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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1952)
73 Youngsters Start Club Work Happy Hour Bible clubs, spon sored by the Child for Christ Crusade of Portland and undfer AT THE CHURCHES ths local direction of Calvary Tabernacle, began Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Seven clubs (an increase of three over last year) are being held in various parts of the city. Attendance the first day totaled 73 boys and girls between the ages of thr^e and 12. The clubs are held in tue fol lowing homes: East Riverview, Mrs. Clifford Fowler; West River view, Mrs. Robert Tunnell; Ver nonia, Mrs Paul Naviaux; O-A Flat, Mrs. P te Briorse« Nbrth Vernonia. Mr«. Paul Weilar; South Vernonia. Mrs. Flovd Shulke and Corey Hill, Mrs. Giorge Tunnell. Childr.n are cordially invited to attend the Bible club in their vicinity. CALVARY TABERNACLE (Vernonia Bible Church > Don Darling. Pastor 9 45 ajn. — Bible school, Luther Herrin, Sup’t. 11 00 — Morning worship: Book of Hebrews. 6:30 — Youth Group. Minor Prophets. 6:30 — Adults. Isaiah. 7:30 — Evening worship service. 7-30 Wed. Eve. — Bible study and prayer meeting. VERNONIA EVANGELICAL Paul D. Sisler. Minister 9 45 a m. — Sunday school. Mrs. E E. Gainer, Supt. 11:00 a.m. — Harvest Home Sun day service. Message. "Re moving Hindrances to Prayer Harvests.” 12:00 noon — Harvest Home pot luck dinner. 6 30 p.m. — Youth F. Howship. 7:30 p.m.—Evening service. Mes sage, "Everyman’s Private War.” Having been an opium slave 7:00 p.m. — Brotherhood rally at for y.ars this high-grade Chinese Jennings Lodge. MONDAY. scholar sold his wife and daugh- 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Midweek ser BUY t rs so as to buy more of the vice. Fifth episode in "Life of YOUR drug. Next, from Moses.” CHOICE a gift-Bible, he FIRST BAPTIST r'ad the miracles —Rev. Daniel M. Spell □ GREEN PEAS , The Church with a Bible Message of Christ. These 9:45 — Sunday school. he repeated to □ PEAS & CARROTS ! 11:00 — Preaching. the crowd and □ SPINACH Leaf or Chopped then passed the 6:30 p in. — B.T.U. □ CUT CORN 7.30 p.m. — Preaching, hat. Seeing how □ MIXED VEGETABLES 7:30 p m. Wed. — Prayer meeting Christ had lifted CHRISTIAN CHURCH men in Bibl?- YES! Only lit each) —C. F. Swander, Paster t.mes, this opium 9:45 — Bible school. smoker saw the 11:00 — Morning worship. A Mighty Good Time to Lord as able and willing to lift 6:30 — Youth group.:. him also. So he cried to th > 7:30 — Evening service. Stock Up that Deep Lord and was made ntw. Then 7:30 — Player meeting and Bible the Lord sent him out over China Study. Freeze and Locker to tail crowded houses of God’s 2:00 p.m. 2nd and 4th Wed. — power to make a burned-oat opi C.W.F. meets at the church. um slave into a new man. ST. MARYS CATHOLIC Is sin getting you down?. Ee- —Rev. J. H. Goodrich ceiv? Christ as dying for your —Pev. Crammond sins and then indwelling you to Mass at 9:30 make you new. This space spon ASSEMBLY OF GOD sored by a family of the countv. —Rev. W. A. McBride, rasior Remember— 9:45 a m. — Sunday school. DELIVERIES TWICE Home runs are again listed 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. >:45 p.m. — Young people. DAILY: 10 a m - 3 p.m. among th“ items for which the 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. PHONE ¡391 d.mand is greater than the sup 7:45 p.m. Wed. — Prayer meeting. ply. <30 — Preaching service. 7:30 Wed. — Player meeting. i NAZARENE CHURCH I FILL HER UP WITH— i —H. L. Russell, Pastor t t Residence — 1208 —• Bridge ! 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a m. — Morning worship. i 6:30 p.m.—Y*»ung Peoples service Drive ;n today and get your tank filled. You'll notice right 7:30 p.m. — Evening service • i away the smoother perform Wednesday 7:30 p m. — Prayer i ance. • meeting. i CHURCH OF GOD i • iN CHRIST (Colored) * --j. C. Foster, Pastor i Corner Rose and Bridge i —Chas. E. Kelly, Co-Pastcr Téléphoné I 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11-12 a.m. —- Morning worship. 6:30 p.m. — Young people’s service. 8 p.m. — Evening worship 7:30 p.m. — Tuesday and Friday —Prayer Meetings. Knights of Pythias Welcome to all to worship with us SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Harding Lodge No. 116 —Preston Smith, Paster Vernonia, Oregon Regular meeting» Services on Saturday: Meetings Legion 2 & 4 Fri- 8 p.m. 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath school. Hall, Second and 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission Mike Anderson, Commander Fourth Mondays ary programs or Bible study. James Cox, Jr., Adjutant Each Month 7:30 Tues. — Studies in Pro AUXILIARY phecy. All are welcome. Wilbur E. Wilson, Chancellor Regularly meet»: l»t 4 3rd Wed 4 52 Commander Oscar G. Weed. Secretary Sold His Women MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS SHELL Vernonia Serv. Sta LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES V. F. W. Set “nd and 1.0 O F. Fourth Most Mills Begin Operation Again MIST — Most of the mills passed away Saturday evening. The Ruth Circle of the EUB started up this week. They have Funeral services were held Wed church met Wednesday, October been down the last two weeks on nisday in Vernonia witfc tmri.if 15, at the home of Mrs. Ralph account of weather and fir? con at Mist. Reynolds with chairman, Erma ditions. Mrs. Austin Dowling and son Johnson presiding. Pvt. Billy Kyser was home a were movie visitors one qvt rung, Mrs. Nora Bennett was in charg * few days last we k. He expects last week. of devotions, using as her thought to be s.nt overseas on his return George Jones was a businei.. provoking theme, "Take a Little to camp. visitor to Clatskanie Monday Time." A most appropriate poem morning. Earl Knowles and his mother entitled "Autumn Colors" was were Portland visitors a day last read by Erma Johnson. week. Fourte.n members and one i I.aMarr Sandy was one of the I LETS ALL PULL TOGETHER guest answered the roll call. successful deer hunters this week. Columbia County all »if it Committees were appointed to I Mr. and Mrs Roy Hughes have has a great future! Her Agricul help with the harvest home dm tural. Industrial and Mineral re ner to be held at the EUB church been d-wn to Mendeth. Cali sources have hardly been touched fornia looking after the intorc-ts Sunday, October 26. With an area of 640 squ ir * Decorating the church for the of their potato crop. They are in miles and a population of only p.opl' Hast census) then' month of November again will partnership with their sister and 22,326 is a world of room for growth husband and have 40 aer.s plant- be the responsibility of the Ruth and development. And remem Circle. The committees appoint <1 t d in potatoes. be: 1 The development of out Mr. and Mrs Walt Mathew •> County means more jobs foi to decorate for the five Sundays of the menth are: Nov. 2, Laura took Clarence Upson to I\.rt and working men. more homes and industries. It means more tax Junkin and June Willis; Nov. 9. where he took off for the return able wealth which in turn would home to Battl ■ Creek, Michigan, make your tax burden tight r Ella Tuck-r and Nora Bennett Nov. 16, Hazel B rgerson and m a f w days after a visit with That growth will come if w ■ plan well, work hard and all pull Faith Reynolds; Nov. 23, Jenni1' relatives in California. Stanley and Hettie Petersen; Nov. Th- little child of K. C. Well, together—every town and eveiy community. 30, Erma Johnson and M rto New industries, new business*, Mitchell. The next meeting < f and n w farmers will be attract'd GEMS OF THOUGHT to our County if we maintain th? Ruth Circle will be at th' good roads, good schools, good home of Laura Junk in on Wed PLAIN DEALING churches. an adequate health pro nesday, Nov. 19 at 1:30 p.m. Plain-dealing is a jewel, gram, keep our financial hous • in Willian Wycherly ord *r and live within our income. Com give us your plain deal If you believe in such a pro ing fellows who n 'ver from hon gram: esty shrink. —Anonymous VOTE FOR Plain dealing is the best when all is done. —William Prynne Be hi nest, b > true to thyself, Plans are nearing completion and true to others; th m it fol for the Father-Son banquet to lows thou wilt be strong in God, be held at the social hall of the the eternal good. EUB church th1 evening of Fri —Mary Baker Eddy day, November 7. These find withal who have Dr. Herbert Byrne of Jennings such courses run. That generous Ledge will b? the speaker, ’lhe plainness proves th? bett.r way. band from the local high school —William Alexander under the dir'ction of Miss Lilias Nothing astonishes men so Peterson, will furnish the musical much as common sense and plain selections. George Peterson, presi dealing. dent of the church brotherhood, Ralph Waldo Emerson will be the toastmaster. The tra November 7 Date Set for Banquet ditional fare of turk y with trim mings served family style wll | make up the menu. Tickets will I be on sale by th? members of the brotherhood at $1.35 each. Taxpayers are beginning to g?t the idea that defense and ex pense are synonymous. An iconoclast is one who at lacks chtrished beliefs. VERNONIA BRANCH LDS 10:00 a m. — Sunday school con venes under supervision of Russell R. Snook. 11:30-12 — Pri.sthood meeting. 7:30 pm. — Sacrament meeting commences under direction of Earl P G nzer. 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meetings alternately at Buxton and Ver- ' noma. Tuesday evenings — Primary children group meets under supervision of M. Erline Olson. 10:00 a.m. Wednesday—Branch Relief society meets. Rhoda J. Woods, president. Visitors cordially welcomed at all meet- Colored Quartet Dated At Church of God John W. Wb'nnte A colored quartet is sch du led for to sing at the Church of Goa COUNTY JUDGE in Christ Sunday, October 2'1. Th- program will begin n 3 Voti (X) No. 32 on the baUot. p.m. i yyyyyy—y ¿4ZHZHXHZHTHZHZHZHXHZHZHZKI X M H X Z M OPTOMETRIST H X Announces with pleasure the opening ci H his office in the H X DR. GEORGE E COBERN I I | 1 > w X H JOY THEATER BUILDING Wednesday 10 a.m. to 5 pjn. Later by Appointment khzmzkzmzhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh £ The answers to everyday insurance problems* By BILL AND REATHA HORN first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. George Johnson. W.M. Paul Gordon, Sec'y. 1-53 Order of Eastern Star LIONS Ntbalem Chapter CLUB O. 153, E. 3 com Regular munication first 3rd and each of Wed. month at Masonic Tem pl«. 3-53 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ^O^>I00F- Meets Every Tuesday s P. M. •iater» and broth er« welcome. Edna Linn. Worthy Matron Mona Gordon, Sec'y. 1-53 Columbia Encampment No. 89 It means M l 7-JT Rex Normand, Sec’y * VERNONIA POST 119 Meet« first and Third Mun Each month. of AUXILIAR* First and Third Tuesdays 153 LET’S GET 2 FACTS STRAIGHT th? For example, stealing a spot ferage. Meet« Every Friday American Legion 3 S3 an automobile Fire and Theft I • policy? light or hiater would b? pil Taesken ?. Cawer. W. D. Isabel Anderegg. Noble Grand0 Jane Pace. Vic? Grand Edith McFaOand. Rec. Sec y. Silvia Turner Financial Sec'y. Edna Heenan. Treasurer ferage mean as it appears in 858 1st Ave Vernonia 8 P . and 4th each month What does pil theft of small items or parts. of tadk Mt Heart RdtekoJb QUESTION Eagle») Order wfll mes* the 1M aad 3rd Fridays af eaek noaeh a* the 1.0 O F. Alfea Bey rwre«* Wm. D. Shafer. Scr.tew I ANSWER Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternal Letter Galloway. Noble Grand Wm. D. Shafer. Secretary 1-53 viaiting All •If you’ll address your own insurance questions to this of fice, we’ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no ahaaga *r ateiigaUian I ok ac< k»ndw i I < I I VERNONIA ¡INSURANCE o Horn. Agent ! Bill 905 J. Bridge Street Phone 23 I I I : The ovt-of-rtate grocery chain, through the Affiliated Milk Committee, promises rich milk at lower prices.” The FACT is that the milk they sell in uncontrolled markets is generally neither richer nor cheaper than ours! They mj it but they don’t do it! They also infer that Oregon’s dairy farmers want the so-called "protection” of ■ I I I I I I • I I • I » I I ! I I Vernonia ‘ H H Z M M Z X H H For Appointment, Call 663 Z X H EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED H Z meet» al Tempi« Stated Communication 2-52 VERNONIA Meet» 2nd evening» of I.O.O.F. Hall. THURSDAY, OCT 16, ID52 A.M. 4 Matcnic Wednesday MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Palace Cafe Cecil Johnson, President Don Bayley, Secretary ORE. 184 Vernonia Lodge No. A.F. Hall of each month Edith McFarland. M.E.C. Faye Davis. Secretary VERNONIA, EAGLE. A. F. & A. M. Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 6t Meeting»: THE Decoration of Church Decided their tricky price control initiative. I HI FACT IS — oser 80'< of Oregon« grade "A” dairy farmers are fighting to keep our present FAIR law and protect your steady supply of sanitary milk. • Nobody Can Deny This: Crade “A” milk on moot Oregon table« co«*« If SS than Hie national average. Itt i Viti tl Utt* 1 F» Mtik Ln flut Ketps i F m tria!