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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1942)
2 Thursday, April 23, 1942, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon yCUK TOWN’S TOPICS Visit Plans Changed— A more recent communication than that of last week informing of ‘he intended visit of Lieutenant George W. Laird was received after publication time to tell that Laird was instead being transferred im mediately to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Saturday in Portland the play, "Springtime for Henry” with Ever ett Edward Horton heading the cast. Benefit dance at Odd Fellows hall, Saturday, May 9. Music Night by 17t3— ingale orchestra. Returns to Office— Merle Ruhl returned to his work in the O. A. office Tuesday, follow Joanne Nichols, University of ing his illness with the flu. Oregon student, is one of 29 Soph omore coeds at the university who Leave* for Portland---- and Marvin Porterfield Mrs. wer<> pledged to Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s service honorary. children left recently for Portland Announcement of the honor was re v here they will make their home. ceived here Monday of this week. Porterfield has been employed in the city for several weeks, follow- Buy your Mother’s Day gift at iog his work as a student in weld- Christian Church Bazaar, Saturday, ing. Service Honorary Pledged— April 25. In old post office build 1711— ing. Electrolux t ment*. In St. Helen*---- See it In at Cleaner | perfect Bush with ai.ach- $35. condition. Furniture Store. Motoring to St. Helens last Tnurs- 1711 — day to hear an address by Gov- i rnor Charles A. Sprague were C. Erven Visits Parents---- Fred Erven visited his parents, F. Hieber, E. G. Roediger, C. M. Johnson and Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erven, Wed nesday and Thursday of last week. Attend Play---- Fred has advanced in radio to First Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon and Class P. O. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills attended Alfred and Paul Cummings visi ted with their folks, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cummings, Sunday. Bettie Ratkie spent the week-end at Vancouver visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Malmsten. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reller were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cobat and family Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Cobat spent the week-end in Portland visiting Mrs. Fred Raymond and W. T. Ray mond. Mr. Raymond is Mrs. Cobat’s brother and Mrs. Fred Raymond is her step-mother. Mrs. America Meets the War EDITOR’S NOTE: War touche* every every on citizen. official This home column, government and based information and prepared by the Office for Em ergency Management, *how* how the war will affect Mr*. America and her home. The long-awaited order restrict ing women’s styles is here at last and proves to be very mild. Mrs. America won’t look very different, after all. A littl'e less fullness in Plymale* to Move— her skirts, a little less length in her The Ray Plynisl'es have sold their jackets, no French cuffs on her home on Corey hill and plan to sleeves. It’s doubtful whether men move the first of the month to will notice the difference at all— except that lines will be slightly Lebanon. more figure-revealing. * * * You’re going to miss certain of your favorite canned soups. A new tin order prohibits tin for canning all except certain specified varities. The range is still' wide, but if your RIVERVIEW—Mr. and Mrs. R. favorite was black bean or cream Cobat now have their garden up. of mushroom, you won’t find it on Some of the things that are up are the list. Fish chowders, chicken, and a wide variety Of vegetable dXHZHXHXHXHXt radishes, beets, lettuce and peas. It soups will still' be available, al is one of the first garden in River though many cans may be larger view. than usual. Also, a greater amount Miss Betty Makinster is now in of tin is being allowed for pack the Smith hospital. She had an aging soups which require the addi appendicitus operation and is now tion of water, rather than those doing nicely. which come “ready to serve.” Mrs. Isham Bond visited Sunday * * • evening at Bond’s home. When your old heating pad wears Mrs. J. Pullen of Portland came out, you may not get a new one < ut to sec Mr. and Mrs. John Krin- Get the paint you need to wrap around yourself. No ..lore ick. They visited over the week- now before prices chromium may be used in their end. manufacture, and production for change! Riverview Home Purchased home use is to be cut drastically. Carroll Chance has purchased the Hospital types, however, will’ still Gatton place. be made in near-normal quantities. Mrs. Alice Holliwell and family • • « Painting Is Easy and of Seaside visited her mother, Mrs. Maybe it ’ s a good thing that you Inexpensive when you Emma Steele, last week-end. be able to get cljorine won ’ t Mr. and Mrs. Hilda Billings of use Rep-Quick Rapid- bleaches as usual for your laundry. P( rtland visited Mrs. Emma Steele According to the Consumer Division Dry Enamel last week-end. Other visitors with it is only recently that housewives Mrs. Steele were Mrs. Nick Farn- Qt. $1.50 Enamel have used bleaches regularly. Xnd strom and daughter of Vancouver. often, in an effort to get clothes Mrs. Farnstrom is a daughter of Interior Gloss Qt. $1.10 snowy white, the use of chlorine Mrs. Steele. had damaged 'fabrics. Bleaching Public Service House Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gowen and has never been a good substitute children of Ridgefield, Washington Paint Gal. $3.50 for washing, and clothes will last were visitors Sunday at the home much longer if you depend on good Covers 500 to 550 sq. ft. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keene. washing methods, plenty of soap Mrs. Gowen is a sister of Mr. 2 coats per gallon and water—and sunshine for a Keene. Mrs. O. W. Steele visited Mr. whitener. *' * ♦ and Mrs. Nick Farnstrom in Van- familiar medicines are Even YOU CAN’T BUY A couver recently. chahging with the war. Both supply Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bond visited at FINER HOUSE PAINT and distribution of quinine, so im- Mist Sunday. portant as an anti-malarial agent, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin "Woods For Hardware— has now been put under government spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. See Hoffman control. Although quinine will pro r.r.d Mrs. Jim Bond. bably disappear from many common Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson and medicines, it will be saved for mil children visited Mr. and Mrs. C. I. itary use and treatments in which Anderson over the week-end. it is indespensable. Ninety-five per 25 Enjoy Veaper Service cent of America's supply of cin Members of the Assembly of God chona bark, the source of quinine, visited Mrs. Alice Crawford Sun day afternoon for a home vesper came from Java and the Dutch East Indies. South America is the next song service. About 25 singers were beat source, and growing there is present. being spread as quickly as poss- ible. * * If you I and your husband are golfers, you may be taking up tiddly-winks before long. First the government took the rubber out of golf balls, and now a new order A complete fresh stock of delicious home style bans all iron and steel, other criti- cal metals, plastips and cork from breads and pastries is always on hand here. Get the manufacture of golf clubs. Soon tonight’s dessert here! golf-club production is expected to stop entirely. However, supplies of golf balls and clubs for this sum mer are reported adequate. ... Among government limitation or- PHONE 991 dors last week of interest to Mra. America: Almost complete prohibi- tion of all new civilian building. No new installations of liquid ga« equip FIGURE IT OUT FOR YOURSELF ment for cooking or heating. No more metal foil in cigarette pack Sugar is needed in the manufacture of smoke aging. No more household cvpper less powder and the government has asked every screening. A further deep cut in one to Conserve on sugar. Figure it out for your the jute previously allotted for rug self ... is it patriotic to buy more sugar than you k- and carpet manufacture. • • • need. Help your country, yourself, your neighbors Early Garden Growth Reported Springtime Is the Time to PAINT! HOFFMAN Hardware Co (IT SIIOIIT THOSE 1109 BIS IX TIIE KIK ISEX other medical essentials is threaten ed by a present wave of nome hoarding. So don’t stock up un necessarily on materials which are of such vital importance to our fighting men. * * * Mrs. America watch the price tags! Already ceiling prices have been set on a number of household articles such as radios, phonographs, Cooking and heating stoves, washing and ironing machines and vacuum cleaners—and many more are com ing! Government regulations say that a tag must appear on each article clearly stating the maximum price which may be charged. This order is specifically for consumer protection against unfair prices— sc be an intelligent shopper and look for the government tags. » —buy sugar for immediate nt’ids only. SAM’S FOOD STORE GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES An Independent, Home-Owned Grocery FREE DELIVERY Perhaps unintentionally you have been hoarding first aid materials, It is true that the government has asked every household to be pre- pared with an adequately stocked first-aid cabinet—but this does not mean you should set up a miniature hospital. A very serious shortage of surgical gauze, bandages and person turning must yield the *.ght- of-way to al'l oncoming traffic within the intersection or so close as to constitute an immediate haz ard. Thereafter the ’driver may proceed to make the turn, and on coming traffic alpproaching the intersection must permit the turn ing car to proceed. SOUND DEADENED Because of the cellular nature of wood, lumbr-built houses absorb and deaden sound. Lew's Place “Where the Crowd Goes” * » After June 30 a long list of metals, cloth, plastics, colors, oils and chemicals may not be used for toys, games or Christmas ornaments. So start looking forward to games made entirely of wood and card board, and Christmas tree orna ments made of paper and spun glass (no more dangling tinsel or cellophane). Already one manufac turer has perfected a tricycle made almost entirely of wood, and sim ilar substitutions are being made in boys’ coaster wagons. Unfortune- ately for big as well as little boys, however, electric trains are out for the duration, Has always been the gathering place for con genial people and now in addition we have good meals served in home-like style. Chinese Noodles A Specialty Right-of-Way Laws Reviewed Few rules of the road are less understood or more misunderstood than those having to do with right- of-way, according to the legal de partment of the Oregon State Mo tor Association. Pointing out that many accidents are caused by motorists who have either a vague or mistaken idea concerning right-of-way rules, the motorists’ organization presented the following summary of provis ions cf the Vehicle Code on the subject: Highway Intersection Rule* Drivers, when approaching high way intersections, shall look for and give right of way to vehicles on the right, simultaneously ap proaching a given point, whether such vehicle first enters or reaches the intersection or not; provided, that the foregoing provisions shall not apply at any intersection where and when traffic is controlled by Flower Plants ------------ •------------- Garden Seeds MEMBER Head Office, Portland, Oregon FEDERAL DEPOSIT ID S V R>> H C E C Pit r PR A T I 0 N King’s EAT MORE MEAT FOR HEALTH Give your family plenty of meat in their daily diet. It supplies energy for work and play . . . protein needed to build firm, strong muscles . . . minerals vitamins and necessary for vigorous hiulth. Best of all—high quality meats such as ^ho«e featured daily at KINGS are fine in flavor ■’nd economical to buy Our meats are carefully elected so waste is re duced to a minimum. “Good company makes the journey seem shorter ”—Isaac I! alton APRIL 23 ! — Electric light patent granted Thomas Edison, ,1879. J U. S. newspaper published in Boston. 17Ü4. 24— First ) ,S' V;*> 2_ pVÿ 25— Pres. Roosevelt desig nates Norway as a bel ligerent, 1940. 26— Congress declared war on Mexico, 1846. S. signed Argentine anti-war pact, 1934. 27— U. i ~ a One Delivery Daily Two Saturdays Deliveries and on Pay Days 28- Philip LaFollette founds ¡Srfr3rd political party, 1938. - 29-Coxey’s army visits Washington, 1894. * nu smtw King’s Grocery and Market “Where Your Money Buys More” Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge, Riverview Vernonia, Oregon WITH LUNCH St. Helens Branch o/ the United States National Bank ------------ •------------- Vernonia Trading Co. today, order ACME... the beer with the high I.Q , (1/ Quenches. Vernonia Bakery i traffic control signals or police of ficers. Any driver entering an intersec tion at an unlawful speed shall forfeit any right-of-way whicn he would otherwise have under this rule. When intending to turn left, the driver must give a proper arm sig nal continuously for the last fifty feet before turning, but the actual turn must not be made until it can be done with reasonable safety. The Today, at lunch, give yourself a new treat. Learn how sparkling Acme puts an "edge” to your appetite...makes food taste lots better. Get into the habit of saying, "I’ll take Acme.” ACME BREW ERIFS • Sa* Twdtn KCME BREWED WITH PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOPS and BARLEY Buy WAR SAVINGS IONDS STAMM Nehalem Dairy Product* Vernonia Distributors