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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1940)
Here from Oregon City— Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ellis of Oregon City were in Vernonia Saturday evening to get their son, Bilty, who ha* been visiting at the home of Vacation Enjoyed— hi* grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Nelson, Mrs. Perry Mellinger. Margaret Powell and daughter, De Co Hunting— anna, and Mrs. Floyd Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farley visited daughter, Beverly, of Portland en at the home of their son and daugh joyed a two-week vacation. They ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Buddy visitel friends and relatives at Mos Blackburn, over the week-end. Mr. Farley and Mr. Blackbum went cow, Couer D’Alene, Wallace and deer hunting Saturday and Sunday. Mullan, Idaho, and Spokane, Wash ington. They also spent some time Mr». Nutt Vi»it»— Mrs. Howard Nutt spent the at Grand Coulee Dam. week-end in Vernonia. Mrs. Nutt is YCUK IWN’S TOPICS Return from Trip— Mr. and Mr». Forrest Reichardt 1 eturned last Friday from St. Louis, Missouri, where they visited friends and relatives of Mr. Reichardt. They left Vernonia September 5th and made the trip by automobile. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1940 VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA, OREGON PAGE TWO land visited at the Claiude E. Gib- son home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Boeck and daughter, Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Baker motored to Portland on business Saturday. PT A Officers Named Wed. trip to Portland Wednesday. and reports are she's doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kubler and Mr. and Mr j. Frank îûjrrii and sons, Howard and Bill, of Portland family and Mr. and Mr*. Brooks were Sunday dinner guests o, Mr. motored to Seattle Saturday. and Mrs. Ed Kubler. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Tallman were among those gathered at the Sun set camp Wednesday evening, where they enjoyed an exhibition of slides taken of Honolulu, British Columbia, and both the New York and San Francisco Fairs on trips taken re cently by Mr. J. R. Hurlbert and son, J. R. Miss Elfie Berg, secre- tary to Mr. Hurlbert, sang, as also A Zj did her instructor, Mr. Hulman. Mrs. Hiulman accompanied them b-oth at the piano. ? TIMBER—(Special to The Eagle) At Nelson Home— —At the P. T. A. meeting last Mr. and Mrs. Verner Lindquist Wednesday, the following officers were installed: Mrs. Preston Bon and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Warman, all nell, president; Mrs. Jack Hof'art, of Spokane, Washington, spent two vice-president; Miss Taza Regester, days visiting at the Adolph Nelson Vacation in Idaho— taking a beauty course in Portland. secretary; and Mrs. Batteen, treas home this week. The visitors also Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shipman Girl» Leave for Collegi urer. attended the Chrysler convention spent the forepart otf last week Patricia Penible, Jean Vaughn Miss Helen Stone, who teaches in Portland. visiting friends and relatives in and Jean Lewis of Wilark all left primary grades at Knappa, visited New Druggist---- Sunday to enter O. S. c. at Cor- Mias Helen Blanchard, intermediate Lloyd Miilhollen has been en- Kellogg and Kingston, Idaho. They vali is. teacher here, la3t week-end. gaged as druggist at the A rm i tage returned to Vernonia last Wednes- Nick Vanderzanden was suddenly KEASEY—(Specal to The Eagle) Her< Cutler City Man Drug company was the announce- day. called to Astoria Saturday after —Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Nissen and Ike Chapman, who formerly lived noon to be with a sick friend, Miss merit this week. Mr. Miilhollen, who daughter, Betty, of Portland spent in Vernonia, and is now at Culter formerly owned a drug store at Return from Hunting— Sunday with the Comstock family. Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Eby returned City, spent the week-end in Ver- Ida Elliasson. Corvallis, will move his family here Mrs. E. D. Tail-man accompanied Mrs. Anna Luther and Jimmy Sunday from Prineville where they nonia viglting. within a short time. Mrs. Earl Fisher, Mrs. Jesse Phil diove to Hillsboro Saturday. spent several days hunting. They In Oswego---- lips and Mrs. William Mizner to Mrs. Harry Bales and Mrs. Herb JXHXHXHZHXHXk 1 eported no success. Mrs. William Briot spent Tues- the services for William Purdin at Counts called on Mrs. Julia Boeck the Forest Grove undertaking par- Friday. day in Oswego visiiting with her On Hunting Trip— lor Monday afternoon. Mr. Purdin family. -Mrs. Herb Counts spent Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ellingsworth, passed away Friday at Netarts. nesday at Mrs. Roland’s home; th. In Portland — Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Kilburg of Rock creek Club meeting at that Aimee Turner and Charles Melis Mrs. W. I. Bond and daughters, left last Wednesday for Prineville Ida and Lucille, and Mrs. Buckner Seattle, Washington, and Mr. and time. Mrs. A. W. Kilburg and son, Ron Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pillsbury on a hunting trip. They are expect ‘pent Monday in Portland. ald, of Hillsboro were Sunday visi visited at the Clarence Reed home ed to return this week-end. Re tors o Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cameron Sunday. Goes to School— ports reaching here state that they Miss Doris Rae Estey left Mon- (Maxine Kilburg). Joe Lindsley, who has been in had bagged two deer. First grade leading demonstra Alaska, returned home Saturday. day for Corvallis whi-ye she wi 1 tion was presented to mothers unde attend Oregon State College, Mr. and Mrs. A. Graham and Returns to College— the supervision of Miss Taza Reg family, Mrs. Marie Christenson and Zonweiss Douglass left Monday mother, Mrs. Alice Estey, drove ester Wednesday afternoon, Sept Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reed of Port '.'or Portland where she'will resume to college. ember 18. Light refreshments were land visited at the Kreiger home her studies at Cascade College. De Cews Return to Salem— served to all visitors. Sunday. Special price on Nation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas De Cew Mrs. George Sattler of Wilson- Hunters Have Luck— Ethel Parcells, Gwendolyn Graves al Aluminum Steam Hunting last week and this was and son, Mark, returned to Salem ville acccmpanied Mrs. Ed Krbler and June Kreiger spent Monday profitable for a party of four Tuesday after spending a few days to Auburn, Washington, where they at the Kreiger home. Cooker. Now is the time who left last Wednesday evening visiting at the heme of Mrs. De visited their sister, Mrs. H. P. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lindsley a-* to use and save many to hunt in the vicinity of Prine Cew’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dykstra, at the Aulburn hospital. three children made a trip to Cedar Elizabeth Ida was born to Mrs. Mills Sunday. ville. Those in the party were Loel Hieber. hours time. Cook ana' Dykstra September 13. Returning Roberts, Lowell Hieber, Tod Bower Hear Willkie— Mrs. Anna Mae Ramey spent the can your own meat and man and Tom Bateman, All return- at- with them was Nellie, 3 year old week-end at her home in Indepen W. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. J. vegetables of all kinds ed here Tuesday of this week with tended the Willkie speech in Port- daughter of Mrs. Dykstra. dence. Mrs. Anthony Kilburg and son, deer. in about one-third the Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rasmussen of land Monday. Ronald, of Hillsboro were Wed- Hillsboro spent Sunday at Mr. Anna At Van Vleet ’ » Camp — time of usual open top nesday night and Thursday visitors Luther’s home. Leaves for College-—- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodru'f Miss Erma Kent left Monday to of Mrs. Ida Kilburg. cookers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris and and daughter, Eleanor, and Edith enroll in the Oregon College of Frank Dougherty, Ruth Byers, Mr. Morris’ sister and husband, Mr. Burke visited Sunday with Mr. and Education at Monmouth. 18-qt. size Only William Dunn and Wanda Bacon and Mrs. Claude Books, made a Mrs. Clifford Counts at Van Vleet’s motored to Mt. Hood Sunday, re- $11.95 Mrs. Holcomb Returns— camp. turning home on the Washington Mrs. Robert Holcomb and infant side of the river. Check and compare Former Resident Here---- daughter returned home Tuesday Mrs. Ed Peterson and Mrs. Ber- Mr. and Mrs. Bud Smith of Brad from the Emanuel hospital in Port prices. wood visited at the Emmett Lloyd land. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Waltmon leigh Tallman were graciously en home over the week-end. Mr. Smith, drove Mrs. Holcomb and baby to tertained with a dinner in honor Funnells, Strainers, of their birthdays Thursday, Sept r. former resident of Vernonia, also Vernonia. Canning Racks, Etc. ember 12, Mrs. Earle Fisher serving visited at the Ludwig home Sunday. as hostess. Leaves for the U. of O.---- Group Goes to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hankens of Miss Joanne Nichols left Wed Leo Ludwig, Edith Burke, Mr. nesday lor Eugene where she has Gales Creek were Saturday evening and Mrs. Harley Woodruff and Ed enrolled in the University of Ore visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Workman were in Forest Grove and gon. Mrs. J. W. Nichols drove her Byers. Portland on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard, accom daughter to Eugene. panied by friends of Portland, were Here from Springfield—- Go to St. Helens— last Saturday and Sunday visitors Elmo Smith was home over the Mrs. Bernard Killingberg, Mrs. of Mrs. Ida Kilburg. ^ZHXHXHZHXHXF week-end from Springfield. Oscar Vike, Nora and Shirley Vike, Miss Taza Regester visited a Jennie May Carter and Evelyn week ago last Sunday with Miss Robbins motored to St. Helens Mon Patricia Johnson at the University LUMBER — SHINGLES — VENEER day morning to see their sons leave sanitarium in Portland, Miss John- Phone 773 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL for Camp Murray with Company K son seemed in very good spirits See my bargain» in Kiln Dried Lumber at $7.50 per M. and up. of the National Guard. From St. Open Saturdays from 8 a. m. to noon. Helens the party motored to Port- land where they say GOP Presi- dentiai Candidate Wendcll Willkie. BUT KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE FLOOR Rock Creek Club Meets The days when you had to put your feet on the stove to keep warm are gone forever. Now, with a Spark Oil Heater, the entire room is kept comfortably warm with no drafts and no dirt or mess. CANNING SUPPLIES Spark deluxe Oil Heaters give both circulating and radiant heat. For complete comfort, you need both. $39.95 * Up Term' SPARK ¡JOIL CIRCULATING HEATERS^ Mist Garage Mist, Oregon t Befofe you buy-see the SPARK GAS-MAKING DEMONSTRATION New and Used Parts New and Used Tires HOFFMAN Hardware Co. Gas and Oil Expert Auto Repairing LYNCH AUTO PARTS Showsr Given Mrs. McMullan RIVERVIEW—(Special to Thc Eagle)—A shower was given or Mrs. Robert McMullen at Mrs. Dick Lynch’s home by Bessie Bell and Margaret Haiman. Those present were Mrs. Dave McMullen and daughter, Marie, 1 Mrs. Edna Gwin, Mrs. Burger and daughter, Judy, Mrs. Joe Roeser, Mrs. G. Bell, Mrs. G. Woods, Mrs. O. Estes, Mrs. John Titus, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs. M. Bergerk, Mrs. Bud Julbenville, Mrs. F. D. Lynch and Mrs. McMullen. Refreshments were erved and many lovely presents were given. Mr. and Mrs. George Cobat, Mr. •.nd Mrs. Roy Cobat and Mrs. Roy "Ichat's father, sister and brother- n-law from Lebanon, motored to ’ort’and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Holmes and la-rel spent Sunday and Monday '¡siting relatives and friends in '.ongview, Washington. Mrs. H. Inman and family visi- ed the W. W. Stevenson family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Christianson went hunting near Medford and around Crater Lake Tuesday and came back Sunday, They brought back two bucks. Mrs. Charles Marston motored to Portland Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Gibson. Patsy, Claudine and Claude Eugene spent Saturday in Portland at the home o’* Mr. ?nd Mrs. J. W. Wald- kirch. Mrs. Claire Barnett returned home with them to spend a week, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Galoway and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Feagle of Port- I • I kl II i % « RIVERVIEW Extra Fancy Blue Rose .......... pound 5c FLOUR Pheasant 49-lb. bag $1 43 FLOUR Pheasant ... 10-lb. bag 35c RICE COOKIES— Fig Bars 2-ib. Pkg. OYSTERS— Pheasant No. 1 tins 2 For OXYDOL Large pkg. J9C BAKED BEANS B. & M......... 28-oz. tin 15c WHEAT HEARTS Sperry’s .. 28-oz. pkg. 23c CRISCO COFFEE Wadhams A. & H. 2 Pk&s- 15c Gem ■ Each 63 c BROOMS MOP & HANDLE COMBINATION MAYONNAISE 25c PEACHES— Yellow Cling No. 2H Tin .................... 15c 3-lb. tin 48c 1-lb. Tin 25c —; SODA 25c 25c Pint Glass 25c SOAP— Palmolive 3 Barn .... 19c PEANUT BRITTLE— l-lb. Cello Pkg. 15c ASPARAGUS All Green No. 1 Tin 23c Specials for Friday and Saturday, September 27 and 28 King’s Grocery and Market tl Jiere Your Monpy Buys More Ph. 91 At the New Mile Bridge 2 Deliveries Daily