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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1942)
Thursday, April 23, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon 5 Remember Pearl Harbor United We Stand Divided We Fall Application for Oregon Defense Ranger Submitted by NEHALEM VALLEY WAR COUNCIL I (|o hereby solemnly swear to defend and to protect to the best of my hldiCiduTls inT y’ my hrme anu mv f0Jnlr-V from any and all invaders, agents, strov ir to oierthT‘n,Z»l10niSr '?'! T* °r attemPt to >nvade, to conquer, to de- mlnf • ♦ 1 overthrow the United States of America and its form of govern ment, to assist the government of the United States, the armv, the navy, the air forte. the police and other defense organizations when called upon or need ed, to train, arm and equip myself, refrain from excessive use of liquor, be alert, to instantly respond in emergency or when called; to display identifica tion bands m action or on maneuvers; to coordinate with other Ranger squads and o obey the commander’s orders willingly, helpfully and efficiently at • »• *’j>eJng j °^ mind and *’°.dy antl believing it to be my sacred and pat riotic duty, do this day soemnly sign, align and join myself until victory in won, to the . . R. (Oregon Defense Rangers), to defend and preserve our freedom, our country and our government, even to the last man, SO HELP ME GOD. ________________ NAME_________ _ _____________ ADDRESS 9:45 A. M.—Bible school, direct ed by Alban Colsen, superintendent. 1 ] :0U A. M.—Morning worship. 6:30 P. M.—Christ Ambassador’s serv >es. 15 P. M.—Evening services. Wednesday night, 7:45—Bible Christian Church —The Livingstone», Minister» study and prayer meeting. Thursday, 2:00 P. M.—Ladies 9:45—Bible school; M. L. Herrin, missionary and prayer band. superintendent. Friday, 7:45—Christ Ambas 11:00—Communion service. sadors. 11:30—Morning sermon; subject We invite everyone to be in our —‘‘The Salvation of the Chui ch.” services. 6:30—-The two C. E. societies. 7:30—Song service, evening com munion and sermon; subject—“Vic torious Living In Days of Stress.” 7:30—Prayer meeting. By EDNA ENGEN At The Churches . Book Talk Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints— “Book Hauses” Annie Fellows Johnston Sunday school convenes at 10 I always think the cover of a. m. at the I. O. O. F. hall under A book is like a door the direction of Charles Ratkie, Which opens into someone's house s uperintendent. Where I’ve not been before. News of the Theatre RUBBER ROBOT— Fcfrced to wear heavy facial make-up and a 70-pound rubber suit for his role of a human elec trical man in “Man Made Monster,” Lon Chaney, Jr., lost 16 pounds during production of the chill-pack ed drama. Lionel Atwill, Anne Nagel, Frank Albertson and Samuel S. Hinds have ether leading roles in the Univer sal picture. ‘TARGET FOR TONIGHT’— The “full cooperation” of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain was gladly given the production, “Target for Tonight,” which War Assembly of God Church ner Bros, is currently releasing, A pirate or a fairy queen — Rev. John W. Hodges, Pastor and which shows, in previously un May lift the latch for me; Sunday services: equalled detail, the exciting bus.aess I always wonder, when I knock, of bombing Germany by night. Only What welcome there will be. Guaranteed actual members of the R. A. F. “The Apprehensive Dog” by H. C. Watch Repairing are shown in the film. Bailey. W. T. JACOBS 1162 State Street This is a Reggie Fortune story CHARMING FAMILY TALE— V ernonia All the charm and quaintness of written in H. C. Bailey’s best man the early 1900’s is captured in the ner and as his fans know, that is enchanting film, “One Foot In good! Heaven.” The story of a struggling In this day and age when de minister and his typical American tective stories are as numerous family is told with a grand mix as the drops in an Oregon rain storm, oddly enough good mysteries ture of drama and humor. The outwardly stern, but inward- are proportionately harder to come ly sympathetic minister is played by. by Fredric March and his eneour- While Scotland Yard worried over aging, understanding wife is por- the more obvious clues, Reggie For Scott. tune, lazy and lovable, worried trayed by Martha MOTHERS— Medical science has proved that milk is the most satisfactory food for growing children and adults! Grade A Milk & Cream Phone today for reg ular delivery to your home. LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL See my bargain, in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 per M. and up. Open Saturday, from 8 a. m. to noon. ititrcE LAWNMOWERS—Ground and re paired by Electrakeen system. Price 11.00. Will call and deliver for $1.50. Guaranteed work. A. F. Scha- ROOM AND BOARD—in private lock, Riverview. 15 t d home. Inquire at Eagle office. 17t3— FOR SALE—Electrolux cleaner with attachments. In perfect condition. $35. Bush Furniture Store. 17tl— bOR SALE—6-room house. Reason able terms. 941 First St. A. H. Tisdale. 17tl Ray Middleton, the tall, dark, and handsome lad, who is being haled by film critics as the “Find of 1941,' is one of the tallest men in the movies, being six feet, three inches tall. He weighs 190 pounds, and is an excellent athlete. Middle ton’s latest film is Republic’s “Hurricane Smith.” Call and Delivery Service Alterations and Repairing Office: Ben Brickel’» Barber Shop Oregon Laundry and Cleaners NEW and USED PARTS Gas and OIL Exert Auto Repairing Open at 7:30 A. M.; Closed at 7:30 P. M We close all day Sunday LYNCH AUTO PARTS RIVERVIEW Fans who complain Fred Astaire hasn’t danced enough in recent pic tures will be pleasantly surprised by “You’ll Never Get Rich.” The star has four dance num bers in this Columbia musical with Rita Hayworth and all of them are spectacular enough to rank with the hottest hoofing he has ever done on the screen. Cole Porter, one of Broadway’s greatest composers, wrote the songs and lyrics for “You’ll Never Get Rich.” USE 600 HORSES— Six hundred horses, all motion picture trained were used during the filming of Columbia's “West of Ayilene,” outdoor drama which stars Charles Starrett with Mar jorie Cooley. SPEED DIFFERENCE When two identical automobiles are driven over the same 1,000-miie course, one at 25 miles an hour and the other at 65, the latter consumes 60 per cent more gasoline and 800 per cent more oil, and causes 700 per cent more wear on tire«. STANDARD GAS and OIL REPAIRING Open Sunday*—Closed on Mondays Hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ROSE AVENUE GARAGE 717 Rose Ave. Business-Professional Directory A rare, light-bodied «moothneM definitely appeals to those who really appreciate fine whiskey! tfio ^219 G. J. Ten Brook, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 72 Residence Phone 172 For Your Beauty Needs ELIZABETH’S BEAUTY SALON Phone «31 Elizabeth Horn Hair Stylist and Cosmetologist The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK ASTAIRE STEPS OUT— Dry Cleaning Phone 773 Classified Ads . . ALTITUDE— PHONE 471 4 FOR SALE OR TRADE—For town property: 2 acres, 5 room semi modern house, garage, woodshed and NOTICE chicken house; all kinds of berries Notice is hereby given that bids city water and tights. One mile from will be received by E. R. Mills, town on Stoney Point road. >1500. Clerk of Union High School District See Carl Davis. 16 t 3 No. 1, of Vernonia, Oregon, until 8:00 P. M. Saturday, May 9, 1942, FOR SALE—Four room house, 1 tor ninety (90) cords of four foot acre of ground, good well with wood. electric pump. $700 cash or $200 Bids will be accepted on any of down and $15 per month Mrs. the following: Thomas Gatten, Riverview. 15 t 3 Green old growth slab wood Second growth slab wood FOR SALE—Packing boxes. Two Green old growth wood for 5c. Get them from J. C. Second growth wood “Abe” Lincoln, The Men’s Store. This wood is to be of a size not 12 tf — smaller than eight inches cross sec- tion at smallest point. FOR RENT—The Wright house or Bidder to specify kind of wood, fields, or both, located one mile Wood to be delivered and piled from Mist on Vernonia highway. See under the supervision of Mr. R. L. or write Mrs. Albert E. Wood, Kea- Spencer, Janitor, not later than sey Route, on Stoney Point road. August 1, 1942. 16 t 3 The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Oscar G. Weed LOOKING—for a house close in. ATTEST: Rent or buy. Dr. Glenn J. Ten Chairman Brook. 17tl E. R. Mills Clerk 16t2— HELP WANTED—Telephone opera tor for a small exchange. Some NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT previous experience necessary. In In the county court of the state quire Eagle office. 17t2— of Oregon for Columbia county. In the matter of the estate of CHARLES S. HOFFMAN, deceased. WANTED—Girl for general house Notice is herelby given that the work and care of 2 children for undersigned, as executrix of the es employed couple. Good wages. In tate of Charles S. Hoffman, deceas 16 t 3 ed, has tiled her final’ account in the quire at Eagle office. county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county, and that Sat WANTED—Someone to plow field. urday, May 16th, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of L. Sargent, three miles north of 16 t 3 said day and the court room of Vertnonia. said court has been apponted by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto WANTED—200 strawberry pickers. Free transportation daily. Regis and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published April ter at Frank Hartwick home, 192 17th, 1942. Date of last publication May 15th, North Street, Vernonia. Phone 1042. 16t4 1942. Kate G. Hoffman Executrix FOUND—Set of three keys for David O. Bennett General Motors car near planer St. Helens, Oregon shed at 0-A mill. Owner may have Attorney same by paying for this ad. 16t3— Legal Notices and Mrs. Cart' Davis motor- ed to Fort Lewis Friday to bring home their son, Sergeant Harold Davis, home. Harold expects to be home on 60-day leave while wait- ing for a call to report to flying school. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott and family motored to Seaside Sunday. Friday evening callers at thj Perry Browning home were Otto Boeck of Cascade Locks, Mrs. V. H. Creson and Mrs. L. C. Boeck of Springfield, L. A. Boeck and Mr. and Mrs. William Larson of Birken- feld. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker and son accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Al Pierce and family motored to Garibaldi Sunday where the party dug clams. They then visited with the Wallace Bergerson family for merly from here and were dinner guests of the E. Carlson family, also former Vernonia residents. Mrs. L. C. Boeck of Springfield spent Friday night with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Vurl Roberts mo- tored to Seaside Sunday. They re turned home by way of Astoria, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. O’Brien and family were Hillsboro visitors Sat- urday. Perry Browning and son accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Pat McAuley and son clam digging near Gearhart Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker and son were Saturday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Counts. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Michener were Sunday caliere at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lindsey. Oliver Mellinger and Homer In man spent Saturday fishing at St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Derebery and a friend from Portland were Sun day callers at the Perry Mellinger home. A quilting party met at the home cf Mrs. Otto Michener. Those pres ent were Mrs. Phil Millis, Mrs. T. C. Biggs, Mrs. H. Thacker and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger and children motored to Portland Friday night to attend the Jeffer son Senior Class play. * Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger and Mrs. Perry Browning were callers Monday night at Forest Grove. over the little dog that wasn’t re RUGGLES LOVES DOGS1— acting at all in the approved doggie Charlie Ruggles loves dogs—as manner. pets—but not as actors! In “The Perfect Snob,” Ruggles plays the part of a veterinarian whose love for dogs ranges from Great Danes to toy terriers. Twen ty-five dogs in all share scenes with Ruggles throughout the picture, much to the well-known comic’s displeasure. It seems that the cute canines steal most of his scenes! Nehalem Dairy Products Co r Sergeant Expects 60-Day Leave Mr. ’ - - - • Invites You to Bank by Mail if Inconvenient to Come in Person Dr. U. J. Bittner Dentist Joy Theatre Bldg. Phone 6*1 Expert Tonsorial Work BEN’S BARBER SHOP Vernonia, Oregon J. A. Thornburg, President "THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” Nehalem Valley Motor Freight Frank Hartwick, Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon Proprietor Portland - Tim bar • Vernonia Sunset - Elsie • Cannon Beach Gearhart - Seaside Vernonia Telephone 1042 Roland D. Eby, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Town Office 891 NEAL W. BUSH Attaraey at Law Joy Theatre Bldg., Phone 663 In Vernonia Mondays and Tuesdays