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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
6 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. I Playground Fund CLASSIFIEDS KIRBY Sanitation System. Sales and Service. Wednesdays only. FYee home demonstrations at any hour given gladly by Claire Feely, representative. Leave phone number and address at Eagle Office. 28t3 FOR SALE—General MAPLE buna, beds with springs and mattresses. Like new. Blond davenport, 3-way lamp and chair in fair condition. 736 1st street, Vernonia. Evenings, Thursday and Friday. Anytime Saturday and next week. 28t2c RED Fryers dresser and jointed 09c lb. Live weight 50c lb. Herb Counts, Keasey Rt. 28t3 FULL blooded wire hair puppies at Treharne. Phone 8813, Al bert Walker. 26t3c Bald win-Acrosonic Big Saving Spinet like new. Terms or cash. Can be seen locally. Write Ore gon Music Co., 1028 S.W. Alder Si., Portland,. Oregon. 27t2c KODAK FILMS developed. Fas test service in Portland and satis faction guaranteed by Portland’s oldest Company. Eight exposure roll developed and one print < ach 25c. Two prints each 35c. Rolls with more than eight ex posures one print each 35c. Re prints 3c each. Send coin. The Quality Picture Co., Box 4401Z, Portland 8, Oregon. 25tfc AUCTION: Every Wednesday; furniture and mis. sale at 11, livestock auction at 1:30. You may consign, or we will buy out right. Altman’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove, Phone 16215 lfltfc FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks '46 DODGE 2-dr. sedan. Perfect condition. See Darrell Rose at Push Furniture. 27t3 '42 Jeep, 4 wheel drive ‘47 Chev. 4-dr. sedan. Good condition. *2f Dodge l'/a ton truck. Metal xody and hoist. Greenwood Motors Vernonia. Ore. 1-8 FORD pickup driven only abiut 20,000 mil's by careful nr.ver. Practically good as new. Very substantial saving. Marshall Cr 'Well, Hotel MacDonald. Phone 172. See truck on my used car !• : n xt to Pal Shop. 28t.3 F OR SALE—Real Estate THREE room house with utility anti fruit room on 3 lots, 150 f< t frontage. Oil range and h< ter, electric water pump with h< * and cold water in house, b' vin Saxton, Mist, Oregon. 28tl FOR SALE—Machinery ONE FORD rear end for trailer. One front end with springs for trailer. Wheels on both. J. A. Armstrong, Timber Rt. 27t3 Vets' Home Loan Sets New High ----- $450 ----- $400 ----- $350 ----- $300 ----- $250 FERGUSON tractor and plow, disc and harrow. Run about 150 hours. Inquire Jake's Union Service. 26t3 ----- $200 ----- $150 FOR SALE—Insurance ----- $100 STATE FARM automobile and life insurance co’s. Sam L. Hear ing, Sr., 891 Third Street, last house on street north of bakery. Phone 1062. lltfc ----- $ 50 ----- $ 0 LIFE, Fire, Car and Accident Insurance. Oregon Automobile Insurance Co. II. Hudson and George Bell. 26tfc WANTED IF YOU have some timber on your place, now is the time to get it out. Old growth, second growth, windfalls—land clearing and stumpage in exchange. Frank P. Hays, 10th St., Riverview. 25t4 HAULING with dump truck— sand, gravel and dirt. Phone 1023 or see D. P. Spofford, 6th Ave., Corey hill. IGtfc RICHEST cash prices paid for .ream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon, phone I26r 14tfc Playground fund contributions and amount: V.F.W.. $10: IWA, $25.80: Vernonia extension unit. $10: E.U.B. church. $25: combined P.-T.A.s. $23; American Legion $25: Pythian Sisters. $25: V.F.W. Auxiliary. $15: 4-H clubs, $53: R"bekahs $25: F.O.E.. $10: Lions Club 5’50; Vernonia Study club. $5: Pebble Creek Dairy. $10: Neighbors of Woodcraft. $18.85: Church of God in Christ (colored) $10: Friendship Circle, $5: As sembly of God church. $4. (As sembly of God will contribute every month. This amount is amount given for June). Man learned how to make paper from wood by watching the wasp. MISCELLANEOUS AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Misc. Sale 11:00, Livestock Sale 1:00. Clatskanie Community Auc tion. Quarter mile East of Clats kanie on highway 30. Phone 1600. 28tfc Aentucty IHiùley -A Blend pt 60 4/5 -rot «tNtttnOHS » ttlAT KIH1UCKV FAVORITI" ON MEATS For price-saving meat items, make KING’S the place to shop. King’s handles only the best in meats, high in quality and trimmed fat free for the most disriminating housewives. Give us a try and you’ll be back! KING’S Grocery - Market A Gentlemans UTiiskev e/ from Kentucky •’ ’Where Your Money Buys More” Phone Jtl At the Mile Bridge Riverview National Distillers Prod. Corp., N. Y. • 86 Proof • 65% Grain Neutral Spirits NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING NOTICE FS HEREBY GIVEN that the budget committee of the city of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, a municipal corporation has filed in the office of the levying board, to wit; the City Council of said city, its detailed estimates of the total amount of receipts, and also the total amount of money proposed to be raised by taxation and expended by said municipal corporation for all purposes for the period from July 1, 1959 to June 30. 1951, which estimates are as follows: EXPENDITURES LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL VERNONIA BARGAINS SETTLEMENT HOMES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 4 F.OOMS and Garage on two ■ that the undersigned has filed lot.-'. $2750. $500 down. 4 ROOMS plus utility room. his final account in the Estate of S‘ li Modern $1750. Good terms. Lewis C. Kono, deceased, in the VLRY good condition 3 rooms, County Court of the State of ch k house and utility room. Oregon for Columbia county and the court has fixed Friday, the Extra large lot. $2500. I f.FINISHED 3-bedroom home, 4th day of August, 1950 at the bi id new. As is $4,000. Terms. hour of 10:30 a.m. in the Court 5 ROOMS modern. Very good Room of the said Court as the time and place for hearing of ei dition. $3750. Terms. objections thereto and the settle 5 ROOMS, bath and utility room. ment thereof. G' d location. $3750. Terms. Ralph Edward Kono 4 ROOM house, fair condition. Administrator $.' 59 full price. Terms. Neal W. Bush FARMS 2'-ACRES. 6-room house, 12 Glen Hieber st, chion barn, 1 acre straw- Attorneys for Administrator __________________________27t5c bt rries, family orchard. $4750. Terms. CLASSIFIED RATES 7-ACRES. All cleared button lard. Good 7 room house. $4500. M I N I M I M charge 35c for 25 Tt rms. wo-ds or less. Words over min- 40-ACRES. Good modern 5-room imum, 2c each. Three inser h< use, barn and oth -r buildings. tions for the price of two. 17 acres bottom land with Ne CARD of Thanks & Notices: 75« halem liver thru. $8500 Good No information on classifieds will terms. he given out until after paper Fi r Home. Farm or Business is mailed. properties. See DON BAYLEY, BLIND ads with answers to be Broker, MacDonald Hotel. Ver handled hy The Eagle: Minimum nonia, Oregon 28tlc rharge 73c. No information given relative to such ads. HOME with income. 6-room NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY h use, modern, wired fur range, ADV. ACCEPTED AFTER inc uding Elec, water heater. WKD. NOON EXCEPT FOR V>.tion blinds. Three-rm apt. NEXT WEEK’S PAPER. w:tn elec, water heater and CREDIT ADDS, 10c EXTRA FOR d. uble garage. 843 third St. BILLING. 28t3c POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rale: 5c per type line. FOR RENT THE EAGLE assumes no finan SMALL 3-room house partly fur cial responsibility for errors that may appear io ads publish nished. Available 1st of Aug ed in its columns, but in eases Electric range, hot water, oil where this paper is at fault, h at. Phone 1107, 106 A St 27t3c will reprint that part of an APARTMENT 3-rm. Furnished, adv. in which the typographical plus utilities $30 Call at Eagle mistake occurs. office. 27t3c The Vernonia Community Sing held its regular meeting last Sunday at the Baptist church • with Mrs. Fred Lundgren serv R. Wyckoff Suffers ing as leader. Injury at Mill Among those singing special RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. numbers were Mrs. Nettie Jones, Clem Bruce, and Rev. Joe Smith, Wm. Tvack spent ten days re trio, Jerry Heskett and Howard cently visiting at Tacoma, Wash ington and vicinity. Means, duet, Mr. and Mrs. Whit Waldon Ratkie spent the first mire, duet and Cathy Weller, of the week at camp meeting solo. Songs were led by Rev. Joe at Bethel Gospel Park at Brooks, . Smith, Mary Ann Clark, Juanita Oregon. Robert Wyckoff was injured Falconbury, Mrs. Whitmire. Mar shall Crowell and Fred Lund Saturday while working at the Cedarwood mill. A splinter off gren. Mrs. Lois Clark and Joyce a steel wedge flew into his leg and ranged a couple of inches Jones served as pianists. Marshall Crowell, president of before stopping, making it neces the group, announc'd his desire sary to make a three inch open to retire, and appointed a nomi ing to remove it. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MacDon nating committee to select nomi nees to serve as officers for the ald and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Killingsworth spent July 4th at coming year. Prayer was offered for a faith Westlake and Stay ton, Oregon. H ermitage HYDRAULIC bulldozer blades made to fit your “Cat”. Thomp son Machine Works, Box 347, Clatskanie, Oregon. Phone 1372 or 1393. 26t3c- WILL CARE for your children in my home day or night. First place west Pittsburgh Guard Sta tion. Violet Hamer. 28tfc Community Sing Plans Picnic ful attendant who has been very sick and it was decided to send a gift as an expression of the love and appreciation of the gathering. For the next meeting, July 23, the group will meet at the Chris tian church at 2:30 p.m. and then, weather permitting, go to Rogers park for a short sing followed by a picnic lunch under the trees. OLD ATTENTION Fishermen! Get your bait at Goodburns. Night Crawlers and Crawfish. 1st house on left across mile bridge at Treharne. 26t3c NEW, HOME LAUNDRY. Family washing washed and dried, 15c lb. Finished at reasonable rates. Also curtain stretching. Mrs. E. M. York, 108 A. St., phone 1107. 38tfc The Oregon state veterans’ farm and home loan program set a new record in June when loans for the month exceeded the mil- lion-dollar mark for the first time, Director William F. Gaar- enstroom of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs announced this week. June loans amounted to $1,- 005,950, or $66,480 more than the previous mark of $939,470 es tablish'd in September, 1948. The number of veterans granted loans in June a'so set a new record, with 236 approvals as against 218 far September of 1948. This figures out to an average loan of $1262 to each veteran last month, compared to an over-all average of $4039 since the pro gram got underway in the fall of 1945. The June figures increased the total of department loans to $22,- 806,239 in grants to 5616 veterans for the five and one-half year period Loans for the first six months of 1950 amounted to $4,273,750, a slight increase over the corres ponding period last year and a i30 per cent gain over the first half of 1948. Gaarcnstroom said the unJe record was not due so much to an increase in loans appli -d for as to a concerted effort by the loan division to catch up on its backlog. The state veterans’ loan pro gram enables Oregon’s World War II ex-servicemen to borrow' up to $6000 at four per cent interest to purchase their own homes or farms. Applications are made through post or county service officers or by contacting the Department of Veterans’ Af fairs at 305 State Library Bldg., Salem, or 415 S. W. 11th avenue, Portland. JULY Actual for Actual for Fiscal Year Fiscal Year July 1, 1946 July 1. 1947 to to June 30. 1947 June 30, 1948 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 28.83 660.00 660.00 420.00 420.00 3,673.18 43.51 547.62 5,932.32 442.58 119.80 316.10 81.85 1,937.61 939.50 39.37 649.05 6.318.11 231.71 161.00 175.29 188.52 1,390.83 660.00 125.00 60.00 497.41 524.68 660.00 125.00 60.00 444.56 652.73 42.36 633.20 496.89 1.000.00 8.00 56.80 249.52 792.73 1.000 0'1 636.51 6.461.72 $ 2,700.00 1.200.00 3.022.52 163.56 1.500.00 $ 3,028.02 1.500.00 3.006.96 210.78 1.500.00 4,293.84 13,627.59 1,131.00 1.065.56 480.00 4.443.43 13,172 20 1.045.75 1.144.59 235.00 9 49 92 6'6.31 6.072.04 8.00 4,447.30 1. 1949 TO JUNE 30, 1950 Actual for Fiscal Year July 1,1948 Actual fer to First June 30.1949 Six Months $ 1,500.00 $ 900 00 69.49 56.80 660.00 330.00 6.47 2.95 420.00 30’9.09 65.00 1,050.47 461.83 131.23 78.84 456.00 7.845.49 3,873.13 85.57 95.00 182.00 5,876.74 2,088.48 ESTIMATED FOR FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 1950 TO JUNE 30, 1951 By Office Budget or for Department Year General Fund S 1,800.00 Recorder ................................ $ 1.800.00 150.00 150.00 Office Expense .................. 660.09 Treasurer .............................. 660.00 10.00 10.00 Office Expense .................... 600.00 Attorney................................. 600.00 100.00 legal Service 100.00 .................. 1,000.00 1.206.00 Buildings and Grounds 150.00 150.00 Elections and Publications . 500.00 600.00 Audits ............ 7.500.00 7,340.00 Police Department Salaries 225.00 225.00 Police Department Expenses 300 00 200.00 Fire Department Salaries 500.00 2,800.00 Fire Department Expense 300.00 300.00 Street and Sewer Salaries . 2.000.00 1.339.57 822.47 Street and Sewer Expense . 2,800.00 500.00 500.00 Sewer Sinking Fund .......... 900.00 840.00 450.09 900 00 Library Salary .................... 250.00 125.00 200.00 200.00 Library Expense 60.00 60.00 30.00 60.00 Health Officer............ 2.000.00 548.76 240.51 2.000.01 Park ................. .................. 1.000.00 624.54 318.01 800.00 Cemetery ............................... 246.00 300.00 Air Port .............................. 56.80 56.80 56.80 League of Oregon Cities ... 56.80 900.00 536 21 547.17 900.00 Bonds and Insurance 781.57 850.00 425.42 830.00 Public Employes Retirement System . 1.000.09 .................... 1.000.00 1.000.00 Emergency Road District No. 16 . 11.245.33 5,023.04 12.028.45 7,852.35 4,927.40 State Tax Street Fund . . 2.755.21 Total . .. . WATER DEPARTMENT $ 3.300.00 S 1.705.00 $ 3.410.00 $ 3,410 00 Superintend“nts Salary........ 1.800.00 900 00 1.800.00 1,800.00 4.500.00 4,545.51 2.044.09 Supplies and Maintenance 4,500.00 260.1'0 285.00 138.02 260.80 Public Employes Retirement System 1.500.00 750.00 1.500.00 5.000.00 Sinking Fund ........................ Total .............. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 5.033.14 S 7 500.00 4,866.15 4,000.00 Fine« and Licenses ............ 17.349 26 17.000.00 ................ 9,254.37 16.000.00 Water Receipts 1.035 0 ) 1,500.00 89500 1.500.00 Rent and Sale of Property . . 1.196.35 500.00 248.09 1.000.0 t Misc. Receipts ...................... 500.00 630.00 .......................... 365.00 400 00 C emeterv 1.116.54 800.00 Dog and Liquor Tax ............ 11.245.33 ........ 5.023.04 Road District No. 16 1.878.17 7352.35 State Tax Street Fund ... ................ 2.$51.87 2,755.21 Cash on Hand ........................ 630.20 Total ........................................ TOTAL BUDGET $63.824.48 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $53.294.42 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY DIRECT TAX $10.530.06 Approved by Budget Committee $ 1,800.00 150.00 780.00 10.00 600.00 400.00 1,200.00 200.00 500.00 7,500.00 225.00 300.00 500.00 100.00 1,500.00 500.00 900.00 200.00 60.00 3.500.00 1,500.00 56.80 900.00 850.00 1.000.00 11.245.33 7,852.35 $44.329.4« $ 3,410.00 1.800.00 12,500.00 285.00 1.500.00 $19.495.00 $ 6.800 00 23.400 00 1.500.00 500 00 250.00 1.116.74 11.245.33 7.852.35 630.20 $53.294.42 And notice is hereby given the said City Council of said City sitting as a levying board, will hold a meeting in the city hall in the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon, on Monday evening. July 17. 1950. at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p.m., at which time and place all persons who shall be subject to such tax levy, when the same shall be made, may appear and be heard in favor or against ja:d tax levy, or any part thereof. Dated this Sth day of July. 1950 ATTEST. All»ert Childs. Recorder Sam L. Hearing, Mayor