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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
—Rev. J. H. Goodrich Mass at 9:30 CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST (Colored) At the Churches THE EAGLE, Safety Tips for Safe Living FIRST BAPTIST Th« Church with a Bible Message —Rev. Joe K. Smith. Pastor —Elder J. C. Foster, Minister Services every Sunday at 1:30 and 7:30. 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:45 p.m. — B.T.U. 7:45 p.m. — Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayer service. NAZARENE CHURCH The church that cares. —H. L. Russell. Pastor Sunday school convenes at 10 a.m. at 925 Rose Ave. under the direction of Charles Long. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC —Rev. Anthony Gerace VERNONIA 9:45 — Bible school. 11:00 — Preaching service. 6:30 — Youth meeting. 7:30 — Preaching service. 7:30 Wed. — Prayer meeting. Specials lor g This Week i >• Z < a. S o u o D VERNONIA EVANGELICAL —Paul D. Sisler. Minister 0 3) 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School. Mrs. Lesta Garner, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. Sermon “Antidote for Fear.” No evening service. 1:30 p.m. Wed. — Pollyanna So- i ciety meets. 8:00 p.m. Wed/—Midweek service 1 Tube Mennen Brushless Shave Cream Free With Mennen Skin Bracer at......... C o o o •o z > z •< --------- Woodbury Dry Skin Cream & Woodburry Shampoo---------- itQc I 94c Value.......... I I Large Tube Gillette z Brushless Shave a. Cream Free with each S o o QQc Push Pack of Gllette Blue o Blades a I | | i SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST I —Rev. W. A. McBride. Pastor K a < z o z K u > 49c I c a < z o z c w > Services on Saturday: 10:00 a.m. — Sabbath school. 11:00 a.m. — Preaching, mission ary programs or Bible study. ASSEMBLY OF GOD “THE FRIENDLY CHURCH” § g r o g O PHONE 853 Vernonia Drug I I NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT VINONU3A ANYdWOO DflHa BE WISE! "SUMMERIZE." Let George get your old car in condition for summer service! George will drain out all old oil ... flush the c*ank case . . . put in new oil and thoroughly grease it. Remember for first class serv’oe see— Vernonia Serv. Sta. Geo. Tnhnaan Corner Rose and Bridge Telephone 311 LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES Knights of Pythias Harding Lodge No. V. F. W. 116 Vernonia, Oregon Regular Meetings Leginn Hall, Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Jce Lindsley. Chancellor Commander Oscar G. Meed, Secretary Second of and Fourth Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners • PREM • VIENNA SAUSAGE • DEVILED HAM • DRY BEEF I • CORNED BEEF NEHALEM Former Policy Holders Invited to See Me for Re-Instatement MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 DON BAYLEY, Agen« McDonald Hotel 184 A.M. meet« al Temple Stated Communication 2-50 first Thursday of each month, at 7:30 p.m. VERNONIA LIONS CLUB Milk is one of nature's most Harry Sandon, W.M. Ray Mills, Sec'y 1-51 Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter O. 153, Regular MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Vernonia Country Club E. S com munication first and Luther Choate. President Bill Wilson, Secretary______ 3-50 Vernonia Lodge No. 246 £jO£>I.0.0.F. Meets Every Tuesday 8 P. M. of pie. month All visiting ers welcome. Dorothy Sandon. Worthy Matron Mona Gordon. Sec'y. 1-51 Vernonia F. O. E. (Fraternel Order of Eagle.) 810 nutritional standpoint. It con tains 3.3% protein. 4% fat. 5% carbohydrates. It is a source of essential minerals. LEWS PLACE Drink A Quart A Day . . . NEHALEM VERNONIA OIIIRV PRODUCTS (0. “THE FRIENDLIEST SPOT IN TOWN TO THROW THE BULL” Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream PHONE 471 Bridge Street Veraonia will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the I.O.O.F. hall. Loren Atkins. Chief Patriarch Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge each nearly perfect foods, from a Wed. sisters and broth 1-51 1-51 3rd at Masonic Ten» Columbia Encampment No. 89 Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP meeting. Vernonia Lodge No. A.F. A Masonic Wednesday Lloyd Quinn. Noble Grand Wm. D. Shafer. Secretary SPECIAL Winter coats shortened, cleaned and pressed Only $3.95 Hats Cleaned and Blocked 95c James Cox. Jr.. Commander Rob't. E. McNair. Adjutant AUXILIARY .Regularly meet.: 1st & 3rd Wed 4-50 Hall each month Laundry and Dry Cleaning A. F. & A. M. Pythian Sitters I.O.O.F. IN ONE HOUR Minnesota was derived from two Sioux words meaning “Sky- colored water.” 2 & 4 Weds., 8 p.m Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: Here’s what Meyer of Muncie, Ind., says: “T-4-L has rapid'y be come our largest selling athlete’s foot preparation. We hear so many favorable comments. Not once have we had to refund.” if not completely pleas'd, your 40c back at any drug store. NOW at Nance’s. July 13«— Softball Gam«. West Linn Pick A Ninni at Vernonia. July 14 — American Legion Aux. party for Teenagers. 8 p-m. July 18 — FOE Fish Derby. July 18 — Softball Game. Ver nonia at Tigard. July 22 — FOE Auxiliary Chick en Dinner at Eagles Hall. SWIFT'S PRODUTS ABOUT ATHLETE'S FOOT 40S6 PROMINENT DRUGGISTS CAN'T BE WRONG You raggedy, smelly, blear- eyed old coot, h ar thii from the lips of Christ, the H avenly Cisi Visitor—Says H —“I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly,”— John 10:10. And by ths millions, you have indeed come—gam blers crooks, thieves, prostitutes, cannibals and even Mr. and Mrs. Respectable. And Christ has lifted you up into new ways and new days. Possess Him. Believe on Him as God the Saviour who died for you and He gives you eternal life. New grow up. Live by the Bible. Rely utterly on Him for the new ways and new days that prove the new life.—"Th Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which is lost.” Luke 19:10. So which for you? Saved or Lost? Which? This space paid for by a Port land business man. Z Vernonia Come On Old Rags BY GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon o O Phone 101 IN OBSERVANCE OF NATIONAL FARM SAFETY WEEK, July 23-29, a half-mlllion 4-H Club boys and girla point out timely do’s and don’t’« for safe living. Safety Is their No. 1 Crop. It Is a 52-week-a-year farm and home safety program directed by the Cooperative Extension Service. General Motors honor, the 4-H’era annually with county, atate and national awards valued at $10,000. 9:45 a.m. - • Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. - Worship. 6:30 p.m. — Young People’s C.A. 730 p.m.—Evangelistic service. 7:45 p.m. Wed. — Bible study and praise service. DATES TO REMEMBER mSum MIST — Floyd Libel was horns from Fairview a few days last week. The Mist Helping Circle will meet July 27 at the home of Mrs. L. B. Eastman. The Les Closner family took a trip to Canada during the fourth holiday. Mrs. Tom Ford and two boys have been spending several days with her parents, the Chas. Han sens. Miss Margie Wikstrom went to Shedd with her brother, Nor- vin and spent a week with an other sister, Mrs. Chet Clenderien. Leonard Egerton was a village visitor from Salem last Wednes day. Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom was a visitor in Hillsboro Saturday. Bernard Dowling and hls mother spent the first part of last week visiting several beaches along the coast. The Rev. Foster from Elsie has put up a large tent here in the village where he is planning on holding revival services. The Wayne Pughs have opened up the lunch business again after a weeks vacation. Earl Doran and son, Jerry, from Seattle were at the I. E. Knowks ranch over the fourth as has been his custom for many years. CHRISTIAN CHURCH —Gerald F. Heskett, Pastor DRUG COMPANY THURSDAY. JULY 13, 1950 7 DATES TO REMEMBER Revival Services to Be Held at Mist Residence — 1208 — Bridge 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service 7:30 p.m. — Evening service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting. LATTER DAY SAINTS VERNONIA. ORE. Meets Every Friday 4 1 8 P. M. S. A. Hoyt. W. P, Rex Normand, Sec’y ri 7-50 American Legion Meet. 2nd and 4th Thucday VERNONIA evening. of each month in POST 11» I.O.O.F. Hall. Ion« Justice. Noble Grand Meet, first and June Ray. Vice Grand I hard M ob . at Nell Thomas. Secretary Each asoatk. June Wilson, Treasurer AUXILIARY Gladys Strong. Financial Sec. 1-51 3 SO | Fini and Third Tuesdays NATIONALLY ♦ ♦ ♦ li AMOUSJ »Z CORNED BEEF HASH SWIFT’NING DEVILED HAM — VIENNA SAUSAGE VEAL LOAF m .":. cz ::: säm s food store Phone 761 Free Delivery