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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1941)
Derno g®® E agi e Thursday, November 6, 1941 Prineville to Give Loggers Competition Vernonia to Meet East Oregon School Friday Afternoon There Another game that will give the Loggers plenty of competition has been arranged for playing Friday afternoon when the Vernonia eleven meets Prineville on that school's field. Negotiations for the game have been carried on for several days, some difficulty being exper ienced in raising sufficient funds with which to make the trip. At first it was thought that rhe entire Vernonia squad would not be permittel to make the trip but subscriptions by a number of local persons made possible the necessary finances to permit the entire turn out of boys to go. They will leave here Thursday via cars, it was stated. Frineville Rates High The Prineville team rates high in the quality of its play so far this season, having been defeated only once. The result of that team’s game with Lakeview last Friday was a 30 to 0 win for Prine ville. Authoritative information here the first of the week indicated that the Loggers would meet plenty stiff competition along with the fact that they would be playing at a much higher altitude than the one to which they are accustomed. How ever, all members of the team ara in good shape and have recovered •from u,.y injuries from which they might be suffering as a result of previous games. Upon arrival in Prineville the boys will have a short workout Friday morning previous to the game. The trip to Prineville is the longest ever made by a Vernonia team, it was stated Tuesday. All-Time Record Made This Year Only 7,700 acres of forest land were burned over during the sea son of 1941 on the 12 million acres of forest land coming under the jurisdiction of the state «.forestry department, according to a state ment recently by Lynn F. Urviie- milier, assistant state forester. This represents an all time record, he added, and is just half the previous low of 1937. Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon Petition Seeks Examination Judgment on PUD Legality A petition has been filed with the county clerk of Columbia county which seeks a hearing and judgement on the regularity and legality of the proceedings in connection with the creation of the Nehalem Basin Peoples’ Utility District and the election and qualification of the direct ors thereof. The petition also deals with the proceedings providing for and authorizing the issuance and sale of revenue bonds of said dis trict in the amount of $210,000. Judicial examination is a formal ity through which PUD’s must go before they are allowed to put revenue bonds up for sale. The The program for Armistice Day, revenue bonds were authorized at the general election on November which this year occurs on Tuesday 5, 1940. of next week will be commemoiatea Notice of the hearing is directed Friday afternoon of this week che to all qualified voters in the dis Washington grade school auditorium. trict to tell them that the hearing will be held on December 8, 1941 The program, which is annually pre at 9:30 a. m. in the court room of pared for that day, is open to the the circuit court at the court bouse public. The program has been ar In St. Helens. Stating further the ranged, it was stated Tuesday, with notice reads: Charles F. Walker, president of the May Contest Proceedings “And you are hereby further Northwest School of Commerce, as notified that you and any person or principal speaker for the day. persons interested in such proceed The program will include num ings and the judicial examination bers by the grade school band and judgement < f the above named court as to the regularity and leg under the direction of Thor Ben- ality of said proceedings of said dixon, selections by the high school district, including the proceeaings sextette and high school glee club of said board of directors and of under the direction of Mrs. Sam said district providing for and authorizing the issuance and sale Hearing, Jr., selections by the grade of revenue bonds of said district school girls glee club, and presen>a- in the amount of $210,000. may tions of the American Legion and on or before said day as fixed for Legion Auxiliary awards to tne the hearing of said petition, appear grade school. and contest the validity of such The awards are presented the proceedings or any of them, or any part thereof.” school each year at this time. The awards will be presented to students i t the end of the school term. American Education Week also occurs during the week in which Armistice Day falls so that a por tion of the program will be devoted to that subject. National Book Week which is be ing observed from Nevember 2 to November 8 has its theme this year “Forward with Books”. An attractive display of new books re cently purchased by the Vernonia library is now on exhibit in the Two annual events are slated to show window of the Apparel Shop, occur this coming Saturday, Nov and following the display, the books ember 8 and Sunday, November 16. will be available from the pay On Saturday the Armistice dance sponsored by members of the Amer shelf. As a part of the celebration of ican Legion auxiliary will be held National Book Week, the Oregon in the Legion hall. State library has sent to the Ver Sunday, November 16, at the nonia library 33 new books which Andy Parker farm, Legionnaires wilT be on display in the city hall will hold th^ir annual’ turkey shoot, building until November 28. These an event which always brings crowds books are not to be circuated but to try their hand at trap shooting are provided by the state library as and other forms of shooting in the a means of stimulating interest in endeavor to win turkeys, geese, good reading. chickens and ducks. Convention Î0F Councilmen Take Action on Girls' League Ordinance Granting Right Planned Here Eight Schools Delegates for Event Book Week Display Noted Dance, Shoot Are Slated Between 10 and 15 men, em ployees of the Oregon-American, were released from night-shift work in the planer department the latter part of last week, information this week revealed. It is not known whether the planer will resume operation at night at a later time or not. Lack of orders for lumber was given as the reason for the shut-down in that department. The night-shift in the sawmill de partment continues. “Favorable weather was a large factor in this record but it is also certain that the aggressive Keep Oregon Green campaign had its in fluence. It is notewoithy that in going around the state that we find people in all walks of life thinking and talking about this matter of not starting fires. It is planned to Since Secretary Knox announced continue this work of public infor the enlistment drive for Uncle Sam’s mation during the season of 1942." new Two-Ocean Navy several weeks ago, many young men have asked if they were eligible to enlist with- cut a high school education. American Legion Commander Harry Culbertson answers this im portant question for the young men Clifford Noeller, instructor of of Vernonia. “Navy enlistees do not have to be Canadian airplane pilots at Ottawa, Canada was in Vernonia last Thurs high school graduates,” said Com day to make several flights from mander Culbertson. “Any ambitious the iVemonia airport. Noeller, a and patriotic young fellow who cousin of Mrs. Gene Shipman, was wants to serve his country has that on furlough from his duties in Can opportunity now by joining the ada. He was formerly a resident of United States Navy or Naval Re serve. Of course, he must be of Portland. average intelligence, good character He revealed that much of the in end be able to pass certain physical struction of Canadian pilots is com and mental examinations. Now, more pleted in six weeks during which than ever before, the Na^y needs time they are given lessons on in men of that type. “All applicants, whether or not strument flying. Board Grants Pay Increase Through action by the boaru of directors of the Union High school teachers for that school' will re ceive a pay raise amounting to $5.00 per month for each teacher, it was announced this week. The decision to grant the In crease was made Saturday evening at the board’s meeting. Included with the teachers is the janitor of the school who also received an in crease of like proportion. Ten teachers will be effected. they have high school diplomas, are given an elementary examination containing about 100 questions,’ explained Commander Culbertson. “Those receiving a grade of 50 per cent or more satisfy Navy educa tional standards.” “Naturally, a high school educa tion is helpful in the Navy, just as it b in civilian life,” points out Wallace McCrae, principal of Ver nonia high school. “There are certain advantages for the high school graduate in the Navy,” said Mr. McCrae. “He has a wider background to call upon in earnir; advancement in position and pay. For example, men who are proficient in English may be sent to one of the Navy’s communica tions or clerical schools. Recruits with a knowledge or aptitude for handling tools might he marked for trade or engineering courses. Men To Nehalem Utility District Act Would Grant Franchise to PUD for Next Twenty Years to Operate in City Limits; Proclamation Issued by Mayor Councilmen of the City of Vernonia, sitting in their first meeting for the month of November Monday evening, heard the first and second Leagues on Saturday, November 8. reading of an ordinance which would grant the Nehalem Basin Peoples’ The all-day affair, will be held in Utility District, its successors and assigns, the right to erect, maintain the Washington Grade school, and and operate poles, wires and other appliances and conductors for the will be highlighted by speakers, transmission of electricity for light Dean of Women Buena Maris of and power purposes. The ordinance Oregon State college who will ad must be read one more time in lull dress delegates on the subject: before an official vote is taken by “What Do We Want Out of Life?” the council which will adopt or re and Mrs. Marchit Cohen of Longview ject the measure. who will talk on "American Girls in The council met again Wednesday Funeral services for Harry A. evening in a delayed meeting at Action.” The program will further consist Phelps were read Monday at the which time the third reading will be of entertaining skits by representa Branstetter and Simon funeral home made. At that time also they acted tives cf the various schools as well in Eugene with the graveside ser on routine matters for the first-of- as sectional meetings devoted to vices being held at Independence. the-month business. Phelps passed away on Friany, informal discussion of problems such Other pertinent parts of the ordi as ways and means of raising money, October 31, in Eugene from acute nance are: sponsoring activities for the entire indigestion. He was almost 52 years Privileges Granted student body, and the problem of ■of age, being born on the 1st of “Section 1. That a right and what course of study to follow December, 1889. At the time of his privilege is hereby granted to the during the Girls’ League meetings. death he was employed as rigger Nehalem Basin Peoples’ Utility Dis Special topics which will be dis for the D and C logging company trict, its successors and assigns, to located on the McKenzie river. cussed by groups are: The deceased was city marshal erect or lay, maintain and operate a. What the high school' Girls’ in the City of Vernonia, Oregon, in League can do in the way of war for Vernonia during the years 1928 cluding all the streets, avenues and to 1931 and acted as deputy during lelief. alleys thereof, poles, wires and other b. Educating the socially back 1927. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. appliances and conductors for the ward student. Loel Roberts of Vernonia, and transmission of electricity for light c. Girls in the machine shop. Doris Henninger of Riverside, Cal and power purposes, such wires d. The business girl. and conductors may be strung on e. How to make Girls’ League a ifornia; two brothers, David of other fixtures above ground or laid Beaverton and Tom of Eugene; practical' help in the school. lives in Portland. underground in pipes or conduits This is the first year that girls and a sister who I or otherwise protected, and such of Vernonia high have ever acted other apparatus may be used as as hostesses for the Lower Colum necessary or proper and maintain bia group. Keen anticipation ha3 the same. been expressed and rather elaborate “Section 5. Nothing in this ordi plans have been made to accommo nance shall be construed in any date the large attendance expected. The old-time square dance is not way to prevent the City of Ver Schools which will send delegates only coming back, but is taking the nonia from maintaining or operat to the convention here are Clats country with speed comparable to ing their own light or electric plant kanie, Astoria, Seaside, St. Helens, and to engage in direct competition Rainier, Warrenton, Westport and a new collegiate fad, reports Miss with the Nehalem Basin Peoples’ Izola Jensen, O. S. C. extension Scappoose. specialist in community social or Utility District, or from sewering, ganization, who has just held some grading, planking, repairing or alter trainings meetings in southern Ore ing any of the streets herein men gon. These training meetings, held tioned, but such work shall be done, in Coos, Jackson, and Klamath if possible, so as not to obstruct, counties, were the first of a series injure or prevent the free use of which will include other counties said poles, wires, conductors, pipes or other apparatus of the said Orders for blackout were follow this fall and winter. Nehalem Basin Peoples’ Utility Dis ed well last Friday night, according Many Participate trict, its successors and assigns. to reports from city officials. In Outdoor square dancing this sum a few instances house lights were mer, at a national training meeting Effective 20 Years “Section 7. The rights, privileges not turned off because the occup at Colorado Springs attended by ants knew nothing about the pro Miss Jensen, was participated in on and franchises herein granted shall posed darkening for the Vernonia some occasions by from 60 to 80 continue and be in full force and area. Only one instance of difficulty sets of four couples each. At the effect for the period of 20 years in getting persons to darken their recent indoor training meeting at from the date of the passage of houses was experienced, it was re Medford, 12 sets took part, while this ordinance.” Also drafted by City Attorney vealed. at Klamath Falls 17 sets were on Street lights were turned off the floor, with a loud speaker over Neal Bush at the meeting was a during the afternoon so that by which Miss Jensen did the calling. proclamation for issuance by Mayor the time darkness came nothing Both young and old are taking to George Johnson which makes effec but house lights and young trick-or- these “swing clubs”, says Miss Jen tive from Monday, November 3rd, treaters were visible. About ten, sen. They are being introduced in the charter amendment which was when the blackout signal came, Old schools for noon hour or after voted on at the city election Octo Man moon persisted in shining school recreation, are used by ber 24th and which was adopted through the Oregon mist, making granges and other community at that time. The proclamation quite an adequate light for tnose groups, and are even being used at rppears elsewhere in this issue. patrolling. church parties, frequently wi h the participants in costume. PUBLICATION DAY CHANGED A new mimeograph entitled “Fun Subscribers will receive The Eagle with the Old-Time Swing” has been on Friday instead of Thursday of prepared for free distribution to the coming week due to the Armis those interested in developing this tice holiday on Tuesday, November type of recreation. The Vernonia Fire Department II th. was called into action early Tues day morning to extinguish a blaze in the Thacker residence on First Avenue. It could not be determined what caused the fire but no dam with college educations may qualify age resulted and the blaze was ex The weather report for the past tinguished with chemicals without for midshipmens’ training courses in the Naval Reserve and after £ months was given this week by water being turned on. The call was mad<* at 12:25 a. m. their schooling period they will re the recording station in charge <>/ Ed Sessman. The comparative fig port for active duty as officers ures for the months were given as Many Stores to Close with the rating of ensigns. follows: September, maximum, 80 In commemoration of Armistice “The Navy has four excellent degrees, for October, 73 degrees. Day next Tuesday practically all of trade schools to which new recruits The minimum for September was Vernonia’s business houses win be in either the regular Navy or the 36 degress, for October, 31 degrees. closed it was determined this week. Naval Reserve may be sent after Precipitation for September was The annual holiday is being given a training period, providing they 3.21 and for October 3.18. attention by the American Legion pass entrance examinations with and Legion Auxiliary by events sufficiently high grades. At these Demonstration Planned they have arranged for that day schools they will be trained in any A community cooking school pro and by the schools which haw a one of nearly fifty skilled trades ject demonstration by the Vernonia program to be given Friday of this or vocations to which their apti Extension Unit will be held at the week. tudes suit them and will receive American Legion hall on Friday, free schooling valued at hundreds November 14th at 10.30 a. m. Those Yellow Line Painted of dollars in addition to their reg who are using the food stamp plan Motorist will have less difficulty ular Navy pay. Such an education are especially urged to attend. The with visibility during periods of fog is valuable for advancement in the public is Invited. According to the and rain this winter in the Nehalem Navy and in later civilian life,” he announcement, those attending are Valley due to painting of the yel concluded. urged to bring a paper sack lunch. low line on Highway 47 this week. Former City Marshal Dies Square Dances Being Revived Blackout Deemed Successful Here No High School Education Demanded Flight Instructor From Canada Here to Send Saturday Armistice Program Vernonia high school Girls’ Lea gue will' be hostess for the annual Is School Plan Lower Columbia conference of Girls’ Night Shift “Another striking feature ot uie Men Released season,” stated Mr. Cronemiller, “was the record breaking number of lightning fires which totaled 536 for the season. Nearly five hundred of these occurred during the thunder storm of July 14 and 15. This is far in excess of any previous year. On the other hand the man caused fires were the lowest of record with only 353. Volume 18, Number 45 Firemen Get Call Tuesday Morning Report for Weather Given