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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1941)
Thursday, Oct. 30, 1941, Vernonia Eagle, Vernonia, Oregon Post Office Wins In Monday Game The Post Office 'boys defeated the Nehalem Market team in the bowling match held Monday, Octo ber 27, with the total scores 2173 to 2159. High point man for the Post Office was Nick Farnstrom who substituted for Ben Fowler; pins totalled 513. Lowell Hieber totalled 489 pins for the Nehalem Market team. One Hunter Lucky on Trip STONEY POINT—Mr. and Mrs. Vurl Roberts and family motored to Crawfordsville where they visited with Mrs. Robert’s parents. Ross Wilkins and June Wood motored to Sheridan, Oregon City and Portland one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and son, Calvin, Paul Coburn, Bud McCafferty and Floyd Smith spent the 18th and 19th hunting in the John Day country. Calvin was the only lucky hunter in the party. Homer Michener has been ill with the flu the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis motored to Portland last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger gave a birthday dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger whose birthdays were on Saturday. The dinner was on Sunday and those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger, Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis and sons of Oregon City, Pete Benson of Astoria and the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mellinger and children. Darell Rose spent Sunday night visiting his cousins, the Atkinson boys, at Pittsburg. Mrs. Fred Dusek’s father, Mr. Jackson, left Wednesday on a trip which will take him through the southern states. Billy and Joan Mellinger attend ed a party at Cleo Lamping’s Sat urday afternoon. Sunday visitors at the Perry Browning home were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Boeck, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker and infant son and Arneld Counts. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dunlap of Clamp McGregor ware Saturday visitors at the Perry Mellinger home. Mrs. Oliver Mellinger, Mrs. Gill ham and Mrs. W. Parker spent last Tuesday in Rainier. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker and Marvin Hoffmeister were Saturday dinner guests at the L. Christenson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kersting and family motored to Boering where they visited with Mr. Kersting’s parents. Milton Lamping spent Friday night at the Oliver Mellinger home. In the early evening Mr. Lamping and Mrs. Mellinger motored to For est Grove where they visited Mrs. Lamping and infant daughter. Mrs. Harry Eckland was a Mon day visitor at the Glen Bodell home. Mr. and Mrs. M. Minddendorph were Sunday dinner guests at the Glen Bodell home. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker and Marvin Hoffmiester were Sunday dinner guests at the A. Pierce home. Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Mellinger. Mrs. Lewis Morgan and Mrs. J. Marshall were visitors at the Bodell' home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown visit ed at the Glen Bodell home during last week. Brother Visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howell of Port land visittd Mr. Howell's brother, Harry Howell, over the week-end. Miss June Mulkins had her ton sils removed Thursday. She is do ing nicely. 'George Van Hoy from Yakima and Mrs. Anna Gillinwater of Gold- endale, Washington, were Wednes day visitors at the J. T. Hollett home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lewis were Sunday dinner guests at the D. H. Calhoun home. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Calhoun and family motored to Seaside Sunday a week ago. Visitor Returns Home Richard Scott was a Monday visi Pete Benson, who has been visi tor at the Everett Wood home. ting at the Oliver Mellinger home Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood mo during hunting season, is returning tored to Portland Friday where to his home in Astoria this week. they visited Mrs. Wood’s mother. Mrs. Bressie, who is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. MacDonald TASTY and daughter were week-end visitors HAMBURGERS in Portland. Ttiesday Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mac You’ll like the hamburg Donald motored to Albany. ers we serve because we know just how to season them to suit vour taste. Terminal Cafe School Census Being Taken Koberstein, the husband of our dear sister, Elizabeth, Resolved: That the removal of such a life leaves a vacancy and shadow that will be deeply realized by family and friends, Resolved: That Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243, of which Elizabeth is a member, desires to extend to her, sympathy, in her great bereavement. Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the re cords of the Lodge, a copy printed in the local paper, and a copy tended our sister. Committee of Mt. Heart Rebekah Lodge No. 243. Irene Spencer Florence McDonald Grace Currie 44tl— SUNSET—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shank of Sylvan and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peterson attended the dedica tion of Initqnstate Tractor and Equipment Tuesday evening. Mrs. Anna Meury has been tak ing the school census. Mrs. Meury is clerk for school district 87. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Sandberg spent the week-end at their Sea side home. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Robertson of Rainier visited at the O. B. Sandberg home Monday while en route to his home. Ed Petegson visited Mr. and Mrs. Louie Vick of Sherwood Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hulbert and Mrs. Johnson of Portland wore guests at the camp Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jefferies and Joyce of Tigard were dinner guests FOR SALF—Spacious 5-room house with full bath, located at 925 of the latter’s sister and family, Rose Avenue. Prie«. $2500; terms Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peterson. $250 cash, balance easy monthly Vernonia People Visit payments. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds PROPERTIES INCORPORATED and daughter of Vernonia were 423 S. W. Broadway, Portland, Ore. visitors at the Fred Davis home Attention Mr. Meig3 44t3— Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Watson of FOR SALE—10 white leghorn pul Buxton spent Saturday with Mrs. lets about ready to lay. 3 Ayr Watson’s brother and sister-in-law, shire heifer calls, and one beef to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher. sell by the quarter. Phone 13F51, Fred Davis spent the week-end Charles Schmidlin. 44tl at his home here. Mr. Davis Is attending a government school at FOR SALE—Collapsible baby buggy. Astoria. Cason Transfer, Phone 923. 44t3 Vernon Peterson was an overnight guest Friday of Glenn Rainwater. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rebstzke FOR SALE—Small equity in furni- were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Boze of Hillsboro Sunday. Special They also visited Mrs. Rebitzke’s 80% Collision mother, Mrs. Anna Godfred, of ALL KINDS OF Hillsboro. INSURANCE School children of this vicinity enjoyed a one-day vacation be SEE cause of teachers institute Monday. Classified Ads............ Parent* Visited Pasture Grass Seed Vernonia Trading Co. Vernonia, Oregon FOR SALE—Weaner Pigs. Biggs, Mist route. SPOTS DON’T WORRY US! Ruby 44t3 PIANO—Small new piano stored near Vernonia. Also used piano Both must be sold at once. Terms if desired. Write Tallman Piano Store, Salem, Ore. 44t3— FOR SALE—Guernsey cows and some heifers. John C. Titus, Mist 43t3 route. Relax and let your chil dren play out of doors as much as they will. Turn over the worry of keeping them clean to us. You can count on us for an expert job and a fair price. White clothes and light fabrics are safe with us. FOR SALE—40 Red hens. Webster Wilkins, across from spring on 43t3 Mist road. PIANO—Near Vernonia, small size, nearly new, will sacrifice for quick sale. Convenient terms. Your old piano taken in trade. Write— Finance Company, 115 East 10th Street, Vancouver, Washington. 43t3 Vernonia-Seaside Laundry & Cleaners FOR SALE1—About 17-month old heifer. C. N. Rundell, Riverview. 42t8 FOR SALE—Fryers. Glen Bodell. Stoney Point. 38tf— L Vernonia Phone 711 Seaside Phone 56 James F. Rainey House 38, O-A Hill Or Anywhere Mrs. Bruce Davis of Coquille has been spending a week visiting her STATE FARM INSURANCE parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vacca. COMPANIES She returned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Whiteside of Scofield sr.d Mrs. Lloyd Fast and children of Buxton were visitors at the Joe Vacca home Friday. Charles Herzig spent from Tues day until' Friday at the Log Con Effective Oct. 15, 1941 gress at Seattle, Washington. Eunell Vacca spent the week-end with Dorothy Simonton of Buxton. Leave Vernonia for Mrs. W. B. Whitehead of Oregon Portland City, who has been spending a few 7:20, 11:10 A. M. days with her daughter, Mrs. Fred 2:10, 7:03 P. M. Davis, left Saturday for Nehalem Private Visits Here to spend a few days with her daugh Private Marvin Hoffmeister spent Leave Portland for the week-end visiting with his sister. ter. Vernonia Mrs. Melvin Baker, and other rela IN MEMORIUM tives. 9:15, 11:15 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shaffer motored Gone is the face we loved so dear. 4:15, 6:15 P. M. Silent the voice we loved to hear; into Portland Saturday. They were Too far away for sight or speech accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. But not too far for thought to Swanger. reach; Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hillsberry are taking their son, Norman, to Sweet to remember him who was here Forest Grove for spinal treatments. And though absent, is just as Depot: Mrs. Walter Chambers came for dear. her small son who has been staying Cozy Confectionery Whereas: It has pleased God in with his grandparents, Mr. an« Phone 582 Mrs. Noel Wood, while Mr. and His all-wise providence to remove from this earthly sphere, Waclaw Mrs. Chambers have been hunting ;n eastern Oregon. Ross Wilkins, June Wood and LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER Mrs. Marvin Wood motored over WHOLESALE AND RETAIL the Wilson River highway to Tilla See my bargain* in Kiln Dried Lumber at $8.75 per M. and up. mook one day last week. Open Saturday* from 8 a. m. to noon. Calvin Davis and Bill Duncan went duck hunting near Scappoose Monday. New Bus Schedules OREGON MOTOR STAGES ---•--- ture. Also 4-room modern house for lease or rent. Call at 945 Third Street, Stockton property. 44tl New and Used Parts New and Used Tires Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS Phone 773 RIVERVIEW -------....................................■. . .. The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK Invites You to Bank by Mail if Inconvenient to Come in Person J. A. Thornburg, President "THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” C. BRUCE WHERE THE MONEY GOES According to the Oregon State Motor Association your dollars spent in service stations go in proportions for the following services: Gaso line, 76 per cent; oil and grease, 7 per cent; supplies, 7 per cent; fuel oil and kerosene, 1 per cent; greas ing, washing, 4% per cent; and other sales, 4 % per cent. That is one motto we adhere to strictly in meet ing our customers. You will appreciate that ser vice when you come to Sam’s for it makes your grocery shopping easier Guaranteed Watch Repairing GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES An Independent, Home-Owned Grocery W. T. JACOBS 1162 State Street Vernonia COURTEOUS SERVICE! SAM’S FOOD STORE Oregon-American LUMBER CORPORATION Vernonia, Oregon FREE DELIVERY POPEYE, THE RECRUITING OFFICER, HANDS OUT A ROUGH IDEA! MOTHERS— Medical science has proved that milk is the most satisfactory food for growing children and adults! Grade A Milk & Cream Phone today for reg ular delivery to your home. Nehalem Dairy Products Co PHONE 471 You’ll look greet in a Navy uniform I Everyone looks bigger, handsomer, in that uniform Uncle Sam's Nov, gives you. And that's only a start. Uncle Sam takes great care of his sailors. Free meals. Free board. Free travel. Free medical and dental care. Free train ing in any one of fifty-odd skilled trodes. And the Navy pays you good money while you learn. What an opportunity! If you are 17 or over, get a free copy of the illustrated booklet, ’"Life in the U S. Navy", from the Navy Editor of this newspaper. SERVE -VOUR COuNTRV.' builo 'tout? future ? CsET IN THE NAVS NOU>{ w 5