon. lltfc LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Hound dog on Fishhawk crerk. K. C. Wells, Mist Rt.. 7 miles north of Vernonia. 1H3 ÖOMEM IÑ THE UI5TOR/ OF IME UHITEP í>1ATE5 -HAYE ■SERVEP A6 JdSltCE OF T»+E SUPREME. COURT. EK5HT OF THE‘A SERVEP A*£>Rt THAN 30 YEARS AS OF TUE UlóHrST "TRißJxiAL It is adaptation energy that ables a person to resist the fects of exposures to co|d or effects of mechanical injury, Were it not that the human organism possess a supply of adaptation energy, almost any in sult (fatigue, bacteria invasion, emotional stress, exposure to cold or mechanical injury) would be enough to produce illness or pre mature death. Adaptation energy enables the body to rise to the challenge of circumstances that would otherwise threaten health. But there is a limit to the a- mount of adaptation energy avail I able at any one time. If, for ex ample, a person is tired, his quo ta of adaptation energy must ne cessarily be used in combating the effects of fatigue. When his adaptation energy is being used to fight fatigue, he is not in a posi tion to withstand a second in sulting circumstance. The person who lets himself live so strenuously that his adap tation energy is constantly burned up in combating fatigue lays himself liable to the develop- ment of disease. Adaptation energy is controlled by the pituitary and adrenal glands. Hormones produced by the adrenal gland, in response to stimulations by the pituitary, cir culate throughout the body to provide emergency protection against unhealthful influences. It must be emphasized, however, that this provision for the pro duction of adaptation energy is strictly preparation for an emer gency. The person who follows a pro gram of healthful living seldom makes demands on his supply of adaptation energy. His way of life i provides for adequate sleep. It provides for enough recreation to enable him to live above the emo tional tensions that would other- TREHARNE — Melvin and wise tax his supply of adaptation He also possesses a Myrtle Parrish and St ’phen, Jo | nergy. Ann and Walter Kirkbride had a philosophy of life that enables picnic Sunday afternoon. Due to him to conquer the anxieties and the wet spring day they had it in fears which, if persistant, would constitute a drain on his quota the Parrish barn. < A group of young people plan- of adaptation energy. But in persons who short sight- ned a picnic at Rogers park Sun edly live in urgent quest of life’s day night but due to the rain it was h Id at the Vernonia Grange ambition without due regard to playshed, Even up there they the price they are paying, the had trouble getting a fire to roast adrenal is under constant stimu weiners and marshmallows. Those lation. The demand for adapta present were: Jim, Shirley, Nor. tion energy persists from week to ma and Kash Britton, Donna Bay- week and from year to year. ley, Carol Brown and Speed Lus And the side effects of the con by of Vernonia; Bobby Drips, stant presence «within the blood George Snyder, LcRoy Thomas, stream of the emergency hor Georgia and Sheila Parrish, Rosa mones produced by the adrenal gland lay the foundation for ac lie and J. R. Kirkbrid-'. tual disease in the body. Thus Miss Rosalie Kirkbride spent we see why an intense way of Friday night with Margaret Wells life makes the individual sus in Riverview following a trip on ceptible to such diseases as apo- Friday evening to Linfield col lege in McMinnville. Edwina Sied'lman and Jean Kirkbride left Friday night for Salem where they were over night guests of Anna Beth Carl son and Jean Clark. Saturday all four girls drove on to Coos Bay where they visited Tom Cribbins and then on to Reeds port where they were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Moore and family. They returned to Salem Sunday where they stayed overnight. Edwina and Jean returned home Monday. Charles Thomas. Sr., is a victim of the flu and has been in bed for several days. By Dr. Frank G. Spaulding Although many persons devote themselves so unreservedly to their life work that they have to pay the price of poor health, it does not follow that all jvorth- while pursuits require such a Nor dojs a person, in price, order to be successful, have to ruin his health, Success in life and good health are still compa tible. In fact, it is even doubt ful whether a p rson should be considered a success if his way of life has deprived him of good health or shortened his life. Recent research gives an in sight into the mechanism toy which carelessness in manner of living endangers health. Pre viously, there were many skep tics who, to excuse their own carelessness, claimed that the way of life has little to do with health. Such skeptics assum’d that the individual quality of health is an inherent characteristic over which there is very little control The researches carri:d on by Dr. Hans Solye of Montreal have proved the existence of what is called adaptation energy. Adap tation energy becomes available whenever extra-ordinary circum stances are met. Adaptation ener gy makes it possible for a person under an emerg.ncy situation to continue activity in spite of fa tigue. Adaptation energy provides the reserve by which resistance is offered against an infectious disease. Adaptation allows a person to carry on in a more or less normal manner in spite of added strain imposed by emotional tension. I i I I Weather Changes Picnic Locations MIST — Mrs. Chas. Hansen was in Astoria Wednesday to see a friend, Mrs. Charlie Lawrence, who is in St. Mary's hospital there. The new owners of Walter Bateson’s house and lot are tak ing possession Saturday and the Batesons are getting a new’ trailei home and will set it at Dass Park. YOUR kind expressions of sym pathy are gratefully acknow- ledg.d and deeply appreciated. MRS. SYLVIA TURNER AND FAMILY 12tl O m Y NEED HEALTH BE THE PRICE? WE WISH to thank the employees of the sorter and stacker sheds of the Oregon-American Lumber corporation for the beautiful flor, al spray sent to the funeral of our mother. — MR AND MRS. RAY BAKER AND FAMILY 12tlc ADDRESS and mail postals. Make ov t $50 week. Send $1 for in structions. LENDO, Water town. Mi- 11’3 amtbica ’ s FiSHnÄ AJ2EA«. « 6.RQNHEP 6?' THE WPRIP* THiBP-LO»J6eST OYFW Z/ÄTFR BRivee <2 >.28 6 crtT) CARD OF THANKS ser- ser- Mc- 1113 one c* fa you he spp«r ahp cümmfkcí A l New Owners of Home Expected i POLO GBOUHPi, +40 a *V- Pay Deduction Approved for CU GIRL to h"lp in doctor’s office. Call 1382 for interview appoint ment. 12tlc plexy, coronary acclusion, and even stomach ulcer. Probably even arthritis and kidney disease belong in this list. Living healthfully is not mys terious or complicated. It is I simply a matter of common sense. The person who deposits each day in the bank of health more than he draws out will find that i he is capable of maximum en By thus con I joyment of life. serving his adaptation energy, he will be prepared to resist disease. I STOCK SIGNS No Tresspassing For Rent Absolutely No Admittance No Minors Allowed No Peddltrs Allowed SPOKAXL FORTUMI and SEATTLE IIAIIAVAÏ COM PAX V Ship and Travtl “Tht Norfhw»tt'i Own Pailway VERNONIA EAGLE