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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1936)
VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year, O.-A. Rebuilds Track into Large Body^of Timber / Main Operations Are Soon To Shift to West Along Quartz Creek 5c a copy. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Schools Are to Have Double Holiday —o--- The Vernonia high school and grade schools will have a double > holiday next week, Thanksgiving day and Friday. The Christmas vacation will ex tend from Wednesday evening, Dec. 23 to Monday morning, Jan. 4, acording to agreement between the two districts. OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1036 W. R. Miller Dies At O.-A. Camp NUMBER 47 Schedule for —o--- H. S. Basketball [ Postmaster Emil F. Messing j and his staff established an all ( Is Announced died ¡Post Office Sets All-Time Record ——O— William Reid Miller, 65, time record for the local post suddenly of heart failure Mon-, office Thursday of last week, day at Camp McGregor, where he the day after Armistice, when wes employed. He had visited 296 money orders totaling $3,- his family in Vernonia Sunday 327.50 were issued. This was an and apparently was in good ¡average of a money order every League for Columbia Washington Counties Is Formed and — o—— o— • , . — two minutes while the office was The basketball schedule for Mr. Miller was born in Henry Rebuilding of three and a half the coming season was drawn up ■miles of track into a solid block SIDEWALK IS REPAIRED BY county, Missouri, and while still,______ _______ Nov. 9 by the executive commit an infant was brought to Oregon dr ROBERT HOFFMAN «of green timber west of the OREGON-AMERICAN CREW tee of the newly formed Washing present operations is being com by his parents, where he lived RECEIVES HIGH HONOR ton County High School league. __ o__ A crew of O.-A. carpenters un the rest of his life except for i pleted this week by the Oregon- American Lumber Corporation. der J.M. Currie as foreman has seven years in Washington. In | Dr. Robert Hoffman, son of This league is for all sports in When logging ceased in 1930 rebuilt the sidewalk on Bridge 1893 he was married to Rushe [ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hoffman, has which the high schools of the counties compete. The the chief operations of the com street near State abutting the , McBride at Port Orford, Oregon, received notice of his election to two pany were along Weed creek, company’s pasture. Repairs have I Six sons and one daughter were the American Men of Science, I schedule for Vernonia was an- with some work also on another also been made to the railing of born to this union. Surviving ¡whose offices are in Washington, inounced yesterday by Principal spur along the north fork of the steps leading up O.-A. hill. are his widow, four sons, Art, d . C. Dr. Hoffman has been a Harold McEntire as follows: ' ik Roc.k creek. December 4, Vernonia at Claude and Gilbert Miller of member of the research division The fire of 1933 Vernonia, Forrest Miller of Sum-lof the DuPont Rayon Co. of Banks (tentative) did not reach the Light and Power December 11, Rickreall at Ver Weed creek locality, and as the Conference Postponed ner, Oregon, and the daughter, Waynesboro, Va., for the past , Mrs. P. B. Roberts of Vernonia.1 year. nonia (tentative) track was undamaged one side —o--- ------- * ----- December 15, Vernonia at St. was immediately put to work The conference between offi | The family home was in the Al, Mary’s (league) there when logging was resumed cials of the Oregon Gas and Hartung house near the mile I Library Board December 18, Vernonia at For this year. A second side has Electric Co., a committee of the bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Miller had Selects 24 New Books est Grove (league) been logging on North Fork chamber of commerce and T. O. ¡resided in Vernonia for only a December 22, Banks at Ver where some of the timber was Russell of the public utilities short time, A selection of 24 books for office, tentatively! Services were held in Brown's’ the Vernonia Public library was nonia (tentative) turned. Within a short time commission mnrt.nnrv W or!noci-lav HlOrnillg, Wednesday January 5, Tigard at Verno- the center of activity will be scheduled for last Tuesday, has ' mortuary morning, j ma(je by the library board Tues- shifted! to the solid block at the been postponed on account < °f and interment was in Portland, j ¿“""ht 7rom“thZj.~lc‘ Gill “ex- i nia (league) January 8, Vernonia at Sher west, at first in the vicinity of the illness of Mr. Russell and the Rev. H. R. Scheuerman officiated, I hibit of 50 late books now being * , Quartz creek. Fire destroyed the absence of R. T. Smalley, vice-I______ .(shown in the library and in a wood (league) ! January 12, Beaverton at Ver bridges and many of the ties president of the company, in HUNTING PARTIES BAG ELKS ' \ Miller Mercantile store window there, and considerable damage Chicago. The matter of light and • NEAR LA GRANDE as part of the local library’s ob nonia (league) Janury 15, Open. was done to the timber. A small power rates in Vernonia will be j —o— servance of Nationl book week. Jnuary 19, Vernonia vs Clats •crew will be retained along Weed discussed by the group when I Elmer Bergerson and U. S. The selection includes 11 books | Mellinger of Vernonia, and Mr. kanie (league) creek. the conference takes place. of the latest fiction for the pay I Bergerson’s sister, Mrs. Lottie * January 22, Rainier at Verno Andrew Olson is acting camp iLintner of Rufus, Or., were mem- shelf, one of which is being do nia (league) ness of E. R. Estey, and Fred Natal Grange Picks nated by the Rainbow girls, and ' bers of a party that killed a five January 29, Scappoose at Ver- Lowe is acting camp foreman. Officers for 1937 i point elk near LaGrande last a very interesting group of child Helens (league) Mr. Olson’s regular position is ren’s books. A part of these will NATAL (Special) - Election of i Monday' January 29, Scapoose at V er foreman during the illness of E. be on display in the Miller Mer officers took place at the meet- I Archie Adams, Roy South and R. Estey, and Fred Lowe is acting cantile window through Sunday nonia (league) February 2, St. Mary’s at Ver- camp foreman. Mr. Olson’s re ing of the Natal grange Nov. 11. (Tom Henderson also secured an and others at the library. The Noble Dunlap was elected master; eb< *n that vicinity the preced-J public is invited to inspect them. |nonia Heag^e) gular position is foreman. The selection was made at the i February 5- Forest Grove at A total of 575 men is now Richard Peterson, overseer; Violet, *ng Wednesday. Not many elks employed, of whom 337 are in Woodruff, lecturer; George Ban- are being shot this year, accor- (regular meeting of the library ernon’a (league) zer, steward; R. S. Lindsay, as- ding to report. (board during which Edna Owens, ( Febr(*ary 9> Vernonia at Ti- the mill and 238 in camp. sistant steward; Mrs. L. B. East- !------------------------------------------- ilibrarian, librarian, read read her her monthly monthly report report 8ard (league) Ifor for j j February 12> Sherwood at Ver- man, chaplain; Joe Banzer, treas “Bulldog” Jackson for October. October. The The circulation circulation for J.L urer; B. L. Eastman, F—‘----- — gatekeeper;' *-*-------- — r E — — ■ • Ä »• e ¡that month was 644 volumes, and i noma (league) To Appear Here iCalliC-iS • • • 121 new patrons were added toi _'>™ary r 16, Vernonia at J. O. Libel, secretary; secretary; Mrs. Mrs. Cleo Cleo me list of oi borrowers. oorrowers. She sne repor- repor- ' ,Beaverton (league) Promoter Bert Tisdale will pre- Banzer, Ceres; Mrs. John Libel, I i the (ted the donation of several good I ^ebruary 19> Open sent the one and only Bulldog Pomona; Mrs. May Neurer, Flora; ‘ ¡magazines and that the library: * February 23, Vernonia vs Jackson at the Legion hall Wed Mrs. Laura Carmichael, lady as [was again subscribing to Good, Clatskanie (league) nesday night. Jackson enjoys sistant steward; Ira Peterson, j February 26, Vernonia at Rain the reputation of being the trustee. Housekeeping. SEEN AND HEARD ier (league) Preparations are under way for [ meanest wrestler ever to appear Board members decided to con-1 city in the local ring. His opponent a joint installation at a conven-| Roy Raymond driving the tribute five dollars to the Bandon > March 2, St. Helens at Verno i chemical truck out into the fog nia (league) will be the Japanese Whirlwind, ient time. library which was destroyed in j so that Ed Tapp could back into March 5, Vernonia at Scap ---------- *---------- Don Sugai. The fans all know I the big forest fire. ' the city hall basement entrance poose (league) the ability of the Jap boy, so Mr. Thanksgiving to Be A new and revised edition of I [with a load of sand . . . John First team games are to start Jackson, the Grand Avenue cave Observed in Churches I “Nutrition of Mother and Child” 1 ! Erickson building a wall to par- — o — — man, can look forward to a very has been donated to tne library at 7:30 regardless of prelimin- Thanksgiving will be celebrated tition off the boiler room and ,aries, according to decision of the busy evening. through the courtesy of Dr. ’ I committee. The semi wind up will put Bob this year at the Evangelical nd the jail from the two fire trucks Ulysses Moore of Portland. Christian ‘ ' ... jj -.- ji . churches, beginning ... ” Emil ” Messing distributing to *---------- Castle, Kansas City scroundrel, GILMORE SEBO’S FATHER and popular Dick Trout of San with the annual Harvest Home i employers application blanks un- > [CITY COUNCIL* MEETINGS IS KILLED NEAR TURNER Diego, California, together in a service at the Evangelical church der the new social security act | ARE POSTPONED . . Bert Tisdale telling of war match that is main event caliber Sunday morning. Fruits and ve „ , . , . Gilmore Sebo of the Safeway getables grown in the Nehalem I experiences while waiting for - al ’ Because _______ ° v of a lack vra. of x* a UUV4 quorum U1U j I, „ . x _ ,, in ny town. All of these boys store was called to Turner Mon valley are to be displayed. After quorum to show up at the city| the city council meeting sched . are high class wrestlers. day by the death of his father, The curtain raiser will be the morning service a pot-luck council meeting Wednesday night j juled for Monday was adjourned | O. K. Sebo, 70. The elder Mr. dinner is to be held in the social ... And Jim Brown describing ¡until Wednesday and again until either a boxing or a wrestling hall of the church. A number of [ the thick fog he encountered I Sebo was killed at the south match - between local boys. The Thursday. city limits when his coupe was that afternoon while on the way I participate. speakers will first bout starts promptly at freigh train, struck by a Wednesday evening the two from Portland . . . Wallace Me EARLY COPY PLEASE 8:30. . The accident occurred at the churches will hold a joint ser- Crae coaching students to serpen- Pre»« day next week will be Mrs. E. M. Preston of Victoria, vice at the Christian church, [ tine down Bridge Street to ad- Wednesday, and both correapon- same crossing where five Turner I women lost their lives on Labor B. C., left Monday for her home with Rev. H. R. Scheuerman of vertise the carnival ... A crowd I dence and advertising copy j i day, 1930, when struck by a after a three weeks visit with the Evangelical church preaching i of boys around the city hall wait- should be in by Tuesday. passenger train. ing to take their drivers ’ exams, j the sermon. her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Marston. and.. .Talons