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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
«4 THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 THE EAGLE. AROUND THE FARM Tansy ragwort is coming into bloom and now is the time to »tart watching for this pest. M. C. Vanderpool, Lindberg re ports how he became acquainted with this weed. Last year while attending Beaver Homes grange be observed a blooming ragwort plant brought to the meeting by Jack Leu, Goble. Vanderpool was sure there was none of the weed on his place tail the next day to be sure he walked over the farm. To his surprise he found a patch of it and pulled an armful of plants c leaning it up. Here is another case where tansy ragwort has been found in an area where it was never known to exist. This emphasizes the point that every farmer should know what this weed looks like and should look his farm over during July and Aug ust for blooming plants. Garden hints—Get the ground ready and set out plants of broc coli, late cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts, soon. These irops grow well during the cool Tall weather. Watch green beans for black aphids. Spray with nicotine sul phate when first aphids are no ticed. Sweet corn is highest in sugar if picked around noon. When irrigating the garden a gentle soaking is much better GREAT STRAIGHT BOBRBON VERNONIA, ORE BY W. G. NIBLER County Expansion Agoni than a light sprinkling. Use any satisfactory garden or lawn sprinkler and apply about two inches of water to the soil. Cof fee cans set out under the sprinklers make excellent gauges to determine how much water is being applied. Every summer about this time there are some reports about new strawberry plantings that have been burned by weevil bait plac ed in the crown of the plant. This condition is liable to develop particularly when bait is applied and rain or heavy dew is fol lowed by hot days. J. C. Parsons, Deer Island, in quired several weeks ago as to where this weevil bait should be applied. He followed the re commendations that bait be placed to the side of the plant. Just to try it, however. Parson put the bait on six plants right in the crown. He reports severe damage on several of these plants. On older plantings where the bait is scattered directly into the crown of the larger plants there has been no reports of injury. It is only on new plantings where bait has been applied to the small new plants that injury has been reported. Lives Lost Due to Tree Damage Winter damage to trees in log ging areas has resulted in 4 deaths among Oregon Loggers in the last two months, claims filed with the Industrial Accident Commission revealed today. A warning against this condi tion was generally published by all newspapers in March. It named the extent and nature of the damage wrought by ice, frost, and snow to forest trees. It stated that limbs had been brok en from both evergreen and broad leaf trees, and said some haa fallen to the ground but many still lay loose in living foliage,, and other still clung by living fibers. Caution on the part of For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products Applications For Tags Ready Although hunting regulations will not be made final until July 28, applications for ante lope tags are now available at all Game Commission license agencies. The applications are being made available early due to the fact that the date for the setting of hunting regulations falls so late this year and the fact that if an antelope season is held, it would fall in August. Tentative plans call for a limited season, August 19 to August 25, both dates inclusive. Those wishing to hunt antelope should secure applications at license agencies, workmen was asked as essential to the preservation of life. But the warning went unheed ed in the following instances: In mid May a bucker was struck and killed by a limb from a nearby standing sugar pine as he bent forward for his axe to mark the bucking length. Later in May a whistle punk on his way to the crew truck was struck down by part of a ma- drona tree which fell as he passed in a non-logged area. In early June one of a two man crew of fallers died from concussion brought about by a blow from a 6'/a foot limb which fell 36 feet. The next day one of a falling crew of two died instantly from an 8 foot limb weighing 50 pounds which fell 130 feet di rectly on the victims head. It lay in the branches of an adjacent tree. These deaths prove that the original warning was not ill conceived. Winter damage was extensive and severe. Since that time, death lurks overhead as well as elsewhere in the woods. All woodsmen, no matter what they do, must make sure of over head safety first of all, before they figure up the ground ha zards. changed after filing the applica tions and persons may not apply in more than one party or sub individual applications if they have applied in a party. Census information shows a modest increase in antelope numbers and the possibility of a limited season on bucks only appears to be good. Sign Painting i ROYAL and The World’s First TRULY MODERN Show Card Work; Portable Typewriter Locally Done Now by— • THE VERNONIA EAGLE Calvin Sasse ; 188 Brides St. HANK'S PARTS HOUSE Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. except week ends COMPLETE FAN BELT SERVICE The Famous GATES Way PHOTO FINISHING 48-hour Service. Leave rolls at If you’ve got the pieces, I’ve got the parts THE SHACK OAKE S PHOTO FINISHING Film Flashbulbs Phone 773 — New and Used Paris — Riverview MAKE THIS SUMMER A vacation at home one w^th very attractive porch and lawn furniture! Enjoyment unlimited for the family and an ideal transformation for Summer Entertainment SEE OUR BIG SELECTION OF SUMMER FURNITURE TODAY PAINTING PAPER HANGING - - Quality Right - Vernonia, Ore. Telephone 592 See Carlin Hackney Phone 824 Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY complete them and mail them to the Game Commission office in Portland as soon as possible. No money should be sent with the application. If more applications are re ceived than the number of tags to be issued, a public drawing will be held and the successful applicants will be notified to submit the required fee. Parties of not more than four persons may apply as a unit, providing that each member of the party signs the application. A number will be issued to the group as a whole. In case it is necessary to hold a drawing and the group number is drawn, each person in the group will receive notification to send the requir d fee, personal description end type and number of his 1950 hunting license. The makeup or mem bership of the party cannot be HOME OF PITTSBURGH QUALITY PAINTS AND VARNISHES New, All-Time Record! Users Now Buying 1530 CHEVROLET TRUCKS A DAY! Telephone 8812 Timber Rt., Box 56 Vernonia, Oregon Straight Bourbon Whiskey • 86 Proof National Distillers Products Corp., N.Y | Complete Line of— | Arden Ice Cream Sundae Cups Dixie Cups Popsicles Fudgesicles Slices We and all other Chev- VERNONIA BAKERY J ; HOME OF BUTTER KRUST BREAD AND ARDEN ICE CREAM 4 . Oregon-Amerlcsn LUMBER CORPORATION Vórnenla, Oregon CHEVROLET 1 1 "1 " "1 rolet Dealers have delivered 4D.001 Chevrolet trucks—an aver- °9e °f 1530 a day—in a single month!* That’s on all-time, all-industry record that no other truck even approaches. That’s the best possible “buy-sign" sign for you. It tells you that Chevrolet trucks are first in user preference because they’re first in value. It tells you that Chevrolet trucks are the proved leaders on all kinds of roads for all kinds of loads. It tells you that Chevrolet trucks will haul your goods more miles at less cost per mile. Come in and get all the money-saving facts! •Used on official decler reported soles during the lest full month for which figures ore available. ADVANCE-DE SI GN TRUCKS VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY ‘A Safe Place to Trade” Standard Oil Products Your Chevrolet and G. M. Dealer Phone 342 Vernonia, J *