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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1936)
VERNONIA EAGLE. VERNONIA. OREGON CARE IN READING Don't let A Winter catch you unprepared CHANGS 70 qím / gz A GOOD ACTOR ♦ WEEK after the release of the motion picture drama “My Darling,” the office of Karl Brom field, owner of Stardom Films. Inc., began receiving notices from clip ping bureaus, fan mail, telephones, and telegrams, in praise of the per formance of the leading male star. Perry Winthrop. Mr. Bromfleld sur veyed the stacks of mail on his desk, and nervously chewed a pen cil end. There was a worried frown on his face. Presently he swung his swivel chair so that he faced Wally Parks, his junior partner. “How much fan mail have you let Winthrop see?” he asked. "About a third of that that’s come in—which is quite a bunch in it self.” Mr, Bromfleld scowled. “How about the press notices?” “I’ve kept most of ’em out of sight.” "Good.” Bromfleld sat forward. “Wally, young Winthrop’s a find! The movie - going public’s crazy about him. He’ll be worth a fortune to us. We can keep him in the dark till his next picture is made. We’ve managed so far. It’s up to you. Let him see very little of his fan mail and only one or two press reviews. Start him at work at once. Keep his mind occupied. The kid’s crazy about becoming a great actor. He’s grateful because we gave him his first chance. He’s modest and he’s too dumb to realize his own worth. We’ve got to keep him that way.” "Sure we have,” said Wally. “And we will — until his next picture is released. Then—” “Then," said Mr. Bromfleld smug ly, “we’ll offer him more money. We can afford to—then. In the mean—” Mr. Bromfleld broke off and looked up inquiringly as his secretary came in. “Well?” he asked. “It’s Perry Winthrop, sir.” Mr. Bromfleld exchanged looks with his junior partner. Wally be gan sweeping the bundles of clip pings from the desk. “Send him in,” said Bromfleld, and lit a cigar. Perry Winthrop was young and almost boyish of visage. He had a shy, retiring way about him, quite in keeping with his blue eyes and blond hair. He paused hesitatingly in the doorway and grinned. “Come in!” Mr. Bromfield boomed heartily. “Sit down and have a cigar. You know Wally Parks, of course. . . . Well, well, I suppose you’re feeling pretty good this morning. Already some of the press clippings have come in. Re viewers speak kindly of you, Perry. Very kindly." "Thanks, Mr. Bromfleld,” Perry twisted his hat nervously. "It was By KARL GRAYSON © Associated Newspapers. WNU Service. about my contract I came to see you, Mr. Bromfleld. It expires this week, and—and I’ve decided to give up pictures.” "Give up pictures!” Mr. Brom- fleld’s jaw sagged. The cigar fell from his mouth. Perry gulped. He looked as though he wished he were anywhere else in the world. “Well, you see, Mr. Bromfleld. ever since I’ve been a kid I’ve wanted to study law. I— didn’t have any money and so I had to earn some. I’d had some experience on the stage and—” “Oh, I see!” Mr. Bromfleld was suddenly bitingly sarcastic. “So you came out here and played us for a couple of suckers. You gave us a sob story, accepted our kindness, let us spend a fortune on you, build you up to a spot where we were ready to realize something on our investment, and now you announce you’re going to run out on us.” "Now, wait a minute,” Wally said. “We’ll never get anywhere flying off the handle this way. Suppose we come to terms. Suppose you agree to stick with us for two more pictures. Perry? You’re getting $800 a week now. We’ll raise the ante to $1.000.” Perry looked distressed and help less. “Fifteen hundred a weak!” said Bromfleld suddenly. Perry wet his lips. He looked desperate. Mr. Bromfleld leaned forward and thumped his desk top. “Perry, I’ve got faith in you. We’ll pay you $1,800 a week and you stay with us for a year and make two more pictures. It’s a long chance but we might get out from under. You can use the extra dough and a year won’t make any difference one way of another in your law career.” Perry gulped and swallowed. "All right,” he said, and stood up. "All right. I’ll stick if that’s the way you feel. That’ll make us even.” Once away from the office of his employers, Perry tilted his hat to one side, grinned happily ano began to whistle. "Maybe I’m not some actor,” he told himself. "Why, neither one of those skinflints realized it was all an act.” He sobered momentarily, thinking of the review he had read of himself in the morning paper. It had been a good writeup, good enough to make him hopeful of his future. He had taken a chance, threatening to quit. What if they had let him go? He sighed in vast relief. Let him go? Ha! Now he knew they wouldn’t let him go for anything. Eighteen hundred was all right a year. After that—well, may be he could chisel a couple of grand at least. Lawyer? Bah! He doubt ed if he could even spell the word. Baby Lions Whipped Cream Addicts QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL It is not the reading of many books which makes a man a divine, but the reading a- few of the best books often over, and with attention.—Bishop Watson. To Quickly Ease Pains of Rheumatism From Pain If muscles in your legs, arms, chest, back or shoulders feel stiff and sore, get a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil and get ouick relief. Rub it on—rub it in. Warms—soothes—gives wonderful com fort. Will not stain. At all druggists. HAMLINS WIZARD OIL Bayer Tablett Dissolve Almost Instantly For MUSCULAR ACHES and PAINS Due to RHEUMATISM—NEURALGIA LUMBAGO CHEST COLDS In 2 seconds by stop watch, a genuine BAYER Aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate and go to work. Drop a Bayer Aspirin tablet in to a glass of water. By the time it hits the bot tom of the glass it is disintegrating. What happens in this glass . . . happens in your stomach. Labor and Glory No man ever was glorious who was not laborious.—Franklin. Still Coughing? Ask Your Doctor About Genuine BAYER Aspirin Any person who suffers from pains of rheumatism should know this: Two genuine BAYER ASPIRIN tablets, taken with a full glass of water, will usually ease even severe rheumatic pains in a remarkably short time. Ask your doctor about this. He will probably tell you there is noth ing better. For real Bayer Aspirin tablets not only offer a potent analgesic (pain reliever), but start going to work almost instantly you take them. Note illustration of glass. Try this simple way. You’ll be surprised at how quickly pain eases. Get real Bayer Aspirin by asking for it by its full name, "Bayer Aspirin” at any drug store. Now virtually one cent a tablet. 15C FOR A DOZEN 2 FULLOEp DOZENAJU Virtually lc a tablet LOOK FOR THt BA VCR CROSS HOW LONG CAN A THREE-QUARTER WIFE HOLD HER HUSBAND? have to work at marriage to make a success of it. Men Y OU may be selfish, unsympathetic, but that’s the way they're made and you might as well realize it. 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