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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1936)
VOLUME XIV $1.50 per year, Upholding New Deal Is Expected In Local Vote 5c a copy. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Roosevelt Favored By School Teachers OREGON. FRIDAY, School District Consolidation Is Voted Down OCTOBER 30, 1936 Pomona Grange to Meet Here Nov. 7 NUMBER 44 Budget for 1937 Gets Approval Pomona grange will meet Vernonia Saturday, November 7, | -11 j -.. s-_ in the grange j in all day session as1 _ ° | hall with Vernonia grange as ' Vote Cast Is Light, Result The proposed consolidation of I host. Preference for State and » school districts 14, Pleasant Hill, I A public program and lecture County Officers Is Being 25 to 2 in Favor and 47, Vernonia, was disapprov ' will be given in the evening be- Not So Clear Of Limitation Excess I ed last night 24 to 5 in a meet I ginning at eight o’clock. ing in the Pleasant Hill school Permission to exceed the six per Dinner and supper will be I That Vernonia voters will by house. In Vernonia, where ap served in the hall to a large cent limitation, carying with it a big majority uphold the new proval was considered a mere I county delegation. approval of the proposed city ' deal in the election Tuesday is a formality, the consolidation was ; *_ budget for 1937 was voted 25 ¡foregone conclusion because of voted 3 to 0. WORK ON COUNTY to 2 Monday afternoon. I the heavy democratic registra- Opposition to the proposition BUDGET IS COMPLETED ! tion in the four local precincts, Little interest was shown in ! in Pleasant Hill was chiefly be-1 the election, as evidenced by the Military Training j Whether the voters who mark j cause of preference for their! St. Helens, Oct. 28—(Special)- fact that only 27 of 315 regis Approved by Post their ballots for Roosevelt will j own school conveniently located I The budget advisory committee tered voters cast their votes. go down the line for the rest and the county court concluded and efficiently conducted. The election board consisted of of the democratic candidates is Approval of military training their work on the annual ---------- •---------- Mrs. Grant Thayer, chairman, in federally supported colleges uncertain. From previous exper budget Tuesday afternoon. A Ray D. Fisher, judge; Mrs. Geo. was voted at the regular meet PARTY OF HUNTERS OB ience in general elections it is i proposal that the county buy W. Johnson, Mrs. Guy Cameron ing of Vernonia post 119 in TAIN ONE BUCK APIECE anticipated that many will cast ' the Columbia County bank build- and Mrs. Florence Holtham, the Legion hall Monday night. . their vote for president only. I ing did not meet with approval clerks. The committee on the Legion E. M. Bollinger, Emil Messing, | ,___ and _ the jtem i was not included in Union Take* No Side* ______ sign board reported their job Ross Duncan and A. E. Jones re the budget. Appropriations for The Lumber and Sawmill jto be finished and were warmly turned Sunday from a hunting 'county agent and home demon- ¡Workers union 2557 has offic- complimented on their fine work. trip in eastern Oregon. Each was j strater are same as last year i ¡ally taken no sides in the elec The safety sign committee re successful in obtaining a buck, | but total of budget will be about tion. Many of the county can- ported that the signs are nearly all of which were two points ex $5,000 less than last year. The , didates have briefly stated their complete and will be placed on cept Duncan’s, a four point. The budget committee were Dr. E. C. j cases at the union meetings, but fall the highways in the near fut- four point buck is to be served ' Dalton, St. Helens, J. O. Libel, . no endorsements have been made, Jack Mitchell won the odd___ at the annual banquet of the Mist and L. Fluhrer, Mayger. over Tobey Wallace in the best! ure- according to George Baker, sec bout of the evening in the Legion | The inhalator • committee re Nehalem Hunters and Anglers ---------- *---------- retary. A large number of mem hall Wednesday. The energetic Ported some activity in support F. M. Stokes, Portland archi bers of the Vernonia local is Tobey next took on Max Glover, ' the purchase of an inhalator tect, and L. J. Skaggs, formerly expected, however to participate substituting for Steve Savage, but f°r the community. | of the Skaggs stores, joined the in the Roosevelt demonstration the gruelling match he had just I Armistice day observance was party at John Daiy. at the Labor temple in Portland Saturday. been through was too much of a 'was decided to ask merchants to I The four men were fortunate —O—— handicap, and Glover made short discussed at some length, and it | in their bag, as the average re- The annual banquet of the work of him with two airplane ' . close on that day. The auxiliary j suits have been much less than Nehalem Hunters and Anglers will give a dftiner to ex-service spins. I men, the place as yet undecid- one animal per hunter. The club will be held tonight at 7:30 weather has been so dry that ' Chet Wiles, Portland policeman, I I in the Odd Fellows hall. Dr. F. V. ed. men betray their presence t0 ' Vining of Ashland will be the won two out of three falls over It was brought to the atten- the deer, who take alarm upon Chief Thunderbird in a lively I principal speaker of the evening, tion of the poet that Otc. 27 hearing footsteps. bout. j Dr. Vining, a former presi- was Navy day and also the birth- I The next match, according to day of Theodore Roosevelt, the • i dent of the United States Cham- D. O. Bennett and M. R. Cal- ber of Commerce, and ex-mem- Bert Tisdale, promoter, will occur fender of Navy day. Tuesday, Nov. 10. Bert Hall,; Twenty-two members were pres houn of St. Helens were in Ver- ber of the Oregon State Game I former Vernonia logger now of ent at the meeting. commission, is a well-known and j nonia yesterday. Glenwood, has asked for the best popular public speaker. . Again the perpiexed voters opponent obtainable. A program of musical enterlare confronted with a number of tainment is also being provided ‘ constitutional amendments and Work on Swimming by the committee in charge. i measures whose full meaning on- Venison secured by Ross W. j ly a lawyer can understand. For- Pool Is Resumed —o--- iDuncan, Ed. Bollinger and Emil i tunately the • habit • •• of voting dation of the swimming pool dam i Messing on a recent hunting trip | “no” on all such measures is in Rock creek began yesterday. to Eastern Oregon will feature ’ : taking hold, - —..... „ ------, and a general Ralph Condit 3 yard line. From there the ball the main course of the banquet thumbs-down on everything pro- Preparations were started Mon i day by a crew under Fred Ove- The Loggers took their most was carried into pay dirt by which is being prepared by the j posed for the general election sen, when a cofferdam was erect brilliant win of the season last Jarvis. The try for extra point Nehalem club. i this year is in order. ed to divert the flow of the Friday when they defeated Beav was a low pass which was knock- | Invitations have been issued I Some of the measures are stream into a ditch dug last sum erton Beavers 32 to 7. ed into the arms of Clarence to members of the state game ; praiseworthy as to purpose but mer. A little difficulty was en The Loggers backfield consist Brimmer by a Beaver player. commission and to hunters and ’ faulty as to detail, and oth- countered at first in making the ing of Story, Jarvis, Baker and The pass was nat intended for anglers from Forest Grove, St. Iers are fundamentally unsound. cofferdam hold. Byers were able to push the Brimmer but since he caught it, Helens and other nearby towns This newspaper recommends the The work is being financed Beavers deep into their own ter- he made the best of i it and and communities. At least ten rejection of all of them for the privately, the W’PA project ap ritory from the starting of the , made the try for extra i point from St. Helens will attend. The following reasons: plied for having not yet been game. | standing up. public may secure tickets for the , BILL AMENDING OLD AGE With Earl Story finding a approved. It was feared that the < In the second quarter Story banquet from Ed Bollinger, Emil PENSION ACT deprives the ag preliminary work already accom through right tackle, he dashed made a sensational catch to in- Messing, C. R. Watts or other ed of all present financial as plished would be lost if the the Beavers 15 yard line. In tercept one of the Beavers’ pas- members of the organization. sistance, both state and county, ______ •_______ dation for the dam is not put the following 2 plays, snake hip ses. The backfield then displayed and makes no provision what- ped Baker covered the remaining in at this time. a wonderfull offensive march BUSH’S CAFE TO HAV7 NEW ever for financing the state’s 15 yards to a touchdown. The! from their own 40 yard line, MANAGER NEXT MONDAY half of the cost under the new try for extra point was not made, i They HALLOWEEN PROGkAM TO —— O- made an average of 10 set up. It approved it would The second march to a touch-!*’"/ "*.,*' | Roy Self from Portland will BE GIVEN AT GRADE SCHOOL , . , .. n yards to the play for six plays, seriously complicate the payment xxrn started ctarrnrl after afror the tnn Beavers Knavara down iStory sprinting around right end become manager of Bush's cafe of old age pensions in the state. A Haloween program will be fumbled late in the first quarter. for the touchdown. A flat pass next Monday, with an option to! AMENDMENT FORBIDDING given at the Washington grade Jarvis plowed his way through over right end was completed purchase by Jan 1. Harold Dow PREVENTION OR REGULAT school this afternoon at 2:30. the center of the line for a 15 for the try for extra point. will remain in his former capac ION OF CERTAIN ADVERTIS There will be short plays and yard gain, putting the ball on During the third quarter Story ity, but Mrs. Zelma Bush will ING, aimed at the law which Halloween stunts. Parents and the Beavers 18. Speedy Story then devote her time to the Joy dashed around right end to the friends are invited. theatre. (Continued on Page 12) (Continued on page 12) The re-election of Roosevelt is favored by most of the teachers of Columbia, Washington and Yamhill counties, as was indi- cated by a straw vate taken at the joint institute held Monday in Hillsboro. The balloting re sulted: Roosevelt, 334; Landon, 251; Thomas, 34, Lemke, 6; Browder, 3. For U. S. senator the result was: McNary, 516; Mahoney, 92. The bank bill was disapproved 397 to 105. _______* Oi City Voters Mitchell Wins From Wallace Hunters Banquet Occurs Tonight From the Eagle's Viewpoint ! Friday Game Is Most Brilliant Win of Season