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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1936)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1936 CHEVROLETS TO BE ON EXHIBIT HERE TOMORROW The finest Chevrolets in the company’s quarter-century of au tomobile manufacture will make their bow here and throughout the country on Nov.7, Ed Boliln- ger of the Vernonia Auto Co., Chevrolet dealer, announced up on his return from Portland, where 126 dealers from this sec tion obtained official news of the new product from S. M. Johnson, manager of the Port land zone, and members of his staf. Mr. Johnson has just returned from Detroit, where 1,000 mem bers of Chevrolet’s wholesale or ganization from coast to coast spent four days inspecting and driving the new car and review ing with factory executives the program to be followed in pre senting it. The new models ad here closely to time-tried Chev rolet engineesing principles, he reported, but combine greater power, economy, safety and dura bility with striking new beauty and grace. F. E. Coyle, president and general manager of Chevrolet, announced during the convention that the company had shattered all previous records during 1936, selling more cars and more trucks than in any previous year in its history, and leading the world in sales for the seventh time in the last 10 years. The total for the year will exceed 1,125,000, he said, and the ob jective for 1937 is 1,200.000. VERNONIA EAGLE, VERNONIA. OREGON War.” Christian Bible School Notes 7:30 Gospel song and praise There were 142 attended Bible service with the evening sermon school last Sunday. We still subject “In My Name.” hope to have our attendance up Tuesday at two o’clock the to 300 by the first of the year. Betty Brite Circle meets with i The Loyal Women will meet Mrs. Harry Sandon, 191 North i in the church parlors Wednesday, Street. November 11 at 1:30 p. m. At Wednesday evening at 6:30 the this meeing the birthday friends members and friends of the for the past year will be revealed church meet in the monthly I and names drawn for the coming Every member of this “Family Church Night” with a year. pot-luck supper followed by the group is urger to be present. Come to Bible school next prayer meeting and the regular monthly meeting of the Official Sunday. It is a good place to I start the day and you are always Board. In accord with the program welcome. outlined some time ago the church is to meet each evening FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Livingstones, Ministers for prayer for the deepening of the spiritual life of the commun- ! A. M. Services: Bible school at ' ity. The public is cordially in-'9:45, with J. F. Rose Superin- I tendent, a splendid school of vited to all our services. —--------------------------------------------------- I PAGE FIVE , religious instruction. Commun- ] ion service at 11:00 o’clock, and | the morning message by Evange- list Hatch at 11:00 on the sub- 1 ject, “' This Machine Age”. P. M. services: Both of the Christian | Endeavor societies meet at 6:30, j and interesting and helpful meet- I ings are the order. Song and praise services led by Mrs. Liv ingstone at 7:30, followed by evangelistic service and preach ing by Rev. Hatch, subject cf the sermon, “Taking Sides”. ¡Meeting every evening during the week with the exception of Mon day evening; services begin at 7:30 o’colck, you will receive a cordial welcome, come and wor ship with us. The -------------.------------- Christian Church Revival Rev. George Harris Hatch, evangelist now conducting an evangelistic meeting at the First Christian church is being cor dially received and making a very favorable impression; his sermons are strong and sane as well as practical, nd the atten dance at the services is good, and increasing; his subjects for the week beginning today are as follows: Friday, “Tragedy of Neglect”; Saturday, “W hat Prayer Can Do”; Sunday, A. M. "This Machine Age”; P. M. “Tak ing Sides”; Monday, no services; Tuesday, “The Church”; Wednes day, “The. New Testament Church”; Thursday, “An Import ant Decision”. The services be gin promptly at 7:30 each even ing and the public is cordially invited. ON DISPLAY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7 EVANGELICAL CHURCH Harvey R. Scheuerman, Mini.ter 9:45 Church school, Mrs. Alta John superintendent. Christian instruction for all ages. 11:00 Morning Worship, the pastor speaking from the sub ject, “Prayer Need.” 6:30 E.L.C.E. discusion topic, “As A Christian I Renounce I LODGES A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple, Stated Communication First Thursday of each called month. Special meetings on all other Thurs- day nights, 7:30 p. m. Visitors most cordially welcome. George Plumb, W. M. Glenn F. Hawkins, Sec. Order of Eastern Star Nehalem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular commu nication first and third Wed nesdays of each month, at Ma- sonic Temple. All visiting sis ters and broth ers welcome. Mrs. L. H. Dewey, W. M. Leona McGraw. Sec. PERFECTED NEW HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Much more powerful, much more spirited, and the thrift king of its price class. NEW ALL-SILENT, ALL-STEEL BODIES (With UNISTEEL Turret Top Construction) Wider, roomier, more luxurious, and the first all-steel bodies combining silence with safety. HYDRAULIC BRAKES It’s the newest of all low-priced (With Double-Articulated Brake Shoe Linkage) Recognized everywhere as the safest, smoothest, most dependable brakes ever built. in every feature, fitting IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* and fabric. . . also the most thor (at no extra cost) Proved by more than two million Knee- Action users to be the world's safest, smoothest ride. oughly safe, the most thoroughly proved, the most thoroughly de NEV/ DIAMOND CROWN SPEEDLINE STYLING Making this new 1937 Chevrolet the smartest and most distinctive of all low-priced cars. pendable. Visit your nearest Chev rolet dealer. Sec and drive the SUPER-SAFE SHOCKPROOF STEERING* (at no extra cost) Steering so true and vibrationless that driving is almost effortless. complete car—completely new. GENUINE FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION Eliminating drafts, smoke, windshield clouding—promoting health, comfort, safety. SAFETY PLATE GLASS ALL AROUND AIL THESE FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES * Knee-Action and Shockproof Steering on Manter Do Luxe models only. General Moton Installment Plan — monthly payments to suit your purse. Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan. (at no extra coat) The finest quality, clearest-vision safety plate glass, included as standard equipment. /fa Z i ft : wTiF FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon