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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1946)
4 P.E.O. Sisterhood Meeting Scheduled LET’S BE SOCIABLE Shower Honors Miss Masters District Convention Held at Yamhill Miss Ivy Masters was the hon ored guest at a shower last Wednesday when the Nehalem So cial club met at the home of Mrs. Tom Crawford in Riverview. Part of the gathering was devoted to the club’s regular meeting and part of the time to the opening of gifts. Miss Masters will be married next month. Fern Temple, Pythian Sisters, were hobts for the district con vention held at Yamhill, Thurs day, April 11. All phases of the ritualistic work were exempli fied at that time by different Pythian Sister Temples. Vernonia Temple exemplified the ballot march. Next year the district conven tion will be held here with Ver nonia Temple No. 61 acting as host. Those attending this affair fiom Vernonia were: June Willi3, Tre?- sie Michener, Fern Kullander, Murel Knight, Marie Lesinger, Mary Sawyer, Grayce Bundy, Edna Heenan and Isabel Culbert son. • O • • Three Tables of Bridge Played Mrs. F. R. Olin was hostess for three tables of bridge at her home last Thursday afternoon. Two of the tables were those usually comprising the O.-A. bridge club and the third was added for the afternoon’s guests. Send your Laundry & Dry Cleaning to Portland’s most mo dern plant. Two pick ups and deliveries weekly at Vernonia at your home or our local agent— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP OREGON Laundry and Dry Cleaners — Mrs. Smejkal Hostess For Altar Society RIVERVIEW—With Mrs. An tone Smejkal as their hostess, members of St. Mary’s Altar So ciety met at the home of Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden Wednesday for their regular monthly meeting. Most of the discussion centered around the discussion of provid ing a holy, happy Ea ter for all parishoners. Present were Mmes. Chas. Bea- com, Jack Evans, Antone Smejkal, Elizabeth Mullins, L. A. Hewitt, Joe Schmedding, Alois Sauer and Joe Vanderzanden. A welcome guest was Mrs. Catherine Sauer. The secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Wirtz, was unable to attend this meeting thus getting her first absent mark since October, 1944. Both dark and light cake, ice cream and coffee were served by the hostess at lunch time, assisted by Mr. Vanderzanden. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Hewitt. ----------------- —--------------- —;---------------- I How are your tires? i © If you need new ones— ® If you need recaps— The Vernonia Service Can Take Care of Your Needs. Geo. Johnson j Vernonia Serv. Sta. I Vernonia Agent for Kaiser-Frazer Corp. I I Oregon-American LUMBER . CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon The Vernonia Chapter of P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet Tuesday eve ning, April 23, at the home of Mrs. Judd Greenman. Assistant hostess will be Mrs. Cleo Caton, and Mrs. Ralph Valpiani will be in charge of the program, As a guest Mrs. Oveta Barnes, state organizer for P.E.O. from ] Port- land, will be present. • • 75 Attend Dinner, Installation Sunday The joint installation of the V.F.W. and the Auxiliary drew a record crowd of about 75 peo ple last Sunday when the event was carried out at the I.O.O.F. hall. A. pot-luck dinner was served following the installation and vis itors from Clatskanie, St. Helens end Rainier were entertained. • • Missionary Group to Meet Next Wednesday The Women’s Missionary So ciety of the Evangelical church will hold its next regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 24. Mrs. H. H. Sturdevant, Margaret Sturdevant and Mrs. N. S. Soden will be the hostesses in charge of refreshments. • • New Hounds Get Try-Out RIVE RVIEW — Californians who arrived here this week are Mr. and Mrs. Alessi and daughter, Judy, who came Sunday from San Jose to be with her sister, Mrs. Jewell Lloyd and other rel atives in this vicinity for a lengthy visit. Forest Grove goers Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Art Owens and daughter Barbara. Art also made a trip to Portland Wednes day as per doctor’s orders. He may have to have a special shoe made for his crippled foot. Guests at the Chas. Ratkie home during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Malmsten and daughter, Sidney Ann, of Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beck. Mr. Beck left Sun day evening in answer to a phone ■call to take up work in Arling ton. The new hounds at the Huntley home were given a try out this week end when Nate Huntley of Carlton arrived with his nephews, Tom and Jim Williamson, of Hills boro. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs and daughters of Clatskanie came over Friday evening for a visit at the parental Riley Hall home and to get Tommy Hall to spend a week end with them. Tommy had just rounded out a full week at his new, (or rather old) job at the O.-A. mill. He returned from Clatskanie Sunday evening ac companied by the Jacobs family and Miss Caroline Tong. Other Sunday visitors at the Hall home were Chet Reynolds of Sweet Home and Douglas Spofford. Mr. Reynolds had arrived Saturday to get Mrs. Reynolds and their daughter, Cheryl, who had spent the week here. The Forest Grove BANK THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. Small Childern Are Entertained Sick List Nil Due Sunshine; Tiny Tots Entertained RIVERVIEW — The Aubrey Sharp family enjoyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Griffen, theri on and granddaughter who drove out from Portland Sunday after noon. While doing defense work these two families had resided in the same house and went through joys and hardships together. Due to grandpa sunshine doing his bit this week we found no names for a sick list. RIVERVIEW — Mrs. George Carl entertained a group of small children Friday afternoon in honor of the fifth birthday anniversary of her daughter, Laura Taylor. Children at the party were Ron nie and Dickie Kipp, Darla Walker, Cora Le° Geers, Lowell Frieze, Billie Geers and Maryl, Mikie and Pat Taylor. The usual amount of gifts, games and eats were taken care of by the chil dren. Friday evening visitors at the Harry Kipp home were Mr. and Mrs. William Pringle and daugh ter, Mary Lou, from Mist. Mary Lou and Earl Kipp attended the Senior class play at the Wash ington grade school that evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hillyer spent Sunday in Oregon City at the Lionel West home helping the Wests celebrate .their first wed ding anniversary. Mr. Fewins, his son and little daughter and Mr. Hewitt of Port- land were Sunday guets at the Walter Moye home here. J. M. Peachey, who is working at Swiss Home, was here for a week end visit with his wife and his mother, Mrs. Alice Bolting house. Week end visitors at the Ralph Mahar home were Mrs. Herbert Corder and children, Stanley, Mary June, Shirley and Patsy and Mrs. Doris Grice and chil dren, Teddy and Lolly, all of Port land. THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1946 3 and Nancy, Roberta and Neil Lloyd. Willestine received some nice gifts and enjoyed games pro posed by her little friends. Sunday afternoon callers at the Anna Parker home were Mrs. I. Diemert of Portland and her host- err, Mrs. John Elder. Mrs. Aubrey sharp entertanied and served a full dinner for a group of tiny tots in honor of her daughter, Willestine’s third birthday. Children who came to spend the day were Patsy, Glenda and Ada Normand, Gloria Parker NEED A NEW SIDEWALK? Get a free estimate of the work now. Also carpenter work by the job or hour. ALL WORK GUARANTEED E. M. YORK CONTRACTOR & BUILDER 108 A St. 7» We have just what you need for the trout season. Check your tackle—if you need something, we have it. Phone 5711 At the Mile Brige, Riverview tr 1 Electric Are You Making ; Full Use Ranges of Electrical Service Electric With the Correct Electrical Wiring in Your Home? Waterheaters Nothing is more costly than cheap, inadequate wiring. Too many homes have been wired without due regard for the many uses of electricity. Twenty-five to 30 years ago, wiring for a home meant wiring for a sin gle light in some of the rooms. Howiver, soon after these lights were in stalled, new uses for electricity were found. New device^ and appliances were brought into the home. Wiring which seemed adequate and satis factory at the time it had been installed became hopelessly inadequate within a few short years. The modern home, with its countless uses of electricity, needs modern wiring. The great number of lights and appliances makes it necessary to plan the wiring system for the home so that all appliances can be used con veniently and economically. Todays homes, using only an average number of appliances, have higher power requirements than the small factory of 20 years ago. To make this home industry work at top efficiency, you need good wiring which is planned to good engineering standards and employs the best and most suitable materials. THE WIRING IN YOUR HOME INFLUENCES THE WORK ING OF EVERY ELECTRICAL WORK-SAVER AND CON VENIENCE, FROM THE LIGHT BULB TO THE ELECTRIC RANGE FOR WIRING ESTIMATES— Give your garments the best of care. For finer appearance and longer wear! Cleaning and pressing service with us. Will bring you both, without a fuss! Sundland Electric United Electric Strong's Radio and Appliance Co and Supply Co and Electric GOOD WIRING IS SPONSORED BY West Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc. Vernonia Cleaners PHONE 1211 INVITES YOU TO BANK BY MAIL IF INCONVENIENT TO COME IN PERSON See this bank for LOANS of all types EXTRA ENERGY, NOURISHMENT AT GIROD’S YOU GET ALL THE EXTRAS THAT MAKE THE DIFFERENCES THAT ARE SO NOTICEABLE FROM ORDINARY MARKETS. YOU GET EXTRA ENERGY FROM OUR FOOD AND EXTRA SERVICE FROM OUR CLERKS, EXTRA ATTENTION TO YOUR ORDERS, EX TRA QUALITY IN YOUR MERCHANDISE! FREE DELIVERY A Locally-Owned, Independent Bank GIROOS FOOD STORE PHONE 7«1