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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1936)
VERNONIA EAGLE, PAGE TEN VERNONIA, OREGON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1936 to “speculation,” the evolve- ¡standing of mortality of rela- relationship. So soon as the idea ! as they are rapidly assuming at ment of this education results itionship between man and man , entrenches itself within the mind [the present time! in a dual personal attitude in I is destroyed in both cases. , that I can make a bargain, ob- Since the Businessman has the present. One phase of mind i The face, as is now, proven (* tain wha ~ I want, * holding * * a pre been whittled down in his access FOR SALE - Irish Setter puppies. takes the stand that “society | and spread over the pages of 1 meditated mental reservation con i to cash, whittled down to a mea Paretns ergistered. Male $5, and government owes them a I the Congressional Record, that1 cerning the complete and honest ger margin of profit which, at fullfillment of that bargain by female $3. Dr. Bigelow 52*1 living” - an unhealthy state of I the “depression” was a result of exact compensation, a Nation’s ithe close of the year can only a clique deliberately planned mind inviting to be preyed upon.-, — who ----- ----- — vt"..*' —V’” or a Civilization’s troubles com be construed as “wages”, and ... .. ■ the sacking of the Nation, has 1 poor wages at that, .considering by revolutioary paid organ*- [ never be“n brought home t0 mence. There can only be disas his investment and sleepless LOST - Buff Persian female :ers revolutionary doctrines. I fbe people. Financial racketeers, ter ahead,not only for the indi [ nights - - what is going to occur cat on O.-A. hill. Call 121. This and outlook failed to realize pjrates in the world of finance, vidual but for society as a whole j to private business at the heighth Reward 52*1 that in this Nation the indivi- , an(i yeti while dishonesty of 1 throughout ............. - all its varied ramifi- of this contagion? It is not dual is an integral unit of soc- i Economic Pirates who operate in cations, alone expressed in Vernonia. Is and government. c Society ‘ a ,, b .g way ” ¡ s decried, what, iety FOR SALE - Six room house | A bargain is a bargain. It1 s [private business going the way and government are not some- specifically, is the difference be healthy so long as it is bound of the prehistoric five toad nearly new. Electric lights and how separate from the indivi- tween he that takes a million by balance. Healthy, so long as horse Is private business going pump, shower bath. Garage and dual, 1 he individual is society dollars and he that takes one compensation ,s exact between into obliteration? government. It failed to and moral basis is the penny? The the bargaining parties. barn, about one-fourth acre of Is not such a condition laying understand that men and women The American Businessman the basis for formidable commer rich garden soil. Outside of town existed prior to government and only gauge, There is no differ- ence except in quanitative de- faces a crises in the near future cial combines which will continue taxes. A real bargain. Some that government is only a re gree. in his affairs that has nothing to slay independent business to terms, a discount for cash. In suit of the association of men Students know and can prove, to dp with “government”, nor extenction?? » quire at Eagle office or see me and women in society. Govern- notions and civilizations are can “government” cure it. It is The Private Businessman is ment cannot have existence with- I a matter of moral action at Alfred Ba>s. ec. D26 and 27. A i . luuuutu founded upon aim and uwciup develop x*v»n»< from, now in the position that he must out people, i’overn™en^ i personal initiative individualized, Honesty. That crises will be join with his fello wBusinessman. 52cl and society owes the individual ^si f perty> the de- reached when the rank and file They can cooperate with each , 5 , only what the inavdual owes- , | velopment of individualized-serv- by their prior innoculation with other in controlling credit ex FOR SALE - 5-room, well con hmself. , . . , _ ling units otherwise known as — i "speculation” take on the extreme tension to the rank and file, and The other structed house and four and one 1 Private ______ Business, , are the very I expression of deliberate lack of base that control upon the moral loosely as a result of the dis-I * of Nationalism and Civi- , integrity in, and to, their bar- atiude of he recipient of credit. half acres land near Treharne. couragement due to tremendous I I essence ' gains made. lization. It is not a matter to heorize Inquire house 106 O.-A. hill 51*2 losses in the crash; losses re-1 vT . , ... Carry to a conclusion, the upon. It is a necessity of the presenting a life-time of saving i . Nations and Civilizations fall ■ effect of Bad Debts and Bank- [ hour and will not be avoided. for them. There is nothing left, :nto decadence only when the Very truly yours, WANTED: Western Red Cedar so these think, but to slip idly I rank and file of the citizenry fail : ruptc.1 when they become over R. Bowerman whelming and popular contagion I poles or stumpage for produc- , by as best they can. The under- 1 to understand and practice moral ing poles. L. D. McFarland Co., i Milwaukie, Oregon. 50*6m Classified Ads YOU WILL never make a mistake | when ordering your suit or overcoat from a skilled tailor. You are always assured a per fect fit, correct style and the best of quality. Suits and over coats $25.00 Elliott Sorensen, Merchant Tailor. FOR SALE— Rhode Island reds and whites, also pigs. Sleep- ing rooms to rent. W. O. Porter- field, 376 Nort st. 43tf The Open Forum - - To The Editor :- Immediately prior to and dur ing the World War began a long and methodical education of the lank and file of citizens, em bodied in the slogan: "Buy on your future earnings! credit gladly extended!” The “best minds” of the fi nancial and business world ap proved of the scheme which they now denounce. Hand in hand with this educational program went the banking scheme em bodied in the slogan. “Save! Save for a Rainy Day.” Every one remembers the beginnings of these things. Buying by credit based upon anticipated future earnings, the hnrdiiigs of money .in savings and checking accounts in Banks, which the banks themselves used to finance the scheme of “liberal credit extension,“ could only end | inevitably in a financial dead- j lock. And let, the "best minds” not only approved of the dual program but encouraged the rank and file to participate in a speculative scheme, which has-1 ically, bore all the earmarks of ' swindle from incipiency. The rank and file educated, i | [ | Supreme Radia Hospital SALES and SERVICE FIRST CLASS RADIO REPAIRING . at reasonable prices All (fork Guaranteed! Leave Orders at Hoffman Hardware Co. Fairbanks-Morse Radio L. E. STANTON Member National Radio Institute Try us for high quality and fast Service Your Opportunity before Xmas Buy Him a Present! Article Price SI 1.61 Dual Horns Spot Light 16.91 Inside Control Defroster Fan 4.77 Genuine GM Defroster Fan Rubber Bladed 4.77 Radio. Genuine GM 7-Tube Installed 63.34 Heater 11.60 Genuine GM Battery 8.13 13.14 Tire Mirror With Clock GM 4.24 You Pay You Pay No. of Down Weekly Weeks $2.97 8 .72 12 4.31 1.05 12 1.29 .29 12 1.29 .29 12 15.98 2.96 16 2.96 2.19 3.30 .72 .52 .82 12 12 12 1.12 .26 12 Only this company offers you this service Figures based on Chevrolet installed costs Other cars on relative basis. V«fcrnonia Auto Co CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES “The House of Honor, Economy and Friendship The Forest Grove NATIONAL BANK invites you to Bank by mail if inconvenient to come in person J. A. Thornburgh, President. THE ROLL OF HONOR BANK” P or Band--Banks Stage Line The Independent Line Stages leave the Vernonia Hotel daily at 7:55 a. m., 1:25 p. m. and 5:25 p. m. for Portland via Banks. Stages leave the Cen tral Stage depot, Park and Taylor Sts., Portland, for Vernonia daily at 8 a. m.> 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. SPECIAL, leaves Vernonia Fridays only, 6:30 p. m. Leaves Portland Sundays and holidays only, 8 p. m. Call service between Vernonia and Keasey FARE: $130 one way $2.10 round trip