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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1952)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 30, NUMBER 44 10c COPY VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON Germans See Mill Operation I : I I I I I THESE PEOPLE were part of a group of Germans who toured the Oregon-American m'll Tuesday ierenoon and later observed timber operations oi the Columbia Tree Farm at Na'al. Accompany ing them were people from the U. S. department o labor and two representatives of IWA Local 5 37, Jim Ccx and Jewell Lloyd. The visitors ar touring ih's country to observe labor-manage ment rela ions and were very favorably impressed v,th tha fr endly rclat’onihp they observed here. Porch oi House i THOSE WHO I Final Service Damaged by Car ARE IN IT . . Scheduled Today Friday night about 12:30 a car Cpl. Don Tiffney, son of Guy turned over in Mrs. H. L. King's Tiffney, returned from Ashiya, di iveway beside the grocery store, Japan this week and has reported taking her porch completely off to McChord Field. Don, who the house. was engine mechanic with the The car was from Astoria and occupied bv three young men 403rd troop carrier wing, has been overseas six and a half who were not injured. They had mistaken her drive months on supply runs to Korea. way for the highway and when He will be on reserve and plans they discovered their mistake, to return her? to work at th: their speed prevented them stop mill where he was formerly em ping or turning. The car rolled ployed. over twice and landed on it’s side against the house with the Cpl. Rexford A. Normand ar porch roof on top of it. rived at the home of his par nts, Mrs. King wishes to thank her I friends who were so kind to her Mr. and Mrs. Rex Normand. Mon at that time. day morning. He has been in Korea for some time. Blood Unit Due Here Nov. 10 S/Sgt. Lee Lindsky left Wed nesday for his station at Val lejo, California after, spending two weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lind- sley. Another visit of the Red Cross b’oodmobile is scheduled for Ver nonia Monday, November 10, an advance announcement Wednes Shot Causes Injury day morning indicat d. Definite details about arrange Darryl Bergerson, 15-year-old ments for donors to go to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ber- unit had not been made yester I g?rson of Warrenton, formerly of day, but it is known that the | this city, accidently shot himself unit will set up at the I.O.O.F. | in the arm while duck hunting ha.! and that the donor schedule Sunday. He is in fair condition w'il be worked out by the Re- in St. Mary's hospital in Astoria b< kah lodge. He play.'d with the Warrenton Marie Elliott is chairman of the football team which met Ver ni langements. nonia there last Friday. 1100 Get Aid in County From Social Security Of the estimated 1100 persons ‘arner died in July, leaving a receiving monthly social security widow and twin sons, age 5. payments in Columbia county, Based upon his average monthly 500, or 45 per cents, are wiv ?s, wage of $2"0 since 1950, the v/idows, children or parents of widow and children became en iniured waee earners or self-em- titled to $150 a month starting pioyed people. with July. Under recent changes Everell Cummins, field repre in the law, this amount was in sentative of the Portland social creas d to $161 a month in Sept security office, cites these figures ember. as evidence of the value of the Payments will be made until family insurance protection the twins reach 18. The total ttreugh the federal old-age and , sum of $24.450 will have been survivors insurance program. paid to the family by that time. ' A surprisingly large number If the widow has not re-married p< pie still think of social se- by the time she reaches 65. she t urity only as a retirement sys- will then be eligible to further t Cummins said. He pointed monthly payments of $60.40 for out that regular monthly pay- the rest of her life. " -,:s to the widows and child- Cummins invited persons de re - of deceased woikers are often siring information about retire the means of enabling survivors ment or survivors benefits to get to remain together as a family in touch with their social security representative at the St. Helens ■n t. To illustrate the family insur- f Court House. 2nd floor. Cummins protection. Cummins men- i stops at the courthouse each first timed a not unusual case of a and third Monday. The Portland family now receiving monthly field office is located in room 104 irvivors benefits. The wage Old Post Office. Mrs. Amelia M. (Belleque) Gill, a rcsid nt of Veinon a for the past 11 y< ars, passed away at her home on th<- O-A hill Monday, October 27. Mrs. Gil! was born February 21. 1888 at Tacoma, Washington and death came ai the age of 64 years. She was marri<41 to Harry M. Gill at Vancouver, Washington September 26, 1942 and had been a resident of Oregon for nearly all of her lif?. Surviving the deceased are: two sons, Edmond Bclleque of Ger vais and Louis of Colton; two daughters. Justine Wolf and Jose phine Richardson, both of Ger vais; two sisters, Margaruite Bel leque and Marie Crawford; three brothers, John, Jerome and Charles Ladcrout?; a half broth er, Theodore Fayas of Sweet Home; 20 grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. The service today is to take place at the Rinco funeral chapel, Woodburn, at 2 p m. and com mittal services will be at St. Louis Memorial at St. Louis, Or - gon. Work on School Gym Completed Anotner step towards comple tion of the new union high school building was taken last Saturday when the final coat of finish for the floor of th? gymnasium was appli d. Word that the work done was voiced early this week by Superintendent Eugen^ Dove. Construction work on the stage, located at one end of the gym, has also been completed. However, the stage is not r ’ady for use because no furnishings for it have b?en purchased and pro bably will not be purchased for another yar. Mamie Hill Dies At Age of 82 Mrs. Mamie Hill, a resident of Vernonia for many years, passed away in St. Vincent's hospital Saturday. October 18. She was born October 26. 1869 in Cali fornia and death came at the age of 82 years. 11 months and 22 days. Mrs Hill held membership in the First Christian church and had a wide acquaintanceship in this community. A niece and nephew and B. F. Lane of Port land are among those who re main Her last days were spent in St. Helens and the remains were committed at the Yankton cemetery. PHONE 191 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1952 Grid Eleven Long Ballot Faces Voters To Try for I For Marking Next Tues. 2nd LC Spot When voters go to the polls Amendment fixing elective terms of state senators and repr.’sen- next Tuesday to cast their bal tatives. Loggers, Columbians lots in the general election, they Amendatory act title subject, Vie on Park Field will face a long list of ballot amendment. Friday Evening choices in marking their selec- Act limiting state property tax. Friday will see the Vernonia , tions of candidates for offices for PETITION MEASURE TITLES Li ggers engage the Rainier Co the presidency, state positions R ferendum and initiative nt a- lumbians on the local field at and county positions. 8:30 p.m. This will be the last These sel"ctions do not cover sures ordered by petition of the game of the season for both the number of choices that must people include these titles: squads, the winner of which will be made, however, for decisions Motor carrier highway transp w tation tax act. have possession of second place must be made on 19 amendments of the Lower Columbia league. to the state constitution and re School district reorganization act. Both the Columbians and the ferendum and initiative mea Cigar, tte stamp tax revenue act Loggers have just one loss under sures and there are spaces for Establishing United States stan dard time in Oregon. their belts in league play, which the judiciary ballot names as Constitutional amendment pro was handed out by the St. Helens well as the county school super- hibiting lotteries, bookmakin Lions to both t"*ams. intendent ballot. pari-mutuel betting on animal COLUMBIANS LOSE This list of candidates include racing. Last Friday night the Lions the following for U. S. president: Constitutional amendm nt au and Columbians battled to a 12-14 Democratic—Adlai E. Stevenson thorizing alcoholic liquor sal? finish with the Columbians out and John J. Sparkman and by individual glass. playing the visiting St. Helens presidential electors. Constitutional amendment pro team, but ending up on the short Independent — Vincent Halliman viding equitable taxing meth end of the bargain. This win and Charlotta A. Bpss and elec od for use of highways. for the Lions leaves one hurdle tors. Milk production and marketing between them and the LCL cham Republican — Dwight D. Eisen bill. pionship and that is Scappoose, hower and Richard M Nixon Constitutional legislative senator whom they play Friday night. and electors. and representative apportion This name will be a breather for STATE POSTS LISTED ment enforcement amendment. the Lions and they should polish State candidates and the of SPECIAL FOR COUNTY off the Indians and gain posses sion of the LCL title enabling fices they seek are: Columbia county voters alone them to go into the stat-’ playoffs For representative in congress, 1st will decide for or against a men district, Benton, Clackamas, in two weeks. sure* that has been referred to the Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, people by order of the* county RAINIER FAVORED i Marion. Polk, Tillamook, Wash court. This measure calls for a Rainier will be favored to de | ington and Yamhill counties— three-mill tax levy for the tax feat the locals, according to their Walter Norblad, Republican, years of 1953-54, 1954-55, 1955 5« game with the Lions Friday even, and Robert B. (Bob) Jones, and 1956-57 to raise money for a ing. Vernonia, however, has up I Democrat. special road oiling fund to be set the Columbians’ cart several i For Secretary of State—Earl T. ust d for continuing and extend.114 times in past years, playing the Newbry, Republican and Edith improvement of county roads. The role of the underdog, and will b? S. Green, Democrat. levy will be in excess of and out to gain possession of the For state treasurer—Sig Unander, outside the six per cent limita second place slot Friday night. Republican and Francis Lam tion. Last Friday afternoon the Log bert, Democrat. If adopted, the levy will raise gers journeyed to Warr; nton and For attorney general — Robert approximately $48.740 annually played that squad in an after Y. Thornton, Democrat, and or approximately $194,960 in all. noon tilt. Vernonia defeated the John B. McCourt, Republican. Warriors in a rough-and-tumble For senator, 14th senatorial dis garry* 21-13. trict, Clackamas, Columbia and LONG RUN TALLIES Multnomah counties, for unex- The locals scored two TD’s in pired two-year term—Olga M the second quarter, the first Wilson, Democrat, and Dean being tallied on a 70-yard run Bryson, Republican. by Homer Full r who intercepted For representative, 2nd represen a Warrior pass on his own 30 and tative district, Columbia Coun raced the field for the TD be ty—Robert R. Klemsen, demo hind the excellent blocking of crat, and Leo M. Kaufman, re his teammates. Again in the lat publican. ter part of the quarter the Log For representative, 33rd ripre- gers tallied after a running at sentative district, Clatsop and tack, sparked by Speed Lusby Columbia counti'*s—Philip L. who skirte d the opponents ends Hickey, Democrat, and Orval constantly for yardage. The TD Eaton, Republican. was made by fullback Bill Hig- For -district attorney, Columbia l"*y who bowled over the center county—W. W. Dillard, Demo cf the line from two-yards out. crat, and David C. Bond, Re Both of the extra points were publican. kicked squarely between the up COUNTY OFFICES OPEN rights by Francis Crowston, mak County office candidates seek ing the score 14-0 in favor of the ing positions are: locals at halftime. For county judge — John W. WARRENTON SCORES LATE Whipple. Republican, Chas. A. Warrenton tallir d both their Ramp, Democrat. counters in .the fourth period, For county commissioner—J. W. one in the first few minutes and Hunt, Republican, Ronald Mc the latter in the last 30 seconds. Donald, Independent, and Clyde The board of directors of school The last Vernonia TD was made Henderson, Democrat. by Crowston with only 35-seconds district 47, at a special meeting left in the game. The try for For sheriff — Louis J. Wasser, Monday evening, appointed Ed Democrat, and Warren M. For point was good with Crowston Condit for the position of supvr syth, Republican. kicking the pigskin true. intend nt of the Washington and For county clerk — C. W. Wick Vernonia kicked off to the man, Republican-Democrat. Lincoln schools to fill the vacan Warriors and Rodrigues picked up the pigskin on his own 20 and For county tr'asurer—Jeannette cy which arose last week. Ostlund, Republican-Democrat. raced 80 long yards for the second The appointment was accepted For county surveyor — Clarence TD of the Warriors right through by Condit who was here Tuesday R. Wagner, Republican-Demo the middle of the Vernonia squad to familiarize hims-If with di tails crat. The try for point was good, mak ing the score 13-21 at game end For county coroner-—Ben Cole before classes resumed Wednes man, Republican-Democrat. day morning. in favor of the Loggers. Filling of the vacancy by Con MEASURES REFERRED dit brings him back to the grad>- Of the measures to be decided school system after an abs1 nee of upon, mn? are being referred to over nine years when he resigned' the people by the legislative as to operate a farm. He will fill sembly. The titles of these mea the position her? until th? first sures are: of the coming year. Amendment making superinten The vacancy which occurred dent of public instruction ap last Monday on th? board of di pointive. rectors of West Oregon Electric Grange to Hold Ejections Cof perative, was filled when the World War veterans’ state aid The regular meeting of the sinking fund repeal am?nd- board was called for a special Columbia county Pomona Grange ment. meeting last Thursday afternoon At that tim • the appointment Act authorizing domiciliary state will be held Saturday, November 1, at the Quincy school near hospital for aged mentally ill. was mad* of Lyman Hawken, Sr., Clatskanie Orange and he was officially sworn in Amendment le £■1 voters of tax Clatskanie. will b» host. The meeting will ing unit established tax base. for the position of secretary. He will serve until the annual meet Amendment to augment war vet begin promptly at 11:00 a m. Elr« tion of officers of the next tw > eran's fund. ing of the Cooperative Novem ber 15 at which time the position Amendment creating legislative years will be part of the after assembly emergency commit noon program. Installation will will be filled at the annua! elec b* held in the evening. tee. tion of board members. CONDIT NAMED TOSCHOOLPOST Vacant Position On Board Filled