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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
2 Thursday, April 30, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon yOUK TOWN’S TOPICS Nine Fledgling Pilots Solo in Formation Portland Wednesday to visit Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pumala and Arthur Fluke, Jr. Used sheets needed for bandages. Leona spent the week-end in Port Leave at Peggy’s Apparel Shop. land. In Portland---- Hillbilly Grange Mrs. Roy Barnes and baby daugh ter, Janet, left Saturday Irom Port land to spend approximately a month ip San Diego at the home of her brother, Dan Scott. He will be remembered here by many people, having worked for a time at Sam and Bob’s Grocery and Mar ket. IStI—- orchestra. Returns Home---- Mrs. Dora Washburn returned from Portland Sunday where she has been visiting for the past two weeks with her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Washburn. Used sheets needed for bandages. Leave at Peggy’s Dance at Natal, Saturday, May 2. Shop. Apparel Glen Davis orchestra. Return from Kansas City— Mr. and Mrs. Melville Malmsten left last Friday after spending a week visiting their parents, friends and relatives in Vernonia. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malmsten and attended grade and high school here. He and his wife reside at Inglewood, California. While here the visitors made sever al side trips, one to Bonneville dam and another to Seaside. Benefit dance at Odd Fellows hall, May 9. Music Night by ingale orchestra. 18t2---- Here from California---- Mr. and Mrs. Judd Greenma re- turnerd the first of the week front a trip which took them to Denver, Colorado, where Mr. Greenman at tended a lumbermen’s meeting and to Kansas City where they formerly lived. Saturday, STONEY POINT—Homer Mich- ener was home over the week-end visiting his parents. Homer has been given 2nd Class Seaman rating. He is stationed at Keyport. Mr. and Mrs. Vurl Roberts had as their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutson and children of Brightwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McDonald were Sunday evening cullers at the Ferry Browning home. Mrs. E. S. Woolbx.Jge is home for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Otto Michener. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. O’Brien and family motored to Hillsboro Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Browning and son motored to Portland Sat Plea.ant To Visit Brother---- dance, Hill, Saturday, May 2. New 4-piece 17t3 The Simple Truth about Wines and Wine Service! Colorfully illustrated SV jfcyJaPtSy handbook on how to 9 Used sheets needed for bandages. Leave Every day this type of formation flying is enacted over the Wc-t Coast by primary students of the West Coast Air Corps Traii'i'f Center. In their Ryan primary trainers, -nine of Uncle Sar- , most recent Aviation Cadets pilot their planes in right echelon. Is * few weeks the cadets will be on their way to faster and larger sh-pr. In a few months they will receive their wings as second lieutenants r ad nine more young Americans will have added their strength and skill le the defense of Democracy. Married men may now apply for Aviati««- Cadet training. WCACTC PH01 O This book mailed direct to you without ex pense. Fill in and mail the coupon below. --------- MAIL COUPON------------------ TO WINE COUNCIL OF OREGON Pearson-4th Avenue Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON NAME____ ADDRESS. Dance at Natal, Saturday, May 2. Motor to Portland— Glen Davit orchestra. Mrs. M. A. McNutt and Mrs. Ted Anderson of Glenwood motored to CAR CONSERVATION ISA CONTRIBUTION TO VICTORY This Monthly Inspection and Adjustment Will Help to Conserve Your Car 1. Lubricate car. 2. Check tires; rotate if necessary. 3. Inflate tires to prop er pressure. Check lubricant in engine, transmission and rear axle. 5. Wash car. Brush or vacuum clean upholstery and floor mats. 7. Check headlamps. 8. Check fan belt; ad just if necessary. 9. Check wiping. 10. Check brake»; ad just if necessary. 11. Oil or wax chromium finish. all 12. Road-test car. Vernonia Auto Co. A Safe Place to Trade Vernonia, Oregon Oregon is WINES..and WINE SERVING Shop. Bernice and Nellaray Borton will appear on the “Stars of Tomorrow” program over KGW Saturday i. orn- ing, May 2, Mrs. B. W. Borton stat ed this week. The program will be heard at 10 o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brickel and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartwick and daughter, Maxine, spent last Sunday in Sea side. 6. Apparel To Participate in Program— In Seaside— 4. Peggy’s at select,use,serve wine Simple, understandable—“de-bunking” the complex etiquette—you will find every thing you want to know in 111 with Flu— Mrs. John Burnside has been ill for several days with an attack of flu. Visitor Here Gets New Rating urday. They visited with Mr. and Mis. Ernest Schofield at Glenwood on their return trip. Sunday afternoon callers at the Otto Michener home wei-e Mr. and Mrs. Lester Teeling of PoriJand and Mrs. Maude New Cloice Hall is staying at the Cart Davis home new since the R Duncans, wbo he formerly stayed with, have movid to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger and children motored to Willamina Saturday. While there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Signett. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger motored to Forest G’-ove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger and children fished at St. Helens Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker were Portland visitors Monday. Mrs. Walter Parker was,a Mon day a ternoon caller at the home of Mrs. Oliver Mellinger. 18t2---- Hillsboro Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Borton spent Saturday in Hillsboro and Forest Grove and Sunday in Portland. Vis itors at the Borton home a week ago Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Borton of Nashville, Oregon, and Charles and Bill Atkins and their families of Forest Grove. Bush Out Again— at Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Georgt Clobat »pent the week-end in Salem visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Delmeler. Mrs. Delmeler is Mr. Cobat’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cobat and Ralph Cobat spent Saturday morn ing in Portland on business. Mrs. Seehafer's sister, Miss Wini fred Tueth, of Vancouver, Wash ington, was a week-end visitor at the Seehafer home. Jewett A. Bush who last week “Shut-In” Meeting was injured in an accident as he A “shut-in” meeting was held at we answering an ambulance call Mis. John Baker’s home Sunday was able Wednesday to be out for evening. the first time. Ned and Victoria Graves are spending the week at the home of In Portland— their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. M. Ruhl and Mrs. A. J. W. T. Graves. Hughes were Portland business vis Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Snider and itors Monday of this week. daughter, June, spent Saturday in Portland and Hillsboro on business. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Holmes and son spent Sunday evening at Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Miller and baby daughter of Portland were RIVERVIEW— Mr. and Mrs. guests over the week-end with Mrs. Claude E. Gibson, Patsy Jean, Miller’s mother, Mrs. G. L. McKin- ster. Claudine and Claude Eugene spent Miss Betty Makinster returned to Saturday in St. Helens. her home last last, week after Ben Wilkerson who is now in spending some time in the Smith the navy and stationed at Bremer hospital at Hillsboro where she underwent an appendectomy. She ton, Washington, was home to see is doing nicely now. his parents this week-end. His par Ralph Mahar is building a home ents are Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wil in Riverview. He «nd his family kerson. are now living at the Henry place. Mr. and Mrs. C.U. Harmon spent As soon as their new home is com Sunday fishing at St. Helens. plete they will occupy it. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bassett spent and Mrs. Marvin Holmes, Lee Jack- Saturday at Forest Grove on busi son and Ruth Hall were dinner ness. guests at the Lawrence Hall some Mr. and Mrs. Morris Graves and Sunday. W. T. Graves were in Portland Hale Graves, who is in the Naval Saturday. Reserve stationed at Seattle, was home on Thursday and Friday visi ting his parents, Mr. and Mrs W. T. Graves. Miss Betty Ratkie and Joanne Keck visited this week-end in Van couver at her sister's home, Mrs. Harvard Malmsten. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobat and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grenia and son spent Saturday afternoon Two Navy Men Visit Parents The Forum To the Editor: I read your editorial about the member of our city council attend ing a meeting in an intoxicated condition. Now it is well k..awn that a man in that condition is in sane and unfit to take part it. any 'business, and never should nave been permitted to sit at the council table. Think of such a man voting for sober folk’s laws! He or any other man or woman under the in fluence of liquor should be turned outside before he even is seated. Why do we endure such abuse of freedom in our nation? Several years ago, I suggested that representatives of our churches and lodges as well as other citizens visit our council meetings each time to show interest in our town’s bus iness. I believe the council would welcome visitors. Mrs. A. E. Jennings 2. 3. 4 5. Al l. TAXES ON PROPERTY, for slalr pur poses have been wiped out. Now Gov. Sprague is determined on 20% cut in slate income taxes. Stale bonded debt sla-hed #12.300.000. Alate Guard is now expanded into a true home defense system. Gov. Sprague originated the plan for the Civil Reserves; 110.000 have enrolled. N AJv-aeElwtGw.SpMvtG— JokoS A* VM Eat bread for health and energy. You’ll like the bread we make for it tastes good, is nutritious and gives you vitamins you need for health. Vernonia PHONE 991 akery KNOW WHERE TO GO FOR SERVICE AND TH15 . SATISFACTION! They for go to King’s their groceries and meats because they know they ‘Age is a sorry traveling conip<mionM — Danish proverb will be satisfied with the Flower Plants Garden Seeds Vernonia Trading Co. Vernonia, Oregon APRIL 30—Washington inaugurat ed 1st president, 1789. purchases they make. if you have not shopped 1—1st Child Health Day proclaimed nationally, 1928. at King’s, 2—Coinage of 20-cent pieces ordered ceased, 1878. do so today and every day you buy. 3— Island of Jamaica dis covered. 1491 You, too, will be satisfied founded at Andover, Mass, 1808. ------------ •------------- S—130,000 western miners join soft coal strike, 1939. One Delivery Daily Two Saturdays Deliveries and Pay 4— Theological seminary 8—Dirigible Hindenburg de stroyed, 1937. on Days WI»U Servie» King’s Grocery and Market “Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge, Riverview Some of These Suggestions May Help You 1— Have due respect for all wire» and fixtures so long as they are in use. 2— Employ an experienced man to make repairs and additions to house wiring, it will save you money. 3— Have defective sockets and outlets replaced. 4— Use only rubber covered cords on appliances that are used in damp places. 5— When cords show wear, discard them. 6— Use a ground wire on your washing machine. r YOUR J SCRAP IRON ' BREAD—The Way You Like It King’s SMART WOMEN with the, service. Forging Ahead with Gov. Sprague 1. CITY_____ 115 ’TILL HELP WIN OPENS 7— Avoid handling electrical equipment when your hands are wet. SAT.-SUN., MAY 2&3 *Play—Keep 'em Happy!9 8— Disconnect your iron by removing cord from outlet. Don’t control irons or other appliances by switches in sockets. THRILL RIDES for Everyone PICNIC * SWIM * RELAX DANCE Jut TEAGARDEN May 2 to 10 (Every Night) * Dad Watson's Old-Time Dancing [«r, Sattday Aitcritaoa JAMTZEN beach PARK 10 Acre« of Froo 9— Don’t use temporary extensions in place of permanent wiring. 10— Don’t run cords under doors or carpets. -- •-- If in doubt, call the Electric Company. Oregon Gas & Electric Co. Ï