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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1953)
1OOF, Rebekahs Plan Party Friday Evening Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and their friends will gather Friday evening at the I.O.O.F. hall for a dinner and bingo party. The dinner is timed for 6:30 that evening with the bingo party to follow. Proceeds from the af- fair will be devoted to helping pay expenses of the speech con- ttst winner’s trip to the United Nations. | i , i . I ' I H ’ RIVERVIEW I: • o « ■ radio Birth Date Provides Cause for Surprise Glenna Pearl to Vie lor Title : SALES — SERVICE ADMIRAL LINE Guaranteed Repair ON J RADIOS RECORDERS RECORD PLAYERS ! Full Line Raytheon Tubes I Phone 774 THE 2 Injuries Are | Toll for Week BET The health route and I our milk route go hand« and hand! You'll like ' our Dairy Products — They're as good for you as they are appetising. | ORE. TREHARNE — Grodie Whit mire and son of Lebanon visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire recently. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Daven port of Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire and John Daniel motored to Portland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Whitmire and family Sunday. They all later drove out to Gresham. Those in the neighborhood who are on the sick list are Jane Miller and David and Michael Reynolds who all had to see the doctor Monday. Mrs. Lulu Cham bers, Darrell and Freda of Dallas were up Saturday visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Liman Peters and Frank Bisbee of North Plains were over Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs.’ Byron Kirkbride and family. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stowell and Bill call-d at the Wilbur Thacker home Monday. Mrs. Dode Reynolds of Mist and Mrs. Linwood Reynolds mo tored to Portland on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. G Weed were in St. Helens Saturday evening, March 7, to attend the ^ixlding of their granddaughter, Nancv Weed, who became the bride of David King at a beautiful cere • mony at the First Methodist, church. Also attending from Vernonia were Mr. and Mrs. Oren Wee t and daughter. Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Garner, Larry Game., and Doris Hahmeyer. • A Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry Nehalem Valley Squares To Hear Renney Call The Nehalem Valley will have Clint Renney guest caller on Friday March 13, Everyon11 comed. 3 THURSDAY, MAR, 12, 1953 Wedding Ceremony at St. Helens Attended Several Ill in Treharne Area NATAL — Several ladies sur prised Mrs. Clyde Henderson last BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Thursday with a birthday party. Miss Glenna Pearl, a former The afternoon was spent playing Leonard Harris of Mist called on Vernonia high school student now , bingo. Mrs. Henderson received Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve Tues living at Seaside, is the first cards and gifts. Refreshments of day evening of last week Mrs. Guy Bellingham ran the candidate chosen for the contest cake and coffee was served. Mrs. Bellingham grocery store foi to select Miss Seaside later this Max Oblack received the door Marie Bellingham Wednesday. prize. year. She is the choice of the Mr. and Mrs. Clair Devine Marie Bellingham and Els'» Ri Seaside Kiwanis club and with and Cheryl called on Mr. and Mrs. chardson were both sick with flu.. representatives of other organiza Reed Holding Sunday evening. I Don Jensen spent Saturday in Mr. and Mrs. William Zillman ! Vernonia on business. tions will seek the title of Miss Kathryn Elliott and K Seaside at the Cinderella ball and Myrtice called at the Kyser Erickson and a friend s’ pped in home Sunday. to be held later this year. Mr. and Mrs. John Titus of Birkenfelj a short time Sunday. The winner of the title will act as hostess for the Miss Oregon Portland were Saturday visitors They had been to the Deach. Tom Hopkins fell from a tret Pageant to be held in Seaside at th? William Pringle home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kyser and last week and sustained a neck July 17, 18 and 19. She is the daughter of Mr. Marjorie were in Forest Grove injury. He spent several days in the hospital, but is able to be and Mrs. Glenn Pearl and is a Monday up and around again. Senior at Seaside high school. Wienema H.E.C. met with Mrs Miss Pearl was worthy advisor Art Bellingham last Tuesday. of Rainbow here before moving Mrs. Larson, the chairman, was to Seaside. ill with the flu, so meeting was conducted by the vice-chairman, Mrs. F. Nordstrom. They deeded Book Reviewed at MIST — An official from the to have a seed and plant ex Meeting of Circle telephone company was in the change next meeting, which will The Deborah Circle met at community Monday to see how be April 7 with Mrs. Henry Turn the home of Mrs. James Smith at many signers for a telephone he er. Mrs. C. E. Elliott received Pittsburg last week with a good would get and if enough to put the hostess gift. Marie Belling attendance and I several visitors a line through Mist, which he ham had highest score for the present. thought likely there would be. game. After the business meeting, Pierre Mills sustained an in Although it will take some time, Mrs. Stephen Waite had charge its a pleasant thought to look for jury to his foot at work last of the devotional program and Wednesday. He was unable to ward to. gave a most interesting review Saturday evening guests at the work the rest of the week. of the book, "The Shape of Sun G:orge Jones’ home were Mr. day,” by Lloyd C. Douglas with and Mrs. Delmar Jones and Jerry Instruction Schodl discussion following it, which was from Pacific City. They came to Attended by Twc Thurs. much enjoyed. get Jerry who has been staying Refreshments were served at with his grandma Wagner while TREHARNE — Marjorie Wells the close of the meeting by the and Priscilla Hickman of Vernonia his mother was ill. hostess. Mrs. Chas. Hansen attended the were overnight guests of Rosalie The next meeting will be held fun;ral ’services of the late Anna Kirkbride Thursday. at the home of Mrs. Brown on Mrs. L. L. Wells of Vernonia Nixon in Clatskanie Wednesday. April 7. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride mo were to leave Tuesday for a few tored to Hillsboro Thursday to days in Seaside. Their sister attend the school of instruction. Oregon Industries Mr. and Mrs. Turner Daniel, there is quite ill. Mrs. McCauley Reviewed to Club Mrs. Rome Whitmire and Mrs. is the sister. Mrs. Lottie Pugh called on Byron Kirkbride motored to Hills Mrs. Mona Gordon was hostess boro and Beaverton on business to the Vernonia Study club on Mrs. Chas. Hansen one day last Saturday afternoon. March 5. Mrs. Minnie Hughes, week. Mrs. Walter Silver of Vernonia Austin Dowling still continues for her program, told of the ' spent last Sunday afternoon with industries of Oregon. The next on the sick list. Sunday guests of the George ! the Wilbur Thackers. meeting of the club will be March 19 with Mrs. Robert Lind, Jones were Mrs. Austin Dowling say entertaining and Mrs. Don and daughter, Florence, Mr. and Campbell in charge of the pro Mrs. Louis Carmichael and grand daughter from Vernonia and Mr. gram. and Mrs. Wesley Monroe and granddaughter. The answers to everyday Mrs. Jack Crawford has been insurance problems* very ill in the hospital in Van By couver, Washington. BILL AND REATHA HORN Harry Reynolds said Saturday his wife was doing very well from her eye operation she had during the late fall. Merl Tiderman has had blood poisoning in his arm but is some what improved. Phones for Mist Given Thought ' NEHALEM DAIRY VERNONIA. EAGLE, Squares as their evening. is wel and Dry Cleaners ¿IZHZHZHZHZMZMZHZHZHZKZHZft always So Enjoyable o( flavor ond W-«"« r< Light U ym p | ■“/ts the Water OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY. OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON. USA. •If you’ll address your own insurance questions to this of- fice, we’ll try to give you tne correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation ' [ j i of any kind. j I I I • Needs no bolting down • Completely auto matic • See it demon« strated todav! SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ I I I I KING’S Grocery - Market TIMBER SALE By AUCTION ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT Bill J. Horn. Agent 90S Bridge Street Phone 231 — Vernonia Forest Grove, Oregon ---------- —- For... Minor Repairs or Major Repairs We are equipped to handle both. Quality work manship at fair prices is our goal. The next time your car needs mechanical attention why not try us. Nehalem Service Riverview — Phone 5711 We Give ¿i.W Green Stamps Riverview Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge H “Where Your Money Buy« More” SZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZNZ? VERNONIA INSURANCE # * * • Famous G yr a foam washing action shelves. You will find that the results are al H ways better if you’ll just remember to shop here H everytime you purchase baking needs. ANSWER: If you mean theft or damage insurance there is a special Bicycle Floater policy written but the lowest cost ' would be obtained by includ- I ing the bicycle with all your * other personal property in a j Personal Property Floater po- I licy which covers almost every i kind of loss or damage. NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith of Astoria were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Robert Lindsay home. Miss Marilou Fredrickson spent several days last week in Eugene visiting her sister, Mrs. Sue Wheeless, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Vicors called on Mr. and Mrs. DeeVeere Her shey Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Grant Thayer were Saturday callers at the Lindsay home. Last week calleis wefe Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hendcr. son and family spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Henderson. They came to help his mother celeb1 ate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were last Wednesday evening callers at the Devine home. Other callers last week were Mrs. Hold ing, Mrs. Pringle and Mrs. Kyser. g H The ingredients used come from KING’S H QUESTION: What is the least expensive form of insurance 1 can get on my son’s bicycle. Guests Stop at Natal Home Sun. ? BAKING IS EASY WHEN at the State Forestry Department Headquarters at 1:00 o'clock p.m. Friday, March 20,1953 I all of the down and «landing timber marked with yellow paint on State Park property along the Sunset Highway in Washington. Columbia, and Tillamook Countie«, located in Section 2. Township 3 North. Range 6 West, W.M.: Section 31. Town»hip 4 North, Range 5 West, W.M.; Section 5. Town ship 3 North. Range 5 West. W M The terms of the sale are: Cash The above timber to be «old to the highest bidder at Public Auction, but «ub|ect to the approval of the Oregon State Highway Commiaiion. with the right reserved to reject any or all bids. For information contact: C. W. PARKER, Phone 4-2171, Extension 717 State Highway Building, Salem, Oregon OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION State Highway Building, Salem, Oregon