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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1952)
Î THURSDAY, OCT. 23. 1952 THE Homes Opened to Gueits at Natal EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORF. Two Couples Start Auto Trip to Texas Work in Office Pointed Out MIST — Mr. and Mrs. laVern (Note: The news story below Hill from Livingston. Wisconsin have been visiting the Richard I points out th? accomplishments NATAL— Bob Hansen of Port- Banzers. The two couples l“ft achieved during the term of of spent Monday night here W’ednesday for the return trip fice held by County Commis -itmg his cousin. DeeVere Her. back east by car. They are hav sioner Clyde Henderson, who is ing a reunion in Gilmer, Texas seeking reelection. Points brought sney. DeeVere and his cous-n ex-army buddies from out in the article do not neces also motored to Seaside to visit with sarily represent the opinion of WWII. some friends. this newspaper.) Mrs. Percy Baillett was here M t and Mrs. I^awton Waddell Commissioner Clyde Hender- -lotcrrd to Forest Grove Monday. from Swett Home the firsi of son is seeking re-election Novem- *: ,nday evening visitors at the the week visiting her sister, Mrs. ber 4 as county commissioner He WaAAel! home were Mr and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom, and family. has worked for th? Nehalem Val- MHC meets Thursday with E Kyser and girls. ley as well as for the entire The neighbors and friendt of Mrs. A R. Melis. county and should be reelected. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wells He has done more for the Ne Lawton Waddell helped Ern-st • xtend their sympathy in the Kyser build a chimney laust halem Valley in th? past four of their baby on Sunday years than has been done in the week. morning. Burial services will be past ten yars before. John G .irdon Mr. and Mrs. ■ i the Mist cemetery Wednesday. During his time in offic? the wer«? Saturday dinner guests at Scappoose, Pittsburg and Oak the Clair Devines, They came to Ranch-Apiary roads have be’ n help little Cheryl celebrate her completed, giving two new main third birthday. paved highways out of the Ne John Thomas of Rainier and halem Valley, both roads connect Mrs. Ted Kinzner and son. Gary, ing with the Columbia River of Lakebay, Washington called highway, one at Scappoose and THURS.. FRI. OCT. 23 24 at the Kyser home Sunday even- one at Rainier. All county roads THE WINNING TEAM ing. Amy Kyser accompanied in the county are in better shape Dons Day - Ronald Reagan her aunt home to Lakebay for than they have ever been. a few weeks visit. In Clyde Henderson’s time in SATURDAY OCT 25 office there have be’n five new bridges built in the Nehalem OUTCASTS OF THE STOCK SIGNS Valley. There are several more ISLANDS AVAILABLE AT THE sadly in need of repair or re Trevor Howard R Richardson building which he plans on doing EAGLE if r -elected. He already has the No Fishing or Hunting SUN . MON. OCT. 26 27 promise from the state highway Without P:rmission STORY OF WILL commission of a steel bridge to No Hunting replace th? Reed bridge on Rock ROGERS No Tresspassing Jone Wyman - Will Rogers, Jr. creek and straighten out a dan For Rent gerous curve at thi3 bridge. Absolutely No Admittance During Henderson’s time in of No Minors Allowed TUES- WED OCT. 28 29 e fice this y ar there has been No Peddlers Allowed HIGH SIERRA a complete new electric control Humphrey Bogart - Ida Lupino The Vernonia Eagle led rock crushing plant instal Alan Curtis Printing Office Supplies led and in operation on Cak Ranch road with a capacity of 400 yards per day. which is own ed and operat d by the county and John Saxton, (a professional rock man). At this time he is crushing 10,000 yards of oil and road rock for 1952 and 1953. The capacity of the old worn out crusher was about 100 yards per day. Mr. Henderson says the main highways leading out of the N.- halem Valley are completed n >w and as money becomes avai'able, the incoming roads, such as Rock Creek, Fishhawk, and P.bble Creek, can be given more tention and improvement. Valley’s limited road halem iquipment is in good condition thanks to the good supervision of Ben Smith. During Henderson’s time in office as county commis sioner Nehalem Valley district has added quite a lot of n cessary new equipment. One candidat1, who is running against Mr. Henderson, is J. W. Hunt, present county judge, who lives in St. H.lens and whose principal interest is d ’voted to that section of the county. In past years the understand ing has been that representation of the court be spread so that two members of the court reside on the Columbia Riv r side of the county and one resides on the Nehalem Valley, thereby giving the people h re much more of a direct voice in county affairs. This will not be true if after Come in today and see for yourself the many fi election the interest of th’ county X is all on the Columbia River side ri values on our shelves. Not only do you save of the county. Mr Hend-rson is a member of money, but you also get the very best obtainable. th ■ Columbia County Pioneer’s association. He has lived in the Nehalem valley many years, was M Visit our meat market also for tremendous buys school clerk for seven years, is a past Master of Natal Grange. in fresh, wholesome meats. The wise shopper No. 3' 2. and was a m.mber of the Columbia county soil conser vation up until his election as M trades here! county commissioner. He has always b n interested in good roads and problems confronting agriculture, H? owns a small farm and is a taxpayer. His bal lot number ls 33. -Joi/ Theatre Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Group Entertained at Bingo Party Friday Changes for House Intended NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson have treated their resi dence with a fresh coat of paint which looks very’ nice. Mrs. S. Devin? enttrtainel with a robber Bingo party T riday in honor of Ruth Kyser *ho had a birthday Sunday. Several la dies in the community attended the affair. Door prize was given to Mrs. Dora Waddell. Mis. Kyser rec?ived many lovely gifts. Cake, coffee and cookies were the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Holce visited his mother and family before leaving, for Camp Stonc- man. He was home on a two- week leave. MIST — Mr and Mrs. Chas, Sundland had their me: and husband from Bend as guests over the week end. Margie Wikstrom wai homo last week end from Portland where sh? is employed. Mr. and Mrs. John Hower1 from Seaside are here staying with his son, J. W. Howery end family for a short time, helping his son fix over the house he re cently purchased from Mr. Ald ridge. A resident of the valley rme 30 years ago passed through the village Sunday, stopping t » re new some old acquaint me ?s. Lis name is Clyde Bancroft and they lived in the Armory building, Some folks may remember th.m They now live at Fa'ls City. Hunting Trip Ends Saturday NATAL — Mr and Mrs. Robert Mathews, Stanley and Martin Mathews, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathews returned home Satur day from a nine-day hunting trip to Strawberry Creek camp. They enjoyed the trip, but are glad to be back home again. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews motored to Portland Sunday, tak ing Mr. Clarence Upsan there to visit with friends and with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wright. From there he will leave for California whire he will visit a niece be- for returning to his home in Battle Creek, Michigan. Mr A BR a £ e LFT UitCH WITH THAT JEWELED Committeemen to Learn Changes in 1953 Law ,OOK FOR ONLY $29.WI‘" |jha ¡famous CROTON’Wiist KleB- fits the wrist comfort mny without adjustment. Members of the Columbia County PMA committee and com munity committees will rr et on Monday, Octob?r 27, at 8:30 a.,n. at the St. Helens courthouse. The meeting is to familiarize commit teemen with changes in th * 1953 agricultural conservation pro gram. Farmers will b? contacted personally by committeemen and helped with plans to get th-* most important conservation projects carried out on the farms in 1953. CROTON 17 JEWELS on/y ■ ; ■■ *' ft 29” i Tei Tai If 1 DON’T BEHALF-INFORMED ...KNOW THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT THE PROPOSED TAX BILL! Constitutional Amendment Providing Equitable Taxing Method for Use of Highways" Vernonia, Oregon MONEY-SAVING .7 KING’S Grocery - Market M Phone 91 X "Wbrr» Your Riverview Money Buy» More At the Mile Bridge PHILIP L. HICKEY STATE REPRESENTATIVE 33rd District, Clatsop and Columbia Counties Dairy Fanner Business Leader Gvic Workei Taxpayer in both Clatsop and Columbia Counties It is easy for a man to live on his wife’s money, but he has no chance at all of getting to heaven on his wife’s religion. The trucking industry is trying to avoid a fair share of highway costs F Don’t be HALF- 1 Informed The trucking industry can’t exist without good roads...a FAIR highway use-tax is a good investment K. • *- • /’- * Vi’*' .< * r - . * ’ ' V..'- F The proposed bill will increase registration fees for automobiles ’» HALF Y- tansHH . increase Automobile Fees Informed A Setting of fees will remain in the discretion of the legislature k the BIG truckers are behind T this proposed amendment 1 Informed^ 81% of OREGON TRUCKERS own 3 or less trucks, 46% own only )’s an industry of SMALL BUSINESSES \ - IND THE TRUCK TAX MESS VOTE 330X YES TOUR LEM ANO COMMUNITY Of Ft ND ON TRUCKING..'. AMERICA'S 2ND LARGÌ ST INDUSTRY IN EMPLOYMENT !