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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1950)
Darlene Morgan Back From Hospital LET’S BE SOCIABLE Miss Madge Sutton Becomes Bride July 2 Miss Closner Becomes Bride of Mr. Spofford At an afternoon ceremony July 2, in the First Christian church, Miss Madge Sutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutton became the bride of Daniel Ira Hernan, son of Mrs. Hernan of Portland. Gerald Heskett, pastor of the Christian church performed the ci remony. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She wore a rose gaberdine suit, with white accessories and carried a white bible and white orchid bouquet. Mrs. Kenneth Walker, sister of the bride was matron of honor. She wore an aqua dress and The first Christian church of Vernonia was the scene of the marriage of Miss Bonnie Lee Closner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Closner of Mist, and Dudley Spofford, Jr., of Ver nonia. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Spofford. The Rev. E. W. Heskett officiated. The bride was given in mar riage by her father, and was at tended by Miss Frances Alder of Portland, a close friend. Mr. Spofford’s best man was Grant McCabe. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was held in the church parlors. After a wedding trip to Spirit Lake, the couple will make their home in Portland. i MOVING? ; CASON TRANSFER Call 581 for Free Estimate I Wilbur (Shorty) x Davis, Prop. Office at Sundland Electric corsage of gardenia and rose buds. Wm. Devine was best man and Kenneth Walker and Larry Sut ton ushered. A reception in the I.O.O.F. hall followed the ceremony. The bride and groom are honey mooning in California and Mexi co. When they return they will make their home in Portland. Conserve Your Eyes! Save your eyes for the es sential work you're doing to day Make them work at top speed and efficiently with pro perly fitted glasses. DR. C. A. PLUMSTEAD — Optometrist Phone 445 Hillsboro 233 E. Baseline For Further* Information Inquire at Ku.lander’s Jewelry Store "You Can’t Be Optomistic if You Have Misty Optics” HOMELITE Easiest Handling...Fastest Cutting Lightest Weight...Lowest Maintenance Built and bacled by Homelite, manufacturers of over 275,000 GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN UNITS Friends of Miss Darlene Mor gan will be happy to learn that her condition is so much im proved that she has been al lowed to spend the rest of the summer at her home. She has returned from Port land where $he has been hospi talized at Good Samaritan. Al though she will be in a cast for some time yet, she is receiving visitors and invites all her friends to call on her during the coming weeks. Week’s Events Are Mentioned RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler of Grants Pass spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Blanche Millis and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith spent Sunday at Hood River, where they visited W. O. Livingstone and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Leake. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Felton and son, Elon, of St. Helens spent the week end visiting his sister and family, the Glen Hawkins. Mr. Felton spent Sun day fishing in the Nehalem, re porting a very good catch. Robert Lawson and four child ren of Orting, Washington are staying at the Lester Hill home while Mr. Lawson is seeking work. Mrs. Myrtle Corley, an aunt of Mrs. Kenneth Walker, arrived at their home Monday for a short visit while enroute from Alaska to her home at Tfscon, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Clark of Central Point, Oregon, visited at the Roy Sutton home on Monday and Tuesday. Ernest Lane and Son Visit From California MIST — We are glad Robert Kysed was a winner in the Eagle contest which closed a week ago. He won a bicycle and a cash award. Ernest Lane and his son Leland were in the valley last week on business. Ernest is logging in California and Leland is con tinuing his medical course. He is practicing a few hours each day. The community wishes him well in his choice of a vocation. Delmar Jones and family have moved into the Ernest Lane cot tage. L. P. Wikstrom and son, Nor van, were in Portland Saturday. Marlene Pugh has been visit ing in Hillsboro for two weeks. Helen Johnston spent the fourth at Forest Grove with her mother, M"s. Minnie Johnson. Carl Wikstrom and Roy and RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kuhns of Herington, Kan sas and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Trager of Wichita Kansas, spent July 4 at the Charles Allen home staying on until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Callister and son, Ronnie, vacationed for ten days along the coast. They visited Oakridge, Wicopee, West lake and Logsden on the Siltcoos river. Mr. Callister put in eight out of the ten days fishing. Mrs. Clara Hill visited her brother Carl Palm at Dallas and other relatives at Silverton and Portland while the Callisters were away. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Buckner and children visited his mother, Mrs. Artie Buckner Sunday, leaving Nancy for a weeks visit with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley, daughter, Betty and son, Bobby, visited Nate Huntley and Mrs. Mary Unroe at McMinnville Sun day. Mrs. Chet Anderson and child ren of Tillamook are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Anderson. The Sam Andersons of Ocean Lake spent the fourth of July at the C. I. Anderson home also. Bonds Enjoy Week End Reunion With Kin RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Jim Bond was surprised Monday by the arrival of her cousin, John Kieth and family of Mohawk, North Dakota. The cousins had not seen one another for 39 years. They stayed over the 4th with the Bonds who were joined by the C. E. Buckner family for a EAGLE, VERNONIA, Service and Parts picnic. The F. R. Olin’s do not own any contended cows, but Monday upon arising found a deer con tentedly browsing on their back lawn. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Cochran and Jo Ann drove around the Mt. Hood loop last week spend ing Thursday night at Lost Lake. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. West, Mrs. Baukum and son Bruce of Port land spent July 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hillyer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hartman and son, Jerry Wayne, spent part of the week at Lake Tahkne- VERNONIA TRADING CO. FLOUR — FEED — FUEL — BUILDING MATERIAL Phone 681 Vernonia, Oregon DEPENDABLE A G ft I C U L T U R A L CHEMICALS tich and other points of interest along the coast. On Display . . . U NDE R W OO D Universal Typemaster porlabe typewriter with turitqf touch Ideal for home or school. CARRIE & JIM OF THE PALACE CAFE We will continue to serve you in the future as in the past with the best foods obtainable, pre pared to your liking—A Nice Place To Eat! t ______________________ Pd. Adv. [ nia ** Your ‘One- *op’ Saving Center Batteries 24-Mo. Guar. Exch. Ford, Ply., Chev. <J11 ÛC #11.3# ONE COAT Flat Paint. Easy to apply. Oil Base. Washable. Quart........$1.20; Gallon........ $3.59 HOT PLATES: 1 Burner $2.98; 2-Burner $8.95 SHAG RUGS 24x48........................ $2.98 Covers to Match.................................................. 69c MEN’S Heavy Chambray SHIRTS $1.59 SUNTAN PANTS........................................... $2.98 WAIST OVERALLS....................................... $1-98 MEN’S WORK SHOES............................. $5.95 CLIFF WHITE PHONE 1271 VERNONIA. ORE. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••S« can purchase larpe amounts of vegetables, fruits and meals when prices are lowest—and at favorable quantity-buying prices—freeze and store them for use all during the year. • HOTPOINT’S NSW interior design gives you more usable storage space. Hotpoint’s long-life Thrift master Unit assures plenty of reserve cold for year- round freezing and storage—dependable service at an amazingly low operating cost. Full 8-<u.-ft. capacity holds 2801b*. ¡Meats... : Produce... ■ Baby Foods... ; Home Items ... : Dairy Produce.. ¡Canned Goods . I I I j Small Down Payment With Monthly Pay ments of $10.00 The complete grocery with a complete line of merchandise. The wise shopper shops at— ¡MILL MARKET i AND LOCKERS | Remember— ! DELIVERIES TWICE • DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 3 Card Of Appreciation The cheapest hand you can hire! DOWJ THURSDAY, JULY 13. IBM We want to take this opportunity to extend our sentiment of appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Peterson and Personnel, of the Vernonia Bakery for their timely assistance during the recent wholesale bakery strike of Portland. Due to their unrelenting persistence in stepping up production we feel that the citizens of Vernonia and surrounding countryside have been sup plied with quality products. • WITH THIS SPACIOUS Hoipoint Food Freezer you Also Cox Chipper Chains and Oregon Solid Temper Bars When you buy weed killers, cmt the mt per acre! You’ll find chat FORMULA 40 is the cheapest hand you can hire. It’s rated as the finest amine weed killer you can buy. Ideal for low volume spraying, FORMULA 40 is tpray-ctte- di timed to prevent clogging in hard water. Get higher yields . . . cut costs with . . . FORMULA 40. ORE. HOTPOINT FOOD FREEZER TED'S SAW SHOP Riverview at 1st Kansas People Visit Here THE Liberal Terms Make It Easy To Own This Big New Ask us for a FREE ON-YOUR-JOB Demonstration I Billy Kyser spent several days last week down along the Lincoln county beaches. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bateson have gone on a two weeks vaca tion. They will probably be home this week. The L. P. Mathews family were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mathews. The Brown family have been erecting a sightly new white fence around their property. Everybody’« Pointing to -Hutpoint Sundland Electric & Appliance 786 Bridge Street Phone 581 Vernonia